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Will pay for technical assistance!

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I posted about this topic last year but I'm doing so again, in a last ditch attempt to finish this damn Wad!


I have a 10 level Wad called Gotterdammerung ready to go. It's a vanilla Wad that uses Plutonia as its source port. Before I can release it, I need help with some technical aspects, because I'm unfamiliar with programs like Slade that allow you to edit Wads. 


I'm prepared to pay 100 euros in cold hard cash to anyone who could assist me in this area!


I need the following amendments to be made.
1. The map names need to be changed.
2. I want the music to be changed to songs from PSX Doom (I have particular songs in mind for each particular level).
3. I want a new title screen, if possible (nothing fancy).
4. I'd also like custom intermission screens for each level (again, nothing fancy - the existing intermission screen but with the new map name would be fine).


If anyone could provide me with a single integrated Wad which includes the music, new automap level names, and the new title screens, I'd be enormously grateful and, as mentioned, prepared to pay! If you can do this and you're interested, please email me at ahcburkhardt@gmail.com.

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That's a lot of money for something so simple as changing map names. You can find a lot of tutorials on Youtube (like on Doomkid's channel) on how to do it. Believe me, Slade and Dehacked isn't that hard to use once you get the basic hang of it.

Edited by thiccyosh
fixed a typo

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9 minutes ago, thisaccursedman said:

intermission screens


Also pretty simple, just place in the pic you want, rename it to INTERPIC, convert into doom gfx and you're done. Keep in mind to resize the intermission pic you placed in, which should be 320 x 200 pixels, anything above that might crash some ports or you'll be unable to see it properly ingame. Resizing is easily done with any photo programm like MS paint or GIMP. If were talking about a unique intermission screen for every map, we'll need a Umapinfo lump, which is more complicated. Map names in intermission screens is also pretty simple. Use Doom writer to write map names into Doom letters, save it as a png, place it inside your wad, convert it to Doom gfx, rename them to CWILV00 for map01, CWILV01 for map02, CWILV02 for map03... and that's it!


21 minutes ago, thisaccursedman said:

and the integrated, rearranged PSX music files?


Just download them off the Internet, there are plenty of people who have done it already. Those files however are in MP3 format, which might not play in vanilla ports, however modern ports like GZDoom or dsda-doom fully support it. Then just place those files into your wad and you're done.


Note that the Intermission pic of your choice, map names and music should be outside any marker inside your wad. As in: do not place them inbetween SS_START and SS_END marker and so on.


If you run into problems, feel free to ask me!

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But one further question. Is it possible to make changes to the intermission screen with the extensive text that comes after level 11? Is it possible to change exactly when - i.e. after which map - this screen appears? Because, depending on what you can do with this screen, it might make sense to build one more map, bringing the Wad up to 11 maps, so that I can round it off with an intermission screen. 

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31 minutes ago, thisaccursedman said:

Is it possible to make changes to the intermission screen with the extensive text that comes after level 11? Is it possible to change exactly when - i.e. after which map - this screen appears?


Changing the text inside the intermission screen* is very simple with dehacked, however, the intermission screens are hardcoded in vanilla, which means you cannot place them anywhere else other than after Map06, Map11, Map15 (secret exit), Map20, Map30 and Map31 (super-secret exit). For that you'll need a Umapinfo lump to change the order, which won't work in all Doom ports. A workaround for custom intermission screens is to lock the player inside a small black room with text scrolling from one side to another to then teleport the player out. An example for this workaround can be found in Rowdy Rudy made by Doomkid, where he uses exactly that (Can't remember what map it was or in what thread this was mentioned...). Or in your case you might as well just make a thank you map with a cool looking wall of text. Just a suggestion though!


*by them I mean the text that comes after certain maps!

Edited by thiccyosh
added note + fixed a typo

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@thisaccursedman I'm one of those rare weirdos that cannot map if their life depends on it, but really enjoy tinkering with lumps and things like Dehacked and mapinfo variants. thiccyosh has already covered everything perfectly, but if you still don't want to deal with it yourself I'm happy to build the lumps for you - for free of course. The one thing you're on your own with is the title screen, I also can't draw if my life depended on it :P


Regarding the PSX music there might be a way, I've seen a version of the PlayStation Doom PC conversion that uses MIDIs and a soundfont to get the music to sound right. It might be some work for your players to get that to work (you'll have to tell them how to get their port of choice to use the soundfont, I don't know if all of them can do this) but it is technically possible without using MP3s.

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