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3 hours ago, Average said:


I'm getting the same error in Doom Retro (PLAYPAL instead of "lump 3089")

I don't have anything autoloading.


Just thought I'd let you know.


Looking into this, it's caused by the stray SS_END marker in the wad. @Egg Boy, you may want to remove this as I don't think it's needed, but either way I'll work on DR not erroring out in this instance. (BTW @rzh, newer builds of Crispy don't have this error.)

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11 minutes ago, bradharding said:


Looking into this, it's caused by the stray SS_END marker in the wad. @Egg Boy, you may want to remove this as I don't think it's needed, but either way I'll work on DR not erroring out in this instance. (BTW @rzh, newer builds of Crispy don't have this error.)

I believe the SS_END is exclusively so UDB can read the sprite replacements, it wont do it otherwise, and if the S_END isn't in the wad, it wont work in chocolate. I don't think this affects any other ports, but I will remove the SS_END in RC2. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Another awesome set from an awesome team and possibly my new favorite of the bunch!  Thanks for joining me as well, Egg Boy. :)

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Wonderful map design backed up with a pleasing (read: lean and anime) aesthetic. I'm really glad when I see wads that use a weakened Cyber, whether they're intermixed with normal Cybers or not, it's just an all around good monster replacement.

Pack of FDAs: pagodia_fdas.zip

Maps 05 and 08 get particularly silly due to some "tomfoolery". And apologies to Aurelius and Juza, I was made mincemeat too soon in your maps. :P

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I thought I'd have it finished during this second session, but I knew I was in trouble the second I saw @Aurelius's name. The Architect of Agony as I've personally nicknamed him nearly made me pop a goddamn blood vessel! I didn't give up though but I came VERY close to it. My Baptism by Fire with community WADs has seared my flesh for nearly two years now, but damn, it still burns at times lol.


I'm too mentally exhausted to go on though, so looks like there'll be a Part 3 to this playthrough.



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This was an absolute pleasure as always:



From the vid description:

Played in GZDoom on ultra-violence, blind pistol start on compatibility doom (strict). This is a new release from one of my favourite mapping teams, the Squonk squad, and it's looking to be another certified Squonk classic. Obviously it's got a really cool palette swap along with a beautiful Japanese theme and some chill beats to study, err Doom to. This mapping team definitely has a recognizable style, as I get to enjoy more tight, scary ambushes with lots of revenant and archvile traps. If you don't find it beautiful you'll surely enjoy the edge of your seat combat!


More thoughts: yep this is beautiful and deadly.  I did finish it in the second video, I would say difficulty wise there are some extremely close quarters scary ambushes that were just verging on being frustrating but never quite got there for me, so I really liked the spicy difficulty level personally.  Great (read: nasty) use of archvile traps.  And at the end of this video there is one of my favourite surprises that I don't want to spoil, but suffice it to say it was a huge dick move but in the best way possible.  Had me laughing, and while I had trouble with it I think I like it.  Love the use of the lower health cyber demon, haven't experienced that one a lot before and it is a really nice way to make a sort of high-mid-tier enemy which is really cool.  Continuing to solidify squonk as one of my immediate must-play mapping teams, love the number of maps too as it's a relatively quick treat.


Oh, hope you can forgive the gzdoom hardware rendering too 😉 😆  I think it looks great in that mode.


edit: also how could I forget, WHAT DID YOU GUYS FEED THOSE CACOS.  jeeze that was hilarious and absolutely terrifying, really great way to liven up a standard enemy.  Is that just fast monster caco or did you speed them up even further?  I never play with fast monsters but they somehow seemed... even faster 😱

Edited by sandwedge

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Yeah, this was fantastic. Maps never overstay their welcome, and the use of the semicyberdemons really added some spice to encounters; I didn't even realise they had less health to begin with, as I was treating them cautiously like their bigger brothers and their usage as mobile assault turrets was pretty well-considered until I actually needed to defeat one to progress, at which point the penny dropped.


I can imagine the purple bias getting stale after more than the nine maps here, but for what it is this was a beautiful and entertaining ride from beginning to end.

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These were fun, even if the diffculty was quite uneven between the maps. Also, the new cacos were odd. Anyway, I played on UV in GZdoom 4.7.1 and I noticed some problems:


MAP03: small HOM is visible at linedef 987 after the closet opens, see the screenshot. Is there some legitimate way to obtain soulsphere 185 (I couldn't find one)? And if so, shouldn't it be secret?


MAP05: player can become stuck behind small crates on sector 204.


MAP09: archvile 291 never became active and thus never teleported into playable areas.




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And here's the final 3 maps. I had a great time with this set overall. I dare say it's my favourite Squonked-up miniWAD so far and look forward to what you kids come up with next time. ;^)



Edited by Biodegradable

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Very cool maps! Every time that I see the PA_018 texture in the wall the PTSD kick hard!


loled hard with TW_009/ZM_CCM2 textures!!!



How I died in every single map multiple times, I will call it "pago-nya" / "pluto-nyan map set" =p


.  .  .



Progression in the MAP08 (coop) can be broken because some lines are S1 or W1.


PS: Cacos on acids are the best!

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2 hours ago, Caleb13 said:

These were fun, even if the diffculty was quite uneven between the maps. Also, the new cacos were odd.


This is a strange comment, could you please elaborate? The difficulty curve isn't ever increasing, I don't think its necessary for a wad to be good, the difficulty curve follows a scythe 2-like curve, wherein each episode has a separate curve with the first map being easier than the last map of the last episode and the final map being harder. I don't think this is a flaw, but rather good for pacing. Also, not sure what's odd about the new cacos, they're directly from TPH, super useful for challenging the player's space from a mappers perspective.



MAP03: small HOM is visible at linedef 987 after the closet opens, see the screenshot. Is there some legitimate way to obtain soulsphere 185 (I couldn't find one)? And if so, shouldn't it be secret?


Now this is a strange one, looks like this hom only appears after getting the red key, because there is a spare linedef there that is left over and happens to use the same tag. Thanks for pointing this out!




MAP05: player can become stuck behind small crates on sector 204.


MAP09: archvile 291 never became active and thus never teleported into playable areas.


Thank you. I'll show these to the respective mappers.

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@Egg Boy There's nothing wrong with the mapset. I just found some maps significantly more challenging than others, but that's to be expected when different authors pitched in. And the "improved" cacos moved like floating robots gone haywire, which looked odd to me.


BTW, is there a way to get the soulsphere in MAP03?

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Just now, Caleb13 said:

@Egg Boy There's nothing wrong with the mapset. I just found some maps significantly more challenging than others, but that's to be expected when different authors pitched in. And the "improved" cacos moved like floating robots gone haywire, which looked odd to me.


BTW, is there a way to get the soulsphere in MAP03?


I apologize for neglecting to mention this, it requires a linedef skip, we put it in for fun when we realized how easy it was to skip the teleporter at the beginning of the map when SR40ing


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Played only half of the maps but wow this wad look great :) Mix of purple and green textures do the work. Not to big maps with low enemy count is what i like. Very nice work.

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Hey, all, we're hard at work with RC2 which will include a number of fixes, here's a screenshot of map04's fixed sign to make it look nicer at lower resolutions. Thank you all for playing.





Edited by Egg Boy

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Not sure if this has been brought up, but on the closing map, just after you get the red skull key, it's possible to softlock yourself by getting off the elevator just as it begins to rise, and (unless I missed something) there's no way to bring it back down, or another way to get where it leads.

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8 minutes ago, Sena said:

Not sure if this has been brought up, but on the closing map, just after you get the red skull key, it's possible to softlock yourself by getting off the elevator just as it begins to rise, and (unless I missed something) there's no way to bring it back down, or another way to get where it leads.

you should be able to go back around from where you came in.

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Full playthrough; forgot to upload to yt til today - second half is Mayan Reynolds because I want to dive deep into the SCU:


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Enjoyed the final techno shrine map and the cyberpunk city episode in this one:



Vid description:

Played in GZDoom on ultra-violence, blind pistol start on compatibility doom (strict). I close out this fantastic new mapset by team Squonk. First I get through the last techno-shrine zone with one of the nastiest close-quarters traps in the whole mapset. Thankfully I'm rewarded with a bowl of supercharged ramen. Then I travel through the cyberpunk city and close out an epic long final map. There might even be some weird anime secrets along the way. Hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed playing!


more thoughts:

It is interesting that the difficulty and length is tuned towards ramping up in each 3 map mini episode, I think it works!  It's an interesting way to introduce and develop each theme, and honestly sometimes having too many gigantic maps at the end of a mapset can become tiring.  It was nice to have a couple shorter ones before that final epic one for sure!

Edited by sandwedge

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I'm getting this error trying to run crispy-doom 5.6.4. But it's totally fine in chocolate-doom, and dsda

R_InitSprites: Sprite PLAY frame P has rotations and a rot=0 lump
R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump 3060


It's always great to see the cyan cyber. And is the caco really zipping fast or am I seeing things? Anyway, love the visuals, and openness of the maps as well.

edit: yep, the caco is fast as heck, looks so funny

Edited by HrnekBezucha

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2 minutes ago, HrnekBezucha said:

I'm getting this error trying to run crispy-doom 5.6.4. But it's totally fine in chocolate-doom, and dsda

R_InitSprites: Sprite PLAY frame P has rotations and a rot=0 lump
R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump 3060


It's always great to see the cyan cyber. And is the caco really zipping fast or am I seeing things? Anyway, love the visuals, and openness of the maps as well.

you are likely preloading something in Crispy Doom, I have no such problems.

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Played some of this in DOS.  Works beautifully and..  I didn't see any tutti's.  Totally flawless and damn beautiful.  Can't wait to finish this one.

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Alright, here is my review/funny humor video while showing a minute of footage. I liked this a lot, (Especially when it comes to visuals) but I didn't have much patience for it and the other maps. Although, someone is gonna have to explain why the Cacos drank too much Monster.



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On 4/28/2022 at 11:36 PM, Egg Boy said:

Difficulties are implemented.

Cool.  I'll do a chill play through this evening on HNTR and record while sipping some wine.  Unwind with some wine; un-wine'd hahah.


Map 01: Oh God that's a cyber map 01... Phew he wasn't to bad.  I bet this is the exit - oh did that cacodemon phase shift anime style - oops I'm dead.

Map 02: Phew, almost died in that one fight.  Glad I picked up that Mega-sphere/plasma secret.  That'll come in handy for this continuous playthrough.

Map 03: ...




Here's a continuous FDA on Hey-Not-To-Rough FDA up to most of Map03: noisy_hntr_Pagodia_fda_m1-3.zip


I liked the cacos from a gameplay perspective.  I liked the Japanese Barney theme.  I like the refined - forgive me if you take this the wrong way - "fast food" streamlined neo-TarnsJimmian style you guys map with; that, combined with clean solid themes makes for cool short episodes.  If I pick this back up tomorrow it will be with saves.

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Check the OP, RC2 has been uploaded and is ready for mass consumption. Please enjoy the (mostly) minor changes that will hopefully improve your play experience. Thank y'all for playing, I'm glad you guys seem to like it.






-fixed minor misalignments




-fixed HOM in archvile closet




-improved visuals on the noodle shop's sign for lower resolutions




-Added a fix for the crate softlock and did minor automap cleaning




-fixed rocket eating void portal wooden beam




-made blue key progression less confusing




-fixed a secret teleporter line

-made progression clearer (yellow key area)

-cleaned up automap - some new monsters

-green area: simplified some architecture, removed some crates, improved drawsegs couldn't completely fix the DSOs but they're not as bad now

-more decorations

-slightly different detailing in some areas (mostly green area)

-more multiplayer monsters & items

-new secret

-new ending

-minor item changes

-minor texturing changes

-minor changes in difficulty settings

-new midi




Edited by Egg Boy

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