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So yeah , i played elemtalism phase 1 , very great wad , and i completed it on hurt me plenty without even using a god mode ( Well , almost , i used it on 2 bosses because one was doing unfair spam attacks almost impossible to dodge , and second one was kinda annoying) and this wad overall was pretty hard , but i menaged to complete it , and i felled that im already a pro Doom player that can play hardcore wads .

I played later some other Doom wads that seemed to be easier than elementalism , because they haved like 400% less monsters , but for some reason they were actually harder , maybe because these wads didnt haved so much open-level design like Elementalism , but i felled like i would lost my skills.

Im confused right now and i dont know if im still good player or not.

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Well face it, you're probably not a good player if you haven't played any wads that are generally considered to be really difficult.

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38 minutes ago, Nefelibeta said:

Well face it, you're probably not a good player if you haven't played any wads that are generally considered to be really difficult.

This isnt what i mean , i actually playing a lot of hard wads and im good at it , im also killing many monsters in DooM wads and know how to do stuff like strafing etc.

Just , wads after playing Elementalism fells different.

Maybe i just should dont think about it and enjoy the game.

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Hey there, if you're wondering how good you are at doom this thread is very useful: 

Try to work your way through those and see how far you can get!  Not sure where elementalism would fit there, I haven't played it.

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6 minutes ago, sandwedge said:

Hey there, if you're wondering how good you are at doom this thread is very useful: 

Try to work your way through those and see how far you can get!  Not sure where elementalism would fit there, I haven't played it.


Gonna try , u also should try elementalism , since its great wad

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22 minutes ago, sandwedge said:

Hey there, if you're wondering how good you are at doom this thread is very useful: 

Try to work your way through those and see how far you can get!  Not sure where elementalism would fit there, I haven't played it.


Well i guess im not a super pro-player , i would rather say that im on " Good but not a hardcore" level

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2 hours ago, Dewidox013 said:

I played later some other Doom wads that seemed to be easier than elementalism , because they haved like 400% less monsters , but for some reason they were actually harder , maybe because these wads didnt haved so much open-level design like Elementalism

Because monster count isn't the sole determining factor of a map's difficulty.


IMO Elementalism (aside from the bosses, two of which I haven't finished, and which aren't very comparable to "normal" Doom gameplay anyway) is pretty middle of the road in terms of difficulty - the official thread compares it to Eviternity, and I think that's about right.

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What is the hardest wad you’ve played? Based on that we may be able to determine some mapsets of similar difficulty or a bit higher based on what you have to say about that mapset.

Edited by Jacek Bourne

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1 minute ago, yourlocalchef said:

I find a lot of slaughter wads to be hard due to the fact they're usually incredibly tedious. A few that come to mind are Sunlust and Sunder.

That's exactly why people say you aren't a pro player if you think the two bolded WADS are tedious.


A good slaughtermap/slaughterwad is memorable in the same vein people find the Dark Souls series memorable - It is difficult, it punishes the player, but it can be beaten. It is a fine line to hit or else you end up with NUTS.WAD.

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I'm a ultra-violence player and i might say that my "The Sewers Of Doom" is hard at one part, the one with the baron, since you have limitied space you can die easily, in my opinion, here it is, also try testing if nightmare is winnable.

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9 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

That's exactly why people say you aren't a pro player if you think the two bolded WADS are tedious.


A good slaughtermap/slaughterwad is memorable in the same vein people find the Dark Souls series memorable - It is difficult, it punishes the player, but it can be beaten. It is a fine line to hit or else you end up with NUTS.WAD.

Do not be mistaken Sunder and Sunlust are extremely well crafted wads. I just find it gets to the point where I start hitting my head against the wall when the monster counts approach an incredibly tedious amount. Especially when that point is towards the later maps after I've spent a few hours ascending the monster-count-to-map-number progression standard. To those who enjoy them and can play multiple slaughterwads back to back, I truly applaud; it is a feat of concentration and determination, and I think they're hard wads because I have ADHD(can't concentrate) and

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1 hour ago, Redneckerz said:

That's exactly why people say you aren't a pro player if you think the two bolded WADS are tedious.


Sunder is 100% tedious in a lot of places.

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7 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

That's exactly why people say you aren't a pro player if you think the two bolded WADS are tedious.


A good slaughtermap/slaughterwad is memorable in the same vein people find the Dark Souls series memorable - It is difficult, it punishes the player, but it can be beaten. It is a fine line to hit or else you end up with NUTS.WAD.


Nuts isn't hard to beat if you don't try to get 100%.

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On 4/11/2022 at 3:20 PM, Shepardus said:

I can see that about Sunder, but Sunlust isn't even a slaughterwad.

That depends on your personal definition of slaughter. I’d say it is because of how many of it’s fights are designed.

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I'm an average player, so it's not my personal experience, but I think a pro player can beat any of those hard slaughterwads if he/she wants, but not every pro player(nor every player) needs to enjoy playing slaughterwads. Also, monster count is not the only factor to define the difficulty of the wad. Even if you think the wad was not that hard after finish it, you can play it in other ways, like playing with '-fast' parameter to add some difficulty.

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On 4/12/2022 at 3:53 AM, yourlocalchef said:

Do not be mistaken Sunder and Sunlust are extremely well crafted wads. I just find it gets to the point where I start hitting my head against the wall when the monster counts approach an incredibly tedious amount. Especially when that point is towards the later maps after I've spent a few hours ascending the monster-count-to-map-number progression standard. To those who enjoy them and can play multiple slaughterwads back to back, I truly applaud; it is a feat of concentration and determination, and I think they're hard wads because I have ADHD(can't concentrate) and

Play Stardate20x7, most of the maps contain less than 300 monsters and are very hard.(lol)

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There is doom mod called nuts.wad also it had a sequel, also it nuts.wad it just basically spam monster all over the place and you need a powerfull pc (also dont use gzdoom it will kill your pc just us prboom-plus or zdoom)

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