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Doom Returns – Episode 2 released! (v2.1 update)

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Doom Returns – Episode 2: Urban Incursion is now available! (This release also includes various fixes/improvements for Episode 1.)


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Doom Returns must be played using GZDoom 4.7.1 or later running in OpenGL Hardware Renderer mode.

(Do not attempt to play using a software renderer.)



Below is the info from the included readme.txt file:

Engine needed            : GZDoom 4.7.1 or later (in Hardware Renderer mode)
Primary purpose          : Single+Coop play (but also supports Deathmatch)
Title                    : Doom Returns
                           Episode 1: What the Hell
                           Episode 2: Urban Incursion
Filename                 : DoomReturns_v2.1.pk3
Release date             : April 10, 2022
Author                   : The DANDY Company (Andarchitect & TomServoCrow)
Email Address            : dandy@itsdandytime.com

Description (Episode 1)  : 6.66 years after the events of Final Doom, hell has invaded earth again!
                           You were captured by demons several days ago and have been locked up in
                           a cell ever since. You must find a way to escape the prison so you can
                           get back to doing what you do best... slaying hellspawn!

Description (Episode 2)  : You've made it to the city. Your first stop is UAC Command, which just
                           sent out a distress signal. Beyond that lies a swarm of demon-occupied
                           structures, including skyscrapers, factories, subway tunnels, and even a
                           courthouse. To complicate things, the DANDY Corporation is in league with
                           Hell, and their headquarters might be the source of the demonic invasion.

Coming Soon              : Episode 3 (we'll release an updated .pk3 file)

Special Thanks to        : id Software
                           Graf Zahl (GZDoom)
                           ZZYZX (Ultimate Doom Builder)
                           Simon Judd (Slade)
                           Revenant 100 (Sprite fixes)
                           Night Fright (Brightmaps)
                           UnTrustable (Wolfenstein bosses rotated sprites)
                           perkristian (High-quality Icon of Sin sfx)
                           Mechadon (Sky textures)
                           Amazingmax (Doom logo font)
                           zedas (High-res SmallFont)
                           and the Doom modding community

* What is included *

New levels               : 24 (plus an additional 12 coming when Episode 3 is released later in 2022)
Sounds                   : Yes
Music                    : Yes
Graphics                 : Yes
New monsters             : Yes——
                                1) Uber Imp (stronger than the normal Imp and has a homing fireball)
                                2) Baby Demon (weaker than the regular Demon)
                                3) Some surprises for the secret levels
GL Lights & Brightmaps   : Yes——You should disable the lights.pk3 and brightmaps.pk3 that come with GZDoom by editing your
                                gzdoom.ini file and setting the following two properties to "false" as shown below:
Dehacked/BEX Patch       : No
Demos                    : No
Other                    : No
Other files required     : n/a

* Play Information *

Game                     : DOOM2
Map #                    : MAP01 thru MAP20, plus four secret levels (MAP31 thru MAP34)
Single Player            : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player   : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player    : Designed for (All levels include DM starts/weapons/ammo, and paths thru the level are unblocked,
                                         but the levels were mainly designed for Single Player and Cooperative.)
Other game styles        : n/a
Difficulty Settings      : Yes——
                                Very Easy : Monsters have the least health & do the least damage.
                                            Ammo pickups are worth 1.5x ammo.

                                Easy      : Monsters have less health & do less damage.
                                            Ammo pickups are the same as in Normal.

                                Normal    : Default skill level.
                                            Same as vanilla Doom, except where noted below under "Other features".

                                Hard      : Monsters have more health, do more damage, & are more aggressive.
                                            Ammo pickups are worth 1.5x ammo.

                                Nightmare : Monsters have the most health, do the most damage, & are the most aggressive.
                                            Monsters also respawn once, then are dead permanently.
                                            Ammo pickups are worth 2x ammo to compensate for the monster respawns.
Crouch                   : Yes
Jump                     : No
Other features/changes   : 1) Pistol-start design (health/inventory resets to default on each level).
                           2) Small items/ammo come to you when you get close to them, making them easier to pick up.
                           3) Small rocket ammo gives multiple rockets instead of just one.
                           4) Spider Masterminds are tougher than in vanilla Doom, making them equal to the Cyberdemon.
                           5) Autosaving at the beginning of levels and certain checkpoints.
                           6) Cracked walls are destructible and hide secrets.

* Construction *

Base                     : New from scratch
Build Time               : 2 years (so far)
Editor(s) used           : Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade
Known Bugs               : None (if you find any, please let us know!)
May Not Run With         : Anything besides GZDoom 4.7.1 or later; does not work with the software renderer
Tested With              : GZDoom 4.7.1 (in Hardware Renderer mode)

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for
modification or reuse if they credit "The DANDY Company".

You MAY distribute this file in any electronic format as
long as you include this text file, with no modifications.

* Where to get the file that this text file describes *

Web sites: https://www.itsdandytime.com/doomreturnsdownloads
FTP sites: n/a



Edited by The DANDY Company
Updated for v2.1

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Congratulation for this one ! Only GZdoom or does have partial zdoom / LZdoom latest version support ?

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17 hours ago, FEDEX said:

Congratulation for this one ! Only GZdoom or does have partial zdoom / LZdoom latest version support ?

We haven't tested with ZDoom or LZDoom, so I would say no. Some features are specific to GZDoom, so using something else might break things.

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On 4/10/2022 at 7:26 AM, TheCyberDruid said:

When starting episode 2 the HUD is missing after the intro. Tested using GZDoom 4.7.1.

Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in v2.1.

Edited by The DANDY Company

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