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Problem with Mapinfo lump (SOLVED!)

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 Hey everyone. I'm struggling to insert a custom sky into my map. I saw Doomkid's video on it but I don't really understand some of it. Whenever I try to load the map in GZDoom I get this error: 


Script error, "Gaze.wad:MAPINFO" line 1:
map01: Unknown top level keyword


The Lump reads:

map01 "gaze"





Hopefully it's not a huge issue. Any help is much appreciated


Edited by Silent Wolf

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Please be more explicit.


Also there are several different MAPINFO syntaxes and you can't mix and match them. From what you've posted, it should be "Sky1 INTSKY02 0" I guess.

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15 minutes ago, Gez said:

Please be more explicit.


Also there are several different MAPINFO syntaxes and you can't mix and match them. From what you've posted, it should be "Sky1 INTSKY02 0" I guess.

My apologies. I'm very new to MAPINFO so I'm not entirely sure what information to give. It doesn't seem to work with what you posted. I currently have


map map01
Sky1 INTSKY02 0


I'm sorry that this is such a painful process. I legitimately have no idea what to do here.

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Is that the entirety of your MAPINFO lump?


What error messages do you get?


Also try:

map map01 "Gaze"
Sky1 INTSKY02 0 

The "map" command to tell the engine it's a map definition, then the map slot, then the map name. On the next line, a sky1 command with the texture to use and its scrolling speed (which is usually 0 because we don't usually want the sky to rotate).

Edited by Gez

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Edited my previous message while you were typing yours, so see above (or refresh thread). The map definition line needs to also have the map title.

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5 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

it should be:
map map01 "Gaze"

Sky1="INTSKY02", 0

It works now but gives me a new error saying it cannot find map map01.

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try doing

map MAP01 lookup "Gaze"

you may also want to define the levelnumber in the body of your mapinfo, for example under your Sky1 definition write:

levelnum = 1


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It'll be much easier for anyone to assist if you post the WAD file in question. 👍

Edited by Dragonfly

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 Unfortunately it now won't let me start. Dragonfly, I edited the OP with a download link. I wasn't sure if a download link would help or be needed in this case.

Error message: 

Script error, "Gaze.wad:MAPINFO" line 2:
INTSKY02: Unknown top level keyword


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1 hour ago, Silent Wolf said:

It works now but gives me a new error saying it cannot find map map01.

Your lumps are not in the right order. For some reason you shuffled the INTSKY02 lump below the MAP01 lump, which makes MAP01 a broken map and the map slot ends up being INTSKY02... Nothing that moving lumps up or down a bit cannot fix.


Also you have to choose one MAPINFO syntax and stick with it. You can either use:

map map01 "Gaze"

Sky1 "INTSKY02" 0



map map01 "Gaze"


sky1 = "INTSKY02"



But you used a mix of both with


map map01 "Gaze"

sky1 = "INTSKY02", 0


and that mix cannot work.



34 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

try capitalizing map01 to MAP01.

That shouldn't change anything.

15 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

try doing

"lookup" is for when the map name is squirreled away in a LANGUAGE lump.



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Taking a look at the .wad file in SLADE, I'm not entirely sure what happened, but the map is no longer MAP01. The MAP01 marker is an empty marker and the actual map is named INTSKY02. (See attached image.)




Not a big issue, though - all you need to do is delete the MAP01 marker, rename INTSKY02 to MAP01 and re-import your INTSKY02 patch.

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12 minutes ago, MFG38 said:

Not a big issue, though - all you need to do is delete the MAP01 marker, rename INTSKY02 to MAP01 and re-import your INTSKY02 patch.

Oooooorrrr, as I said above, you could move lumps up or down to fix this.



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20 minutes ago, Gez said:

Your lumps are not in the right order. For some reason you shuffled the INTSKY02 lump below the MAP01 lump, which makes MAP01 a broken map and the map slot ends up being INTSKY02... Nothing that moving lumps up or down a bit cannot fix.

I put INTSKY02 above the MAP01 lump and below the MAPINFO lump. Is that what you were referring to? I get the same error message.

Edit: So I can load up the map, but I can't see the sky.

Edited by Silent Wolf

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6 minutes ago, Silent Wolf said:

I put INTSKY02 above the MAP01 lump and below the MAPINFO lump. Is that what you were referring to?


6 minutes ago, Silent Wolf said:

I get the same error message.

Another problem you have is that you haven't closed the quote marks around "Gaze".


This works for me -- except for the many missing textures, of course.



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6 minutes ago, Gez said:

nother problem you have is that you haven't closed the quote marks around "Gaze".


This works for me -- except for the many missing textures, of course.

The map hasn't been compiled yet. Also see my edit.

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Here's the syntax I would use, as it works on my maps.


map MAP01 "Gaze"
          music = "D_RUNNIN"
		  next = "MAP02"
		  secretnext = "MAP31"
	      sky1 = "INTSKY02", 0.0
	      cluster = 1
	      par = 1950


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Leave in the line about the music, but change the name to match the music lump you're using.

The cluster is used for deciding when intermission text happens, which probably doesn't apply here. The cluster might not be necessary, but it doesn't hurt to include it.

par sets a par time. Again, unnecessary, but a custom par time doesn't hurt to include.

nojump and nocrouch force-disables jumping and crouching. If your map is designed to allow players to jump and crouch, leave those out, otherwise it's a good idea to put them in.


nextmap tells the game what map to take the player to for the next map. It doesn't matter if you just want the entire game to end after MAP 01. secretnext is the same except it says what level a secret exit takes you to. These don't hurt to include if you're not using them.


Matching the spacing of the tabs isn't critical either.

Edited by Stabbey

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1 hour ago, Silent Wolf said:

Edit: So I can load up the map, but I can't see the sky.

That's normal, as you haven't placed any sky ceiling (or sky floor, either). I found 0 instances of F_SKY1 in your map.

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3 minutes ago, Gez said:

That's normal, as you haven't placed any sky ceiling (or sky floor, either). I found 0 instances of F_SKY1 in your map.

okay, it works now with jading tsunami's program. Thanks for the help Gez and co.!

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