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The most annoying doom enemy

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The Mastermind. It is rarely utilized correctly, and even when it is, it's still ugly and unsatisfying to shoot at and kill. Commander Keen can be an asshole too, always hanging himself when nobody is looking. Having to look after a kid all the time is one of the worst things id ever did.

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Honestly imps. they pump out projectiles like hell knights but they have what feels like a smaller hitbox. If you have no rockets then big groups are tedious to take out. Berserk punching them is frustrating cause their fire rate is so high. Just a tedious enemy to deal with.

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Pain Elementals
If you don't kill them quickly (especially when there's more than one), you'll have to fight countless lost souls.

Archviles and chaingunners are very close though.

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Maybe lost souls when the best weapon I have at the time is a shotgun. They’re otherwise great at their job, like in the Tower of Babel.

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Lost Souls, easily. Many of the others can be a fun challenge, but Lost Souls (and by extension Pain Elementals) are just annoying. It's got just slightly too much health to reliably kill with the shotguns at moderate range, it does little damage so it's not a big threat, and it gets in your face disrupting your movement and attacks. It's the one monster in which every aspect of it seems carefully designed specifically to be annoying.

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I would say Pain Elemental, but Doom 2 has a 21 Lost Souls limit. Therefore, Archvile is easily the most annoying, especially in maps where there are archviles everywhere, or maps that teleport you to a room full of archviles.


It can hit you from anywhere it can see you, it can revive most enemies, and no enemy will retaliate against it.

Edited by Nikku4211

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Lost souls are most annoying for me - they have far too much health, and should be merely a nuisance - they take far too much damage for my liking.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe someone should make a mod that takes everything annoying about the various enemies and makes it even more so.


For example:


- Spectres are completely invisible (no distortion)

- Chaingunners fire at twice the rate

- Lost souls have 400 HP instead of 100

- Revenants only fire homing missiles, and they can go through walls

- Pain Elementals do blast damage to everything in the area when they die

- Archviles can resurrect each other as well as Cyberdemons and Spider Masterminds


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2022 at 3:49 PM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

CANCER.gif.54ab3de9f2b0f75be3fd33200bb7bed6.gif + nut.jpg.dba06d090b71650e97896eb77a1ce62e.jpg


Need I say more?

Where's the boner? You need spooky boner with the flame boi and rapid fire fat lard


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I was gonna say lost souls but I can't possibly say that when pain elementals also spawn limitless amounts of them (assuming no limits enabled), they are like the superordinate lost soul.  They are surprisingly tanky to rockets and plasma, especially when they are in a large room in the mix with many other enemies and you are relying on autoaim.  I also find myself needing to use the rocket launcher often enough on them which is super dangerous (though satisfying when you get em).  This is somewhat balanced by the fact that you can get in their face and totally neutralize them by preventing spawning, but really I think every enemy is great depending on how it's used, just lost souls and their mother tend to be the most annoying in the most situations for me.


The other enemies I find pretty fun to fight in most of the stuff I play.  Especially those skelly bois.  Just play Doom 1 and you'll miss them.


I think it was Deathless that halved Lost Soul HP and that was great, more wads should do that.  Of course that was doom 1, having enough SSG ammo makes lost souls more bearable.


Also can I just say I don't really get the comments on searching for threads, it's not like you're going to bump an old thread for this and we're having a fun conversation now.  I wouldn't have searched for it otherwise.  I get if you've been here for years maybe it's old hat, but there's always new people interested.

Edited by sandwedge

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