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2 Hour Speedmaps by Stork Green [-cl 9 | 5 maps]

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                                                                                                     ~2 Hour Speedmaps by Stork Green~

                                                                                                           !SLAUGHTER WARNING!



So, its my third mapping project, which i made in 3 days. I decided to choose a speedmaps this time. And i had only 2 hour for mapping AND for testing. So it was kinda tough, but fun. Also i had only vanilla Doom 2 textures and enemies. At first i also should make it limit-removing, but i realized, that i'm mapping on boom only at 3rd map (lol), so i choosed boom in the end


Tested: DSDA v0.24.3

Maps: MAP01-MAP05

Difficulty settings and co-op: Not implemented (cuz of lack of time mostly)


Map01 - River of Fire / from Heretic

MAP02 - Untitled / from DOOM
MAP03 - Old Yuanxian / from Touhou 13
MAP04 - Plug Ugly / by Bucket
MAP05 - Plusfort / by Bucket





Download: SGSM



Known bags: some problems with textures, as i can see, and first map is broken as hell, if you dont play it as intended (which sucks)

Edited by StorkGreen

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Map 3 is as far as I got. The first fight was really grindy as you get no health or armor before it so you die to just one zap. There simply isn't enough cells to take on the large AV fight, and the few that are there are all in one spot forcing the player to camp there and just wait to be overwhelmed. I could never resupply ammunition because every time I ran out there were arch-viles standing on top of the cells.

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1 minute ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

I could never resupply ammunition because every time I ran out there were arch-viles standing on top of the cells.

Had similar problem sometimes while testing. After a few tries i started to run to cells with a bfg ball, to kill guys who block the ammo, and it seems like a working strat. So i decided to keep it like that. But yeah, third map is the hardest one for sure

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14 minutes ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Though the difficulty may have broke my brain a bit

Heh, yeah, those are hard ones :)

Thanks for playing

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