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Question about infighting.

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I usually play in glboom+, and i notice that sometimes cyberdemons will focus me:


1- When there are other enemies attacking him


2- Even when i don't shoot at him at all. 


What is the reason for this? I never noticed this behavior on anything that isn't a cyberdemon, and this erratic behavior makes encounters balanced around infighting really boring since he will for no apparent reason rocket my face. 

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That happens when you are playing on the default compatibility level*. People who use the command line or a launcher with extra command line settings should start the game with a complevel (-complevel 9 for Boom for example); people who don't should set the compatibility in the options to Boom or Vanilla or whichever is appropriate for the wad being played.



*The traditional MBF compatibility (-complevel 11) also has the more erratic infighting behavior by default. 

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  On 4/23/2022 at 4:10 AM, baja blast rd. said:

That happens when you are playing on the default compatibility level*. People who use the command line or a launcher with extra command line settings should start the game with a complevel (-complevel 9 for Boom for example); people who don't should set the compatibility in the options to Boom or Vanilla or whichever is appropriate for the wad being played.



*The traditional MBF compatibility (-complevel 11) also has the more erratic infighting behavior by default. 


almost, doom uses a move counter to check for the best directions to enemies, another move counter is used to determine what target it should focus. if you shot the cyber, and then tried to start infighting, the internal move counter will need to set to zero first before he can choose a new target

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  On 4/23/2022 at 8:04 AM, i_like_cheeese said:


almost, doom uses a move counter to check for the best directions to enemies, another move counter is used to determine what target it should focus. if you shot the cyber, and then tried to start infighting, the internal move counter will need to set to zero first before he can choose a new target



Actually, MBF which may be what they're playing on attempted to fix infighting by;

Making monsters, when woken up, act like the player has shot them, requiring them to take enough steps to reset their targeting.

Even if infighting another monster, will randomly forget their target and go back to focusing the player.


@Shikamaze Make sure you're passing a -complevel parameter, appropriate for the mapset you're playing on.

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  On 4/23/2022 at 8:04 AM, i_like_cheeese said:


almost, doom uses a move counter to check for the best directions to enemies, another move counter is used to determine what target it should focus. if you shot the cyber, and then tried to start infighting, the internal move counter will need to set to zero first before he can choose a new target





  On 4/23/2022 at 4:06 AM, Shikamaze said:

2- Even when i don't shoot at him at all. 




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There is a threshold variable that allows enemies to change targets. The cyberdemon has a high threshold that will cause it to focus on the player much harder. Sometimes it seems like the cyber needs to take a ridiculous amount of hits to change focus on another monster. If the cyber sees the player and sets the player as the target (or by noise alert) it can take quite some time to divert its attention. 

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