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I'm Leaving

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Heya all... Im very sorry I Couldn't Publish The Kid from IWBTG To Doom for Today! T_T As you can see, I couldn't deal with the Max total size for each file to be uploaded, so I Ended up packing my stuff and leave to find a new doom site to publish my Stuffs. If you wanna find me, You can try Find me on gamejolt, or on Reddit, or on Discord. If I Ever wanted to find a good place. i hope it was nice to meet ya all and chilling.


Thank you all. Imma go, and never return. Goodbye... Im leaving Doomworld. T_T

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You could probably still use doomworld to promote whatever it is that you're working on, and just link to whichever website you're hosting it on. If the lack of space given to you for images and stuff is your problem, then I'd recommend pasting them in a discord somewhere and using the image link for that, as doomworld allows that alongside many other image hosting options. Altogether I'm sure leaving isn't truly necessary, but if you've got your mind set, I wish you all the best!

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18 minutes ago, Davidiwz said:

Imma go, and never return. Goodbye... Im leaving Doomworld. T_T

Now, where I have heard this saying before?...


Damn shame to see you go though, I hope you reconsider... :-(

Edited by HavoX

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3 minutes ago, HavoX said:

Now, where I have heard this saying before?...

At least he didn't write a 10 part essay...

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Can you at least link the mod page from gamejolt or discord?

I'm a fan of IWBTG, and soounds like a good mod to see get done.

Also you can link stuff from outside.


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Well this thread is very much the kindest set of reactions that I have ever seen to this sort of OP.


Props Doomworld. Much respect.

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You missed the opportunity to use this thread as a way to promote your project.


"I'm leaving this community, i can't believe how toxic and hypocritical is beneath its polite and friendly exterior... Now that i got your attention, please check out my IWBTG doom mod! ;)"


It will annoy some people but, it would have been a lot better than stating that you're leaving because you couldn't directly upload your mod and you didn't know that you could link it to a third party, free download host like the ones Clippy mentioned.

Edited by Solmyr

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No offense, but this really fucking stupid


Just use Google Drive like the rest of us

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2 hours ago, Davidiwz said:

Heya all... Im very sorry I Couldn't Publish The Kid from IWBTG To Doom for Today! T_T As you can see, I couldn't deal with the Max total size for each file to be uploaded, so I Ended up packing my stuff and leave to find a new doom site to publish my Stuffs. If you wanna find me, You can try Find me on gamejolt, or on Reddit, or on Discord. If I Ever wanted to find a good place. i hope it was nice to meet ya all and chilling.


Thank you all. Imma go, and never return. Goodbye... Im leaving Doomworld. T_T

I will return to this in March 31 Don't worry. Tell me I didn't did it wrong ;(

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I'm not sure I follow, but was this whole thread genuinely an elaborate (and well written) joke? I cannot, for the life of me tell, and I apologize to everyone if it's not and I just stepped on toes, I just need to ask or I'm going to be scratching my head over it all day.

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1 hour ago, Davidiwz said:

I will return to this in March 31 Don't worry. 


Welcome back. 

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39 minutes ago, ApprihensivSoul said:

I'm not sure I follow, but was this whole thread genuinely an elaborate (and well written) joke? I cannot, for the life of me tell, and I apologize to everyone if it's not and I just stepped on toes, I just need to ask or I'm going to be scratching my head over it all day.


This isn't the first, or likely the last time, we've seen someone throw their arms up and announce in a grand fashion they're leaving forever (often down to some tiny easily-surmountable issue, such as this very example).  


However, people who do this rarely do leave forever.  It's the forum equivalent of a toddler telling their parents they're running away because they didn't get a second bowl of ice-cream, and making it as far as the garden gate before coming back home.


So between that, the fact OP has only been here a month anyway, and the hilariously petty reason given, no-one is taking them seriously.  Hence the sarcasm in the replies.

Edited by Bauul

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7 minutes ago, Bauul said:



Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I've seen dramatic leave posts before for sure, but given what appears to be to myself almost meme-worthy dialogue and a flagrant (and welcome) display of charity between all involved I was curious if the party in question had any intention to leave at all, or was making fun of the concept because they got irritated with an issue on their side and decided to vent it all in good fun. 

Either way, I'm glad this isn't a firefight, and I appreciate you being willing to explain the half-joke.

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Speedrun to leave DW 100% any



2 weeks is way too fast


Edited by Gaia74

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Not to be mean but I literally did this kinda thing on a different forum when I was like ten years old. What the hell lol

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