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The most annoying doom enemy

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I assume you mean in terms of gameplay. For me it would have to be the Revenant. It's a wonderful enemy in terms of game design, but at least for me they can be incredibly frustrating due to the homing ability of their missiles.

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The sneaky shotgunner you didn't notice after he shoots you in the back while you were low on health and desperately scrambling around looking for a medkit.

Edited by Biodegradable

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Accoriding to general consensus; the most annoying monster (in classic Doom) it's a tie between the chaingunner and the arch-vile, followed very closely by the revenant and then the lost soul. The shotgun guy deserves a mention because it's percieved as fodder and isn't generally thought as one of the most annoying monsters outside of Doom 1/Ultimate Doom mapsets.

  1. Chaingunners: Facing one or two by themselves is mildly annoying, three is infuriating and if they are well placed accompanied by other monsters, can be terrifying.
  2. Arch-Viles: Resurrect monsters, powerful hitscan/explosive attack that can't be dodged, only blocked by level geometry.
  3. Revenants: Rockets that randomly deal between 20 up to 80 points of damage, 50% chance of either firing a dumb fire rocket or a homing one, the latter forms a death ball that can insta kill you when facing many revs at the same time.
  4. Lost Souls: Only when they charge at your face while using the rocket launcher, and like the Cacodemons and Pain Elementals they can be very annoying in vanilla pwads when you get stuck at them but they are floating out of sight.
  5. Shotgun Guy: May deal up to 45 damage at close range.

Doom 3: The cherub is a bit anoying but not as much as the imp, personally i find the tentacle commandos worse when they catch you off guard.

Doom 2016: The Hell Razer and Lost Soul.

Eternal: I don't know.

Edited by Solmyr

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Ah! A question as old as time itself. But in all seriousness, it really depends on you. One person can consider the Pain Elemental to be the worst enemy in D00M history, but another person could consider the PE a well designed enemy.

That being said, I consider the Archvile to be one of the worst D00M enemies to ever 'grace' my computer screen.

Edited by Crystal-Hawk_D00M

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Wolfenstein SS

Lost Souls

Spider Mastermind


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Just about all of the monsters can be made highly annoying in the hands of a skilled/cruel mapper.  I'm sure the entire vanilla bestiary made me curse out loud at least once.


The hitscanners are the most likely bunch just on their own, without any specific scenarios arranged for them. Getting sniped by a shotgun zombie while in single-digit health can be frustrating. Though lately it has been the Cyberdemon that has caused me to get annoyed more often than not. Either because of my own failings to avoid getting splattered by it's rockets in otherwise easy situations or due to super dickish placements of the enemy, usually at the end or in the middle of a long map.

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Spectres are irredeemable. All the other commonly complained-about enemies are actually good, especially archviles and pain elementals.

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I love them all, but I think Lost Souls are a nuisance unless they have reduced health. 

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the one an only lost soul. The screech is burned in in skull

Edited by Dyshoria software

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It's difficult to decide. On the one had I'm tempted to say the Revenant because of the dreaded homing rockets, but at least they can be fun to fight in the right circumstances. Lost Souls on the other hand are just a complete ballache to deal with in any situation.

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The chaingunners and the Arch-vile are most annoying enemies. Chaingunner because it's like like a shotgunner with fast, automatic shotgun. Arch-vile because it can resurrect dead monsters, and its attack is powerful and knocks the player back.

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The enemy which becomes a ghost after being resurrected under a door and chasing you forever because you don't have a RL to kill him with the splash damage

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11 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Need I say more?


Please use the correct Picture:




Jokes aside, i think the Chaingunner is the most annoying for me personally.


With all other Demons, it is really dependending on how the Mapper uses them in the Level.


It can be really fun to fight a Archvile or unfair and annoying.

But that also counts for every other stronger Monster.

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Here are my top 5 most hated Doom enemies:


1. Archvile

2. Lost Soul

3. Chaingunner

4. Revenant

5. Spectres


Have a good day now

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I'll vote for the Cacodemon in Doom 1 specifically. He just feels too tanky for the "threat level" it represents so taking them down with shotgun or bullets is always kind of a chore. Same could be said for the Baron of Hell depending on how it's used. Still cute as heck though, and in Doom 2 the SSG balances them out pretty nicely.

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