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Limbs get all screwed up in rotated sprites with Doom Sprite Batch Renderer for Blender

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I posted a thread on the ZDoom forums, but I thought I'd ask here as well, as this problem has completely stopped my workflow and I need help ASAP. I created a monster in Blender and I use DSBR to create my sprites. But there's a problem: the front facing sprite is fine, but in the rotated ones, the limbs get all screwed up. Here's step by step what I did:

- created an armature with Rigify presets, put all the bones in the proper positions and all that
- generated a rig with this armature, parented it to the mesh, hid the original armature and disabled it in rendering
- posed my character, then selected the entire rig with A, clicked the pose menu, under the tab "Animation" clicked "Insert Keyframe" set to "Locastion, Rotation and Scale", did this for every frame

Did I do something wrong? Can you guys help me out with that?

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Could you please show the messed up results? It may help in troubleshooting the issue.


I ended up using Dieting Hippo's Palette Studio instead, there was no issue with that.

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