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128 Linedefs, 64 Things - A Community Project [1.3.3, finally]

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extremely petty update to my map to correct some missaligned textures i discovered after uploading :^D nothing else was changed it was just bothering me a lot.


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My map is ready for feedback!




Title: Beat Box!

Author: Walter

Slot: MAP32

Tested with: chocorenderlimits

New music: Donkey Kong 64 - Donkey Rap

Difficulty Settings: Yes

Description: A tyson oriented small arena sets in a wooden \ jungle structure, inspired by Donkey Rap song. Kind challenging.


Map in editor screenshot:




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I have played through all the maps currently submitted for this project, and there are a couple things I'd like to ask @Frost-Core when it comes some basic megawad rules.

  1. First off, is this megawad meant to be multiplayer compatible or only single-player? I ask because in my map21, I had included multiplayer starts (player 2, player 3, player 4), and because of the 64 thing constraint: If those 3 things are not needed, it can really make a difference.
  2. Second, You have mentioned that this megawad should be vanilla compatible. To clarify, if maps do not include any secrets or items, the stat screen at the end of a level will say 0% in DOS / vanilla ports. This is why old vanilla megawads always seemed to include at least 1 item and 1 secret per map, even if there was really no secret in the map. I bring this up, because for speedrunning, 100% of everything is very important.
  3. Lastly, Very similar to the previous point, is each map supposed to be able to be finished on pistol-start? And if so, is each map supposed to be beatable pistol-start with 100% items and secrets? (there's a few maps I've come across that I'm skeptical about in this regard - MAP29).

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I'd like to give my thoughts / bugs that I've experienced on each map that I've played so far. I can be a bit too honest, so don't take my thoughts too harshly. I played each map on UV and pistol start. I've only mentioned people if I found bugs/issues with their maps:


MAP01: Rotated Mast Wave Hike (SilverMiner)



While not the prettiest map, I did enjoy the combat of the map. It's a good starting map. I like the use of diagonal stairs that you kinda have to strafe run to get to in the beginning (or to the blue key pillar). While it's not hard, it's still fun. There's nice monster variety and the Archvile does create some tension. I did find the secret weird, just because it's really easy to not find the soulsphere in the corner. However I did like how the map wraps around itself to grab the blue key.




MAP02: Lockjaw (@gabirupee)



I actually really like this map. I love the start of just shooting the barrel to start the action. I'm also quite a fan of the "light" room with the chaingunners that pop up. I'd say I'm less of a fan of the computer area map secret, just because there really is no indication that the wall is different than the other one. It is interesting to see two pressable exit switches, I don't see that too often.


You can softlock yourself on the platform with the Archvile. If you ride it back up, there's no way for the player to get back down.



MAP04: Mancubus (Frost-Core)



I'm not the biggest fan of this map, but it is so short that it doesn't really bother me. It is a pretty easy map. A little more texture / flat variety would do wonders to make each room stand out a little more. Also some more variation of floor and ceiling heights would also help. The fights themselves, while short are good. The BFG vs Mancubi fight is fun.




MAP05: Stargazer (@dotQLL)



Quite an enjoyable short map. The secrets are easy to find, but that didn't really bother me, since it's kinda difficult to do real secrets in 128 line maps anyway. The combat encounters felt pretty fair. It wasn't too crazy, but it was suitable for an episode 1 map. The red door is a nice shortcut. Seems like it'd be a fun speedmap.


There's a weird compblu strip next to the plasmagun secret that seemed out of place.


MAP06: Nukage Plaze (@YMB)



A fun Doom 1 feeling map, besides it's inclusion of Doom 2 monsters. The music is an apt choice. The colour "frames" around the doors to indicate the needed key is an interesting and almost doomcute addition. I felt that the secret was fair. I felt that the Archvile usage was spot on, in that you used it to it's full advantage with the other monsters in the room acting as shields.


My main gripe is that once you enter the exit room, the step is too tall and so you cannot go back to secret hunt or finish off any missed enemies.


MAP08: Unholy Zwiebel 64 (@Azuris)



When I started playing this map and figured out the gimmick I thought I wasn't gonna like this map very much. But surprisingly enough, with how simple it is, the monster combo is kinda fun especially when rushing the switches.


With how simple this map is, there are alot of texture misalignments. Originally I was gonna point out that the fireblu was misaligned, but I also noticed that alot of the redbrick was misaligned against the redbrick switch textures. I would also suggest that you stick with either SW2 or SW1 on the switches to indicate that they have not been pressed. Most of the switches in the map use SW2 to mean that they haven't been hit, except for the very first one. I don't really know how you could fix it, but the secret backpack wakes up the imps and demons from that level early.


MAP10: Bogos Anomaly (@knifeworld)



With how garish the texture choices are, the combat is solid. This map definitely has some slaughter influence in it. I love the Archvile blocking corner. It's so fun to BFG them to death. I was debating whether some more ammo should be added for the cyber... But it seems that you do have enough shells to dispatch it. I would check with LGmaire (for map11) to maybe see if he can add some more medikits in the beginning of his map to compensate for your death exit.


Even with the texture choices, I might suggest to spend some time aligning them vertically.



MAP11: Circle of Gatekeeping (@LGmaire)



I like this map quite a bit. I like the transition between brown water and nukage. I also enjoy the mini cage maze. The Archvile is a fun surprise, but using the pillars in the environment you can dispatch him in due time. I would say that the ammo in the level is a little tight. Of the many times I've played the map, I've tended to have to punch a Caco to death. Though with the berserk, it is definitely not as tedious as it could be. I found platforming to the secret to be creative. And of course berserking Pain Elementals is always fun.


Not really a bug, but you may consider adding a few more medikits to the beginning of the map to compensate for MAP10's death exit in continuous runs.


MAP15: Garden Gunfight (@Codename_Delta)



I'd say this map is a little tedious combat-wise. I don't mind the actual monster encounters themselves, but killing like 6+ cacodemons with only the shotgun and chaingun isn't something I'd describe as fun. I will say the contrast between really narrow and wide open spaces is kind of interesting.


Pretty much all of the textures in this map are misaligned. It'd be pretty easy to horizontally align them in Doom Builder. It's something like Ctrl-A, or just "A" in the visual editor, I think.



MAP18: Roots (CblBOPOTKA)



I really like this map. Though, I'm not always a fan of hot starts. I especially like the role that the pillars play, in being used as cover throughout the level. The trickiest part is definitely the Archvile/Arachnotron combo in the middle, with the Cyberdemon also harassing you. I enjoy the secret on the wall too, with the slightly different texture. This map felt challenging in all the right ways.





MAP19: With All Disrespect (HrnekBezucha)



This is a really good map from start to finish. I like how the map lays out fights little by little as you progress. I also enjoy the ammo / weaponry upfront. The map felt like it used the space that it had effectively.





MAP20: Destroyed Base (knifeworld)



This is the map that made me decide to keep the difficulty of my own map the same. It was tricky at first but once you figure out a good strategy, it's pretty fun. The only minor thing that I thought was weird was the opening of the yellow key door... the player may not realise what else it opened, and may end up wandering a bit.





MAP22: Withering Words (Luleta)



This is one of my favourite maps. The beginning isn't too difficult, but the end fight is actually quite tricky with the 2 Archviles and the Cyber. My favourite part of the map is when the player is ascended to another floor with the sky and bookcases. The contrast between these areas is so cool.





MAP24: Stay With Us, Aniki! (Rancid Sam)



I enjoy this map in an almost Doomcute way. I love the heart shape in the middle. The music is the perfect choice as well. I like how the Cyber in the middle of the map is used as a sniper and can almost hit you from anywhere, even behind the slimefall. Overall enjoyable map.





MAP29: Wet Wood (gabirupee)



This is the first map I did not enjoy. I'm not even sure if it is possible to kill all of the monsters in pistol start. I actually enjoy slaughter type maps. I've played through Stardate 20x6 and enjoyed it alot. The beginning of the map isn't bad, but the Cyberdemon... There's just not enough room to dodge its rockets, nor is there enough ammo do deal with him on pistol start. In addition, this map is impossible to do UV-Max on for speed-running because the 2 soulspheres are unattainable.


Impossible to UV-Max. Not sure if it's possible to kill Cyberdemon (maybe with infighting, but like I'm not waiting 5 minutes for that).

Sorry, I think I was wrong on the UV-Max? I didn't realise that items didn't count for UV-Max, although I still prefer for maps to make all items obtainable for speedrunning purposes. Also I have found a sort of strategy to get all kills, although it is very RNG reliant and not very accessible to most players. (you can look at my stream link at the end of the post).



MAP32: Beat Box! (Walter confetti)



Quite an easy map, which is surprising for a map32. I do like the layout and simplicity of the map though. I found the secret berserk almost immediately; must just be my Doom intuition. I do question how difficult the Archvile would be with just the chainsaw, but that's the only thing that seemed difficult (I guess if you're not used to berserking Archviles, it may be tricky). Good simple map overall.





I'll review MAP30 when I'm able to beat it.


Edit: I was finally able to beat MAP29 on stream with lots of save-scumming and RNG (you can watch here at 3:57:00). I have also added more info in the MAP29 block above.

Edited by Arsinikk
Added some more info to the MAP29 block

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2 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

I'll review MAP30 when I'm able to beat it.

Bruh fukken same. (Ty for the comments too, it's good to see a solid wall of feedback—fr fr no cap.)

Edited by Rancid Sam
Edited for clarity.

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2 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

I'd like to give my thoughts / bugs that I've experienced on each map that I've played so far. I can be a bit too honest, so don't take my thoughts too harshly. I played each map on UV and pistol start. I've only mentioned people if I found bugs/issues with their maps:


MAP22: Withering Words (Luleta)

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This is one of my favourite maps. The beginning isn't too difficult, but the end fight is actually quite tricky with the 2 Archviles and the Cyber. My favourite part of the map is when the player is ascended to another floor with the sky and bookcases. The contrast between these areas is so cool.






you warm my heart c:

i personally didn't put any coop spawns because i understood the 64 things was the TOTAL LIMIT so i assumed it didnt account for difficulties or multiplayer.

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wait, why is unholy zweibel 64 map07 @Arsinikk?, its supposed to be upperhalls. and map08 is unholy zweibel 64

Edited by Frost-Core

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3 hours ago, Frost-Core said:

wait, why is unholy zweibel 64 map07 @Arsinikk?, its supposed to be upperhalls. and map08 is unholy zweibel 64

My bad, it was just a typo on my part. Should be MAP08.

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13 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

MAP15: Garden Gunfight (@Codename_Delta)

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I'd say this map is a little tedious combat-wise. I don't mind the actual monster encounters themselves, but killing like 6+ cacodemons with only the shotgun and chaingun isn't something I'd describe as fun. I will say the contrast between really narrow and wide open spaces is kind of interesting.


Pretty much all of the textures in this map are misaligned. It'd be pretty easy to horizontally align them in Doom Builder. It's something like Ctrl-A, or just "A" in the visual editor, I think.



Yeah, I can see how the cacos can be tedious, but misaligned textures, oH nOo...

Ye that needs fixing.

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Just now, Codename_Delta said:

Fixed the texture alignments and put my linedef count to 127 to compensate for the high sky and to make the doors look better.



add a useless linedef to get to 128  maybe that can help.

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1 minute ago, Frost-Core said:

add a useless linedef to get to 128  maybe that can help.

Nah, I fixed the doors lookin bad with the high sky already m8. 

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Utilized the little strips near doors and added COMPBLU to most of the little strips to indicate progression, I think it isn't necessary at all, but I find it a nice touch. I also added FIREBLU to the strip near the secret exit door to indicate such, and I also changed the door texture of the secret exit door.




Edited by Codename_Delta

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16 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

I'd like to give my thoughts / bugs that I've experienced on each map that I've played so far. I can be a bit too honest, so don't take my thoughts too harshly. I played each map on UV and pistol start. I've only mentioned people if I found bugs/issues with their maps:


MAP01: Rotated Mast Wave Hike (SilverMiner)

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While not the prettiest map, I did enjoy the combat of the map. It's a good starting map. I like the use of diagonal stairs that you kinda have to strafe run to get to in the beginning (or to the blue key pillar). While it's not hard, it's still fun. There's nice monster variety and the Archvile does create some tension. I did find the secret weird, just because it's really easy to not find the soulsphere in the corner. However I did like how the map wraps around itself to grab the blue key.




MAP02: Lockjaw (@gabirupee)

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I actually really like this map. I love the start of just shooting the barrel to start the action. I'm also quite a fan of the "light" room with the chaingunners that pop up. I'd say I'm less of a fan of the computer area map secret, just because there really is no indication that the wall is different than the other one. It is interesting to see two pressable exit switches, I don't see that too often.


You can softlock yourself on the platform with the Archvile. If you ride it back up, there's no way for the player to get back down.



MAP04: Mancubus (Frost-Core)

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I'm not the biggest fan of this map, but it is so short that it doesn't really bother me. It is a pretty easy map. A little more texture / flat variety would do wonders to make each room stand out a little more. Also some more variation of floor and ceiling heights would also help. The fights themselves, while short are good. The BFG vs Mancubi fight is fun.




MAP05: Stargazer (@dotQLL)

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Quite an enjoyable short map. The secrets are easy to find, but that didn't really bother me, since it's kinda difficult to do real secrets in 128 line maps anyway. The combat encounters felt pretty fair. It wasn't too crazy, but it was suitable for an episode 1 map. The red door is a nice shortcut. Seems like it'd be a fun speedmap.


There's a weird compblu strip next to the plasmagun secret that seemed out of place.


MAP06: Nukage Plaze (@YMB)

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A fun Doom 1 feeling map, besides it's inclusion of Doom 2 monsters. The music is an apt choice. The colour "frames" around the doors to indicate the needed key is an interesting and almost doomcute addition. I felt that the secret was fair. I felt that the Archvile usage was spot on, in that you used it to it's full advantage with the other monsters in the room acting as shields.


My main gripe is that once you enter the exit room, the step is too tall and so you cannot go back to secret hunt or finish off any missed enemies.


MAP08: Unholy Zwiebel 64 (@Azuris)

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When I started playing this map and figured out the gimmick I thought I wasn't gonna like this map very much. But surprisingly enough, with how simple it is, the monster combo is kinda fun especially when rushing the switches.


With how simple this map is, there are alot of texture misalignments. Originally I was gonna point out that the fireblu was misaligned, but I also noticed that alot of the redbrick was misaligned against the redbrick switch textures. I would also suggest that you stick with either SW2 or SW1 on the switches to indicate that they have not been pressed. Most of the switches in the map use SW2 to mean that they haven't been hit, except for the very first one. I don't really know how you could fix it, but the secret backpack wakes up the imps and demons from that level early.


MAP10: Bogos Anomaly (@knifeworld)

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With how garish the texture choices are, the combat is solid. This map definitely has some slaughter influence in it. I love the Archvile blocking corner. It's so fun to BFG them to death. I was debating whether some more ammo should be added for the cyber... But it seems that you do have enough shells to dispatch it. I would check with LGmaire (for map11) to maybe see if he can add some more medikits in the beginning of his map to compensate for your death exit.


Even with the texture choices, I might suggest to spend some time aligning them vertically.



MAP11: Circle of Gatekeeping (@LGmaire)

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I like this map quite a bit. I like the transition between brown water and nukage. I also enjoy the mini cage maze. The Archvile is a fun surprise, but using the pillars in the environment you can dispatch him in due time. I would say that the ammo in the level is a little tight. Of the many times I've played the map, I've tended to have to punch a Caco to death. Though with the berserk, it is definitely not as tedious as it could be. I found platforming to the secret to be creative. And of course berserking Pain Elementals is always fun.


Not really a bug, but you may consider adding a few more medikits to the beginning of the map to compensate for MAP10's death exit in continuous runs.


MAP15: Garden Gunfight (@Codename_Delta)

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I'd say this map is a little tedious combat-wise. I don't mind the actual monster encounters themselves, but killing like 6+ cacodemons with only the shotgun and chaingun isn't something I'd describe as fun. I will say the contrast between really narrow and wide open spaces is kind of interesting.


Pretty much all of the textures in this map are misaligned. It'd be pretty easy to horizontally align them in Doom Builder. It's something like Ctrl-A, or just "A" in the visual editor, I think.



MAP18: Roots (CblBOPOTKA)

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I really like this map. Though, I'm not always a fan of hot starts. I especially like the role that the pillars play, in being used as cover throughout the level. The trickiest part is definitely the Archvile/Arachnotron combo in the middle, with the Cyberdemon also harassing you. I enjoy the secret on the wall too, with the slightly different texture. This map felt challenging in all the right ways.





MAP19: With All Disrespect (HrnekBezucha)

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This is a really good map from start to finish. I like how the map lays out fights little by little as you progress. I also enjoy the ammo / weaponry upfront. The map felt like it used the space that it had effectively.





MAP20: Destroyed Base (knifeworld)

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This is the map that made me decide to keep the difficulty of my own map the same. It was tricky at first but once you figure out a good strategy, it's pretty fun. The only minor thing that I thought was weird was the opening of the yellow key door... the player may not realise what else it opened, and may end up wandering a bit.





MAP22: Withering Words (Luleta)

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This is one of my favourite maps. The beginning isn't too difficult, but the end fight is actually quite tricky with the 2 Archviles and the Cyber. My favourite part of the map is when the player is ascended to another floor with the sky and bookcases. The contrast between these areas is so cool.





MAP24: Stay With Us, Aniki! (Rancid Sam)

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I enjoy this map in an almost Doomcute way. I love the heart shape in the middle. The music is the perfect choice as well. I like how the Cyber in the middle of the map is used as a sniper and can almost hit you from anywhere, even behind the slimefall. Overall enjoyable map.





MAP29: Wet Wood (gabirupee)

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This is the first map I did not enjoy. I'm not even sure if it is possible to kill all of the monsters in pistol start. I actually enjoy slaughter type maps. I've played through Stardate 20x6 and enjoyed it alot. The beginning of the map isn't bad, but the Cyberdemon... There's just not enough room to dodge its rockets, nor is there enough ammo do deal with him on pistol start. In addition, this map is impossible to do UV-Max on for speed-running because the 2 soulspheres are unattainable.


Impossible to UV-Max. Not sure if it's possible to kill Cyberdemon (maybe with infighting, but like I'm not waiting 5 minutes for that).

Sorry, I think I was wrong on the UV-Max? I didn't realise that items didn't count for UV-Max, although I still prefer for maps to make all items obtainable for speedrunning purposes. Also I have found a sort of strategy to get all kills, although it is very RNG reliant and not very accessible to most players. (you can look at my stream link at the end of the post).



MAP32: Beat Box! (Walter confetti)

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Quite an easy map, which is surprising for a map32. I do like the layout and simplicity of the map though. I found the secret berserk almost immediately; must just be my Doom intuition. I do question how difficult the Archvile would be with just the chainsaw, but that's the only thing that seemed difficult (I guess if you're not used to berserking Archviles, it may be tricky). Good simple map overall.





I'll review MAP30 when I'm able to beat it.


Edit: I was finally able to beat MAP29 on stream with lots of save-scumming and RNG (you can watch here at 3:57:00). I have also added more info in the MAP29 block above.

Sorry for replying just now, i was busy.


Im glad you enjoyed map02 it was a map i made to be fun to play and easy without the need of difficuty settings, i fixed the archvile bug and maked the secret more apparent.


I can see why you dislike map29, i made it to be hard but actually its not hard its just unfair, so i rebalanced the map to require skill instead of rng, disabling a bunch of enemies on easier difficulty's, giving better items, changing enemies and they placements and removing the damn impassable tag that i put accidentaly on the soulsphere area, making it possible to get uv-max without too much effort.


Anyways, thank's for playing the maps i made :D, All the links are updated with new versions to include on the mega-wad



Edited by gabirupee

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I fixed the map being unbeatable via the normal exit because of the exit sign, turning the exit sign into a small crate and putting it into the starting room in the corner.



Edited by Codename_Delta

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Is this wad going to have a story or story within the text screens?
Because good stories, is another type of story that I'm good at. 

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Just now, Codename_Delta said:

Is this wad going to have a story or story within the text screens?
Because good stories, is another type of story that I'm good at. 

Probably yes.

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3 minutes ago, Codename_Delta said:

Is this wad going to have a story or story within the text screens?
Because good stories, is another type of story that I'm good at. 

With the tightness of some of the maps, and the wildly different styles, it feels like Doomguy is going through a claustrophobic fever dream. Something light-hearted like that would probably suffice as a loose narrative.

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2 minutes ago, Frost-Core said:

Probably yes.

Lemme get to work then, I'll do the Map 15 secret exit text screen for now. I'm not doing many, probably only one, to let others come up with stuff.

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Well, you can see that you've found something hidden... lost... and forbidden...
You've found Map 31...  So just forget about the demons to slay, and beat this level.
And remember to Go for 100% Items like a nerd.

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18 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

MAP06: Nukage Plaze (@YMB)

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A fun Doom 1 feeling map, besides it's inclusion of Doom 2 monsters. The music is an apt choice. The colour "frames" around the doors to indicate the needed key is an interesting and almost doomcute addition. I felt that the secret was fair. I felt that the Archvile usage was spot on, in that you used it to it's full advantage with the other monsters in the room acting as shields.


My main gripe is that once you enter the exit room, the step is too tall and so you cannot go back to secret hunt or finish off any missed enemies.




Thanks for playing, glad you liked it! Great point - the step height was to keep the Revenants inside, but now it's a bit more dangerous, and you don't get locked out of anything.


@Frost-Core - Updated version of MAP06 - HERE

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Here's my map submission.

Name: Untitled1

Tested with: Chocolate doom, GZdoom

music: bloo - trouble in sight (from the ultimate doom midi replacement)

Difficultys: not implemented yet

fun fact: the first area of this map came to me in a dream


Edited by %some random internet shkila

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20 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Here's my map submission.

Name: Untitled1

Tested with: Chocolate doom, GZdoom

music: bloo - trouble in sight (from the ultimate doom midi replacement)

Difficultys: not implemented yet

fun fact: the first area of this map came to me in a dream


just played through it, i like the atmosphere :D


there's some issues with the cyberdemon fight i can see there are some sniper mancubus surrounding it but when i step into the arena the donut shaped section raises up and makes the cyberdemon and the mancs pretty much unable to hit you. i don't understand what's the point of raising the main platform? the lowering teleporter is a little slow where i think most players would have killed all monsters faster than it lowers. also you can exit the map pretty much instantly if you know where the exit is from the start of the map i did a little demo beating the map pacifist in 2 seconds.



my suggestion is, perhaps put the exit teleporter or whatever inside the cyberdemon, so players are forced to kill it in order to escape. also one tiny nit pick, the little slime river down the canyon would look just a tiiiny bit better if you lowered instead of it being the same height as the rest of the floor.






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8 minutes ago, Luleta said:

just played through it, i like the atmosphere :D

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there's some issues with the cyberdemon fight i can see there are some sniper mancubus surrounding it but when i step into the arena the donut shaped section raises up and makes the cyberdemon and the mancs pretty much unable to hit you. i don't understand what's the point of raising the main platform? the lowering teleporter is a little slow where i think most players would have killed all monsters faster than it lowers. also you can exit the map pretty much instantly if you know where the exit is from the start of the map i did a little demo beating the map pacifist in 2 seconds.



my suggestion is, perhaps put the exit teleporter or whatever inside the cyberdemon, so players are forced to kill it in order to escape. also one tiny nit pick, the little slime river down the canyon would look just a tiiiny bit better if you lowered instead of it being the same height as the rest of the floor.







woops, just realized you did lower the slime but forgot to add a texture to the sides of the rock after lowering it!


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33 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Here's my map submission.

Name: Untitled1

Tested with: Chocolate doom, GZdoom

music: bloo - trouble in sight (from the ultimate doom midi replacement)

 Difficultys: not implemented yet

fun fact: the first area of this map came to me in a dream


Just played through this map, and I have some similar thoughts as Luleta:


I enjoy the atmosphere quite a bit for the first half of the map. The scope and scale of the large canyon area is quite reminiscent of some older Doom WADs like The Talosian Incident. I was thinking of doing a dreamlike sequence for MAP27, but now since this map comes before, I may have to do something different :P


Luleta pointed out that you might want to lower the slimefall a bit more... But looking the map editor, it seems that there missing textures all along the small dip of the slimefall. I'd suggest adding a texture there.


I enjoy the chaingunner room and the lift that raises to the final fight room.


I actually enjoy the raising of the main platform, just as a way to have some environmental transformation. I will say that the Cyberdemon isn't really a threat and the Mancubi are quite difficult to dispatch. I noticed in the map editor that the mancubi platforms are supposed to raise up? But there are no dummy sectors / sectors around those platforms to tell them what to raise to.


This is just a personal thing, but I'd suggested changing the teleport destination of the lower pillar to telefrag the Cyberdemon, and then when the player walks towards the cage, have them teleport to the exit. Also, like Luleta said, the pillar takes far too long to lower.


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Oi fuck, the platform rising is actually a bug, it is a left over from a previous layout and i forgot to delete a tag.

some fucko with attention to detail i am.

Edited by %some random internet shkila

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4 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

Oi fuck, the platform rising is actually a bug, it is a left over from a previous layout and i forgot to delete a tag.

some fucko with attention to detail i am.

i recomend you playtest your maps before submitting, i personally playtest my maps to the point of obsession, but 1 or 2 playtests making sure everything works should be enough.


Just now, %some random internet shkila said:

That was intentional, i even tweaked it a little bit during development so it would be harder to pull that off

looking forward to having that record on dsda then ;^D

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