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[complevel-9/Boom] Irkalla - An 11-map WAD for Doom II (/idgames link active!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This was a wonderful mapset. Texturing is on point, every level is memorable and dripping with atmosphere. What a trip.


I hope you guys team up to make something again.

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  • 4 months later...

Rare and interesting combination of nostalgia vibe, which has a lot reference to original E3, in case of if you take M2 & M3, combined with atmosphere of unsual, which represented by few maps, including M10 & M11.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Lovely looking wad - not sure how I missed it when it was originally posted but I will be playing it over the next few days to be sure :)


One thing to note is that there don't seem to be any credits for the custom textures. I think most if not all of the textures are from CC4 (or the 32-in-24 which expanded upon them), but some of them ultimately originate from "Gothic DeathMatch (II) Graphical Resource PWAD" which has a disclaimer that needs to be included in the text file of any project which uses them.


EDIT: Ironically the Gothic text file itself doesn't credit Heretic, Hexen, or Quake despite several textures & flats clearly being taken from those games.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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4 hours ago, NiGHTMARE said:

Lovely looking wad - not sure how I missed it when it was originally posted but I will be playing it over the next few days to be sure :)

One of the best-looking wads of this year for sure.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Greetings fellow Doomers, this is a friendly bump to post my UV max playthrough. I couldn't find any complete one on YT so this might be the first. It's a very fresh spin on the OGs, even better than Chris Lutz's Hellscape I'd say. Amazing what can happen when the original levels are modernized. I had quite a bad time in MAP04 because of the resource scarcity and the generally very uncomfortable levels of punishment, but it's extremely solid as a whole. I've also written reviews for every map in the description. Here's the playlist and enjoy!


Edited by DreadWanderer

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