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Pagodia | Now on Idgames!

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12 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

Don't know whether this is reported/intended, the bottom right pixel of the number "4" seems to have wrong color.

RC3 is out and contains exactly one fix!

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1 hour ago, Egg Boy said:

RC3 is out and contains exactly one fix!

I've never seen such a pixel perfect fix before!

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I have been excited about this since it came out. But I been food poisoned , sick and drowning in maps lol 


Enough about me this map is awesome and I loved it. Excited for more. A unique stunning look and a fun challenge right off the bat - this won't be a slow burn 


Good times. I want to play more and will. But I think I will take a while as I juggle the universe 


Good times 



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  • 2 weeks later...

The final version of Pagodia is up, it is virtually unchanged from RC3, couldn't figure out how to remove the duplicated id resources (the sprites that weren't adjusted for the palette) without it crashing chocolate. And thusly, it was rejected from idgames. Anyway, check the OP for the final version, no further changes are planned unless something major comes up.

Edited by Egg Boy

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May be my last vid for a bit. I'm actually on vacation but my face pain is too distracting 


I want to play but I don't feel good eh 


Cool maps tho I'll be back some day 




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On 5/15/2022 at 6:34 AM, Jayextee said:

You were testing with the -merge parameter, yes?


Not sure if I was clear on this front beforehand, but the current wad runs COMPLETELY fine in chocolate doom, the problem is because there are unedited rotations of certain sprites in the wad (they need to be there so chocolate does not crash) I cannot upload it to idgames.


My working strategy is to add a pixel to every duplicate in order to make it viable for idgames.

Edited by Egg Boy

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3 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

(they need to be there so chocolate does not crash)

Does Chocolate crash if you use the -merge parameter when loading? Chocolate DOOM, as a legacy thing, inherited the original executable's inability to use customs sprites in a .wad unless they were merged with the remainder of a full set; which used to be a thing DEUSF or NWT would do to the .wad itself, but Chocolate does at runtime with -merge.

Tryna save you some effort here.

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Just now, Jayextee said:

Does Chocolate crash if you use the -merge parameter when loading? Chocolate DOOM, as a legacy thing, inherited the original executable's inability to use customs sprites in a .wad unless they were merged with the remainder of a full set; which used to be a thing DEUSF or NWT would do to the .wad itself, but Chocolate does at runtime with -merge.

Tryna save you some effort here.

it does not appear to work with -merge if I remove the sprites in question, I think you need to have all rotations of any sprite you replace.

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2 minutes ago, Jayextee said:

Ah, my bad -- specific rotations, I missed that point. Gotcha.

Thanks for the suggestion regardless, I believe I only need to edit roughly 20 or so sprites. I have the patience for making resource wads, so I think it should be pretty easy for me.

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Egg Boy, I’ve had to add a line to MANY txt files by now asking the idgames maintainers “can you pretty please let my wad in even though it uses a few iwad resources? They’re only present to avoid crashes, thanks!” and they’ve always obliged

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I love these maps. Really had to come back - and I got surprise commentators along the way lol - good times 




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Everybody here is (deservedly) complimenting the visuals, soundtrack and/or gameplay, but I think the standout for a relative n00b such as myself is the gradation between difficulties.


I'm pretty inexperienced, but still try and run everything in HMP by default. So when the modified Cybie handed my arse to me right out the gate, I really thought this rad-looking and chill-shounding new set just wasn't for me. It's a modern Doom WAD, geared towards players who have been playing for years, right?


So I swallowed my pride, delved in with ITYTD, and learned what the map wanted from me. And then progressed to the next map, brimming with confidence and thoroughly enjoying how elegantly every aspect of the WAD melds together.


I'll write a larger and more effusive review once I've completed it, but I just wanted to pop in and thank each and every one of you for taking the time to skillfully implement options for less-skilled players. Can't imagine having missed out on this one!



Also: having doors with "DOOR!" written on them in size 72 kanji is never not going to slay me.


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On 5/3/2022 at 9:40 PM, NoisyVelvet said:


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"fast food" streamlined neo-TarnsJimmian style 



This is my favorite string of words (and nonwords) in a while

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Wonderful set, everything is amazing about it, great work!

A minor issue I found in MAP09 is if you jump down from sector with tag 40 quickly after pressing the switch, you won't be able to progress further.


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1 minute ago, Vrhrlv said:

Wonderful set, everything is amazing about it, great work!

A minor issue I found in MAP09 is if you jump down from sector with tag 40 quickly after pressing the switch, you won't be able to progress further.


You should be able to lower it again by jumping onto the key platform. You can also backtrack out of the area.

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Just now, Egg Boy said:

You should be able to lower it again by jumping onto the key platform. You can also backtrack out of the area.


My bad, I now see the specials on the linedefs there are repeatable, not an issue then I guess!

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Cool wad, I finished my UV blind playthrough yesterday, liking it a lot. Especially turbo cacos.


I want to UV-MAX all of the maps in the wad and I've already started doing so.

Should I post my commentated UV-MAX playthroughs in this thread?


Here is Map 1 (feedback regarding the audio quality, format, whatever else is much appreciated):



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28 minutes ago, Ravendesk said:

Cool wad, I finished my UV blind playthrough yesterday, liking it a lot. Especially turbo cacos.


Here is Map 1 (feedback regarding the audio quality, format, whatever else is much appreciated):





I enjoyed your playthough, but felt incredibly stupid because you demonstrated that you could just, like, not release the Cybie instantly and not complain about it harassing you for the entire level.


I'm gonna go sit in the corner and think about that for a while...

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UV-MAX playthrough of Map 02. I have actually maxed most of the maps already but making commentary takes time.



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On 5/26/2022 at 9:19 PM, Daytime Waitress said:

I enjoyed your playthough, but felt incredibly stupid because you demonstrated that you could just, like, not release the Cybie instantly and not complain about it harassing you for the entire level.


I'm gonna go sit in the corner and think about that for a while...

There's actually a switch on the other side of the map that also opens the door, I built it so that you could open it from either end of the map, so if you missed it before, the path naturally leads you to another switch that opens the cyber cage. You probably did not notice this because both switches lower into the ground once you hit one of them.

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2 hours ago, Egg Boy said:

There's actually a switch on the other side of the map that also opens the door, I built it so that you could open it from either end of the map, so if you missed it before, the path naturally leads you to another switch that opens the cyber cage. You probably did not notice this because both switches lower into the ground once you hit one of them.

Definitely missed that, but I do appreciate such small touches.

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