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128 Linedefs, 64 Things - A Community Project [1.3.3, finally]

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@%some random internet shkila I meant to say this earlier, but I forgot....


I think that you are giving your map a disservice by not giving it an actual name. Something simple with "dream" in the title would immediately make it more memorable.


Personally I find the map is good enough to be granted a better title than "Untitled1".


Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe the title is WIP...

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1 minute ago, Arsinikk said:

@%some random internet shkila I meant to say this earlier, but I forgot....


I think that you are giving your map a disservice by not giving it an actual name. Something simple with "dream" in the title would immediately make it more memorable.


Personally I find the map is good enough to be granted a better title than "Untitled1".


Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe the title is WIP...

I named the map this way because i did not have the slightest idea of what i was doing when i was building this map.

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13 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

an update

1. removed bug

2. added texture

 3 added difficulty settings


I decided I should probably give my thoughts on the update, since the final fight is very different from what it was before:


It's cool that you fixed the missing texture around the slime.


It's quite surprising how different the final fight is when the platform doesn't raise. :P

The Mancubi are actually a threat now, and the fight kinda makes more sense in general.


If I had any thoughts, I think that the Cyber is a little too high up to be much of a threat... Also it makes it kinda harder to shoot.

I still agree with Luleta's point earlier that I wish there was an easier way to dispatch the Cyber, by either:

  1. making the player able to telefrag it from the pillar teleport, and then when the player walks over the cage lines, they could teleport back to the beginning.
  2. or by doing more of Luleta's idea, by somehow lowering the cyber platform and when the cyber walks over the cage lines, he teleports to the beginning.

^ Those solutions above could be done without extra lines... although you'd need to add 2 new teleport things and since you've already reached 64 things... The struggle is real :P


Overall, I like this version of the final fight better. I do think that it would be nice to allow the player to be able to lower one of the platforms, because if they fall off, it's essentially an inescapable pit.


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5 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

I decided I should probably give my thoughts on the update, since the final fight is very different from what it was before:

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It's cool that you fixed the missing texture around the slime.


It's quite surprising how different the final fight is when the platform doesn't raise. :P

The Mancubi are actually a threat now, and the fight kinda makes more sense in general.


If I had any thoughts, I think that the Cyber is a little too high up to be much of a threat... Also it makes it kinda harder to shoot.

I still agree with Luleta's point earlier that I wish there was an easier way to dispatch the Cyber, by either:

  1. making the player able to telefrag it from the pillar teleport, and then when the player walks over the cage lines, they could teleport back to the beginning.
  2. or by doing more of Luleta's idea, by somehow lowering the cyber platform and when the cyber walks over the cage lines, he teleports to the beginning.

^ Those solutions above could be done without extra lines... although you'd need to add 2 new teleport things and since you've already reached 64 things... The struggle is real :P


Overall, I like this version of the final fight better. I do think that it would be nice to allow the player to be able to lower one of the platforms, because if they fall off, it's essentially an inescapable pit.


Noted, but i will do another update much later because it is 03:58 am.

I would have made a goodnight eggman pissing on the moon copypasta but i’ve learned my lesson.

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20 minutes ago, %some random internet shkila said:

I would have made a goodnight eggman pissing on the moon copypasta but i’ve learned my lesson.

In your defense, I still laugh thinking about the "adoption papers" part.

Also I'm gonna' defend "Untitled1", because if it represents your feelings and intentions with your map, then I say it's perfectly a-pro-pro.

For example, see "Song 2" by Blur—literally the ONLY song by Blur I can name. (Update: I looked up the album, and that's the only song even named that way lmaooo THEY DIDN'T EVEN MAKE A "SONG 1".) (Update II: I was wrong about "Song 1".)

Edited by Rancid Sam

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Decided to use dummy sectors and it was only then I realized they're relatively wasteful linedef-wise. Oh well, it's a burden I'm willing to carry to get out of my comfort zone. Just attempting to make a very moving and changing map which constantly opens up. 

EDIT: Updated with a new screenshot in which I attempt to waste as least as possible linedefs in dummy sectors. Makes them look absurd but that's the price one pays.


EDIT 2: Even newer screenshot. It makes the dummy sectors still work while only, on a whole, wasting only 28 linedefs (before it was 37 linedefs, and every linedef matters). Brilliant. Time to work on the map beyond that, I guess...

Edited by NaZa

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Well, scrap that, I've finished the map.






A Berserk Surgical Opening




Author: NaZa

Time spent: probably around 2-3 hours cumulative

Tested with: Choco Doom, prBoom+, ZDoom 2.8.1

Music: Untitled 2 by Mark Klem

Difficulties: fully implemented, each brings a new combat situation hopefully!

Misc: Short, punchy, SSG-y. Opens up. Brings new stuff. Basically how advanced can we go to keep building it while keeping it quick. Even has two dummy sectors worth 28 linedefs and a primitive monster closet worth 19, but it all works as intended. Quite proud of this one, though I'm open to fixing gameplay. 128 linedefs, 58 things. Also my first completed and released map since... DBP23 in May 2020? Time flies...


EDIT: v2 available - I'd just fixed some lighting, it looked monotone at a place. No additional linedefs or things.

Edited by NaZa

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new update.

1. lowered the cyberdemon platform by 32 pixels

2. added some mid textures

3. added a dead player thing for decoration, as a result removed one chaingunner, as a result changedchaingunners' whole formation

did NOT make the pit inescapable because doom (doom format) does not have a platform lowering action that won't allow player to cheese the encounter (you can just strafe run to the exit from the cliff at the beginning anyway)


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3 hours ago, NaZa said:

Well, scrap that, I've finished the map.

A Berserk Surgical Opening



great map c:


i love how you re-use space in this map, berserk is also king when it comes to saving thing count, only one issue is that since you use F_SKY over F_SKY there is a little insignificant HOM in the exit which can be fixed by simply changing either the ceiling or floor flat in that sector.

little playtest fda: abso128fda.zip

Edited by Luleta

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Because I'd rather to blow up the thread, I'll put my feedback for multiple maps/updates here in one post:


New map thoughts:


MAP13: A Berserk Surgical Opening ( @NaZa )


I must applaud this map on it's ability to reuse the same areas while also shifting the environment each time. It really does make the level itself feel like an organic organism. The fights of the map are done well, especially the final area utilising the teleport as a pillar to avoid the Archvile's attack. If there was a minor criticism, I would say that the map may have 1 too many switches for my liking, but honestly that's a pretty minor complaint.


Updated map thoughts:


MAP02: Lockjaw ( @gabirupee )


Your new version of the map does fix the softlock issue that I described. I probably would've fixed it a different way, keeping the archvile lift and just adding a lift switch at the top of the lift to lower it back down. I guess your permanent lowering of the Archvile works too... I will say that your change makes the map slightly easier since the player no longer has to go back to the switch and lower it again, and therefore used to have more incentive to kill the archvile before progressing. I know I said the secret was not very noticeable before, lol but I think it may be too noticeable now :P


MAP06: Nukage Plaza ( @YMB)


The blood being lowered actually changes the final fight more than I would've thought. Personally, I would've just made it a lift, or made it so when the player walks over one of the lines next to exit, it would lower then (actually now that I think about it, idk if that would work cuz i think monsters can also lower lifts too). If you keep the ledge how it is, I might suggest putting a monster blocking line where the door is... since i think those enemies are more interesting to deal with when they can't go out of that room.


MAP15: Garden Gunfight ( @Codename_Delta )


The changes you did are minor, but I did notice that you added some "sleeves" above the doors. The only thing I'll mention is that the ROCK4 textures are quite misaligned horizontally and those bother me. Besides that the map is a bit better than before :)

MAP26: Untitled1 ( @%some random internet shkila )


I really like the midtextures added around the final arena. The cyberdemon is actually threatening now and that overall fight feels better. The suggestion for making the pit escapable is just part of my own mapping rules, so you don't need to follow it. It was just a suggestion to help alleviate the frustrations of players who may fall off (then again each time I've played the map I've never fallen off myself). Overall this version is better.


MAP29: Wet Wood ( gabirupee )


You know... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually prefer the original version of the map compared to this one. While I thought the original was a bit too difficult for most people, it did have quite a bit of bite and was more satisfying when finally beaten. I think the new one may have been nerfed too much. If I were balancing the old version to be more fair, I would: 1) obviously make the platforms not impassible (which you even said that wasn't intended :P), 2) I would maybe add a bit more rockets and maybe a green/blue armour behind the archvile and pinky corridor. Immediately, the level's difficulty would already go down if the player can actually grab the soulspheres and be able to pass the previously impassible platforms. You would just need enough room to get around the cyber and grab the bfg.


Edited by Arsinikk

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Thank you for the comments @Arsinikk and @Luleta, also for the FDA! The door at the end is slow to discourage people from trying to blitz past the archvile - you're punching/SSGing that fella whether you like it or not.


I did, however wheel out an update based on the FDA - I've added a monster-blocking line to those few particular linedefs which you pinpointed at because it probably doesn't affect the gameplay, and I've also changed the ceiling flat to yet another light. Can't have enough of those at the end, can one? :] Nothing substantial enough to offer a new experience was changed, at least, so that's why it's v2.1 and not v3. Then again, v2 was literally just lowering one sector's brightness by 16...


A Berserk Surgical Opening v2.1

Edited by NaZa

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12 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

MAP06: Nukage Plaza ( @YMB)

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The blood being lowered actually changes the final fight more than I would've thought. Personally, I would've just made it a lift, or made it so when the player walks over one of the lines next to exit, it would lower then (actually now that I think about it, idk if that would work cuz i think monsters can also lower lifts too). If you keep the ledge how it is, I might suggest putting a monster blocking line where the door is... since i think those enemies are more interesting to deal with when they can't go out of that room.



Thanks for putting so much time into playtesting everyone's maps! I'll try some different configurations and see what works best.

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16 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

Because I'd rather to blow up the thread, I'll put my feedback for multiple maps/updates here in one post:


Updated map thoughts:


MAP15: Garden Gunfight ( @Codename_Delta )

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The changes you did are minor, but I did notice that you added some "sleeves" above the doors. The only thing I'll mention is that the ROCK4 textures are quite misaligned horizontally and those bother me. Besides that the map is a bit better than before :)


Thanks for the feedback!

And misaligned ROCK4??

Damn, that's another problem to add.

I'm also thinking about using some more things and removing the little crate for a secret that'll speed things up quite a bit. *hint hint*


Here's an update, I've improved the combat, and added a secret but I had to compromise in detail in the -16 height area.

I also added some more kills, and added some stimpacks to the main area.




Linedef count: 128

Thing count: 64

Edited by Codename_Delta

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Here's my second map.


It isn't the prettiest, but I'd say the gameplay is solid. Also I kinda made it ugly on purpose :P

-Title: Ambiviolence
-Build time: 3-4 Hours
-Midi: Slider - Mark Klem
-Slot: MAP27
-Par: 0:50
-Skills: All implimented
-Tested: Chocolate Doom, Crispy doom, DSDA Doom and GZDoom
-128 Linedefs
-64 Things





Download WAD


UV Demo

Edited by Arsinikk
Added screenshot WOW

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On 5/10/2022 at 4:39 AM, Arsinikk said:

Here's my second map.


It isn't the prettiest, but I'd say the gameplay is solid. Also I kinda made it ugly on purpose :P


@Arsinikk played through ur map, its pretty cool just one minor thing.


i finished the map and killed the arch viles before opening the last doors to encouter a cyberdemon that's turned around and a baron, which was weird? i thought "what an odd ambush for the final room". so i watched your UV demo and noticed the arch viles teleport after u open the last door. i don't know if this should even be classified as a problem, but i would've never guessed that opening the final doors would teleport the arch viles. its a smart way to re-use the enemies, but it does lead to a bit of a confusing thing, like i expect most players will attempt to kill the arch viles before encountering that final ambush.


no fda because i sadly forgot to add the record parameter :/ sorry

Edited by Luleta

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17 minutes ago, Luleta said:

@Frost-Core how many maps are done so far? since the deadline is approaching.

i dont really know, i may have to extend the deadline up a month. or maybe even delete it completley

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2 minutes ago, Frost-Core said:

i dont really know, i may have to extend the deadline up a month. or maybe even delete it completley

i don't suggest you delete the deadline entirely, just so people actually finish their maps. just checkin how everyone's doin should be good. lemme check the thread for finished maps.

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checking thread we're missing maps

3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25 and 28


maybe you should ask the people with those slots if they're still interested or working on the maps, and if someone is no longer working or something you should free a slot and perhaps extend the deadline.


i for one am interested in taking a slot, if someone drops out.

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I am nearly done with Map 25, only have to make some more playtesting.


My other Map will get also an Update with some minor Textur alignement.

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2 hours ago, Luleta said:

i for one am interested in taking a slot, if someone drops out.

I'll pickup a slot, too, if someone drops-out or the deadline passes with vacancies.

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5 hours ago, Luleta said:

@Arsinikk played through ur map, its pretty cool just one minor thing.


@Luleta I'll run you through my thought process!

(Also thanks for for the feedback! I've been waiting for some ever since I first posted the map)



So the map is obviously combat focused. It is actually my first open-ish map, both in the map itself and the combat, with multiple ways of beating the level. I wanted it to be a bit difficult but not unfair. Honestly the 64 things limit makes things a bit tricky :P


The idea is that the archviles keep the player from staying near the middle of the arena, but the cybers in contrast keep the player aware when they are out of the archvile range: that's obviously what the walls are for. Each corner contains a key with a little ambush; each with a different monster combo. Once the player goes into each corner, one of the cybers lowers and is now freeroaming. Once the player has all the keys, they can unlock the exit.


However at the exit there are still 2 enemies blocking the player: a baron and a stuck cyberdemon. The only purpose of the baron is to block the teleport destination of the archviles; it does not awake and move until all the key doors are opened. Once the baron moves, the archviles will then be able to teleport in. The archviles teleporting was to punish the player for not killing them in advance or to punish speedrunners in general. The stuck cyber is there for 2 reasons: 1) stuck cyberdemons are funny to me (nice glutes :P), and 2) it's basically a door with health. Without the cyber there, when the archviles teleport in, the player could just go around them and exit immediately. The torches around the cyber also serve this sort of purpose, in that they can be a bit tricky to get through when the player is rushing.


I expected the player to approach this map in different ways. You can kill the archviles in advance and it would make the exit much easier. It's a way to reward the player from not rushing through the map. The main idea for the combat between the archviles and the cyberdemons was interesting to me. As you may know, the Archvile is the only monster that other monsters will never infight against, therefore the idea is to make the cybers target you and direct the rockets towards the Archviles. As I recall the ammo has a limited number of cells, but I wasn't too mean with the stock. The biggest challenge of this map is the monster combo and the only health being 2 megaspheres. Depending on how to play the level, you can fight the archviles on the beginning platform or have them teleport at the exit and use the cybers on the ground to kill them that way.


Honestly, I should've recorded multiple demos for the map showing the different approaches.


Edited by Arsinikk

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24 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:


@Luleta I'll run you through my thought process!

(Also thanks for for the feedback! I've been waiting for some ever since I first posted the map)

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if your goal was that, then id say excellent job, smart mappin'

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10 hours ago, Luleta said:


checking thread we're missing maps

3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25 and 28


maybe you should ask the people with those slots if they're still interested or working on the maps, and if someone is no longer working or something you should free a slot and perhaps extend the deadline.


i for one am interested in taking a slot, if someone drops out.

well i did not make my made map lol :)

nobody cares about upperhalls sadly :(

Edited by Frost-Core

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sorry didn't see map07, its kinda messy looking through pages of the thread to rescue the maps from random posts. you should add links to the finished maps on the main post so that people have ease of access to them and we can track our progress so far.


regarding upperhalls... it's quite linear and flat, the same brightness and textures through the entire level. monsters and items are just kinda thrown in there. not  a very interesting structure since it's basically a straight line. line usage is just kinda random, you use extra lines that just follow a straight line and not much else, you can easily do this map in like... 70 lines or so???

i'd say this being map07 you could've had a similar fight like you did with the mancubus map you made, taking advantage of tag 666 that's only present in map07.  making a dead simple style map for map07 could've been quite interesting and easy to do with 128 lines and 64 vertices. maybe you should try that? 


ps: that's not map23 from tnt's music only, the track is bye bye american pie, which is also present in doom 2's map 23


here is my fda of upperhalls: icareaboutupperhalls.zip

Edited by Luleta
trimmed brain farts in my writing

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Here is my submission for Map 09.


<File deleted after version 2 added.>


Title: Escape

Map slot: 09

Music: Stock (this will likely change in a future revision)

Linedefs: 128

Things: 64

Difficulties implemented: Yes

Co-op: No

Deathmatch: No

Tested with: Chocolate Doom 3.0.0, PrBoom+, ZDoom 2.8.1, GZDoom 3.2.5, GZDoom 4.7.1

Map editor used: Eureka


This is a short map with a bit of back and forth. It isn't meant to be too difficult, or to be too tight on ammo, particularly on lower difficulties. There might be spots that appear somewhat cramped, but there is actually adequate room to move, and the movement doesn't need to be too precise. There is 1 secret in the map.


Edited by Pegleg
Version 1 deleted after version 2 added.

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14 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

Here is my submission for Map 09.

@Pegleg played ur map just now and i liked the layout, very nice got some nit picks.


the arch vile trap is absurd, two arch viles after a teleporter with no cover is not very manageable specially with the lack of health and ammo, u can just get two-teamed blineded by the arch-viles. i guess you can telefrag the arch vile, but i didn't manage to do it. 

i advice you dont make the first arch vile teleport, put it in front of the teleporter and cover it with a block monster line, because that's the only reason that fight is so unfair. having the arch vile after the yellow door would be fine, there's enough cover to fight the next arch vile without it being overwhealming.

also for some reason the teleporter is marked as a secret which you can't tag.


finally, im not the biggest fan of the ssg secret, not having the ssg may make the map too tedious and the secret isnt really that well hidden regardless, i feel like it'd be better to have the ssg on the open and perhaps have that secret have a soulsphere or something :D


besides that very nice map c:

here's a playtest demo, died like 3 times at the exit and one from me being a dumb speedrunner brained idiot 1l6t09playtest.zip

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Will you be extending the deadline for submissions to this project?


As of last count, there were 10 maps open, and my map needs some minor revisions.

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2 hours ago, Pegleg said:



Will you be extending the deadline for submissions to this project?


As of last count, there were 10 maps open, and my map needs some minor revisions.

The deadline is gone. as i said.

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