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Universal Map Enhancements

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This is exactly as the name describes, "Universal Map Enhancements" from Brutal Doom v21...for any mod of your choosing!

This pack comes in a couple different flavors -


  • v21 Gold decorations
    • map enhancements from the Gold release of BDv21


  • v21 Beta decorations
    • map enhancements from the early beta releases of BDv21


CRITICAL BUG: certain mods that heavily utilize sprite overlays have a tendency to crash when
                       attempting to operate vehicles and turrets. Morphing is effectivle broken in
                       regards to those particular mods, and will either have to be fixed by the devs of
                       said mods in question or GZDoom.


Update #7 (03/20/2023) - EVEN DEADER MARINES

  • Fixed texture errors during boss mode for Doom II map 30;
  • Configured Boss Mode toggle so that it accounts for current difficulty;
  • Re-implemented destructible corpse decorations;
  • Removed damage caused from terrain splashes;
  • Reintroduced mapnums for compatibility with the test map and EDAY;
  • Package now includes a patch for "Deadly Bricks" wad;
  • Package now includes a patch for removed mapnums (eg. compat w/ Doom RPG);


Update #6 (10/13/2022) - FREEZE

  • Overhauled code to account for whether the player tries to move at map start;
  • Numerous other compatibility fixes for various mods;
  • Refactored parameters for Doom 1 boss level detection;


Update #5 (07/25/2022) - Q.O.L.

  • Fixed lava texture warp;
  • Re-introduced MapEd nums for better compatibility w/ EDAY+HOESP;


Update #4 (06/16/2022) - BUG HUNT

  • Added a script for better compatibility with D4Tv2.5 (and possibly other mods);
  • Added an additional script for better compatibility with various PBR liquid mods;
  • Squashed various sprite conflicts with other mods (can't remember which were affected);
  • Removed MapEd numbers assigned to enhanced decorations to avoid conflicts with various WADS;


Update #3 (05/11/2022) - EDAY / HOESP

  • Adapted pack to work as a compatibility patch for EDay / Hell On Earth Starter Pack (HOESP);
  • Re-worked the Boss toggle system;
  • Fixed sprite conflicts with the following mods: Dead Marine / Smooth Doom;
  • Added compatibility with the following mod: Warhammer 40k Astartes;


Update #2 (05/04/2022) - BOSS MODE

  • Bosses can now be toggled off/on mid-level (restarts level, use cautiously);
  • Fixed sprite conflict with the Mancubus attack (fatshot);
  • Additional compatibility support for Project Brutality;
  • Removed unused sounds and compressed wav files to ogg format;
  • Dropped support for ZDoom2.8.1, use ZZDoom if software rendering is preferred;


Update #1 (04/23/2022) - Standard (non-ZDoom) versions are now compatible with Wadsmoosh;


Load whichever pack you choose LAST in your mod load order, or at least after the gameplay mod, as you will be more likely to experience glitches otherwise.

For Windows/Linux users, it is recommended to use a launcher (ie. ZDL Zdoom.org) for better ease in loading mods. Alternatively, you can create a batch file to achieve the same effect.


gzdoom.exe -file gameplaymod.pk3 -UniversalMapEnhancements_v21Gold_RC#.pk3

Mac users can use the built in launcher provided by their choice in source port (GZDoom, ZZDoom, Zandronum).

I'm aware there are other methods of accomplishing the "universal" nature of this mod. However, the method provided in this upload resulted in greater compatibility across source ports, without the need of restricting to features found in specific ports.

Now, behold the splendor of hell and get to slaying!!

- BROS_ETT_311

Preview here!!

Download here!!



Fee free to check out my Doom music reinterpretation to pair along with this -



Edited by BROS_ETT_311

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Clap clap clap--- Knowing 1st hand how hard this kind of thing is.... Excellent Job BRO!!! Your surgery method is quite  excellent! This is a superior version for sure than the old Map Enhancements rip.

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  On 4/23/2022 at 5:48 AM, kalensar said:

Clap clap clap--- Knowing 1st hand how hard this kind of thing is.... Excellent Job BRO!!! Your surgery method is quite  excellent! This is a superior version for sure than the old Map Enhancements rip.


I'll take a bow to that! Thanks man, took some steady hands and a lot of patience. And don't even get me started with that thing lol. Ironically, (and I'm a bit ashamed to admit this,) I'm actually the progenitor of that inferior iteration...long story, but hopefully this makes up for that debacle. :)

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  On 4/23/2022 at 6:03 AM, BROS_ETT_311 said:

I'll take a bow to that! Thanks man, took some steady hands and a lot of patience. And don't even get me started with that thing lol. Ironically, (and I'm a bit ashamed to admit this,) I'm actually the progenitor of that inferior iteration...long story, but hopefully this makes up for that debacle. :)


Triple Congrats then! It was that inferior version I referenced when creating Eday 2019 Vanilla. HAHA. 


Either way, good job on getting them tanks working for dang sure!

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  On 4/23/2022 at 6:47 AM, kalensar said:

Triple Congrats then! It was that inferior version I referenced when creating Eday 2019 Vanilla. HAHA. 


Either way, good job on getting them tanks working for dang sure!


OH NOOOO...I'm so sorry XD!! For what it's worth, that rip was never intended to be universal nor was it ever meant to go public, so kudos for managing to navigate it as well as you have thus far.


Funny enough, the tanks were kind of an afterthought. It wasn't until after extensive testing that I noticed something was missing, which would've been a real tragedy to have released this without their inclusion.

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  On 4/23/2022 at 7:25 AM, Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

I would never have the patience to do this myself. Well done!


Thanks dude, it was my pleasure! I use the term "pleasure" loosely though, since having your eyes go bloodshot from staring blankly at code for hours on end isn't really ANYONE'S idea of a good time haha.

Edited by BROS_ETT_311

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmm interesting! I would like to do something for my SW mod with that concept as a base, to add extra decorations maybe. Definetively, i will try that! Thanks!

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  On 5/8/2022 at 11:11 AM, WARDUST said:

Mmm interesting! I would like to do something for my SW mod with that concept as a base, to add extra decorations maybe. Definetively, i will try that! Thanks!


I look forward to what you come up with, may the force be with you!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 7/25/2022 at 7:37 PM, BROS_ETT_311 said:

Ahhhh sorry my man, trying to squash bugs as I catch them so I don't forget lol. Curious to see your progress!


I know i know, just joking.

At the moment i've stopped. I would like to make somewthing with the 3dmodels, but this is a long way. Lighs and decoration works perfectly

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Is there any way I can make the grass / dirt sounds when I shoot it not so painful on my ears, I love everything else about the mod, but the sound when I shoot it with an ssg is so painful. Not to mention the lag it causes on my low end machine tho thats my fault. Could the sound be like way quieter, and if so how do i change it myself unless you willing to help.

Edited by morningstars10
Realised I had more to say

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  On 7/29/2022 at 3:41 AM, morningstars10 said:

Could the sound be like way quieter, and if so how do i change it myself unless you willing to help.


I am not sure about that, but you can try to set a lower volume to these sounds using "SNDINFO" lump or something like this...

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