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How did they do that?

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Hey,i was playing through Memento Mori 2 and saw that some levels included wall textures that are not in the base WAD.They are combined patches from different textures,like the green bricks combined with caution tape and vines,swicthes on bricks that did not have  switch variants in the first place.I thought that maybe even i might do something like that,but i don't know how. Does anyone know what kind of manipulations do i have to do to achieve that?


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They added custom patches into PNAMES, then merged some of these patches with Doom II patches/themselves together in Memento Mori 2's TEXTURE1 lump to create new custom textures.

Edited by Hitboi

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That was back then. Now you don't even need PNAMES if you use ZDoom's TEXTURES lump. Moreover, with it you can use ANY graphics to create ANYTHING - not just textures, but flats and sprites too. For example, I've created a weapons wall and credits wall textures this way in some of my WADs.

It also allows you to use rotated and mirrored graphics (i.e. without creating is as separate graphics), as well as transparency and colour operations. I suggest looking at how Shooter did it in Obsidian's custom textures WADs (there are three of it).

Edited by Spawn

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A texture consists of one or more patches. Most textures are just one patch. Some textures like the skull key indicators contain a lot of patches. Each skull is a separate patch.

Patches do not need to be rectangular. You can have a main patch that is say 128x128 and then another one that illustrates a few bullet marks in a 64x16 big patch with most of the pixels being see-through. Then you can also use that bullet mark patch on other textures where it makes sense. Some of the larger computer panel textures contain several smaller individual computer panel patches. Some textures are build out of patches that were probably made for something else originally. There is a door style texture that contains a 128x128 wood texture as the bottom patch, then 3 identical metal support patches on top.

Below is an example of a main marble face texture with a few patches that can be rendered on top in order to change just the eyes. This screenshot is from image files they used to make the files they later split into individual patches.


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