The BMFG Posted April 5, 2022 what is the worst thing your pet has ever done? one time my dog stole an entire piece of boned chicken, scarfed it down in seconds somehow. then pissed on the front door of the apartment 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
7Mahonin Posted April 5, 2022 (edited) Be careful with chicken bones and dogs. Your dog is lucky, because chicken bones are notorious for splitting and they can easily choke on them. Anyways, my dog when she gets bored and wants attention will start tearing up her dog bed, and pulling the cotton out from inside of it. She also tried to dig a hole to get under the fence to battle against a snapping turtle, who was just waiting to get a bite of her nose! The turtle used to be able to travel behind our fence and make it across to the woods next to our house, but our neighbors behind us who just moved in put in a fence of their own, so the turtle was still trying to get across anyways by poking its head through our fence. I had to get a shovel and scoot him into a trash can (this turtle was not happy and was snapping and hissing because the dog startled him), so that I could safely transport him to the other side, and that must’ve made him happy because he has stayed on that side ever since lol. Edited April 5, 2022 by 7Mahonin 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Mr. Freeze Posted April 5, 2022 One time, after I replaced all the litter in the box, my cat decided to stick her ass out the side and pee on the floor anyway. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted April 5, 2022 Tippy (whose third birthday was yesterday) sometimes bites through thin wires. One time this left our landline non-functional for a few weeks. For a while we were happy that spam calls seemed to have stopped, but then realized that real calls had also stopped. Got thicker cords after that. She also snips off the thin cords (actually cuts them into many short nuggets of wire) for Xmas lights, so we basically can't have those indoors. Other than that, the perfect, but very lively, healthy little cat. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted April 5, 2022 My Dog really liked the feel of the Christmas Tree on his face, it gave good scratches, he would rub against it constantly. It's amazing what damage a shitty plastic tree can do but I'm sure the fake ornamental electrical fireplace (it's a British Council House thing) had it coming, that shit plastic glass was being cleaned out the carpet for weeks. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jello Posted April 5, 2022 (edited) I must've been gifted a really well-behaved (stray) cat. She's never really been bad, aside from tearing my arms up when she becomes too excited. Sometimes she'll give you a tell that she's done playing, sometimes she doesn't, and it's hard to back away from a cat with its claws in you. But at least she came litter trained, and she knew from day one where she was supposed to shit. But that's calmed down quite a bit during the last four years. In a year I could tell she really tried keeping her claws in. Now when she attacks, it's just play, she'll bat your arm or leg, and then run away. And she'll "kiss" me with her teeth, which is really cute. She opens her mouth and just rubs her teeth against my hand. I think it's pretty good for a stray cat that was used to killing things. Although she's done some naughty things, especially in the first two years. I have a little ceramic frog by the kitchen sink that holds a scrubbing brush for dishes. Well, one morning, it was on the floor on the other side of the counter, a good three feet away from where it should've been. It didn't break, so I wasn't mad, I just asked her if she did that. She looked at me as if to say "I dunno, maybe it was a ghost?". And she knocked a salt shaker off the table, and the sound of it hitting the floor made her tear ass back into a hiding spot. And she knocked a few picture frames off of a shelf, and it scared her so much that she jumped seven feet onto the floor. It took her at least a month before she would get back on the shelf (it's a long picture shelf above the TV in the living room), and she's extremely careful now. After those few incidents, she hasn't knocked anything over. Loud noises spook her, so hopefully she's learned her lesson. Occasionally I'll find a cupboard door opened up, even those that are well off the ground. But I found out on the first day after her adoption that she knows how to open cabinets and cupboards, she went and found one in the bathroom to hide in; so I gave up on trying to dissuade her of the practice. The only cabinet I have locked is the one under the sink, where I keep the cleaning solutions. I really don't want her messing around in there. And besides, how could this little cutie do something bad? And yeah, the occasional hairball that comes with having a cat. I just wish she wouldn't do it on the carpet. Edited April 5, 2022 by Jello 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
vyruss Posted April 5, 2022 This happened just a few weeks ago, the wife and I were playing Twilight Princess HD on our Wii U and our usually very good boy kitty decided to sit down right next to the charging cable. He let out a kind of funny sounding purr-meow and just went to town and chewed the ever-loving shit out of the poor cable - cable hamburger in about 5 seconds. His favorite thing to do otherwise is to beat the crap out of the doors and yell loudly when it's like 4 AM. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roebloz Posted April 5, 2022 Even if it's technically not my pet, the worst thing Satan did: Dying. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
out_of_service Posted April 5, 2022 (edited) My lovable chonky orange cat Felix tripped me over when I was coming home from the grocery store with a frozen turkey. He greeted me by rubbing up against my shins like cats usually do and I didn't see him and took quite a tumble. The bag of turkey went flying, I nearly cracked my head open on the end of the coffee table, the cat scrambled for cover, the laugh track played. Edited April 5, 2022 by Piper Maru 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
xX_Lol6_Xx Posted April 5, 2022 (edited) We (my dad, brother and I) were returning from the park with my dog, while we were crossing the street, the chain that we were using broke and my dog started running like hell in the street, and there were cars driving through (thankfully she wasn't hit by any), so, my dad started running too in an attempt to catch her and get home as quickly as possible, and, while he didn't catch her, we ended up right outside my house, so my mom got out and helped us catching the dog. In the end, she was grounded and, so far, this situation hasn't happened again Edited April 5, 2022 by Lol 6 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Borg Posted April 5, 2022 My friend's son stopped by to sell candy bars to us from his daughter's school. They went to dinner and left the box of candy bars on the coffee table. I wasn't there but my dog was. They got back and the box was on the floor and all the chocolate candy bars were gone. That overpriced fundraiser crap cost me a few bucks. Later that spring I was prepping my garden as usual and I didn't want her in my way so I put her in the house. She seemed much more interested in what i was doing than normal, watching me through the patio door. As started turning soil, I started running into buried candy bars. I laughed my ass off. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Aaron Blain Posted April 5, 2022 My dog rolled in and ate some cat shit in the park, and when we got home she barfed it on the rug and I had to scrub out the catshitdogbarf. I like citing this instance of my dog's instinct in action as an illustration of the argumentum ad naturam fallacy. Just because something is 'natural' doesn't mean it's correct, healthy or good. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Thelokk Posted April 5, 2022 One of my dogs learned how to climb my peach tree and steal peaches. No words. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dusty_Rhodes Posted April 6, 2022 On 4/5/2022 at 11:52 PM, Thelokk said: One of my dogs learned how to climb my peach tree and steal peaches. No words. Expand How in the . . . . Props to the dog, it deserves the peaches for all that effort. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
PasokonDeacon Posted April 6, 2022 (edited) Our dominant house tabby has repeatedly tried to climb our home theater set-up and reach some nearby windowsills which house very fragile amethyst glassware. She hasn't succeeded yet, nor has any of the glass toppled, but we've had some close calls. I guess she really wants the high ground. The other cat just chews anything wiry or plastic when he gets anxious. Wire condoms galore! Edited April 6, 2022 by PasokonDeacon 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Test Tickle Posted April 6, 2022 My cat yelled out my full legal name, credit card details, ssn, phone number, house address, and bank account details. No one heard it but it would suck if it was in a public space y'know? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
lokbustam257 Posted April 6, 2022 That time when she left me with her kids 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
MFG38 Posted April 6, 2022 My mother bought a hamster for my brother once. The poor thing died of a heat stroke less than 24 hours later - mum thought it was a good idea to let it run in the backyard in the middle of a hot summer day. I'd say that's the worst thing a pet (not necessarily mine) has done. And the worst thing someone I know has done to a pet. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
ClumsyDoomer Posted April 6, 2022 Died. Not her fault though. Otherwise that would be the constant vomiting from liver cancer, but not her fault either 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
magicsofa Posted April 6, 2022 Gotta be throwing up a half-digested mouse inside for me to step on in the middle of the night. But, I really can't blame him for trying... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Captain Ventris Posted April 6, 2022 Used to have Greyhounds. They were all high prey, meaning they would run down and try to kill anything small and fuzzy (they were all rescued from racing, so go figure). They inflicted a toll on the local cat population. Cats would enter the backyard, and if we didn’t see them in time a terrible fate befell them. V_V 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
dybbuk81 Posted April 8, 2022 My son saved $400 for an Oculus quest only to have our puppy Marvin chew it up and rip off the foam. Now it sucks, and we are getting rid of the dog for eating all of our shoes all the time and my external drive. Basically anything he can knock into the floor and chew and rip apart, thus just about everything. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted April 8, 2022 That's normal for a puppy. They chew everything they can find because they gotta wear out their milk teeth and let their adult teeth grow out. They stop that once they're no longer puppies. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
act Posted April 8, 2022 On 4/8/2022 at 9:58 AM, dybbuk said: My son saved $400 for an Oculus quest only to have our puppy Marvin chew it up and rip off the foam. Now it sucks, and we are getting rid of the dog for eating all of our shoes all the time and my external drive. Basically anything he can knock into the floor and chew and rip apart, thus just about everything. Expand A better question is why did the dog have access to an expensive piece of technology? It's like... did the dog mission impossible his way up a large shelf just to chew the headset? Or was it just slapped on the ground one day? And I mean, I get it if he's so ferocious that he completely ruined the thing within mere seconds or minutes. But if he didn't... I mean it's kind of your fault man. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
leejacksonaudio Posted April 8, 2022 What's the worst thing a pet has done? Depends on the timeframe. Back when I was a kid, about 4 or 5 years old, I had an outdoor cat that scratched me pretty bad and gave me - no joke - Cat Scratch Fever. And no, I'm not talking about the Ted Nugent song, I'm talking about the very real disease. Caused my lymph nodes to swell up and made me very ill for a while. I had the disease long, long before Ted Nugent even thought about writing the song. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hawk of The Crystals Posted April 9, 2022 My cat trying to kill my snake constantly. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
capatap Posted April 9, 2022 (edited) We had our Christmas tree up, and since it was synthetic it could spin on its base. Also because it's Christmas time, there has to be 50 deliveries every second. During a delivery, one of my dogs my dogs gets particularly mad and when she runs to the window, the tree spins and an ornament FROM FUCKING PARIS flies of and shatters. Pain in the ass to clean up too. (she also almost mauled another dog but we don't talk about that) Edited April 9, 2022 by capatap 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted April 9, 2022 Pets and Christmas trees is always asking for trouble. Occasionally you'll find a cat (such as Mr White or Teddy) that just sits under the pretty lights and looks adorable, but that's a rare exception. My first two cats, even as tiny kittens, would pull the whole thing over. The more mischievous one would climb up it and start it wobbling. But then his "goodie two shoes" brother would join in, and this was enough to tip the balance. These same two kittens did the same with a quarter-size snooker table that was propped up against a wall, climbing up the baize with their tiny claws until they proved Archimedes right about levers. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doom_Dude Posted April 9, 2022 On 4/5/2022 at 11:43 PM, Aaron Blain said: My dog rolled in and ate some cat shit in the park, and when we got home she barfed it on the rug and I had to scrub out the catshitdogbarf. Expand My parents used to have a cottage on a lake and my uncle had the neighboring one. The uncle would let his dog out in the morning and the pupper would come over through the woods to scratch / bark at the door until my parents would let out our dog. Those two would wander off together and not be seen for an hour or two. One day they came back after rolling in some foul dead thing. Whatever it was, it was like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry couldn't get the B.O. out of his car. It lingered for days... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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