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[Community Project] "Gorehounds of Doom"

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Unfortunately due to a sudden real life issue i won't be able to finish a working prototype of my map by the deadline. 


I'm out, and my apologies.

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Um... I know that there is too late to suggest that, but...


We have these textures:

COMPBLUE.png.5c531106a691d2db7b12e48bf448e2ea.pngCOMPTILE.png.d637387f365d144c57b6849485573365.png and there is this nice door for them as well: DOOR1B.png.9559409c49621179b6f30a83098ef862.png.


Also we have this pretty red set:

COMPRED.png.54d91cd6a9a396f65efee2d293771690.pngCOMPRED2.png.f0f81dd71a5ba61f6983b61ef7b5e4d1.png and DOOR1C.png.c9028ae4f2355f843b363c458391dcbf.png.


Is there any chance to add these handcrafted edits?:

COMPYEL.png.9fe65b4b6dc14864e3a5c41453c8b36f.pngCOMPYEL2.png.5ddcf10f9e3c784bebc7ea6d99ddd42c.png and DOOR1D.png.22a11c819f079e08ef1c2a072b77813f.png.


There isn't much, but these three classic sets of keys (blue, red and yellow) can help someone to make interesting base layout.


Here is all three yellow edits...

Edited by RastaManGames

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Name: Abandoned Hope

Download: EngiredGorehoundsofDoom.zip

Description: A short city map

Music: PSX Doom (Cannot remember which level)

Tested with: Woof



Notes: I've been sitting on this map for ages now. The gameplay is questionable, and the pinky fight timer is potentially a little long, but it should be okay. I don't think I have any difficulty settings, but I cannot remember.

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Managed to crawl back from my burnout on this project and Updated my map based on feedback!

Changes made: 

-Complete rework of the library

-Complete replacement of the hedge maze

-Changed the ending to better suit the theme i had in mind

-Changed the name to better suit the theme i had in mind

-Found a good track


Name: Delusion [Previously Devil Magicks] 
Author: Maxwell
Modes: Singleplayer
Testing: GZDoom [Still have no idea how DSDA doom works even with the explanation- Would need to see a video of how to use it, i think- Regardless, it's like 4 AM and i ain't figuring it out tonight] 
Music: Gloomy [Duke Nukem 3d] 


[Old download link removed]

Edited by Maxwellk421

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I'm trying hard to get a working prototype done by Friday. I think I will manage. I'm motivated again. Here some screenshots for proof/current status:




So the layout (left screenshot) is roughly done. Just need to add more details to the upper section. There might still be some empty areas on Friday but it will be playable. I'm confident the map will actually be complete (with full detail) by the end of next week.

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@Maxwellk421 Here's an easier solution for you: go to UDB, open your map then click on Tools > Game Configurations > Testing and choose DSDA Doom. Alternatively, you can use my batch file I made for your map: _Delusion.zip (you need to put this .bat file in your DSDA Doom folder to get it to work). OR you could use PrBoom+ for testing because DSDA Doom is a fork of PrBoom+ so it's essentially the same port.

Also, I just played your map with god mode on just to see the changes in DSDA Doom and all of the issues are still there. You should've also specified what map format did you use... And you SHOULD switch to Boom format because UDMF only works with GZDoom and using this map format for this CP is a big no-no because of this. The target port is DSDA Doom because everyone should be able to play all of the maps posted here... Except for vanilla doomers.

@Engired I'll play both of your maps later within a few days.


Actually, no. I'll play Engired's map first and wait for Maxwell's version of the map that is playable in DSDA Doom. If you're still having problems with DSDA Doom @Maxwellk421, PM me when you have some free time on your hands and I'll try to help to get your map to work in DSDA Doom.

Edited by CittyKat112

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@CittyKat112 I was using MBF21, the format specified in the first post- so, it should be fine in DSDA- at least, according to what was said. I'm at work, so I'll have to wait until I get home to try your fix- my problem so far has been that I haven't been able to find the .exe for it. Like, it's got all the files, but nothing to run it- otherwise I'd have already tested it in that. Though, if PRboom runs MBF21, I'll just test it there. 



So i'm a dumbass. the version i downloaded didn't have the .EXE, i've confirmed that, but i found the version that does, so...Yeah. 

Edited by Maxwellk421

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Another little friendly reminder that 7/15 is around the corner, I'll begin creating the wad and start going through your maps on that day. However due to time zone differences I'll be a bit lenient on the actual deadline.

Please keep in mind that its only for a playable beta, I don't need a fully completed map as there is still playtesting to be done for plenty of members here including myself. I don't want to leave anybody out but this deadline was announced months ago, I'll allow late submissions if absolutely necessary but please submit them within 3 days of me posting this comment.

Also as a side note about sky textures, mbf format allows for transferring any texture of your choice to the sky. I recommend using this feature to avoid using an episode specific sky texture, this line special is 271.

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Alright, I'm officially giving up too. I had some good ideas, but not enough, and I have other projects to focus on.

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Map Title: Tribulation
Map Author: CblBOPOTKA
Track Used: Tribulation - Melancholia

Description: It is quite big map and it combines classic gameplay with slaughterish fights. Overall difficulty one can evaluate as medium-hard.

Tested with: DSDA









UPD: fixed missing sky (compiled into resource wad)

Edited by CblBOPOTKA

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On 7/11/2022 at 2:33 AM, Engired said:

Name: Abandoned Hope

Download: EngiredGorehoundsofDoom.zip

Description: A short city map

Music: PSX Doom (Cannot remember which level)

Tested with: Woof



Notes: I've been sitting on this map for ages now. The gameplay is questionable, and the pinky fight timer is potentially a little long, but it should be okay. I don't think I have any difficulty settings, but I cannot remember.

So I've played your map and wanted to say how easy it is before I tried to record a demo but I have 9 failed attempts and I'm a bit tired right now so idk if it's really that easy anymore... I didn't have much trouble during my practice attempt though. Anyway, here's my thoughts about the fights. I hope somebody else will review this map to see if I'm right about it being a bit too easy.

1) The pinky trap is ok.

2) RL fight is easy, but I fucked up two times when I was recording a demo here. In my practice attempt I just started circle strafing to cause as much infighting as possible and shoot rockets once the crowd thins itself out. I'd suggest placing mancubi somewhere else in the room so it would be harder to circle strafe. Also, there's a lone mancubus near the entrance to that area and you can jump to where he is and get softlocked. This should be fixed.

3) Arch-vile fight is easy, I did it two times in a row while playing with saves but only got to this fight once while recording a demo and died because I shot at the revenant that was right in front of my face! Heh-heh...

4) Didn't get to this fight while recording a demo, so idk if it's easy or not. Anyway... You can just run back to the RL area and kill everything from there. You can use cyberdemon to kill some of the imps but that's a bit unreliable.

The secret made me smile and unkillable cyberdemon is a bit annoying imo. 

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45 minutes ago, CblBOPOTKA said:

Map Title: Tribulation
Map Author: CblBOPOTKA
Track Used: Tribulation - Melancholia

Description: It is quite big map and it combines classic gameplay with slaughterish fights. Overall difficulty one can evaluate as medium-hard.

Tested with: DSDA





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R_TextureNumForName: RSKY1Z not found

UPD: it works fine, just use this command line: dsda-doom.exe -file tribulation_20220714_rc1.wad -complevel21

There's no need to load rfhelltx.wad along with this map.

Edited by CittyKat112

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Here is a fully playable map I have made BloodWorks.zip (Map31)


Map Title: Bloodworks
Map Author: Snaxalotl
Track Used: Sunder Map20
Description: Short and mean with lots o blood. Only UV is supported in this version.
Tested With: Woof

Edited by Snaxalotl

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Here's my prototype map, which is fully playable.




It's a bit of an experimental map, focusing more on atmosphere and survival horror than shooting. Don't expect classic doom gameplay here.


Map name: Cargo (might change it in a later release)

Map slot: MAP01 (for convenience) / You need the resource file for textures

Map author: PinkFlamingo

MIDI: Ionian Isolation by Tristan Clark (aka Eris Falling)

Difficulty settings are fully implemented (not much difference though).

Description: You wake up in the med bay of an abandoned spaceship.




What still needs to be done?

- Some areas are still empty and need to be decorated.

- More doomcute details should add to the atmosphere.

- The final area was rushed for the deadline. I'll probably redesign it in a future update but the general look is there.

None of this affects gameplay, which is pretty much done.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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On 7/14/2022 at 5:37 AM, Maxwellk421 said:

Alright! V.3 of my map, Bugfixed and finally tested with DSDA! 


Download here!


So I beat it today and I'm happy to report this version is a lot better, the library area was cool though I got a bit lost looking for switches lol. Most of the fights are pretty manageable, you can easily beat them on your first try if you play carefully. Overall the combat was enjoyable for the most part, however the last fight could use some improvements. First off, you can cheese it heavily by going in and out of the room so none of the enemies can hit you until you, cyberdemon and arch-vile are left. Second off, I think you should add a plasma rifle in a room behind the cyberdemon. Imo, fighting him with a rocket launcher wasn't fun in Doom 1, and it's not fun killing him with SSG either. While it's not super difficult to do, I died like 4 times because of the cyberdemon - dodging his rockets is super awkward because when his rockets will land on the floor and you will most likely die from splash damage while trying to kill him with SSG. Sure, you can cheese it by hiding behind that 'table' where the yellow key is so he won't even be able to shoot you but that's just more boring and tedious. If I'll try to record a demo, I won't bother with the cyberdemon. Also, idk how to get the secret XDDD


It's a good map, the fights are pretty easy and I feel like the main focus of the map was atmosphere rather than combat. I believe it should be one of the first five maps in the wad, I think MAP04 slot fits the best.

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19 hours ago, Snaxalotl said:

Here is a fully playable map I have made BloodWorks.zip (Map31)


Map Title: Bloodworks
Map Author: Snaxalotl
Track Used: Sunder Map20
Description: Short and mean with lots o blood. Only UV is supported in this version.
Tested With: Woof

good times



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Here's my map, heavily updated

Name: Stay Inside!
Mapslot: 2
Difficulty Levels: yes
Coop starts: yes
Music: "Of Serpents Nailed to Fate" by Cammy
Tested in: PRBoom+, GZDoom

The map has been heavily updated since last time, introducing a new 'stay inside' gimmick, and I very much wonder if that works. let me know!

I used the texture pack to make some more detailing, and I fixed two bugs. 

(use the ALL file to get the sky and custom textures)





Edited by Pistoolkip

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@Pistoolkip I just finished trying Stay Inside! on UV, and I really liked it!  Super clean design, detailing, and combat and I really enjoyed the gimmick (even if it took me a while to figure out haha). I played it quite a few times, and it's actually a really fun map to try and speedrun as well.


Nice work :)

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Unfortunately, I don't think I can finish my map by the deadline. I felt I had a good concept and some good encounters coming together, but the timing just isn't working out, so I will probably release my map as a standalone.

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This is my WIP map so far, it is missing the final fight but the area is there just not fully built. It is also missing the secret fight. Please let me know of any bugs. Difficulty levels have been implemented, stock music for now. Plan on finishing this out within the next week, life just got super busy for me.




Screens below for those interested




Edited by Parkolnaught

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Boy, this project reminded me of my horrible time management hehe. Anyway, here's my map submission. Far from fully complete, still needs detail work, fine-tuning, and enemy/ammo balancing. Let me know what you guys think of it. Short map, should be in and out in less than 10 minutes or so. I was going for something more atmospheric and desolate rather than run-n-gun carnage (that doesn't mean there's no nasty fights though!). There are some areas I might change, mainly towards the end. I wanted to make sure I got something out before Saturday my time so the ending bits are rushed. They will definitely have more detail in later versions.


Again, let me know what you think, how the areas look, how the fights feel, ammo/enemy balancing (be warned, the overall combat in this map is somewhat reliant on chainsaw/berserk fist. also there are no difficulty implementations, enemy placement is the same throughout all skills), etc.


Name (may change later on): The Heart of the Woods

Difficulty Implementation: Not yet but planned

Music: "Of Serpents Nailed to Fate" - Cammy (heh, seems like @Pistoolkip and I had the same idea. :p)

Tested in: GZDoom 4.5.0 & 4.6.1, prboom+, dsda-doom-0.24.3

NOTE: IF PLAYING IN PRBOOM+ OR DSDA-DOOM (or even GZDoom if you have this setting disabled) make sure you have "Linedefs w/o tags apply locally" ENABLED. You won't be able to progress past the beginning section if this is disabled. I will fix this and update when I get the chance.

^ This has been fixed in V2.


Download removed: refer to the release thread.


Non-spoilery screenshots:







Spoilery screenshots:







Edited by SirPootis
linked to release thread

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20 hours ago, Pistoolkip said:

Here's my map, heavily updated

Name: Stay Inside!
Mapslot: 2
Difficulty Levels: yes
Coop starts: yes
Music: "Of Serpents Nailed to Fate" by Cammy
Tested in: PRBoom+, GZDoom

The map has been heavily updated since last time, introducing a new 'stay inside' gimmick, and I very much wonder if that works. let me know!

I used the texture pack to make some more detailing, and I fixed two bugs. 

(use the ALL file to get the sky and custom textures)


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Fun little map, nice and (probably, don't quote me on that) original gimmick. Here's my shitty UV-Max demo:   

It took me longer than it should have, but I'm a bit tired right now, so yeah... I forgot to play it when the first version was posted here, probably because I didn't like that it doesn't make use of a texture pack. Anyway, the map isn't hard but not super easy either. It deserves a slot before MAP10, I think.


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50 minutes ago, CittyKat112 said:

Fun little map, nice and (probably, don't quote me on that) original gimmick. Here's my shitty UV-Max demo:   

It took me longer than it should have, but I'm a bit tired right now, so yeah... I forgot to play it when the first version was posted here, probably because I didn't like that it doesn't make use of a texture pack. Anyway, the map isn't hard but not super easy either. It deserves a slot before MAP10, I think.



The stay inside mechanic is a huge upgrade to this map and suits it well. I also used the texture pack now and a better sky.


It's map 2 so I didn't want to make it too big or inaccessible.


Thanks for playtesting and the demo!

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Just now, Pistoolkip said:


The stay inside mechanic is a huge upgrade to this map and suits it well. I also used the texture pack now and a better sky.


It's map 2 so I didn't want to make it too big or inaccessible.


Thanks for playtesting and the demo!

No problem, I felt like I should've done this a long time before because I said I'm gonna play it but I got a bit bored when I booted up the first version and thought like 'eh, I'm gonna play it later'. Your post reminded me to give it a second try.

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There, I've finnaly managed to finnish what I was hoping will be my second map for this project so I am sharing it now, and I hope I'm not to late (and before anyone cries faul: yes you can submit two maps cause I asked snax about it and she confimed it herself). I've also made some minor changes to my first map so I'm sharing that now too  - and this will be the last update! (cause even though I know that my promise that this will be my last update of this map is more or less worth nothing at this point I'm still making it...).That's all for now.

The slaughter house.zip

The city of boiling blood_5.zip

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On 7/15/2022 at 4:27 PM, Pistoolkip said:

Here's my map, heavily updated

Name: Stay Inside!
Mapslot: 2
Difficulty Levels: yes
Coop starts: yes
Music: "Of Serpents Nailed to Fate" by Cammy
Tested in: PRBoom+, GZDoom

The map has been heavily updated since last time, introducing a new 'stay inside' gimmick, and I very much wonder if that works. let me know!

I used the texture pack to make some more detailing, and I fixed two bugs. 

(use the ALL file to get the sky and custom textures)


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I played this wrong lol



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I have begun creating a wad of all submissions and playing through every map. You will be notified when I have played your wad/added it to the main file.

@Origamyde "Dial 'G' For Gore" is a great opening level for the project, sets the tone nicely and maintains a low difficulty while avoiding being too easy or boring. I didn't run into any issues, nice work!

@Pistoolkip I liked the concept for "Stay Inside!" though it still took me a while to realize the gimmick of the map and that I was actually able to shoot without waking up all those archviles, I'm not sure there is a way to make it clearer how the gimmick of the map works, but other than the potential confusion this is a very unique and well balanced level!

@Engired "Abandoned Hope" nails the atmosphere and architecture and has some interesting unconventional encounters. The only problem I ran into was that the cyberdemon seems to be unkillable, not a huge deal but many players like being able to kill everything. Even a simple crusher activating at the end of the level would resolve the issue, other than that I thoroughly enjoyed what you have made here!

@SCF "Routine Maintenance" Phenomenal work, I loved everything about this level! The flow and atmosphere were wonderful, and I didn't run into any problems. I may need to move the slot of this map a bit higher though as it is much harder than the other levels I have played.

@Shawn "transcendent Flesh" Does a great job with it environmental storytelling, its a bit slow in the beginning and took longer than expected to get into the action but its not necessarily a bad thing. It did help sell the concept of travelling to a hellish copy of the base by showcasing each area. I had two things I wanted to bring up though, its possible to run through the mid texture into the room that requires the blue skull key, not sure if that was intentional. The second is that the death exit didn't work for me in eternity, I'm pretty sure this is a compatibility issue and not a mapping one. I'll look into what is causing this to see what can be done to prevent any source ports from breaking the level. This was a very fun level to play through though!

Edited by Snaxalotl
Posted comment early, updated with full text.

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I just realized I forgot to mention a few details about the second map I submitted yesterday, so I am providing them now:

Name: The slaughter house
Mapslot: ???
Difficulty Levels: yes
Coop starts: yes

Deatmatch: 1 start only
Music: "The demon is dead" (Doom 2 maps 10 & 16 music) by I don't know who (Robert Prince I'm guessing)
Tested in: DSDA, GZDoom 4.8.1 

Texture pack used: rfhelltex.

And in case it isn't already obvious this map was heavily inspired by doom 2's map 16.

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Played it again lol still kicks my but - at least I understand it now - I feel like with practice saveless is obtainable - good times



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