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A Doom Eternal like game

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I'm not sure if this should be posted here, so if a moderator considers that it doesn't quite fit, please, move it.


So, a friend of mine, knowing my taste, recommended this game:



I tried it, and insert meme of "a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one".


The DE influence is really strong and they don't try to hide it. They rather proudly exhibit it: character movement, dashes, double jumps, fast-paced combat style, quick-swapping to optimize damage, different types of enemies that require different strategies to be quickly killed, a weapon wheel, among others. I found myself moving around and dodging enemies in the same way I do in Doom Eternal without even thinking, but at the same time paying attention to how to use the new weaponry. I felt like kind of in a limbo between something well-known and fresh stuff.


You guys who liked DE gameplay, I strongly recommend to give it a try. It's in early access on Steam, but you can download its demo for free (1-2 hours of gameplay, in my experience). There are some games that are released in its "final version" but they're in a blatant beta phase. This one it's in early access and I've never experienced any major bug.


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2 hours ago, Lutum Lautus said:

Shadow Warrior 3 is also apparently a Doom Eternal ripoff.

By this line of thinking SW classic and SW 2013 are "rip-offs" of classic DOOM and Painkiller, respectively. Sure, Shadow Warrior 3 takes some obvious inspiration from Eternal, but there's nothing wrong with that and I think it has enough unique ideas to fill its own sort of niche.

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With that arguement, you could say the about about Eternal/2016 taking ideas from somewhere.

A lot of these types of FPS, both AAA and indie, are essentially combining ideas that existed before but in new ways.

It's part of the same reason why i tend to feel a bit neutral over Quake, Blood, Hexen and any other classic FPS series returning.

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