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Trouble trying to make my zdaemon account

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So, im trying to make a zdaemon account, and im having a little bit of problem whit it.

I register and everything went okay, until i loged in, i putt my username and password but it appears that something is wrong whit my password.

I try to recover my password but i cant cause my account is inactive or something.

Is this an error or im just dumb?

please i need help i want to play some deathmatch and i cant


Edited by AvrgUser

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Based on what you're describing it sounds as if you have registered on the forum rather than creating an account through the launcher (either the ZDaemon Launcher or Doom Explorer).


In order to play, you need to create your account via the ZDaemon Launcher.


You can download the main package by going to the following link:



Provide as much detail as possible if problems are still encountered.


EDIT: Resolved on the ZDaemon Discord.

Edited by AF-Domains.net

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I seem to be having a similar problem @AF-Domains.net, even though I created my account through Doom Explorer.

It exists nowm but I can't login to the ZDaemon Forums. Would you mind helping me out?


My username's "fleabag".

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The game and forum accounts are completely separate in this case.


To first clarify, you created an account in Doom Explorer, are you able to login to the game itself and connect to the servers?


Is it just the forum that you cannot login to?


EDIT: Your forum account is now active as well.

Edited by AF-Domains.net

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