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DOOM 4 (Hell on Earth) Concept Art Findings


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Doom 4 leftovers this is Found it from doom Eternal's files by doom 4 archive member vic vos
gameresources.resources, texture/guis/hud/mp/icons/deathtypes

Edited:Credits to a dataminer in the Eternal modding server.


Edited by Wad overdose

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  On 7/31/2022 at 6:46 PM, Wad overdose said:

Остатки Doom 4 это найдено в файлах doom Eternal участником архива doom 4 vic vos
gameresources.resources, texture/guis/hud/mp/icons/deathtypes

Отредактировано: Кредиты майнеру данных на сервере моддинга Eternal.



Так, на последнем рисунке мы видим вторую версию боевого дробовика который изначально должен был быть реализован в Doom 4 1.0

Эта иконка отображает это оружие, которое можно увидеть на Art Station в портфолио Josh Ball если не ошибаюсь.

Отличная работа!

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  On 4/13/2022 at 5:21 PM, IrOn7HuB said:

   В этой теме я публикую арт-находки из отмененного/невышедшего игрового проекта DOOM. Это все утерянные материалы, которые мне удалось найти в сети, а также заархивировать этот контент, чтобы сохранить историю искусства DOOM и задокументировать разработку и идеи DOOM 4, надеясь, что сборка проекта будет выпущена когда-нибудь в будущем, чтобы мы могли исследовать потерял игру Doom в своей основе.


Мэтью-Берк-космическая станция-03.jpg.b210241ce172feedef715735bf32bc53.jpgМэтью-Берк-escape-pod-layout.jpg.fef9d0ed206a6815f8a388e83838daca.jpgМэтью-Берк-Эскейп-Под-Бэй-Роуз.jpg.7221872059ae16b2db29f43a166e087c.jpgМэтью-Берк-скорая помощь-макет.jpg.8e3a0e2a92752052795515536aaeae12.jpgМэтью-Берк-APC-портфолио-выстрел-001.jpg.d148a705e751239562f0685c7675c68c.jpgМэтью-Берк-Труптранспорт.jpg.b7acd116b0df89a9e212eac38ebf031d.jpgМэтью-Берк-Revision-needed.jpg.b00dff40ddb21776f9200d4ad5f29b8f.jpgМэтью-Берк-квартира-станк-01.jpg.a554fcd1424c0a5da7852111b64b79ef.jpgМэтью-Берк-затопленные-улицы.jpg.7e10b9db702656c47bc422c9eee61d37.jpg1193109048_mpconcept3.png.143568dd6afc7024cc7f2ceb3a3f7b92.png2124891225_mpconcept.png.6eb4739d8539dd629fc12a5fc898863e.png1919390980_mpconcept2.png.bb2948ae6af2a886db6b66ab57da9d90.png1286342299_mpconcept4.png.46c1e1141fdc3cdc6845d4be9f2b5202.png


Чёрт возьми, и даже здесь эта буква "V" на шестом рисунке на грузовике. Не хорошо это.

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That's from dean McCall's artstation thanks to @𐌺𐌳𐌻𐍂𐌽  He told me about such a find.

Edited: high possibly it's related more to doom 2016 then doom 4.


Cooling tower





Big door


Uac C02 scrubber control unit,you can see in last art early design of marine  helmet.




Edited by Wad overdose

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Если найду какую нибудь новую информацию, обязательно поделюсь ею;)

  On 8/6/2022 at 2:30 PM, 𐌺𐌳𐌻𐍂𐌽 said:

Так, на последнем изображении мы видим вторую версию боевого дробовика, которая должна была быть реализована в Doom 4 1.0.

Эта иконка отображает это оружие, которое можно увидеть на Art Station в портфолио Джоша Болла, если не ошибаюсь.

Отличная работа!



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Game might have been interesting. Main protagonist concept art looks like a John Connor kind of figure. I suppose the Terminator-inspired feel instead made its way to Wolfenstein TNO, with B.J. leading the resistance against the machines...the Nazi machines.

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  • 5 months later...

continuing post about yeah as a six month of activity of this topic early doom 2016 concepts here you can see more new concepts and in game scrubber model and another alternative helmet for doom 4 marine to be honest this helmet would fit more for uac soldiers then for doomguy this helmet don't fit with him in my opinion, credits for crispies again.

Edited by Wad overdose

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it’s very difficult to make out is the same corridor from the 2014 teaser or not, since there is only one frame in teaser itself. edited: oh i rewatched vimeo video yeah it's this corridor.

Edited by Wad overdose

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  • 4 weeks later...

even if doom 4 was going to be 8/10 at best, it's concept absolutely deserves to be revisited. a serious, grounded depiction of a weakened war-torn, disease-ridden earth being invaded by hell? that's too good to throw in the trash!

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  • 2 months later...

another one  Wayn D. Barlowe's concept art of pinky, updated this is the last one doom 4 concept  posted by him up to date.


Edited by Wad overdose

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Now these 2 are new to me.

The first one seems to be the most simple concept done by Barlowe.

I said this before but these always looked like giant monsters to me, that could coexist with the archdemon rulers concept art from Eternal's art book.

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  • 3 months later...

The Cacodemon one does look really alien, like something out of a movie.

The LS at least looks kinda interesting.



The LS reminds me of those D3 RoE concepts of a LS with a "tail" like it was an eel.


The Caco one barely resembles a "head demon" (even the D3 Caco was one) and it felt too alien, even in a "how alien can Doom's demons be" way.

There's better ways to make the Caco different without heavily changing that appeal.


Edited by whatup876
adding more

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back of that cacodemon lookin a lil suspect if you ask me



Edited by ETPC

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  On 7/26/2023 at 7:38 PM, ETPC said:

back of that cacodemon lookin a lil suspect if you ask me


It's probably intentional. Design inspired by HR Giger tend to take inspiration from sexual motifs for that extra grotesque feeling. The Hell Knight (that comes directly from Doom 3) is one of the best examples:


Edited by Noiser

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One could mention "those holes" in the original Caco.

(though that pic is actually the Eternal HK because the D3 one specifically has those red eye/socket things)


I remember hearing something about the original God of War originally wanting to have genitals in some enemies just to show them off as "natural beasts".

One can also easily mention the D3 Vagary.

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That Manc doesn't look bad.

In a way, the pipes attached to the chest look remniscent of D3 but it's still a unique design because it's faceless. (unless there's hidden eyes somewhere)

I do wonder about the blades in the cannons.


The "crazy gun" description makes it seem as if it could detach from the Mancubus, like you could use it.

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Good finds! Cool mancubus, maybe not quite grotesque enough for my taste but we don't know what it would've looked like textured. It also kind of looks like it could be from the Half Life universe.


That caco is pretty cool too. It's very different from the original but personally I like it when they go a bit wild with reinterpreting the designs

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  • 2 months later...

I noticed that on this unused promo On background of destroyed city reminds me early SGN from thao Le site


Here's a hud pic/decal of unknown weapon from alpha reminds me mg 42 silhouette and what with ammo clip /ammo belt on side have,although maybe this is a forend and not a clip.


Edited by Wad overdose

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