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PUSS XVI: Pac-Man Doom - updated to Version 1.1 !!!

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2 minutes ago, Athel said:

I realized too late this could have been used to make something seriously "Dark Deception"-ish, ahh well. It looks like a neat concept and some of the maps look pretty interesting to play, I'll have to look through and see what someone of you guys did. (The aesthetic of @Steve88's map above particularly intrigues me!) I see now this isn't as limiting as I felt it was at first. I'm assuming these only run for one month before the next one starts up?

The current deadline for entering maps is the 10th, actually.

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The original deadline was the end of April, but it has been extended to May10th so there is still time to crank one out!

Hope to see this "Dark Deception"-ish style!

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Oh is that so? Hm, not too sure if I will end up making something or not but I'll play with the idea. If anything I can always just do it for any personal projects. I'll see about it though!

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Map Name: Coppers & Kobolds ("Possum Town Constabulary Hall" on automap)
Author: Horselessheadsman
Music: Super Ghost n' Goblins-Level 1 (gngseries.retrogames.com/gng3/sgnglevel1.mid)
Sky: -na- (uses skybox)
Format: UDMF
Difficulty Settings:easy, medium, and hard
Build Time: 4 hours, 20 minutes
Comments: Your least favorite ghosts have escaped from Arcade Land again,
and its your job to de-ghost the police-station they're hanging around.
Though, the police fail to inform you they already had an
un-resolved haunting issue...   



download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GQkonduzwHa927kfQQNbG0bo3hMIJcQh/view?usp=sharing

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I tested all the maps, videos can be found over here:
Myolden's map.
Steve88's map.
mememind, horselessheadsman and scypek's map.


Ehm @horselessheadsman it would have been nice if you had ask about using an extra new monster before doing so. I'll have to think about its inclusion for a bit.

This looks awesome folks! I hope to have a first set of all these maps out tomorrow!

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6 hours ago, Peccatum Mihzamiz said:


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Ehm @horselessheadsman it would have been nice if you had ask about using an extra new monster before doing so. I'll have to think about its inclusion for a bit.


Sorry about that @Peccatum Mihzamiz. I figured since it was just a second Clyde with (ACS scripts)CreateTranslation and Thing_SetTranslation applied to that 'thing', it would be okay. The fifth ghost's named Sue, an addition that the Pacman series made later on.

Also, I assumed that lighting changes would be covered under 'mapping' time, not 'post-mapping' things like texture-adjustment and such.

Was that right?

Edited by horselessheadsman

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Hi there @horselessheadsman! Thanks for the quick response. Let's keep in Sue then, cool idea!


Indeed the lighting changes would fall under 'mapping' time and it's inherent to speedmapping projects like this that the maps won't be as much decorated as the mapper wants. Perhaps though, we could sneakily give you 15 minutes, if you want to, to just do a few lighting variations here and there. Only if you feel like it. The map is cool and a tiny bit of lightning might already give it a lot more character. And you can definitely use quite a bit of time perhaps changing up a few of the wood textures and aligning all of them.

Are you able to send a regular MAP01 wad file, not the format the map is in now? That would help me in compiling the whole wad. And I also didn't hear any of the music. I didn't spend time looking into that, could you please have a look at that?

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Beta version 1 has been released! Get it here (updated to beta version 4, 19th of May)! - Release Candidate 1 will be released on Friday the 20th! -
Any feedback or bug reporting before then would be greatly appreciated!
(Playing on hardware rendering is highly recommended)

This Beta version contains almost all of the maps. Known issues/things that will be changed:
-The Intermission music will be changed.
-Maps 9 and 10 will be added.
-Scrolling text in between certain maps, dividing episodes, will be added.
-Custom status bar and HUD will be added added
-Map01 has some retexturing to be done (all the Pipe textures will be changed).
-Map05 has some superfluous messages that appear on lower difficulties.fixed





Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
link updated to beta version 4

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Just finished playing the beta, I played all maps except map05, because the pacdots were not working for some reason. The rest of the maps had pretty interesting gimmicks, and I believe they made really good use of the pacman mechanics. I really appreciate the inclusion of a tutorial map because I didn't know what some of the new sprites for the powerups were when playtesting. The only map I didn't quite enjoy was map07. I feel like either all pinkies should be released at once or some enemies should be placed on the lower floors, because the map felt really empty at some points.


All around, pretty fun mapset!

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Yep, it's working fine! Cool map, found all secrets and couldn't get all kills because the pinkies get resurrected, but it isn't a problem really.


While replaying the secret maps I found a couple of sequence breaks:


Map31: You can activate the green portal switch before getting the 30 pacdots by jumping down the lift.

Map32: You can grab the bfg earlier by barely dropping down from the ledge above it.


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Played through the WAD and was posting feedback in the discord, but noticed you're not in there so I'll post it here. Your map was quite fun, it had a lot of charm and personality to it. I giggled at the imp statue. A lot of the areas seem to be referenced to RE2 (the main hall, the STARS office, the moving statues, etc) which was a lot of fun. Your take on the unkillable pinky gimmick (used by 3 total mappers on this project) was really cool and the messages when the demons die were fun. I didn't find any bugs while playing the map, but for some reason when I exited GZDoom crashed on me. I'll do another video with the error code, hopefully that will help you figure it out.

EDIT: I tried recreating the crash and was unable to. I managed to exit the map twice without crashing.



Edited by myolden

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I did another full playthrough of the map just to be safe and it did not crash again. So I think it's fine but time will tell I suppose. While doing that playthough though I did notice that the yellow key door on the south east end of the map isn't visually marked as requiring the yellow key.

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Just now, myolden said:


I did another full playthrough of the map just to be safe and it did not crash again. So I think it's fine but time will tell I suppose. While doing that playthough though I did notice that the yellow key door on the south east end of the map isn't visually marked as requiring the yellow key.

That's intentional; the room's meant to be off the beaten path, rather then progression toward the exit.

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Updated to beta version 3! Get it here (updated to v4 on the 19th of May)! Changelog:

-Map09 by @BluePineapple72 added.
-Status bar and HUD by BluePineapple72 added, and some other menu stuff added as well.
-Numerous tiny fixes and changes to MAP05
-Completely reworked set of monsters for MAP07, plus some small fixes.

Still to be done:
-The Intermission music will be changed.
-Map10 will be added.
-Scrolling text in between certain maps, dividing episodes, will be added.
-Map01 has some retexturing to be done (all the Pipe textures will be changed).


Thank you very much @Blip! I'll keep those two things in. They seem like little quirks that a few players might find but won't harm their playing experience in any major way.


Screenshot from MAP09:


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
updated to beta 4

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The beta has been updated to version 4. It was not my intention to put out another update before the release tomorrow, but version 3 got DMCA'd.
Link to beta version 4. Changelog:
-Added custom fist sprites (courtesy of @BluePineapple72)

-MAP01 is completed now.
-MAP03 and MAP06 have had some updates.


Still to be done: add the correct scrolling text, add the correct MAP10, add the right intermission music.

Some more MAP09 goodness:

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Launch day! Congratulations everybody! This is version 1.0, get it over here!

'Render mode: Hardware' and dynamic lighting are needed for this wad!!!

Let me know if you encounter any issues, big or small. Big issues will be dealt with asap. If any small problems show up in the coming days and weeks they will be fixed and an updated version will be published in June.



Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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This one is a blast. Quick, short maps with a ton of movement and action. I didn't expect this many unique maps with strange twists, but the variety in maps and ideas really adds to the enjoyment of this project!



Edited by Pistoolkip

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Amazing mapset with very dynamic gameplay. Probably the best variation of Pac-Man invented by humankind so far. Great work!

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MAP01 - "Insert Coin" - @Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP02 - "Crashing Clyde's Castle" - @Death Bear

MAP03 - "Misdirection" - @Scypek2

MAP04 - "Doolhof" - @Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP05 - "Coppers & Kobolds" - @horselessheadsman


MAP31 - "Test Chamber" - @Peccatum Mihzamiz

MAP32 - "The Arcade is a Lie" - @Peccatum Mihzamiz


MAP06 - "A Pac Too Far" - @Steve88

MAP07 - "Pacmachine" - @MemeMind

MAP08 - "Mope" - @myolden

MAP09 - "Summer of Wakka" - @BluePineapple72

MAP10 - "Game Over" - @Peccatum Mihzamiz

Edited by BluePineapple72

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