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[Community Project] "Gorehounds of Doom"

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The first of hopefully not too many, hopefully not too annoying bumps to get this show properly on the road - signups open, I guarantee showers of gore, fun times, or both (depending on your inclinations). 

Edited by Thelokk

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@Thelokk i’m in, but please write my username as “Lalliix “Silvirat” Colden” instead of my doomworpd username.


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First few hot days so I feel a bit of piping can be forgiven - don't worry DWers, I won't be bumping the thread as often as the days go by. I actually wanted to take the chance to answer publicly a couple of questions I've been asked in DMs:


Why signups? Can't I just drop a map when it's done?


Multiple reasons. First of all, research has shown that even a small gesture as 'signing up' in the relatively consequence-free environment of the web does subconsciously create a modicum of commitment. Sneaky psychology, really. 

Second, I'm not saying that this project should necessarily have a community built around it, but... it kind of irks me when, as I've seen happen in other CPs, someone who hasn't even touched the thread for its whole existence swoops in, drops a map 15 mins before the deadline, and then is never heard from again - no matter how big their name is. Maybe it's just a peeve of mine, but I wouldn't want this to become that kind of project.

Side note: later on I will open a Discord server but, for all intents and purposes, this thread will be where all "official" communication will happen. So, make sure to follow the thread. If it doesn't happen here, it didn't happen.


Quality threshold?


Low, but not null. As I mentioned, no restrictions in mapper experience, size, lenght or gameplay either in an upward or downward direction. Give it your best shot, you'll have plenty of time to have your map thoroughly playtested - I'm sure we can count on other participants, as well as the kindness of the usual playtesting suspects.


As a project lead, however, I reserve the right to eventually send maps back to the drawing board (never outright reject) in three borderline cases:


- Your map includes questionable material. No, Wolfenstein Nazi textures are not questionable material. We all know what questionable material is, don't we? I know it sounds silly and lectury but, believe it or not, I've seen it happen. Let's not. 

- Your map is clearly, unmistakably, without a shadow of doubt a single afternoon's rushed job cobbled together to make deadlines. If you really want in and couldn't make for any reason the singup deadline, or any other subsequent deadline, I'd much rather we have a chat and figure something out. 

- Your map completely and utterly ignores the provided texture pack's exclusive textures. It might not be OTEX, but it's a very good pack: versatile, on spot with out theme, and compact, no useless recolors, just the right stuff in the right places. 


Thanks as always, and see you soon!


Edited by Thelokk

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4 hours ago, Thelokk said:

First few hot days so I feel a bit of piping can be forgiven


Jokes on you i live somewhere where it is literally winter rn.

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@Thelokk I'm in. I want to see if I can make a spookers map too and MBF21 is my jam anyway and you talk a good game <3

Edited by Helm

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@Thelokk, I'm in.


I like horror quite a bit although gore's not usually my thing.  But I have an idea I want to explore and I need more MBF21 practice.

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(I've changed my minds, I won't participate, but I'm following this :)

Edited by Briøche

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Still a bunch of days remaining to sign up for this! Figured I'd take advantage of this little bump to point out a little thing I forgot in the OP:


In the spirit of Gorehounds of Doom being a community effort, collaborative maps are welcome and encouragedIf you have a buddy whom you want to take along for the ride, by all means do!


(In fact, as a side note, I would love for my own contribution to be a collaborative effort. I've been focusing lately on things placement and difficulties tuning so, if you're a 'Doom architect' (and I know there are some, I've seen the threads) feel free to sign up for the project, unless you're already in of course, and throw me a DM.) 

Edited by Thelokk

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