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New bigass Map01 "WELCOME BACK" is Finished! (Now available on /IDGAMES)

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Not a huge fan of djent (more of a NWOBHM guy) and non-MIDI music in Doom in general, so the music side of the project kinda fell flat on me, but we can chalk that to preferences. 

I have to say that the map, for the monster count it has, goes by surprisingly fast and effortlessly - I really appreciate the linearity of the layout and its no-frills attitude. The 'big piece' is of course, the final arena, which is executed flawlessly, had lots of fun with it. I can't help but feel that what came before - the cave area and such - could have used some more 'spice' so to speak, both visually and gameplay wise. Didn't notice any outstanding issue or bug.

Great job, looking forward to more!

Edited by Thelokk

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1 hour ago, game said:

I hate to be that guy but please, always indicate the map format. Not everyone uses Gzdoom.

LOL I knew I forgot something. UDMF, added it to the OP as well.


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3 hours ago, Thelokk said:

Not a huge fan of djent (more of a NWOBHM guy) and non-MIDI music in Doom in general, so the music side of the project kinda fell flat on me, but we can chalk that to preferences. 

I have to say that the map, for the monster count it has, goes by surprisingly fast and effortlessly - I really appreciate the linearity of the layout and its no-frills attitude. The 'big piece' is of course, the final arena, which is executed flawlessly, had lots of fun with it. I can't help but feel that what came before - the cave area and such - could have used some more 'spice' so to speak, both visually and gameplay wise. Didn't notice any outstanding issue or bug.

Great job, looking forward to more!

Thanks! Glad you had fun with it, and I appreciate the feedback. If anyone has recordings of their playthrough, feel free to share them here, I'd love to gather some more reactions and input.


I wasn't really going for the "djent" crowd but that first riff definitely has some of that flavor. Plus I was playing in a lower tuning so that has a tendency to just sound djenty even when it isn't meant to, lol. Part of me wanted to spend more time going over the map and adding more visuals and "spice" but I just kind of lost interest in it after focusing on it so heavily for two months, and if I didn't release it soon then it would probably have just sat here. I'm not sure when I'll have the time to make another map anytime soon so I wanted to get this out there before it durned into vaporware, lol.

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Impressive not-quite-first map! I've gotten up to the part where it opens up into the big outdoor area. That surprised me and was very cool to see. It also tanked my framerate, but turning off dynamic lights made it playable (in case you want to know, my GPU's newer than yours, but my CPU's like a decade older so framerate drops in GZDoom is nothing new to me, and I also have Smooth Doom and Nash Gore loaded). The detailing looks nice without getting in the way of the gameplay, and I like that the combat leans in favor of the rocket launcher, which I think gives the map a good pace (less tedious than shotgunning everything). Maybe the combat scenarios could be varied to encourage using other weapons more, but on the other hand I won't say no to a good rocket-fest. All in all good work, hope to see more from you in the future.

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Congratulations on the release. Sorry i didn't get to that technical pass. Life crap happened.


Heartily recommend this map. I am ordinarily not a fan of this style but Dave found a superb balance between presenting overwhelming odds but never short changing the player on resources and room to move. If you find yourself low run around a bit - there's a good chance you missed a handy cache. And the fights never felt unfair and requiring existing knowledge to reasonably react to. I died many times but always felt it was caused by my skills rather than bad design which made me want to reload and pushing through. Really well done.

Edited by Murdoch

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Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad everyone seems to like it so far. I may have another map in me for later on in 2022 so I'll be taking notes on everything you all say :)

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12 hours ago, Shepardus said:

...and I also have Smooth Doom and Nash Gore loaded..


I love those two mods and use them like crazy. But yeah I have to kill the dynamic lighting to prevent any slowdown in the "arena" too.

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I can remember taking some glances through the development thread and remembering that few Arch-viles were initially planned, but after having played about 20 minutes or so, I admit being quite surprised to see just how fucking dense they are. I won't call it overwhelming but it makes this map more difficult than I was thinking.

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1 hour ago, LadyMistDragon said:

I can remember taking some glances through the development thread and remembering that few Arch-viles were initially planned, but after having played about 20 minutes or so, I admit being quite surprised to see just how fucking dense they are. I won't call it overwhelming but it makes this map more difficult than I was thinking.

I did turn up the AV knob a little bit, as some fights just didn't need more enemies but still needed an extra little difficulty. There are a LOT more AVs on UV skill than on HMP and they are really few and far between on the ITYTD and HNTR. Really though there aren't *a lot* of them, just more than I had planned. Most of them are relatively contained.

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In my defense, there are like maybe 25 or 30 AV's in the whole map on UV, a third are all in one area, and none of those guys can target you from like 99% of the places you can stand, lol. Also there are nearly 2,000 enemies at the start so I'm like at 1 or 2% AV usage. Most of them don't have a lot of opportunity to resurrect that many demons though. Honestly the very first one you encounter is one of the meaner AV's in the whole wad.


I honestly think the AV is the coolest FPS enemy in the history of the genre, I love them. It's easy to break a map with them though and so I really tried to find a good balance without making it too hard or easy for "decent" players. I'm not a killer player, but I did get through the map 100% once on UV with no deaths and it was a lot easier to do on HMP. 


Thanks for the feedback though! Maybe try HMP and see if that's a little less frustrating for you? I tried my best to do a good job differentiating the UV from HMP and there are definitely fewer AV's in HMP, probably close to 10 less of them.

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Oh no, it's fine. It's not really the overall challenge I've got a problem with as much of the fact as it sort of felt like they were pretty much everywhere in a map that isn't really a slaughter map.

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