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128 Linedefs, 64 Things - A Community Project [1.3.3, finally]

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Just now, Arsinikk said:

Lol but @YMB has a map already... Blue Orpheus can be used as a bonus map.


What I didn't think of, is what if we don't make it to say "MAP38" in bonus maps... Like if we don't get to 5 previous maps before that from people.


Depending on how many bonus maps we get, we may have to shift the bonus map locations.

oh lmao yeah that makes sense i assumed it was yet ANOTHER map

but yeah slots are complicated, we'll try to let you have MAP38. sorry!

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@YMB @%some random internet shkila @Luleta It seems I must be misremembering something, because when I was testing out the IDCLEV thing in DOS, it seems that in actuality, you can only access MAP33-MAP35... It seems that even though you can technically type in MAP36-MAP39, DOS will crash.


What would you guys like to do? We could add up to 3 extra maps... or we could maybe make a separate extra WAD if we get more?

I guess it really depends on how many bonus maps we receive... after all they are bonus.


(of course in Vanilla Doom, any map after MAP32 will crash when you reach the exit... that's just how it works, however most people play Doom using source ports which won't crash the game)


I'll quote this from Gez in the Anomaly Report thread:


The reason why these three extra map slots work is that the three non-level tracks in Doom II (intermission, text screen, and title screen) are put after all the level tracks in the music table. So when you access MAP33, it goes for the 33rd music track in Doom II, and since it's valid, it works. If you go to MAP36, it goes out of the table and crashes instantly.


Edited by Arsinikk

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17 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

What would you guys like to do? We could add up to 3 extra maps... or we could maybe make a separate extra WAD if we get more?



Oi crap, i dunno, then, because i really wanted to create a map which uses death bells (conveniently used by map04 of this project). You could make a bonus wad, but i fear that it’ll be way too much stuff to do for this project’s own good. I will reserve my bonus map until the bonus wad thing will happen 100% because none of the available musics quite fit the theme my bonus map’s going for (abstract teeth grindingly hard void level).

Still post it here once i’m finished tho.

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11 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Oi crap, i dunno, then, because i really wanted to create a map which uses death bells (conveniently used by map04 of this project). You could make a bonus wad, but i fear that it’ll be way too much stuff to do for this project’s own good. I will reserve my bonus map until the bonus wad thing will happen 100% because none of the available musics quite fit the theme my bonus map’s going for (abstract teeth grindingly hard void level).

Still post it here once i’m finished tho.

We can change the title screen music or the text screen music to "death bells" that way you could use the track. Personally I don't think "death bells" would fit the text screen, but I think it could work as title music.

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3 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

We can change the title screen music or the text screen music to "death bells" that way you could use the track. Personally I don't think "death bells" would fit the text screen, but I think it could work as title music.

Okay, then, we’ll see how it goes, i guess.

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13 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Okay, then, we’ll see how it goes, i guess.

You are also free to choose a new track that may go with the map. Just keep in mind it must both work well as either the title screen music or story text music.

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One suggestion for the bonus maps is to use UMAPINFO, you could even have them be their own episode this way and you can then assign any music track (already-existing or otherwise) as well as custom skies. Anything in MAP36 or above still won't work in vanilla (or in Chocolate) but, well, bonus maps.


Looking forward to this, whatever you do decide to do.

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1 hour ago, brick said:

One suggestion for the bonus maps is to use UMAPINFO, you could even have them be their own episode this way and you can then assign any music track (already-existing or otherwise) as well as custom skies. Anything in MAP36 or above still won't work in vanilla (or in Chocolate) but, well, bonus maps.


Looking forward to this, whatever you do decide to do.

I was already planning on adding a UMAPINFO with the bonus maps as an episode for more modern ports.


When it comes to music, yes it is possible to specify a specific music track to whatever you want via UMAPINFO...


Although for Vanilla's sake, you would want to make sure the music Vanilla plays would also fit the map. It's almost easier to just set it to the same for both Vanilla and UMAPINFO.


I think that since this is advertised as a Vanilla project, the bonus maps should also be playable within the Vanilla executable. 

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Finally, I have managed to put 128 lines together into a playable map.




Name: Budget Mountain

Slot: MAP23

MIDI: "5 is a Luxury" by me

Difficulties: Not implemented, at present

Multiplayer: None supported, due to tight things limit


Let me know if I need to make any edits. I still intend to create at least basic difficulty settings, but can't do that right at this moment.






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23 minutes ago, Large Cat said:

Finally, I have managed to put 128 lines together into a playable map.




Name: Budget Mountain

Slot: MAP23

MIDI: "5 is a Luxury" by me

Difficulties: Not implemented, at present

Multiplayer: None supported, due to tight things limit


Let me know if I need to make any edits. I still intend to create at least basic difficulty settings, but can't do that right at this moment.



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freaking worth the wait, terrific map.


what a cool interesting layout for fighting worthy of ep3 in terms of difficulty.

really solid gameplay, love how the low ammo promotes in-fighting and really like the verticality of the map being used for difficulty, love how the area where the enemies snipe you from is also a cool lil platforming section.

i sadly exited without killing the cybie. the use of damaging floor with the rad suit at the end gives a good sense of urgency but kinda made me exit early, however i don't know many ways to circumvent this, maybe adding an extra rad suit behind the final archie with revs ambush if you can spare 1 thing?

perhaps the way forward can be a lil ambiguous in blind playthroughs but it'd say its ok since you are climbing to get a radsuit anyways.

i kinda guessed correctly that after grabbing the radsuit i had to go down but idk, inescapable lava may make some people afraid to go down specially after enduring the first climb for the radsuit.

i know the project leader didn't say anything but difficulty settings would be appreciated, maybe turning off certain high tier enemies on lower diffs?

also the rock lift is kinda hard to spot, i suggest changing the texture to a support3 so it's easier to tell. it will clash a bit visually but it helps readability.

lastly i would mark the exit, i suggest using exitsign middle textures that are lower unpegged to the portal so that you don't use extra lines, and it's easier to tell it's the exit.

here is my epic gamer first try demo B)


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40 minutes ago, Large Cat said:

Name: Budget Mountain

 Slot: MAP23

MIDI: "5 is a Luxury" by me

Difficulties: Not implemented, at present

 Multiplayer: None supported, due to tight things limit


 Let me know if I need to make any edits. I still intend to create at least basic difficulty settings, but can't do that right at this moment.


No worries, you can add a version later with difficulties. I was able to try it out on Ultra-Violence, let me give my thoughts:


MAP23: Budget Mountain (Large Cat)


This map is sure a tough cookie. I mean, it's definitely not the hardest Doom map I've tried, but I'm impressed by how difficult it is bound by the 64 things limit. I can't really think of any negatives I had while playing the map, except for some players UV may be too tough for them. I like how you utilised different heights and required the player to platform to get certain items. I was kinda surprised by how many Archviles the map had, but I didn't have any problems with it, because of the amount of cover you gave the player. In my playthrough, I thought the amount of ammo was just right for the opposition you were faced with. Good job!


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Im back with some more completely bullshit and inconsequential reviews, this time i’m going through episode two, and next i will, OBVIOUSLY go through episode 3, since it is pretty much finished by now.

Before that, i, surprisingly, was wrong about a couple of maps. Heres a rereview of maps 10 and 11

@knifeworld @LGmaire


128L64T 2

Map10: after some thoughtful thonkers and listening to other people’s opinions, which i, as a degenerate dweeb am very good at, i realized that this map does not look that bad. And i want to make clear one thing: i never said this map was utterly dogshit, i said that only about how it looks, and i got used to it, now i honestly think that this map is awesome. Especially the chaotic fight at the bottom of the elevator. Hoarding and making enemies infight as much as possible, while scrambling for bfg and the megasphere is very intense, provided by the immediate release of holding down the trigger. Overall, i take back what i said in my previous review, excluding the comedy gold parts. I am proud of then and will not, under any circumstance take them back, because they are funi.

Map11: turns out, mt pain 27 was right in his decision to play the maps twice before reviewing then, because holy shit did this map become fun on consecutive playthroughs. The secret is to berserk punch out the arch vile, which i got fairly good at (FORESHADOWING). And if you do that, you will have all the ammo in the world to deal with everything else. Overall, great map, and a worthy episode ender.

Now, to the main chunk, again, taking straight from the notes that i took immediately after playing each map (except for map20, which i wrote just now, because while trying to write for it, i experienced a big bad burnout)

@SilverMiner @NaZa @memeboi @Codename_Delta @NinjaDelphox @Walter confetti @YMB @finnks13 @CblBOPOTKA hrneckbezucha (whatever his username is) knifeworld (already pinged)


Map12: mega ash ryes by silver miner

Much better looking than his first map submission. A perfect episode starter map. The lack of ammo at the start males you plan ahead and intentionally leave some monsters alive. It necessitates infighting, which is my favorite brand of gameplay. Might i also mention that this map is awesome on it’s visuals department. I like it’s abstract look. However, i dont like the slime fall room, it looks way over the top (the random fireblu pillar does not help). This map also makes me somehow genuinely hate the arch vile in it. Like honestly, there’s the fun kind of evil, this map’s arch vile is the genuinely infuriating kind of evil. This arch vile appears behind you and you have no cover, making it a dps challenge of who damages who more rather than actual fun challenge.

Also, minor nitpick, when the exit door opens, it’s walls are not unpegged, making this weird effect where walls move along with the door. Just thought i’d point that out.

Map 13: A berserk surgical opening by naza

Holy fuck this map. Perhaps the most impressive map in the set so far. I really love the way this map constantly changes shape after each encounter. Really makes the environment you’re in feel alive, and because of that, despite the fact that every “wave” of enemies has the same structure, every encounter feels different because the arena changes constantly. I actually managed to not use any other weapon outside of the  berserk fist on this map. Except for the arch vile encounter, i used other weapons only to dispose of the arch vile. Overall, incredible map. Very fun, creative and good visuals.

Map 14: asylum by memeboi

Im gonna use a weird adjective that im sure nobody used to describe a map before: adorable.

I honestly really like this map despite all it’s amateurish short comings. Or, maybe, BECAUSE of it’s amateurish short comings. When one of it’s traps is triggered, i cant help but smile. I also really like the platforming section. And it also captures one of the aspects of doom maps that make them feel like a dream: incredibly long falls, and i like this, despite the fact that it is very easy to commit oyasumi on this platforming section. I also find the final chaingunner trap quite entertaining, it is very easy if you know the trick: get in, get equipment, run behind the door to the red key, watch infighting happen, kill the stragglers. I managed to leave the map with quite the good HP/Armor/ammo stats.

Im really interested to see how this mapper improves.

Map15: garden gunfight by codename_delta

For me, this is more of a “chill map” than anything. Where you can just take a chill stroll and vibe to the music. This map feels like it is built for my infighting preferences. Im pretty sure you are supposed to, i dunno, shoot guns in this map, but i just made the demons commit the American civil war among themselves, and then finished everything in a couple of shots, then finding the ssg secret, and the not so very secret exit to the next map. Overall, this map is nothing special, but still is a certified vibe giver.

Map 31: wild west by ninjadelphox

I spent way more time on this map than i should’ve. This map starts as a normal infighting setup: a ton of monsters, a cyberdemon turret, no ammo. The problem is, as the intermission screen states, there is not enough ammo. So your only choice in this map is endless infighting, and it fucking DRAGS. There is way too much monsters on this map for it’s own good. And the arch vile trap at the end? Literally the worst ending a map can have, this is something straight out of a jokewad. So you are forced to constantly run in circles until you find an opening (or just run straight through it, praying to rng jesus that you will hit the exit switch before the arch viles hit on you). The monster placement of this map is terribly choreographed, and the only i will give this map are it’s visuals. Very atmospheric, but ultimately generic and forgettable.

Map32: beat box! by walter confetti

This map contains one of the most awkward secret placements ever (the berserk pack in the unmarked wall right behind you).

Believe it or not, the first time i’ve played this map i, obviously, did not notice the secret, so i had to chainsaw EVERYTHING in this map (yes, including the arch vile). You can guess how that went for my thoughts about this map.

I kind of like the gameplay of this map, because i like punching demons and chainsawing cacodemons. Up until the point the arch vile appears. Honestly, the midi really fits with how goofy the arch vile feels. You are hiding behind the door, while any arch vile attack at all will yeet yo ass all the way across the room, and the arch vile itself constantly resurrects demons so you are forced to monotonously chip away at them to get a clean shot at the arch vile. This is something straight out of a comedy movies and i love this, but at the same time, really REALLY hate this.

I also dont like the fact that the map cuts you off from the starting area once you ride down, making the first secret impossible to achieve unless you restart the map or cheat.

Overall, a fairly divisive map, but i really like how it looks.

Map 16: blue otpheus by ymb

(From the original draft: The fact that this is the second map that uses “bye bye american pie” is a cardinal sin in my book.

Good thing this map is good enough that i dont notice this buzzing fly of a song)

THANK GOD THE NEWSET VERSION OF THE MAP CHANGED THE SONG. The new one made the map much better.

I really dont appreciate this map’s lack of armor, and most encounters are way too straightforward. “Open the door: heres something coming right at you!” And the monster placement in those behind the door ambushes feels haphazard and formless.

Other than that, the map looks nice and is fairly entertaining, but ultimately mediocre. It’s not bad, but it could’ve been better.

Map17: business district by finnks13

surprisingly: city.

Honestly, this map’s just the right level of hard, it contains enough ammo for you to deal with everything. It’s encounters are also nice. I can see why everyone thinks the final encounter is hard, but i managed it just fine by quickly killing one arch vile by four rockets and escaping the revenant sandwich  by using the nearby teleporter to flank the encounter and kill everything at a safe distance. I beat this map two times, and both of those times this encounter took me less than three attempts. I like the gameplay of this map and how each fight makes you think. Really impressive for 90 minutes.

Карта 18: Корни от сыворотка

Русские есть? 

Сука блять ебанная карта нахуй, я мамку этой карты в рот ебал сука. Архвили эти ебаные нахуй, киберхуемон ебанный нахуй. Эта карта блять, а ебанное гачи мучи какое-то просто.

Map 18: roots by CblBOPOTKA

excuse me, it seems like *some random internet russian (my alter ego that appears when it sees Cyrillic) took over me for a moment. Now, to the actual review. 

This map is suddenly hard. Like, really hard. Mainly through it’s usage of hiracanners and arch viles. The “review” above is my reaction when i first played this map. However, now that i played it again, i realized that it is surprisingly fair. The only problem i have with the encounters is the double arch vile buried behind four arachnotrons turret. It can be easily dispatched and does not provide any meaningful threat, the only thing it does is drags out the play time where you wait until the arch viles get out of archnotrons barricade and peekaboo shoot them. This is the most annoying usage of archvile i’ve ever had to play through.

However, what this map really excels at are the visuals. Because holy fuck this map has the best and most impressive visuals in the mapset so far. The map is atmospheric, the structures are surprisingly complex, and the size of it gives the player an oppressive feeling that can be easily compared to the difficulty spike of the map. After some consideration, i think this is the best map SO FAR.

Map19: with all disrespect by hrneck bezucha

A slaughter map? With deez restrictions? Hell yeah!

I like the encounters this map has. The starting revenant circle is a good warmup for what’s to come. The pinky and arch vile wave is a good “gotcha” moment where you need to think fast not to get sandwiched between pinkies, and the time it takes for the elevator to ride down is the perfect amount of time. Then, the meat comes in. The next encounter is awesome. The harassing enemies placed soecifically to corner you, so you should always find a way to get through, the arachnotron turrets providing support both for the enemies and for you if you want some good ol infighting. And the final cacodemons and pain elementals that can really screw you over if you’re not careful. Good stuff.

The visuals are average, but still impressive for the limitations of the project. I especially like the usage of lower brightness sectors here. I think this map ties with map18 for me.

Map 20: destroyed base by knifeworld 

Ima be honest, i don’t like this map very much. But i’ll admit, this map plays much nicer on continuous, so all the following gameplay problems for me are pistol start only.

This map has one of the worst starts in my opinion, where to survive you need to scramble to make the spiderdemon and the cyberdemon to infight, while also making sure to not get violently penetrated by chaingunners. I know some people are into that shit (i am too, just look at my other reviews), but i think that the start with it’s lack of health and ammo is a pure coinflip. The level plummets in difficulty from there. Once you obtain the plasma, the map is practically over, although shooting a horde of revenants with plasma provides a great enough compensation for the luckfest that is the beginning if the level.

The visuals are kind of bland tbh. Although i think that the sealed broken door and the hole that lets you bypass it is an incredibly clever idea, but other than that, the level looks unremarakable.

The music is nice tho.

 That’s pretty much it, im going to sleep now.

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So here's a new version:


128L64T CP (Beta 1.5)


This version includes the following:

  • Added the final map! MAP23 "Budget Mountain" by @Large Cat
  • Swapped out "Blue Orpheus" with the new "Triangle Factory" for MAP16 @YMB
  • Added 2 bonus maps: MAP33 "Caught In a Web" by Arsinikk and MAP34 "Blue Orpheus" by YMB (%some random internet shkila is working on the last bonus map)
  • Added UMAPINFO so that new ports can have an episode select to the bonus maps.
  • Added new Dehacked and CWILV graphics for new maps

We have all the main maps now!!!

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 @YMB the name "Triangle Factory" doesn't fit on the automap, it's one charcter too long :(

do you wish to change the name so it fits?
i suggested the name "Trifactory" cuz ykno, it kinda sounds like Trifecta lol

the dehacked says Trifactory for now cuz Arsinikk liked the name but it's ultimately your choice.


Edited by Luleta

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9 hours ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Map15: garden gunfight by codename_delta

For me, this is more of a “chill map” than anything. Where you can just take a chill stroll and vibe to the music. This map feels like it is built for my infighting preferences. Im pretty sure you are supposed to, i dunno, shoot guns in this map, but i just made the demons commit the American civil war among themselves, and then finished everything in a couple of shots, then finding the ssg secret, and the not so very secret exit to the next map. Overall, this map is nothing special, but still is a certified vibe giver.

Thanks for the kind comments!


I honestly didn't know that people would vibe to my maps* but yeah! Damn Jeremy, you've done it again! 



*Especially after sandwedge streamed TNMCP map 3, fuck, my favourite of my TNMCP maps isn't actually amazing, at least he had fun with the rest. (He hasn't played anything after map 7)

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11 hours ago, Luleta said:

 @YMB the name "Triangle Factory" doesn't fit on the automap, it's one charcter too long :(

do you wish to change the name so it fits?
i suggested the name "Trifactory" cuz ykno, it kinda sounds like Trifecta lol

the dehacked says Trifactory for now cuz Arsinikk liked the name but it's ultimately your choice.



Trifactory is better. Thanks! :)

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@Luleta @Arsinikk

It seems that you have forgotten to rename map 26 “untitled1” into “untitled place” as per my request. pls do it.

Edited by %some random internet shkila

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8 hours ago, Codename_Delta said:

Wait was my text screen text for map 15 added?



I remember making one, doom 64 style.

text screen for map15? there is no intermission text for map15 in vanilla doom.

unless u mean one for map 31?

Edited by Luleta

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6 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

@Luleta @Arsinikk

It seems that you have forgotten to rename map 26 “untitled1” into “untitled place” as per my request. pls do it.

will probably be fixed for the next release :D

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19 minutes ago, Luleta said:

text screen for map15? there is no intermission text for map15 in vanilla doom.

unless u mean one for map 31?


Edited by Codename_Delta

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1 hour ago, %some random internet shkila said:

@Luleta @Arsinikk

 It seems that you have forgotten to rename map 26 “untitled1” into “untitled place” as per my request. pls do it.

My bad, I missed this... Well I mean I saw your comment and acknowledged it. But with some of the other changes, I did miss it. I'm only one guy, sorry :(


10 hours ago, Codename_Delta said:

Wait was my text screen text for map 15 added?



I remember making one, doom 64 style.

You'll have to forgive me if we didn't add this quite yet... In that we are now 501 posts deep in this thread, and I think that your text screen was added 2 months ago...


I assume this is it?


Well, you can see that you've found something hidden... lost... and forbidden...
You've found Map 31...  So just forget about the demons to slay, and beat this level.
And remember to Go for 100% Items like a nerd.


We can add this in! No worries about that.

Just note that the current text screens at the moment really don't take themselves seriously.

Since this is a CP and it's a little difficult to do a real story with random maps.

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Actually, @Codename_Delta, the text you have provided is actually too much for the Vanilla MAP15 -> MAP31 text screen.

In Vanilla you are limited to the amount of characters you can have in the text screen, and they vary based around how much text is in the particular Vanilla text transition.


And since the shortest text screens in Vanilla Doom are the MAP15 -> MAP31 and MAP31 -> MAP32, you really don't have alot of text to work with.

With the text you currently have, this is all that will fit:


Well, you can see that you've found something hidden... lost... and forbidden...
You've found Map 31...  So just forget about the demons to slay, and beat this lev


Keep in mind that spaces and enters (new lines) each count as a character.


In fact, You probably have even less characters since I'm pretty sure those 2 lines will have to broken into new lines to fit the 4:3 ratio Vanilla Doom screen, and each new line counts as a character. In Doom, you must manually break new lines, or else the text will go off the screen.

Edited by Arsinikk

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6 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

Actually, @Codename_Delta, the text you have provided is actually too much for the Vanilla MAP15 -> MAP31 text screen.

I actually wanted to have this badass “challenge accepted” moment fir myself, write the story text screens for this wad and then dump it all in this thread and then walk away like a badass. Turns out, i wrote too much.

Thinking about this problem, i realized that we could do it this way: have the shortened version of the too big text be in the dehacked file for the vanilla ports, and then use mapinfo to include the full version of each text screen that will appear on advanced source ports.

in hindsight, i shouldn’t have taken this too seriously.

Edited by %some random internet shkila

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15 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Thinking about this problem, i realized that we could do it this way: have the shortened version of the too big text be in the dehacked file for the vanilla ports, and then use mapinfo to include the full version of each text screen that will appear on advanced source ports.

in hindsight, i shouldn’t have taken this too seriously.

nah, i think  we shouldnt do that it would defeat the purpose of this being a vanilla compatible wad.

please just let it rest, let's not over-complicate things with some over-convoluted solution.

intermission text doesn't need to be anything really major, specially not for a community project, either work with the limitations or it's gonna be a total headache for everyone involved.

Edited by Luleta

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Updated both of my maps, taking some criticism onboard and cleaning some things further.


A Berserk Surgical Opening v3

  • Changed some enemies up. Three imps became one hellknight and two lost souls on varying difficulty levels. That's really it.


ROCK3 and Roll v2

  • Added multiplayer starts.
  • Added difficulty settings. Final encounter's core gameplay differs from HNTR to HMP, but it was also changed on UV. Also some extra powerups.
  • Removed 4 shells after the door because of said multiplayer starts.
  • Cleaned the automap further.


Both updates are in this zip file.


EDIT: Will get back to the feedback and FDAs next week, don't worry.

Edited by NaZa

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53 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

I actually wanted to have this badass “challenge accepted” moment fir myself, write the story text screens for this wad and then dump it all in this thread and then walk away like a badass. Turns out, i wrote too much.

Thinking about this problem, i realized that we could do it this way: have the shortened version of the too big text be in the dehacked file for the vanilla ports, and then use mapinfo to include the full version of each text screen that will appear on advanced source ports.

in hindsight, i shouldn’t have taken this too seriously.

Will removing the ellipses help?

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51 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

 Thinking about this problem, i realized that we could do it this way: have the shortened version of the too big text be in the dehacked file for the vanilla ports, and then use mapinfo to include the full version of each text screen that will appear on advanced source ports.

I could see why you would you think to add extra text via mapinfo... However imo that kinda defeats the purpose of staying in-between the Vanilla limits. The only reason I added UMAPINFO was so that the bonus maps would have automap names would could be assigned CWILV graphics in source ports.


I feel that having 2 different text screens. One long and one short kinda defeats the purpose of this project staying Vanilla while also overcomplicating things as well.


Although, you are correct in that it does provide this function and I thank you for bring this to our attention.

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1 minute ago, Codename_Delta said:

 Will removing the ellipses help?

I think removing some of the ellipses may help...

Though I think you'll have to remove a sentence or something...


Would you like me to try to give you a shorten version that would fit?

And see if you would approve it, of course?

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