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PBDoom: Doom for PocketBook eInk devices

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Maybe some of you have seen the old video (published almost 11 years ago) of Doom being played on PocketBook 360 Plus:



If so, you might be also interested in PBDoom which is a source port of sdldoom for modern PocketBooks. Not really meant for serious playing, but still...


The source code is available at https://github.com/imustafin/pbdoom


In the following week or two, I plan to make a short video showcasing how it works in real life. Screenshots alone can't explain the experience of having an eInk display.


If anyone has a PocketBook and wants to take PBDoom for a spin, write in this topic or on GitHub issues. I can provide compilation instructions/executables and optimize the layout for you screen size.


Here is the current screenshot running on a 10" PocketBook X (1040)



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