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Guess the Map! (16th edition, new hints just dropped)

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Now we have returned to our regularly scheduled program of 25 maps to guess. We're more or less staying down to earth with this, so every level here shows that in some way as a small theme with slight derivations. The idea is simple but may not be as simple, you see screenshots of map layouts from the widest pool ever that is doom content, and you're free to guess as many maps as you can. Each and every map will belong to a different wad to make things varied and interesting, and they can belong to Ultimate Doom/Doom 2, Final Doom, Heretic, commercial and non-commercial PWADs from those games, and partial/total conversions as well. As per usual, the difficulty of the guesses will grow gradually, and I have decided to do some edits to the images to get rid of teleporter closets and such to make things a bit more interesting overall. Important notes:


- Answers MUST be hidden in spoilers, no exceptions. If you don't use the spoiler option, your guesses won't count.

- You may resort to the search bar, web pages, or whatever assistance in case you're not 100% sure of the wad and/or slot but feel like you've seen the map before. 


New hints: April 23rd

Answers revealed: April 27th





You thought we were done with Running from Evil? Think again.

Southeast area is wood, southwest is marble. Hitscanners on the ground everywhere.






Features an incredibly unconventional way to exit, by way of the rocket on the wall.

As green as this level is, it's just full of hell before you actually enter the hell episode. One of three green slaughtermaps in this set.






The hub isn't the center, it's in the southwest. But you'll probably spend more time in the central and east parts.

In the open area at the east side, at least one of those teleporters in the water leads to a secret.






The console version of this is interesting as it's the only level in the entire console version with mancubi for some reason.

And it's one of those levels that has one secret, that is completely inaccessible.






While it's the antepenultimate level for its wad, it's the first of a series that would reappear again in later megawads

The inner square is entirely where the action is, and the level design is reminiscent of the one in 02.






Another level that has a certain kind of restriction to it. It's quite small

This level is completely outdoors with lots of verticality.






Is it actually possible to get 100% secrets in this super-complicated level?

Much like the Garden of Delight level by John Bye which was in a previous Guess the Map installment, this one level appeared in a 32-level compilation release that had crummy sound effects.






On the Top 100 WADs this one is.

The author of this one went on to create both the texture pack and the awesome MAP32 of a WAD that as of now is four years old.






With dual pistols, you enter at the left side to the main event which is everything to the right.

A 2020 release of this WAD came for the GZDoom, about 17 years after this was released.






Yeah, another square layout, but it's not limited in size. It's mostly wood though.

Wood and blood. Somewhat of a sandbox






"Sorry boss, you caught me playing Doom again. I know we've got a meeting but I've got one last level to finish!"

"You know boss, I should be allowed to play Doom on my breaks. I know I have some work on my plate afterwards, and sometimes I like to go through jungles or something."






A very tree-inspired second level in a hublike set that has unconventional weaponry and encounters

Mushrooms! But they're not like the ones from Mario. Better keep the ax handy.






So many slaughtermappers just love the Secret of Evermore soundtrack. This is yet another level that has a song from it.

Those star-shaped things are platforms above an inescapable pit. One does wonder why slaughtermappers employ this all the time.






A rather wooden nightmare, complete with a music track that just keeps getting louder.

This level was a whole lot more primitive back in the day.






A Cacoward winner from 2 years ago

Is it yet another wad that was inspired by the garden green slaughter-style seen in 02?






That's a hedge maze on the left. Plus this is a city map.

That hedge maze was actually not there in this level's original release.






Not a city map, but a rather haunting town with an underground section (bottom right)

The section on the east is a big church, but how to open the door there, Caleb?






Time to supercharge your way through a jungle of some sort

Much of the time spent is in the north section, but running through the middle is still fun.






A very happy place to start out a golden set.

A remake of this level ended up as a bonus map in the sequel.






Whew, glad we could make it through a set where the trees are out in space and such.

Yeah, that's actually the map name at the bottom, probably a hint of it's own.






You may think this is ZDoom, but it surprisingly isn't, it's actually a vanilla set and this is a penultimate map.

I actually don't believe I've even beaten this level. This is a maze map, and anything can happen if you step in a square. But there's loads of ways to screw up and make it unbeatable.






On the perimeters, there's a lot of climbing around things

Single level, you start in the central crater and there's tons of stuff flying at you from the perimeters






Ocarina of Time vibes

Because of the above, it's obviously made for ZDoom. There's a ton of baddies too, contrasting with the original OOT level.






Has a famous song as its MIDI, but with a variation on the familiar bagpipes. For Scotland!

There are some One Piece easter eggs at the top left






Pagodas and grassland, this is sort of an expansion of something.

An expansion of something ZDoom, with RPG-style elements and crossbows



Let's see how well this rather tough edition will go!

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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Without hints:

  1. Doom II, MAP15: Industrial Zone
  2. -
  3. Vanguard, MAP04: Hangman's Paradise
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
  12. -
  13. -
  14. UAC Ultra, MAP04: Pyrolysis
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


With hints:

  1. Doom II, MAP15: Industrial Zone
  2. -
  3. Vanguard, MAP04: Hangman's Paradise
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Hint screams Running Late but it ain't. Hills are definitely familiar to an extent though.
  12. -
  13. -
  14. LMAO! Definitely the most misguided guess ever, that one! No idea though
  15. -
  16. -
  17. -
  18. -
  19. Inkling said Golden Souls 1 or 2 MAP01 (as ik MAP100 looks different). Wiki confirmed said inkling as MAP01: Happy Gardens from Golden Souls.
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


Breaking the ice is somewhat fun, even if you cannot get more than three

Edited by NaZa

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Very hard ones this time. 


The first one is Doom2 m15. The two exits. First one goes to m16, the other goes to m31 the wolfenstein map  

8 I’m sure it’s Tantrum

12 Phocas island 2. 

16 Hellfire, can’t remember which map  


Edited by Doomlover77

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Without hints:


1. Doom 2 Map15

4. Inferno Part 5/PSN Master Levels Map16/Map07 standalone: Nessus

With hints:


7. Artifact Map01

8. Tantrum 2

9. Doom Raider

18. Paradise Map02

19. Golden Souls Map01


Edited by SiFi270

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01. Doom II, MAP15

02. Scythe 2, MAP25

03. Vanguard, MAP05 I think

04. this master level, Nessus or MAP09 of PSX Final Doom, yeah that extra info had to be researched

05. not coming atm

06. forget it, but has to do with 1024x1024 limit I believe so maybe it'll come tomorrow

07. yes, this is called Ambush and uses RETRES, unless it's the version that's in a mapset

08. aaaa, Tantrum... 2? It so looks like ukiro's map

09. I can only relate dual pistols to DVII so if it's not that, which doesn't seem so, then I'll pass

10. umm, ain't that Unholy Realms? I'll check tomorrow...

11. why am I doing this at 4 am... anywho, Coffee Break MAP 11... good hint btw

12. nopefish

13. grrrr

14. mmm

15. nooooooo jk, Unhallowed

16. i-

17. pull up in the sri lanka what

18. supercharge? so, Paradise?

19. reeeeeee

20. i lost complete track of my existence

21. what in the pcorf

22. gimme a break

23. no idea but very artistic

24. can i just

25. go to bed yea


well 8/25 is solid in my scale





05. so Joshy's poison ivy series came to mind and would you look at that, it is Claustrophobia 1024, MAP28 and I had played it before so this guess is very legal imho

10. it is, UR MAP26


Edited by galileo31dos01

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This is less embarassing than usual… but still embarassing.



1. This is easy, but at first it merely looked familiar. Hint concerning the music made me see more clearly. Doom 2, MAP15: Industrial Zone.


11. I thought the central area seemed familiar, but it could have been in any wad. The hint helped: This has got to be Coffee Break! One of the later levels, probably the last… Can’t remember the map number of the name, though. MAP07? MAP06? It was a short wad. EDIT: Geez, it was MAP11. Guess the wad was longer than I remembered. Last map, anyway.


Aaaand that’s all.


Edited by RHhe82
Checked doomwiki

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Sorry, changed my mind again. Please only consider the following as answers. I went too far before.


by sight


01 Doom2 MAP15
02 Scythe2 MAP25
05 MAP28: Poison Ivy (Claustrophobia 1024)
07 MAP01: Ambush (The Artifact)
10 MAP26: Heresy (Unholy Realms)
11 MAP11: Stalker (Coffee Break)
14 Rawnwood (1994tu map12)
16 Hellfire: Reborn MAP07
23 Inside The Deku Tree by TimeOfDeath (tom19 map08-10)


using clues


03 MAP04: Hangman's Paradise (Vanguard)

04 MAP07: Nessus (Master Levels)
06 MAP02: Garden of the Descent (Congestion 1024)


Edited by RjY

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On 4/17/2022 at 5:32 PM, galileo31dos01 said:
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21. what in the pcorf



I did not make that map. Sorry to disappoint you.

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  1. Doom II, MAP15: Industrial Zone
  2. the
  3. Vanguard, MAP04: Hangman's Paradise
  4. sus sus among us
  5. Oh, so it is Claustrophobia 1024, MAP28... Cool. Played that one but forgot all about it seemingly... 
  6. -
  7. -
  8. So, hint tells me it's an Ukiromap as he made MAP32 of Eviternity. Wiki proves me right and even says it's Tantrum 2.
  9. -
  10. -
  11. Oh! It's Coffee Break! No idea what map though, I don't care much about that set. I mean, Wiki says MAP11, but I just don't care.
  12. -
  13. -
  14. -
  15. -
  16. Is it possible that this is something from the Hellfire series? No joke, when I first saw it without hints, I was sure it was HFD MAP04, but it wasn't. Then again, scouring the Wiki for his other Hellfire installments and finding Hellfire: Reborn tells me it's that set's MAP07, though I wouldn't really count this one.
  17. -
  18. -
  19. Inkling said Golden Souls 1 or 2 MAP01 (as ik MAP100 looks different). Wiki confirmed said inkling as MAP01: Happy Gardens from Golden Souls.
  20. -
  21. GNUS at first signaled to me it's Magnus from Stardate, but I doubt Ribbiks maps ever looked like that. Then, all of a sudden, "Cygnus" popped up in my head, and would you look at that, not only does a Cygnus set exist, there's a MAP13: The Living Maze from Cygnus IV which is that. Oh, it was made by John Bye. Of course. Colour me surprised.
  22. -
  23. -
  24. -
  25. -


Used the Wiki for some of these, but I've never shame in admitting that. Apparently it's legal, though I do not feel competitive doing so. Thinking in the correct way and finding the map you're looking after, very quickly if you're researching right, though, is quite satisfying. That's why I only do it when I have all the hints I need or a good hunch. If that hunch's wrong, I don't go through with it.

Edited by NaZa

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I used hints for all of them except for the last one, and 6,8,15 and 19 were found using doomwiki


1- Doom 2 map 15

2- Scythe 2 map 25

3- Vanguard map 4

5- Claustrophobia 1024 map 28

6- Congestion 1024 map 2 

8- Tantrum 2

13- Haste map 10

15- Unhallowed

19- The Golden Souls map 1


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Embarrassing as usual. Without hints:


1. Industrial Zone


and that's it


With hints, definitely better.


1. Industrial Zone

2. Scythe 2 Map25

3. Vanguard Map04

8. Tantrum 2. Hint gave it away that Ukiro is the author of the map. Then used Doomwiki to search his maps until the automap matched.

9. Doom Raider. Pretty sure it is either that or DVII


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06. so, Congestion 1024, it's MAP02

12. there is a wad called Phocas Island 2, I'm inclined to that only because of the third hint

14. this is 1994 Tune-Up MAP12, the map you have to diligently kill mancubi with keendie flag... iirc

16. I'm inclined to think of one of Shadowman's Hellfire wads, if hedge mazes are a common trope in their other wads then I should be correct... ah yea, glorious doomwiki cheating, it's indeed Hellfire: Reborn MAP07

18. pARAdise

19. Golden Souls... sequel? then 2


that's it for me

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25. I finally remembered the name of the series that "expansion", "ZDoom" and "RPG" brought to mind. Abysm 2: Spirit Falcon Map02


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1. MAP15 Industrial Zone from Doom 2 (everyone got this one)

2. MAP25 Forgotten City from Scythe 2 (Shepardus, galileo, RjY, Tonytheparrot, ReaperAA)

3. MAP04 Hangman's Paradise from Vanguard (NaZa, galileo, RjY, Tonytheparrot, ReaperAA)

4. MAP07 Nessus from Master Levels (SiFi, galileo, RjY)

5. MAP28 Poison Ivy from Claustrophobia 1024 (NaZa, galileo, RjY, Tonytheparrot)

6. MAP02 Garden of the Descent from Congestion 1024 (SiFi, galileo, RjY, Tonytheparrot)

7. MAP01 Ambush from The Artifact (SiFi, galileo, RjY, also I would've accepted DOOM32.wad MAP22 as it is the same map)

8. Tantrum 2 (SiFi, Shepardus, RjY, galileo, Tonytheparrot, ReaperAA)

9. Doom Raider: Crypt of the Vile (SiFi, Captain POLAND, ReaperAA)

10. MAP26 Heresy from Unholy Realms (galileo, RjY)

11. MAP11 Stalker from Coffee Break (galileo, RHhe, RjY, NaZa)

12. MAP02 Gloam from Phocas Island 2 (chopkinsca, DoomLover77 and galileo wad guess)

13. MAP10 The Green Mind from Haste (tonytheparrot)

14. MAP12 Rawnwood from 1994 Tune-up Community Project (galileo, RjY)

15. Unhallowed (galileo, Tonytheparrot, Shepardus)

16. MAP07 Children of the Corn from Hellfire: Reborn (NaZa, galileo, RjY, not the Hellfire version though because that didn't have the hedge maze)

17. MAP02 Ghost Village from VooDoo Guns (SiFi)

18. MAP02 Acid Jungle from Paradise (SiFi, galileo wad guess)

19. MAP01 Happy Gardens from Doom: The Golden Souls (NaZa, SiFi, Shepardus, Tonytheparrot)

20. MAP10 Base Eclaire from DBP45: Vrack Botanicals (SiFi, Shepardus)

21. MAP13 The Living Maze from Cygnus IV (NaZa)

22. Ruins of Sathryn by Endless

23. Inside the Deku Tree (RjY, I would have accepted the tom19 or ESP2 answers btw)

24. MAP04 Doomed Monument by Katamori from Doomworld Mega Project 2015 (DMP2015b.wad)

25. E2M2 Narita Estate from Abysm 2: Spirit Falcon (SiFi)


That was a very grassy green and woody edition. 16th edition is done! MAY...be next month you can expect another edition soon.

Edited by NuMetalManiak

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14 hours ago, NuMetalManiak said:

That was a very grassy green and woody edition. 16th edition is done! MAY...be next month you can expect another edition soon.

Gotta brush up on my MAYhem series knowledge :D


BTW, I think you missed that I got #19 in my second set of guesses.

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