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The DWmegawad Club plays: Micro-Slaughter Community Project & Haste

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(was out for a few days, time to play catch up)


MAP 15 - Sanguine :

Megasphere, AV, Caco, HKs.. All that on a first glimpse. Run around a bit to get into a place to SSG the AV, follow trough to the baron, SSG him and the two HKs, grab the plasma, test it on the manc, jump down to deal with the revs and press the switch that raises the water level. Keep going and the imps are all together in a circle admiring the RL. Pressing the rune wakes them up and I plasma them to death, and then a chaingunner shows me the way, and I end up falling to the AV fight with little health so I end up running towards a medikit and pressing another rune on the way. Two more runes to go, I find them fast, climb and... I'm lost. I end up going back to grab health and run towards a teleport, press the switch there, platforms raise but I miss them, another switch throws me close to a cyber, I kill him and then it's back to the AV area, and from there back to the run, run, teleport, platforming, platforming and then? I fall down. and then I'm lost again. Found another switch that throws a PG to my face, but I'm still lost. I found the YSK, pressed the weird floor rune and... Well, time for pizza.

 I had to check a play and for some reason there's a platform that didn't come down for me, making the level impossible to finish without cheating. So I used fly to reach it. After that the level was more straightforward and I finished the level ok-ish. 


100, 25, 50% K/I/S, 33:52 / 2:40:22


MAP 31 - Duel :

Megasphere, BFG, lot's of cells.. Oh yey. A single zombieman and that's all the enemies dead? OH no, I see. Not much more to say.. The "type exit to leave" is fun.

100% K/I/S, 2:57 / 2:43:20


MAP 16 - Beluga Sanctuary :

Ok, so a cow is straight ahead, kill him and then platforming... And after that a pit with tons of revs, two mancs and two cybers.. And that's just the beginning. By the time the 4th cyber shows up I've decided to IDDQD. The level is really pretty but no way in hell I'll veer play it straight. I don't even try to find the secret, it's off to the exit with me.

N/A K/I/S, 8:39 / 2:51:59


And that's that for MSCP. I really like the epilogue trip! All in all, some maps were way above my pay grade, but most were fun.  And now we have Haste? Let's see.


MAP01 - The Barbican :

A chaingun, blue armor and zombies with flaming skulls as a side dish.. Oh, a RL too! Rocket the zombies, chaingun the skulls, chaingunners and imps, and then pick a side.. Right, chaingung the slow descending enemies on lifts, save, switch, door, grab supplies, jump into the lava, chaingun a few more, teleport back to the start. Down to the left, chaingun and rocket until the door is open and everything is dead, back to the lava, press switch, grab red key, back to the start, and this time I go grab the yellow key, back to the lava, press both switches, RL the lot of them, lift back up, blue key, blue bars, and that's a cyber. With barons on the side. Run, let the crushers begin, kill the imps, run back and let them infight under the crushing weight of the ceiling and it was almost done but the cyber got me with his final rocket. Again! Ah! success! Was really low on health so I had to go back and grab some before exiting with :

100% K/I/S, 10:25 / 10:25


MAP 02 - The Wheelhouse :

 It's a big room. 4 paths. Only one is closed, so I start clockwise counting from it. Blue sphere, blue key! Rockets, and a switch that will presumably start the carnage. A pair of revs, a pair of cacos a pair of HKs... Not too bad. Final rev at the door and then pick up the BSK. The secret berserker is easy to find, so it's back to the main room and next door. Again, rockets, bluesphere, switch. No visible key this time, and more cacos, less revs. Green armor, switch and oh f5ck, two AVs?! Clear, red key. Next room. The YSK is also not immediately visible but it will be here. The first big fight, tons of imps and mancs. A couple of revs, grab the YSK and that's it for this room. Three key door now, crushers, a megasphere, a BFG. Grab it and the backpack, save, switch. And I die to the revs once, not sure what killed me the second time bt the third was a cyber rocket to the face as I pressed one of the switches. Fifth time it was the second AV that gets me. Almost! Almost a few more times and then finally I get lucky with the infighting and the cybercows die. Then it's mop up and.. Exit.

100% K/I/S, 11:08 / 21:34


MAP 03 - Snoutish Pug Nose

Teleporting cyber, revs imps and HKs, I go and grab the weapons and then rain fire on them. After killing them all I get a cyber rocket to the face and die. Next try I BFG the mob to death, jump down, rockets to the faces of everyone and it's the exit.

100% K/I/S, 4:29 / 26:03


MAP 04 - Floodplain :

Regular shotgun time! Kill the imps and shotgunners and revs, grab the plasma, jump down. Kill a few pinkies and barons, switch, chaingunners, lift, teleport. Hum.. Imps first. Rockets to the knights, BFG on the cyber, SSG mop up. Another teleport, back to start. And now.. Maybe fall down the other side? I did. And died a few times so I decided to try the other other side. Went for the stationary cyber first, let the barons deal with the other and then BFG / rocket the remains, grab the red key. Then a lift to a trio of HKs, kill the AV and then it's back to the other key. And I end up dying after the first stage, inches away from the bluesphere.

And then I've finished the level but.. There's one secret and a few enemies still alive... Ok, found a baron alive in a teleport, and.. ah! found the switch/teleport, the secret and the final enemies and now, the exit! 


100% K/I/S, 20:20 / 46:24


Final map for the day,

MAP 05 - Firebug : 

Pretty pyramids! And a ton of everything roaming around. I can reach the switch , press it and then die from the massive amount of revenants and HKs. Ok, cleared everything next to the switch, press it, clear the HKs, clear the pain elementals, reach another switch with an AV and then.. Die to the cyber. Eventually I reach the next switch and now.. Ah, here. Grab the YK, grab the secret soulsphere, go inside, kill the cybers, back outside to find the final secret... Found. Exit.


100% K/I/S, 17:50 / 1:04:15


more tomorrow.

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MAP05 - Firebug by Nirvana:

The first of a few very unconventional maps in Haste, Firebug will most likely alienate a blind player, with mandatory infighting, archviles and tight spaces in abundance - I know it did for me on my first playthrough. I liked it more this time, though this style of map is really not one I personally tend to enjoy. I really like the aesthetics here, they're undeniably odd, but it works to create this alien atmosphere very well and I like that this structure seems to be placed here exclusively to preserve the pyramid.


The cyberdemon that you wake up almost immediately upon starting the map is very oppressive due to the fairly small playing field, but is incredibly important to complete the map due to his infinite rocket supply. I think the part when all the walls in the claustrophobic section dropped upon pressing a button unleashing a massive horde was probably my favourite bit, the cyberdemon does a very good job of managing the horde and it's fun to watch the carnage unfold. The little archvile ambush with the lowering walls was very creative, and I'd have liked to see another part in the level use that gimmick. The yellow key fight is a harsh surprise, there are so many more archviles than you're expecting, I got saved from death by a random revenant missile hitting one that was about to zap me and activating it's pain chance. The ending's decent, you go inside the pyramid thanks to some silent teleporter trickery, and face two cyberdemons in a small arena - it's not too bad as long as you're fairly comfortable 2-shotting them with the BFG. Cool map, though not really my cup of tea.




Really Liked: MAP04
Liked: MAP01, MAP02, MAP03
Mixed Opinions: MAP05
Didn't Like:


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Haste Map05 - Firebug by Nirvana

UV, 100% kills, both secrets


Blocky but intricate arena-like layout filled me with enthusiasm, but my cheery mood was brutally crushed by how evil this map is! This is the first time I had to drop to HNTR, and it didn't even help much, in fact, it seems it even makes some spawns worse, like replacing multiple hell knights with slightly lesser amount of barons. Also, I think most of my suffering comes from attempts to infight monsters in smart ways. Getting rid of them (including initial Cyberdemon) rather sooner than later seems to make things easier. Anyway, finally I got it 100% first HNTR then UV as well, but it took quite a lot of savescumming. I have no idea how are you supposed to consistently kill like 8 AVs spawning straight on the pile of corpses with just 3 BFG shots. I just kept rolling my dices until I finally got the jackpot. Still not sure what's the gimmick behind lifts in that area with 3 AVs and baron, the only use I could figure is making monsters stuck on top. Anyway, even if slightly unfair, I still consider this a really hot map, especially for those who finds most other levels too easy on UV!

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MAP05 - “Firebug” by Nirvana


This was a bit different, plenty of monsters freely in play here in a design that seems a bit "Sandy-esque". This makes this map a lot more malleable in terms of how combat goes do. There was a fight near the yellow key switch that I ran from into the following baron/archvile section, unknown to me the monsters from this ambush had got into a bit of a war with the Cyberdemon and I returned to find a badly wounded hell knight, baron and revenant (just three monsters and no cyber). The archvile wave is by far the toughest part of this map, you really need to funnel these down the perimeter and not through the centre where there is too much room for the archviles to separate and revive everything. Too many wasted attempts here, you should have enough monsters to take out the turret revenants. The final room is a pair of cyberdemons and 200 cells, no biggie but obviously I wasn't prepared for them to behave as badly as they did (Tanking a full blown hit and firing instantly resulted in me being splattered a coupe of times).

This is probably harder on average than the others, though no fight probably exceeds the final fights of previous maps. This isn't really a looker, but it is actually darn good fun and I appreciate something a little different to play.

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Haste MAP06 - Concrete Vice by Insane_Gazebo

HMP / 100% kills / 1 secret found


Alright, first of all, let's get out of the way the one thing that irks me about... well, not really the map, but the stuff that comes with it. These stock intermission story screens, can we please either edit them (funnies are alright) or simply get rid of them? there is a gazillion ways to do it and almost every port will either read a dehacked or a MAPINFO. Sunder left them in too, and it's shoddy. 


Now on to the map, which, on the other hand, is fantastic. I mean, a Gazebo map I can actually play on HMP, and it's doable? sorcery, I tell you. My second favorite map in the set, Concrete Vice hits all of the visual notes for me - complex architecture, very restrained use of textures, some revisiting of previous areas (though not as much as other Gazebo maps) and slaughter that is actually fair and doable. The 'big' fights (there are three of them) are actually the easier part, as you're given the big guns pretty early on; on the other hand, peppered here and there are some surprisingly claustrophobic and unforgiving small encounters, from a cramped cybie trap to a corridor that will show you why pinkies, in large numbers and well positioned, can be as much of a threat as a heavyweight monster. Highlight of the map was a ridiculously cramped archviles / revenants trap, while my least favorite was the final fight - those imps are there only to eat all of your precious, precious tracers. 

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Haste Map04:

I remembered this map being difficult somehow. After playing it again and experimenting a little, I was really only a little worried about two fights, mostly the one with two cybs, and that didn't cause any problems during this run (though I did almost get hit by a couple of rockets I should've expected). Every method I've seen for this fight involves goading the cybs into infighting, then waiting where the barons can't reach you until there's space to move, and that's pretty much what I did here. Easy if the cybs behave themselves.




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MAP05: "Firebug" by Nirvana

UV, pistol start, no saves

100% kills, 1/2 secrets


A surreal looking compact sandbox map, this one appears like a small Egyptian ruin that's being overtaken with demonic corruption. Above you is a blood red sky and a ceiling with hanging corpses and neat shapes. I love the way this one looks, and the midi is suitably great, a very calm and beautiful track from Secret of Evermore. I've always enjoyed hearing these serene tracks in Doom maps, and this is a real good one.


The lowest monster count in the wad so far by a hair, with 104 monsters to kill. Despite this, the map can be sneakily difficult. A cyberdemon roams the area for most of the map, and you can use him to infight some of the tougher stuff. The beginning stretch will be made up of you gathering weapons and ammo and clearing out various monsters roaming the ruins. After you hit a switch, walls low down to reveal hordes of monsters. Rocket the pain elementals that spawn across the area and get the rest to infight the cybie. There is an archvile there, but he's less troublesome than most archies you'll see because of all the infighting chaos that tends to happen, in my experience he usually gets caught in the crossfire with the cyberdemon and dies. After this fight I finish off the cyberdemon with the SSG. You will be getting a BFG shortly, but betraying your basic instincts you will definitely want to avoid using it on him as you need the cells for later.


You then unlock a narrow area with a baron at the end, as well as 3 sleeping archviles. Once you hit the switch, the archviles wake, and if you hit any of the pressure plates on the floor when you're running away one of the walls in the path will lower, enabling the archies to reach you a bit faster. A fun thing to do here is, prior to unleashing the archviles, you can get the baron stuck atop one of the lowering walls without killing him so they don't raise him again. Not really needed, this fight isn't too difficult either way, but funny to do. After this fight, the stares raise to the BFG and the switch to trigger the toughest fight in the map. Said fight involves the end of the formerly mazelike ruins populating with a bunch of archviles, which you are best advised to immediately BFG spam. I didn't find the secret containing more cells, so I had 3 shots here, which usually isn't enough for all of them and I have to rocket a few that squirm out afterwards. It sounds simple, but it's very easy to die here if you don't get the soulsphere secret, either by the archies or the revenant turrets that pop up everywhere. To close off the map, you get more cells back and a fight with two cyberdemons. You can take them both down with the BFG with relatively well-placed shots, but failing that you should be able to finish the job with the SSG.


Very cool map, the most unique one up to this point for sure.

Edited by DisgruntledPorcupine

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Haste MAP05 - "Firebug" by Nirvana
Honeymoon's over unfortunately, this is the first map I don't like. It looks very nice and the MIDI is beautiful, but the gameplay ticked too many checkboxes that I don't appreciate. Some of my negativity is due to luck (the cyber wandering around took many many MANY reloads because the rolls would just not go my way, until eventually he collapsed to a single BFG hit), some of it is me being plain dumb (I forgot about one of the switches, then spent over half an hour wandering around with no clue what to do), but this unfortunately soured me on the map as a whole. Progression is not very intuitive (the frozen archvile was the worst; I still don't know what releases him and lets you out, it just happened eventually), the open design is nice in some ways but makes for a lot of running back and forth, and I found it annoying how enemies would constantly meander around and eventually end up behind you. The fights are ok, at least until the exit room, which is plain mean. After too much unsuccessful savescumming I gave up and ran for the exit sequence, even though it means eating a few rockets to the face. Good thing the next map starts with a free Megasphere...


Haste MAP06 - "Concrete Vice" by Insane_Gazebo
The visuals gave me a bit of Minecraft vibe with everything being constructed from squares, somehow the blocky look still looks really good. Lots of arena fights, but there's quite a lot of variety between the arenas. I cheesed the straight corridor with demons teleporting ahead and behind by rushing, which makes it quite trivial. I didn't find any of the other fights hugely memorable but I had fun with all of them.

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1 hour ago, DisgruntledPorcupine said:

Once you hit the switch, the archviles wake, and if you hit any of the pressure plates on the floor when you're running away one of the walls in the path will lower, enabling the archies to reach you a bit faster.


Interesting... Is this how it works in DSDA?

In GZDoom archies only wake up after a long delay, at the same moment the exit starts opening.

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35 minutes ago, Vrhrlv said:


Interesting... Is this how it works in DSDA?

In GZDoom archies only wake up after a long delay, at the same moment the exit starts opening.

I can confirm that’s how it works in DSDA; press the switch, viles awaken; then you need to survive for a while until the exit opens.

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31 minutes ago, RHhe82 said:

I can confirm that’s how it works in DSDA; press the switch, viles awaken; then you need to survive for a while until the exit opens.

It works the same way in PrBoom+ complevel 9 .

Edited by Book Lord

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MAP 06 – Concrete Vice by @Insane_Gazebo

PrBoom+, HMP, Pistol start, blind run w/saves


The second entry by Insane_Gazebo amped up the scale of both combat and battlefield, instantly handling a Megasphere and the BFG to whittle down a horde of Imps backed by assorted flying monsters, Revenant turrets, and a distant Cyberdemon sharpshooter. Even though the rocket launcher was provided for the next encounter, consisting of a sandwich between an Arch-Vile and a squad of Revenants, the big gun was the weapon of choice for the whole map, with cells featuring as the ubiquitous ammunition.


The enemies were deployed in such numbers that demanded the highest firepower to annihilate the crowd, then SSG/RL came in handy against the survivors. There were no other weapons available, and the Berserk fist was not an option if the only secret was missed like in my playthrough. It would have been useful against the Pinkies just before the RK, that almost killed me because I ran out of shells and had to shoot rockets at them in close quarters.



That lonely key was the objective of the tour of Concrete Vice, a map with imposing grey walls made of modular ICKWALL textures and interrupted by metallic bars and half pilasters. As usual for the author, all locations possessed a looming sense of danger that quickly turned into real aggression by the hordes. The first area was broad enough to allow for easy BFG spam, while the next ambushes were more claustrophobic and demanded precise use of space. I did not enjoy so much the one with Demons and Hell Knights because of the distant snipers, actively forcing me to retreat into corners and make dashes for cells over damaging patches of nukage. This was the area that required more retries on the map, as there was always something grappling me from behind and killing me on the spot.



The Arch-Vile gauntlet with the small pillars must be a classic, underlining my limited skill at using this kind of cover to reduce the damage from healers’ blasts. The finale was a big hellspawn party with four Cyberdemons lap dancers, and about 200 Imp and Cacodemon attendants. It required moving around quickly with the BFG to create some breathing space, hoping not to get hit by a stray rocket. There are two Megaspheres and more than enough cells for the job. Concrete Vice qualified as a perfect slaughter map, with rigidly optimised combat encounters and an impressive industrial scenario. Too bad I do not like this style of mapping enough to enjoy myself as I did in the last map.


Time: 13:21    Deaths: 18

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26 minutes ago, RHhe82 said:

I can confirm that’s how it works in DSDA; press the switch, viles awaken; then you need to survive for a while until the exit opens.


Just now, Book Lord said:

It works the same way in PrBoom+ complevel 9 .


Out of technical curiosity I tried to look into this issue in editor and it seems like due to minor differences either in player's bounding box or collision detection between DSDA and GZDoom, the voodoo doll in the latter gets stuck into the wall (the one which slowly lowers down and used as a timer for opening exit) before triggering the linedef waking archies up. I believe it's possible to fix this simply by moving the sector on the right and further linedefs just little bit to the right. This is something I gonna keep in mind now when making maps.


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(Played on UV with pistol starts on Prboom+, saves are allowed)

Map 6: Concrete Vice by Insane_Gazebo

100% kills, around 60% items and 100% secrets

Time: around 9 minutes


You know, there are a lot of ways to get my attention at the start of a level, but the best one I can think about is to hand me a BFG right away to kill pain elementals, revs, imps, cacos and lost souls who then get resurrected by arch-viles. In case the start didn't give it away, this map is centered around the BFG and is an absolute joyride, the best map so far in my opinion. The visuals are of course on point, the mix of colors and the heavy detailing are gorgeous. The level is also supported by one of Haste's best midis, a Jmickle track from Mutiny that fits perfectly the atmosphere and makes you excited to BFG everything. After the starting fight, grabbing the RL triggers an ambush with a group of revenants followed by an arch-vile. After that, you get an other ambush with a very dangerous cyberdemon, and a lot of pinkies, revs and hell knights taking up a lot of space, who later can get resurrected by 3 archies. This fight is suprisingly difficult given the limited terrain, but good infighting and the BFG can save your life. The next fight pits you against mancubi, arachnos, sniping revs, chaingunners and a lot of pinkies and hell knights on the ground floor. This encounter is honestly not too bad, and is followed by the most memorable one in the map. 4 waves of 3 or 4 archies teleporting successively with limited cover in a tight space, efficient BFG usage and good movement are musts to succeed. After a pretty easy pinky sandwich, you can open the red door and take on the best and most difficult fight of the map. An area with 4 cyberdemons, 2 on the north and 2 on the south who have a clear view on you while tons of obstructing imps and cacos teleport in. It is surpringly difficult to avoid rockets in that area, especially if you add the obstructive meat, but if you kill all 2 cybers on the same side and camp wihout taking too many hits you will be fine. Also don't be dumb like me and miss the megaspheres because of the cacodemon corpses hiding them! This map is a joyride, it's pretty, a ton of fun and it's midi is one of the best in the megawad. Great Job Gazebo!







Map 6

Map 4

Really like :

Map 5

Map 2

Map 3

Map 1



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MAP06: Concrete Vice, by Insane_Gazebo

DSDA, pistol start, HNTR and UV


Concrete Vice is not the kind of map I would recommend to fellow Doom players – Concrete Vice is the kind of map that I would invite over for dinner; it’s the kind of map that I would be willing to drive to the airport at 3:00 am, and not even expect money for gas; it’s the kind of map that I would liquefy, and inject directly into my veins. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I enjoyed this level. I can only describe this as pure, unfiltered, top-shelf, smile-inducing action, and I loved everything about it... well okay, except perhaps IG’s continued insistence on placing – with intent, genuinely on purpose – individual pickups in small, moderately-spaced-apart alcoves. Minor, OCD-related brain hemorrhaging aside, this level was an absolute blast.


Echoing MAP02s approach to skill levels, HNTR seems focused on providing more room to breathe through sheer population reduction (in addition to dulling some of the sharper edges), and I was surprised to see the enemy count nearly double to 580 on UV. Despite this, the spirit of the map is still very much alive on the lower setting – both runs were quite happy to hand me the BFG, and enough ammo to eviscerate everything in my path, with a series of encounters designed to make this feel as fun, and rewarding as possible.


I can’t say I used a ton of strategy on Ultra-Violence, apart from realizing that it was in my best interest to eliminate two of the Cyberdemons on one end of the final arena as quickly as possible. Across the rest of the level, Concrete Vice felt like Gazebo’s Wild Ride – it has a snappier, less oppressive energy to it than I expected, and as long as I prioritized threats appropriately, stayed moving, and kept faith in being fed powerups and Cell packs around every bend, I seemed to simply flow through IG’s Wild Ride in a Zen-like state. Incredible.

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Another day, another map! 


MAP 06 - Concrete Vice

imps, revenants, BFG.. This seems pretty straightforward. Grab and shoot! Oh look, there's a PE and some cacos too! Done. Oh, an SSG, a manc hiding a switch, open the way, rockets! And pinkies! An another rev? Done. Switch. Door and then cells, shells, switch. Revs, knights, pinkies and this sound.. is it.. It is. After once again proving my utter incapability of two-shooting them I press the new switch, shoot at the shootable skull, couple of revs with an AV, get out and now.. Is it down here? Let's see. Switch, HKs, pinkies, revs and mancs sniping.. Everything got BFGed, lift, switch, path open, switch, close range revs and AV! Switch, back for the magsphere and more cells, down the steps, evil pinkie trap at the end of the corridor, switch, red key. Big room. Two megaspheres, a bunch of BFG ammo, 4 teleporters... This will be fun. Switch! Oh, instant cyberrocket to the face, and then another as I was getting close to the 'sphere. Dead. From the red door, this time I wasn't so unlucky, got rid of the cybers one at a time, then mop up. Switch, switch and the exit is open, I'm missing one secret but I can't backtrack. Oh well. Reload before the last door, find the secret berserker, back to red door. And two tries to finish the room, again. Not bad.


100, 88, 100% K/I/S , 10:38 / 1:14:53


Edited by kalaeth

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MAP06: Concrete Vice. HNTR, PS, 301/301 kills, 1/1 secrets, 8/9 items (probably the berserk pack I found at 200% health (-> didn’t pick up) was missing). Comp. time 16:36.


From the get-go this looks like something straight out of Sunder, a wad I’ve never actually played myself. This sort of architecture, that somehow makes GRAY-textures great again (… sorry), is the thing why I want to like slaughtermaps, and I’m happy to come across wads like MSCP and Haste that demonstrate I can already play them — albeit on lower difficulties.


I found Concrete Vice immensely fun. Once again, no midfight saves, and there were a couple of fights I had to attempt several times: all the encounters involving cyberdemons, ie. the final arena and the one where the berserk pack is hidden. Megaspheres were plentiful, and I think I wasted many of them due to me facerocketing myself at least once, so I guess I could do with less resources, but then: the fun for me in these slaughtery maps is greatly helped by the fact each arena equips you well, and the difficulty stems from how you squander your health and ammo, and not from fudging up an earlier encounter.


Hardest fight for me this time was the final fight. On HNTR there are only two cyberdemons (I take it UV has four, HMP perhaps three?), but somehow they’d be the death of me. Silly of me backing into corners where they stand, sure, but still.


Love this one, this is yet another one I'll be happy trying on a higher difficulty at some point.

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MAP06: Concrete Vice (100/88/0)

1.       Former human fires an imp projectile on death

2.       Some monsters have a random monster pet

3.       Hell nobles hunt the player in silence


I think I was still mentally not prepared for slaughter, because my attempts are worse than they are supposed to be! Or is it because of UV-difficulty along with Corruption Cards? Seems to be the latter, cause the first big slaughter room has twice the number of imps! And the extra imps were not facing their asses towards me, compared to the rest of the horde, so I had to think fast while plowing through them with BFG. I had to watch out for slowing rain as well, making sure that most troublesome monsters would go down first before it starts to rain.


The encounters on the way to the red key were more tame, probably because revenants in corridors were much easier to push back because of their card. But the next big outdoor fight threw at me more meat to slaughter – just had to ensure that mancubi turrets would go down first while keeping myself away from being boxed by a horde of Hell knights. Another notable fight is a wave sequence again two trios and a quartet of arch-viles, requiring both precise use of BFG and cover positioning. While trying to fight pinkies from both sides of the tight corridor with rocket launcher seems fun, the plasma rifle is a more optimal solution, but there was no such weapon on the level itself!


The final fight took me… at least 10 tries, I guess? Why it is so difficult to BFG rush two cyberdemons in the first few seconds of the fight? This seemed to be the must feasible solution to the combat puzzle, after which you can use your newly gained cover to think the imp-caco horde and the other two cybers. I was expecting to see another pack of arch-viles after opening the exit door but I guess IG chose not to bore us with such cliché..

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MAP06 - “Concrete Vice” by Insane_Gazebo


I died a couple of times at the start and once in the final fight... that was it. I am a little shocked given I am not a particularly good player.

I guess this map looks more intimidating than it actually is, the reverse to a few levels (Like the previous) that look more mundane but can land a lethal blow at any point. The big difference here is the map lays everything on the table from the start. BFG + Megasphere, yep you are going to be shifting the bodies very quickly here. This map is very forgiving with most fights offering you a power up before you even need to hit the next switch. 

The start is very frenetic and most deaths came about because of the awkwardly placed cyberdemon, he is a right nuisance to get rid off as the ammo isn't overly plentiful, so two shotting is ideal here. Beyond this despite a variety of nasty traps and rather cramped encounters, you do get a power up for each and enough dexterity should allow you to essentially save them up, which makes mistakes less likely to result in your demise. The final room is a case of removing a pair of cybers at one end quickly to allow yourself to establish a foothold, once this happens you should be home and dry.


Overall this was far easier than I expected it to be, but it was fun as hell, there is decent variety in the fights on offer and of course the midi choice is superb. Best map of the set so far.

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Haste Map06 - Concrete Vice by Insane_Gazebo

UV, 100% kills, 1 secret


I get the trick of only using noisy vanilla textures with creative layouts to make unique looks (this way textures serve basically as flat colors), but it would be hard for me to believe it's possible to create something visually remarkable nowadays by using so many of way more demanding standard techbase textures. This map freed me from such a stereotype, because it looks delicious! And what makes me appreciate it even more is how it plays. It has the biggest number of fights so far, but most of them demonstrate impressive levels of polishment. When you come up with a decent strategy and practice a bit it just goes smooth like butter, very satisfying experience! Well, except the last fight. Maybe I just don't get it. I realize there seem to be preferable angles to hit two cybies with tracers at once and the fact that monsters should probably be used as a cannon fodder to succeed, but how to perform this without needing extraordinary luck I simply don't know. Even the spawning of cyberdemons feels very random and unreliable, sometimes they can take 1 second to appear, sometimes more than 5 or even 10. Most often all 4 teleport rather quick and there are not enough monsters yet to serve as a decent barrier. Dodging 4 series of rockets with zero cover doesn't seem realistic. Anyway, I hope I'll figure a better approach, and except for this last fight, everything else is definitely fair and of outstanding quality. I have a feeling this could be the best map in set!

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MAP06 - Concrete Vice by Insane_Gazebo:

The largest map so far, Concrete Vice takes us through a fair few fights of differing scales and intensities - I like the focus on this, it makes most of the fights feel pretty different from each other. The map is set in this insane mouldy concrete facility, I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I think it looks superb. It's one of the harder maps so far, though most of that difficulty comes from the final fight, which is a large step up compared to the rest of the level.


The initial slaughter of imps is fun, and I like the rocket launcher fight when you're sandwiched between the revenants and archvile. The first indoors fight seems to be set up as an infighting puzzle, but I really couldn't get the cyberdemon to cooperate and had to finish most of the monsters off myself. The second major outdoors battle is also very fun, though this is more about crowd control, as the hell knights can corner you very easily, and the revenant missiles don't help much! The little archvile skirmish is probably my favourite fight in the map, it plays well and is pretty tense. The finale was challenging, until I tried out a different strategy - trying to get everything to infight didn't really work, so I instead tried to take out two of the cyberdemons at one of the ends of the arena, even though this was a bit of a dice roll since a direct hit would likely mean death, the fight was pretty easy afterwards. Fantastic map, one of my favourites in Haste.




Really Liked: MAP04, MAP06
Liked: MAP01, MAP02, MAP03
Mixed Opinions: MAP05
Didn't Like: 


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MAP04: Floodplain

By Scotty

Kills: 95%

Items: 82%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 8:02


This map is excellent, don't even care it's like the 60 millionth map this month who's combat is entirely driven by select setpieces, I love that thing, so I love Floodplain, you only need one key to go to the final fight but I did both anyway because they're fun, at large the main focus of this map is Cyberdemon infighting, essentially all the fights feature it very heavily, big goat infight with small goat, and it's fun! Do I need to spell it out? The yellow key fight is good fun, love the use of Arch-Viles and Cyberdemons here, I find the Archie up by the key is surprisingly scary actually, I think he's placed really well, the red key fight is good too, I like the starter with the Arch-Viles and the following Cyberdemon infight, maybe I got lucky but I actually found it very very easy to make the Cyberdemon infight with the Revenants, my favourite fight has to be the ending though, sure you could say it's more Cyber infighting, it is, but I love how the monster placement is set up here, that it's so easy to make the Cacos and Barons infight, it's great, love this map


Grade: A

Difficulty: B



MAP05: Firebug

By Nirvana

Kills: 89%

Items: 20%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 6:55


Firebug is... interesting... to say the least, and an extremely difficult swing from where we are now in the wad, at least for me, specifically because of one fight, so let's get the elephant out of the room, the Arch-Vile ambush when you pick up the yellow key is totally completely ridiculous, I have faced a lot more Arch-Viles at once and definitely a few harder ones but this is still ridiculously difficult, and I'm not sure if I kinda love it or kinda hate it, this took what felt like 10 minutes to complete, at least, outside of that I do have to remark on the visuals, in a wad I'm not really sure if is visually better than its older sister or not, I think Firebug really stands out from the crowd, love the palette he went with here, I don't think the rest of the fights are super super notable, like there's an odd Arch-Vile room, a BFG bonanza in the pyramid with neat silent teleporters, and some cool Cyberdemon infighting on the side, I don't think Firebug is a bad map necessarily, but I find you have to be the right kind of person and in the right mood to like it unfortunately


Grade: B

Difficulty: A+



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HASTE: MAP 06 "Concrete Vice ", by Insane Gazebo.
HMP /Pistol Start.

Kills: 97%
Items: 88%
Secrets: 0%
Time: 13:36


I dig how the map looks, it's a large elaborate concrete and metal structure, with some mold and moss on some of the concrete giving it kind of a neglected look, that goes well with the green sky. and didn't realized how good the lion marble texture goes well with ICKWALL texture.


Straight slaughter since the beggining, its rather easy at first, just some BFG spam to get rid of a legion of Imps, some Revenant turrets, some Pain Elementals, and a small Cacodemon cloud, the worst that could happen, is getting hit by a straight rocket, from a Cyberdemon that's guarding a switch on a small balcony from the back of this area, and falling down an inescapable nukage pit right at the starting area. 

The next area, still goes easy on the player. As the player passes through a hallway, an obvious trap springs; a monster closet filled with Revenants opens up where the player came from, and after a while an Arch-Vile teleports in on the opposite side, just to get a jump on a careless player. As long as the player dances around the homing fireballs, while rocketing the Revenants, it should get out of this encounter unscathed, or nearly so.


I liked the next encounter the most, mostly because i could kite the Cyberdemon to kill some of the monsters to avoid getting cornered by Pinkies, Revenants and Hell Knights, and also to help me save up some cells. What i like about this room the most, are the windows on the "L" shaped hallway, where you could see the next area, which is the second largest arena so far, but also these windows will house Revenants and Chaingunners which is rather cruel monster placement because of the midtexture that barely lets you see who's who.


The  Arch-Vile gauntlet was horrible and painful, but not in a fun way, more like in a taxing your cells and enjoyment kind of way. Another encounter i didn't like, and felt much worse, was the long corridor with a skull switch on the end, which will lower a wall that's blocking access to the next area, and this wall is right next to the beginning of the corridor. Well this sucks because after crossing a linedef, Pinkies start quickly teleporting on opposite ends of this corridor, at this point i had no ammo for any weapon besides the pea shooter, and 20 rockets. I had to dive and facerocket the Pinkies to reach the switch while the other ones are closing in from behind, on top of that the surviving Hell Knights from the previous large arena, will throw their green shit at me, and if i move forwards, now Pinkies can teleport from behind. I don't know what to think of this. Maybe its my fault, because i wasted SSG ammo on the Hell Knights stragglers from the previous large arena, maybe i missed some shell box, or cells along the way, or maybe its just a plain trolling moment, that's designed to catch you off guard. Either way i had to commit IDDQD just to push through the corridor, and still there weren't enough rockets to kill them Pinkies. 

The next area had the Red Key Card, which gave way to a little bit of back tracking. Beyond the Red Door, there's the arena for the final fight of this map, which felt much fairer than the corridor bullshit. A large square room with four sqaure metal platforms which will have one Cyberdemon turret each, two "minecraft style" cubical holes on the east and west parts of the room which serves as Cacodemon nests, there are two skull switches with small lifts on each side which will unlock the last doors of the exit. The fight was fun, a ton of Imps, a Cacodemon cloud and four Cyberdemon turrets all bent on killing you.


Bottom line: It was equal parts tough and equal parts fun for the most part, until the Arch-Vile mini arena, and the corridor with the teleporting Pinkies on opposite ends. 

















Edited by Solmyr

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MAP06: "Concrete Vice" by Insane_Gazebo 

UV, pistol start, saves

100% kills, 0/1 secrets


This map is quite a looker, making use of the grey and green side of the vanilla textures with a sense of grandness that I've never really seen with these textures. You can sense it was made by I_G a mile away. The midi is a damned good one, one of those midis that gets you fired up and pushes you forward. It originates from the wad "Mutiny", one that I've not played before.


This one gives you a megasphere and BFG right off the bat, and a look around makes it obvious why. The opening fight is a good old fashioned imp gibfest, with plenty of other threats to join them. Kill the pain elementals near the SSG first, then try and take down the revenants atop the boxes because they're probably the most dangerous part of this fight, apart from the awkward-to-kill cyberdemon. The next fight gives you the rocket launcher, and it's a pretty simple one. It can be made even simpler if you hide behind the corner after grabbing the RL so as to not wake the revenants, then you can quickly BFG the archvile when he joins in so you can rocket the revenants unhindered. The next fight is another relatively big one, some monster closets open up in a cramped area with another cyberdemon to join the show. I BFG the hell knight closet a couple times, then clear out some pinkies and revenants, and then get what's left to infight and try and sneak in a point-blank BFG on the cybie when he's distracted.


The next fight is pretty highly populated, but it's one of the easier moments. You can pretty safely just nestle yourself in a corner and wait for the monsters to come to you, BFGing when they are close by. You'll have to run yourself around a bit to restock and get rid of the turret monsters, but the safe areas of this arena are pretty apparent. Cleaning up the revenants and chaingunners at the end can be a bit annoying though. Next up is scattered waves of archviles in a tiny area. Positioning yourself in the southeastern corner and BFGing whatever comes close makes this one relatively simple. The corridor full of pinkies that follows is best handled by running to the opposite end, and rocketing the pinkies that come in where you enter while making staggered movements towards them so that the pinkies behind you are slowed down. 


The map isn't so hard up until the final fight, which I chose to save before to prevent myself from hating it. Not to say it's a bad fight, it's fun as hell, but it's also heavily RNG dependent, at least at my skill level. It features 4 cyberdemons in corners of the room while the area floods with imps and cacos. There's nowhere to hide from cyberdemon missiles here, and if you try and ignore the cyberdemons it never goes well. So the idea is to kill two cyberdemons at one end of the room so that you carve out a somewhat safe area for yourself. Doing that is easier said than done though, as I can't even count how many saveless runs I brought here only to be picked off from across the room by another cybie each time. Probably just bad luck or pressure because whenever I try it with saves it typically only takes a couple tries. Oh well, it's a very cool fight in any case.


Despite being frustrated by that last fight, this is probably my favourite map so far. Looks and sounds great, it's diverse with its combat scenarios, and it's super enjoyable.

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MAP 07 – Magma Templum by @Scotty

PrBoom+, HMP, Pistol start, blind run w/saves


Another volcanic caldera, this time with damaging lava, was the setting of the next chapter. Scotty provided all the shotguns and the chaingun to handle a situation that might get worse quickly, depending on the caution exercised during exploration. I am not a fan of weapons one above the other; they save space, but they do not allow for an immediate awareness, unless you play with the status bar. However, exploring the area near the start was likely to alert nasty monsters, including an Arch-Vile with his former human retinue, and sneaky Revenants. There were no good options to play it safe: the best bet was to climb the north-eastern cliff and grab the Rocket Launcher near the BSK, release a pack of Imps and Cacodemons, dispatch the Arch-Vile with it and then retreat to the starting point, offering cover and larger portions of safe floor.



The level went downhill for a while, giving enough health and weaponry to comfortably kill all the snipers and the ambush by the YSK. I do not know which key allowed to enter the building on top of the stairs; maybe any of them worked but collecting both granted access to both a Megaarmour and a backpack inside. The BFG was given, though none of the challenges in the dark, shady temple required that weapon. The monsters were revealed before being activated, so giving priority to the row of Commandos was a no-brainer. The second wave was in sight beyond an invisible wall, and was not very threatening, no matter if I managed to trigger the Arch-Vile before killing the Revenants.


Once I acquired the RSK from an altar overlooking the lava crater, I used it to reveal the inner Magma Templum. A charming landscape transformation, like the ones you see in Hexen, brought to my eyes a small mausoleum, filled to the brim with foes. Even though my BFG was ready and willing, I was shocked by the violence of the onslaught, which made a great contrast to the relatively straightforward setups that preceded it. Three Cyberdemons teleported outside and put instant pressure, while Pinkies swarmed the lava pool in front of the building and were more a movement hindrance than a shield from rockets. I inundated the crowd with big green balls until everybody lay dead, but I did not take the 18 Pain Elementals into account. They wreaked havoc with their Lost Souls, and I was afraid of running out of ammo at a certain point. When the angry growls ceased, I destroyed the deaf Arch-Viles guarding the BK and the last Baron. This was quite a hardcore way to end the map and I liked it, even though I will never commit to play overwhelming battles like this without saving before. An excellent creation by Scotty.


Time: 16:19    Deaths: 6

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MAP07: Magma Templum, by Scotty

DSDA, pistol start, HNTR and UV


I’m really enjoying Scotty’s non-linear approach to these maps, encouraging a bit of freedom in terms of both weapon & layout progression, and Magma Templum certainly broadens the opportunity for some interesting decisions. In fact, I got a little obsessive seeing what kind of UV speedrun time I could get here (my best was 1:20*, but I’m sure it can be better, agh!). The opening captures a bit of that chaotic whimsy from Nirvana’s Firebug, as I found myself in a mad scramble for resources and stumbling into pockets of demons left, right, and center. I loved the pandemonium of that initial blind playthrough, and I appreciated the layout even more after realizing how much of the hive I could safely stir up at once, during consecutive runs.






As anticipated, the bump up to Ultra-Violence saw a handful of extra Archies come crawling out of the woodwork, but apart from the third Cyberdemon forcing me to handle the finale with a bit more finesse, the difference between HNTR and UV was noticeably gentle. Even the added Viles managed to sneak in without generating much of a ruckus, or really changing the shape of the battlefield in any dire way. As I near the halfway mark of this set, there’s a feeling in the pit of my stomach that these maps could degenerate into masochism at any moment, so I’m relishing the calmer waters while I’m still here.


Magma Templum plays around with its layout in some fun ways, and I really enjoyed how tense the final encounter turned out – I can’t remember the last time I felt it necessary to prioritize Cyberdemons over Pain Elementals, but the structure of this fight was awesome. Great stuff!

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MAP 07 - Magma Templum :

Oh, not a temple made of lava but a temple in the lava! We start with a SSG and a spider, pinkies coming at you, forcing a quick start : run towards the spider and pump it full of lead before it can do any damage, then deal with the pinkies, and then.. My choice is back, from where the pinkes came to find a megasphere (I don't yet need) and a plasma gun, guarded by some zombies with a few teleporting revs, a sniping spider and imps far away. As soon as you get rid of the humans, revs and spider, step on the steps and a ton of imps and cacos show up. Plasma them to open a path to the rocket launcher and the BSK. Once armed with the RL, remove the cacos, remove the imps, and now I'll take that megasphere. Move back, kill the manc, and then it's up the big stairs at the start, SSG some chaingunners, open door. There's pillars, a BFG and a blue sphere on top of the different one. Pressing it lowers a wall of chaingunners, first priority, then a wave of imps and pinkies. Go for the bluesphere and BFG, clear the imps, and a happy squad of cacos and spiders is waiting, patiently, for you. Press switch, run back, BFG them a couple times, beware the AV and use rockets to clean up. A blue armor is waiting behind blue bars, and another switch is there for the pressing. This one starts a crusher that is also the way out to where the manc was. As I reach the ledge I spot a rev+av dance party on a rock up ahead, the red key and a bluesphere a short platforming away. Deep breath, run. Grab key, sphere, jump down, rockets a plenty into the party. I think I'm missing the YSK, so I go back and spot it on top of a rock. No need to be a rocket scientist to know how to reach it, also to know the path will have a trap. I do forget to switch from the RL and end up rocketing a rev in close combat, but the health I brought with me is enough, for now. Run, YSK, kill the remaining revs, go back for the backpack and more ammo, and then off to the red switch at the start. Save before pressing, it lowers a wall and the temple is finally reacheable. Two cybers and a ton of pinkies at the doors. BFG, and let's do this. Bluesphere, lot's of ammo and a switch to open the invisible doors. The cybers get 'ported away and I did the wise thing : rush the pinkies to kill the huge amount of PEs behind them. Grab the blue key there, open up a baron, press the switch for the exit and now there's "just" two cybers to deal with. Or I could leave, but... Go out, run over some cells, back to BFG, and die to a rocket because I can't two shot the damned things. Glad I saved just before the final showdown with the cybers. Dodging the attacks of one cow? Doable. Two cows? Harder. Attempt number 3, I use the temple as cover and get rid of one, go outside, kill the other one but die to the splash of his rocket hitting the pillar next to me. Fourth time is the charm! I leave with less than perfect health but they all dead. 


100% K/I/S , 11:44 / 1:26:37


Not too bad on my part, I could have finished the level in one try if it wasn't for the final cybershowdown I decided I wanted to do.

I IDCLEVed my way to the start and did the level the way it's supposed to be done : pistol started it saveless. The main difference was that I went for the YSK first, grabbed the BFG and backpack, BSK, armor, RSK, final showdown. And this time I managed to kill both cybers on the first try! So,

100% K/I/S in 7:49.

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MAP07: Magma Templum (100/95/100)

1.       Imp projectiles travel twice as fast

2.       Enemies aim at you as if you had invisibility

3.       Imp may teleport to pursue players


A Heretic soundtrack is always welcomed as a change of pace. This level does not emphasize on large numbers at first, but due to lava and little cover, maneuvering can be a bit tricky. The blue and yellow key each have their sort of triggered ambushes – the yellow one with awkward enemy positions, and the blue key with sheer numbers of meat. Still nothing compared to the room with BFG. When you see a bunch of arch-viles and chaingunners facing the wall, you know who is first on the kill list. Who needs that crusher afterwards?


The finale throws another bunch of cybers along with horde of pain elementals, while setting few spoiler monsters to prevent exit switch rush. Again, after 7 or so tries I managed to finish it with minimal losses, making sure that Cyberdemons go down first, as the area they control still hold ever so important cell ammo. Well, at least I’m glad this level was somewhere easier compared to previous one!

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Played with pistol-starts on UV on DSDA-Doom


Map 05: Firebug


Red abstract map. I like the micro sandbox nature of this one. It reuses the same space very efficiently. The sorta tighter ammo and having to use the cyber to infight is a nice change of pace. The huge archie wave was rough at first, but then I realised to funnel them through the path at the southern border. The map looks really gorgeous. I expecially love the corpses impaled in the void outside. I liked the map.


Map 06: Concrete Vice


Toxic concrete facility map. I really like that the map has heavy BFG usage, I definitely prefere that kind of slaughter maps. All the fights in this map are super fun and they flow greatly from one to another. It's quite an easy map, the only fight that I really died in was the final fight. The map kinda wraps around itself, which creates nice sense of place. The music is absolutely great. Visually it is also just really impressive, reminds me of like a surreal nuclear power plant in weird way. Really enjoyed this one.


Map 07: Magma Templum


Rocky semi hell map. It is a lot easier than maps before it, but I don't mind that. I like that the map uses an any key door, as it allows you to choose what you do in what order and I like that the map gives you different prizes depending on which of the keys you have. I like that in the any key fight you can just rush through the enemies and then crush the archies and chaingunners. The final fight is just fun. I like the giant lava pit that you can fall into. I also liked this map.


My rankings:


1: Concrete Vice

2: Floodplain

3: Firebug

4: Magma Templum

5: The Wheelhouse

6: Snoutish Pug Nose

7: The Barbican


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(Played on UV with pistol starts on Prboom+, saves are allowed)

Map 7: Magma Templum by Scotty

100% kills, around 50% items and 100% secrets

Time: around 8 minutes


While this map is still good, it's my least favorite one so far. Despite that, I still find a lot of good things about it. The visuals are great, the association of rock and lava works very well and I love the fact that one of the buildings is built into the rocks themselves. The music also fits very well, despite it not being one of my favorite Heretic tracks. Also, I really like how the blue and yellow skull keys are optional but give you extra goodies if you get them. However, the action is fine, but nothing to write home about. You start the map in a pretty open area that just like in Firebug, makes archies, revs and also arachnos more dangerous due to the limited cover. In this open area, you can find 2 of the optional keys, the blue skull is guarded by a lot of imps and cacos, but gives you a RL and the yellow skull teleports some revs and pain elementals, but gives extra ammo and a berserk. The red key, however, is necessary to finish the map and is the best guarded out of the 3. You get a first ambush with hell knights and imps in front of you, along with archies and chaigunners on a ledge behind you. Then, a second ambush pits you against arachnos, revs, cacos and an archie. These ambushes are not that bad by themselves, with the most difficult thing being the presence of the archies and chaingunners who you can also crush when you open the way to the red key after the second ambush, but I am not sure if I would recommend leaving them alive all this time. Also, after opening the second ambush, you get the second reward for finding the optional keys, the yellow key can open a backpack and the blue key a blue armor. After grabbing the red key, you can activate the final fight with some cybers, and lots of pain elementals and pinkies. While it can get tricky due to the enemies taking a lot of space, BFG when it gets too crowded, encourage cyber infighting, and you will be able to grab the blue keycard and exit. This map is beautiful and it's music fits well, however, it's action, while fine, is a bit below Haste's usual standard.






Map 6

Map 4

Really like :

Map 5

Map 2

Map 3

Map 1


Map 7


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