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The DWmegawad Club plays: Judgment

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MAP22 - “Watershed”


Well this is certainly a change of pace. In fact I would go to say that this was the best map so far in my opinion. 

The start is hot, you need to clear one of the sides of monsters and then defend your foothold with just a single patch of cover from a mix of revenants, cacodemons and an archvile. The rest of the map plays at a higher tempo than most of the megawad so far, you can cut loose for most of this map, I actually missed the SSG/Chaingun and ran for the central structure. There are enough rockets to deal with the mix of revenants/hell knights in here. The teleporter takes you to the upper section where you can grab the yellow or blue keys. The blue key path also unlocks access to the central area where the key switches are located so I left this until last. Loop to the yellow key and then grab the red which could have been grabbed earlier, then back inside to take the blue key path. How you go about it is completely up to the player and there is a enough incidental combat to keep you moving along. The final fight is well pitched within a circular room where you only have half the space to deal with a mixture of nobles, imps and a Judgement special in the centre. Challenging but nothing excessive.

Overall this was a fun, engaging map set to probably the best thematics in the wad. The natural environment looks excellent and the usages of textures to compliment the vanilla concrete ones is very well done indeed. I really hope the wad carries the momentum generated from this one to the finish.

P.S - The midi track is great too for this one, I should know because I used this track for my PRCP2 entry.

Edited by cannonball

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MAP 23 – Plateau of the Beheaded

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


The name evoked gruesome images of decapitated corpses with their heads put on stakes, but there was nothing like that in Plateau of the Beheaded. The visuals continued the theme of MAP22, the rocky cliffs encircling CEMENT tech-base sections, but the level was smaller in size, and water had been replaced by unhealthy black tar. The centre of the plateau was engulfed by the deadly substance, and in the middle of it stood the exit, accessible only after collecting the three keys.


The paths to each key could be tackled in any order, but pistol starters might have trouble with weapon progression if they take the wrong turn, especially if they go left from the start. I misunderstood the yellow teleporter for a gate requiring the YSK, instead of the one leading to said key. If the player so wishes, he may stir the Cyberdemon in the northern marble trench, then gain both the key and the plasma rifle as a reward. I followed the eastward path, suggested by the alerted monsters seen from the start, so I circumnavigated the tar pit on the eastern side, conquering the treatment plant and the BK after a long but straightforward battle. I found the Arachnotron telefrag secret by pure chance while running away from their attacks.



The Wraith trap on the mud terrace was some good fun; it was like being ambushed by fast Hexen Stalkers. The teleport switch secret was confusing, but not concealed too much. Back to start, I went west and was met by an Imp horde backed by Cacodemons and Archons. My instinct was to break through the ranks and run past them, but I was slowed down by a high-attrition mud. Seeing the Archons approach while I was unable to move quickly was terrifying, and I am glad I had rockets aplenty. The trapped switch that raised the walkway to the isle with the RSK was not very effective, and I got hit only because I was taking the damage floor for granted (it was harmless). The red switch teleport was massive, using Fallen and Nightshades appropriately, but was likewise unthreatening.



I must wait until the last cramped arena to find myself in front of a proper challenge. The space was quickly occupied by Demons, Nightshades, Hell Knights and two Archons of Hell, with a respawning Revenant in the middle. They got a fair number of Doomguy scalps before I could beat them in such a restricted space, without resorting to the carry-over BFG. There were some RNG elements that I did not like very much, influencing the order of monster teleports and the movement options. Even if it was an easy-going affair if compared to MAP22, Plateau of the Beheaded was a nice complement to the previous level and ended with one of the trickiest moments in the megaWAD. A very solid entry for the fifth episode.

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Map 22: Watershed

100% kills and secrets

Time: 19:30

Deaths 1 (fell into a pit at the very beginning)


I'm kinda surprised that we have a major change of scenery for the second map of the ep, but I'm not complaining, as this is one of the best looking maps in the set so far. It uses the techbase with natural surroundings these, with the techbase textures being used for the titular watershed. The map is also one of the more detailed, with the center structure looking pretty impressive inside. In order to get to this area, you have to take out everything in this starting area. Mancubi, dark imps, and revs initially, with some cacos and an archie showing up once you lower the megasphere. You grab the rocket launcher immediately, but ammo is tight. Once you finally jump down the hole into the main part of the map, you've got a few places to go. The SSG and minigun are around here, so grab them and take out the assorted riff raff. Instead of heading to the big central structure, take the other nicely detailed path to the red key. Jump in, and lower the metal wall texture to flood the pit and teleport in some hell knights. Some fallen will also fly in at this point. Check one of the side walls around here to find a teleporter switch to grab the chainsaw. The center structure's main fight is a wave of hell knights and revs, some of which will teleport behind you. Rocket 'em. The teleporter here takes you outside where you can take 2 different paths. The left one has you go all around the outskirts to eventually grab the yellow key. The only real tough fight is optional, when you grab the plasma. Cacos, fallen, and a pain elemental show up and are a general pain. The right path, with a jump across the center structure nabs the blue key, and a relatively minor fight. It also is the path to the key switches. Make sure to look closely here to find a shootable switch that raises a platform to some secret goodies, and a quick jump to a secret soul sphere. The yellow and blue keys lower a teleporter to the exit room, and the red key starts the final fight here. You have an azazel in the center, with some dark imps and nobles coming in by the red bars. 2 plasma rifles and bulk cells help a bit, but you might have to switch to shells after a while. The azazel's wide attack pattern can cause some nice infighting. Overall, this is one of the strongest maps in the WAD so far. Fun fights and some of the best looking areas I've seen so far. 

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MAP21: Entrencemperium

Kills: 86%
Items: 50%
Secrets: 50%
Time: 6:41


It’s kinda funny how this one starts in an entirely different Doom map lmao.

Okay, but seriously, I don’t think this Mancubian Candidate opening setpiece really adds a lot to this map. It’s extremely disposable and very easy, with only a few Revenants to rail against in the same encounter 3 times. After that we have a fairly standard episode opener, I find the opening is ironically the map’s biggest talking point, as the rest is a little underwhelming and in the same field as episode 1. Not to say it doesn’t have strong moments, I love the crackerjack BFG pit as well as the tense ‘O’ of destruction outside, there’s just not much to the rest of this shaggy dog map. The red key fight is pretty cool though, I dig these BFG fights that aren’t super big. Overall Entrencemperium is a little uneven and underwhelming, but it works okay enough as an opener.


Grade: B

Difficulty: B-



Edited by NiGHTS108
I wrote this at like 5AM leave me alone lmfao

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MAP22: Watershed

UV, pistol start, no saves

100% kills, 1/4 secrets



Welp, I remarked about fortress fatigue last map, and sure enough the second map of the episode shifts the theme on us. Apart from containing cliffs (which tend more toward browns than the blacks and greys) and the skybox, this one bears little aesthetic resemblance to the last map. It's filled with water, both in the craggy outdoor areas and the techbase interiors, seems to be some kind of water treatment plant. The AD_79 midi, titled Valiant (not to be found in the wad of the same name), fits nicely as well. An energetic techy joint.


This one really nails the combat, it's full of fun moments. Love your drop down into that outdoor area, full of monster turrets and pinkies/spectres giving chase and attracting facerockets. My favourite fight might be when you first lower that gate before the branching key-paths, unleashing a ton of hell knights and revenants, many of which teleport behind you. If you aren't prepared with some pre-fired rockets this fight gets super chaotic, and still sort of does even with pre-firing. The final fight is also great, an archon sits under some falling water in the middle as the cramped area fills with hell nobles and imps. Just keep moving in the U shape of the arena and spray plasma. Very fun encounter, and it can be a bit tricky not to get overwhelmed. Make sure not to accidentally wander into the exit though! After some time it opens up and is just sitting there out in the open, waiting for you to stumble in.


Very fun map, big highlight for me personally.

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catching up, part 2


MAP 21 - Entracemepium

New episode, so we need to riffle some imps, then into a room with a "don't kill fatty" message. I believe that means I shouldn't waste my few SSG shells on him yet, so I wont. Press switch, up steps, press switch, kill pinkies, press switch, up steps, rinse, repeat. Then it's outside and then the floor drops. Kill pinkies, zombies and a HK, go back up, grab the BSK, kill rev, down, outside, kill manc, I hope this one is fine to kill, blue switch, enter door grab plasma, kill mancs and pinkies, outside, kill another manc, go down, grab the BFG, kill the revs and the baron, teleport. Follow the trail of potions, mini-gunning the small fry then switch to plasma for the revs and HKS, switch 1 and 2, kill the azazel, go grab the not-so-secret mini-gun + health, back, switch. Now.. Back? Ah, yes, grab the YSK, go to yellow door, kill the imps, kill the rev that showss up and pick secret invis, lift, save, jump down to grab cells plus another BFG, switch, kill imps and barons, clear up the caged revs, switch, grab RSK, red door, 'port, and back up, switch, steps, save, red switch.And it's a cow. Of course. Die to him once, kill him on try two. Then.. Kill the fat one and exit. 


100% K/I/S, 1 death, 12:25 minutes


MAP 22 - Watershed

After a don't kill the manc map this one starts with 6 mancs to get disposed off. IT also starts with more than enough rockets for you to do the job, so all is fine! After that, switch one releases a rev and three tomatoes and gives you a juicy megasphere for your troubles and switch two opens up the path forward. Get your supplies and jump down the hole! There's imps! Pinkies and specters! Zombies! Mancubi! and I can hear some spiders too! To one side, after clearing the rabble, is a building. Entering it zombies and imps shoot at you, you shoot back. There's plemty of rockets or you can do as I did and mini-gun them one at a time. Then press the switch, whenever you feel ready, for a swarm of HKs and revs to be dispatched via rockets or if you, like me, carry some leftover BFG.. Well, do the math. Kill the baron, flip both switches, go pick up the megasphere if needed, teleport, jump over, kill the PE and then the rest and then, down we go. A good rocket spam is recommended, and then it's up the steps, flip the switch, cross over, grab key, flip switch, cross, step into the pool, switch. And then, back into the baron 'port, and off to the other side. Don't think for a second that the plasma gun is free but take it even so. Then move onwards around the building, don't forget the secret backpack, pick the yellow key, jump down, grab the SSG and get rid of the fat ones, go back inside, open the yellow switch, teleport! And then go out again, because you are still missing the red key. So, back into the walls, kill the baron, grab the backpack and the regular shotty, go deeper, kill the revs, kill the pinkies and press a half-hidden switch for a secret chainsaw, and then.. Jump down? Yup. switch, water fills, kill the HKs, kill the flying flaming revs, and we are ready to go to the final fight. Switch one, two, kill the imps + HK wave, and we could leave but!

I got two secrets to go. I even know what they are : a plasma gun and a soulsphere, both very visible, both out of reach. So.. Oh! found the switch for the plasma and from there, jump, soulsphere, exit! 

100, 99, 100% K/I/S, 1 death to the inescapable pits on the start area, 22:27 minutes


And one final map,

MAP 23 - Plateau of the Beheaded

We are outside, is a brown countryside with a marble palace ahead. To the right a pair of HKs and zombies so I pick that side first. After them a switch opens up another building. A rocket launcher, rockets and megasphere and more HKs. Grab it all, lift, remove the spiders first, the revs after, grab the BFG and the blue key, and go back the other side. Jump into the mud to press a switch, go a bit further and press another switch for a invis secret (plus ammo), switch, blue teleport and it's time to check the other side. Neon-baron, imps and a caco, cross the mud and jump down to a lava floor, kill a couple teleporting HKs, switch and now the red key is up ahead. Grab it, go back, switch, deal with the wave, go for the red 'port. Now, bi-keyed, we go into the marble, teleport, fight a cyber, grab the key, go to the side and kill the mancubi, flying flaming revs and shotgunners. Behold and amaze yourself with the teleporting plasma ball, move to the yellow switch followed by the red one and the blue one. Then it's a pair of switches, the final wave, and the exit is open! I am however missing one secret.. Oh, it's a teleporting trick! and nothing in it.. I guess the idea was to telefrag the spiders, which would have been useful while they lived. 


100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 16:50 minutes.


That is all for today! 


Edited by kalaeth

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MAP23 - Plateau of the Beheaded:
I enjoyed this one, for the most part. I like the almost entirely outdoors setting and the CEMENT bases again look pretty great. You've got a few options for where to go at the start, however it seems that going to the right is the safer option. This leads you to the blue key area, in the CEMENT base itself which contains the BFG and a rocket launcher. The baron fight outside when you get the rocket launcher is a bit crap, while this whole wad uses barons far too often, this map definitely places them more often than the already high average and this fact is probably the main reason why I didn't love this map. The blue key ambush itself is pretty fun, though it is perhaps a bit too easy to escape.


I like the use of high-friction floors to create the effect of trudging through deep mud, first with a little ambush with a few Wraiths and then with the largest ambush in the map, where a load of imps emerge from the depths. That ambush particularly is just a really cool moment, and is one of the most memorable parts of this whole wad. The red key ambush after this kind of sucks, the teleporting monster gimmick is not one I like, and I just decided to brute-force the fight and tank a hit from the archvile since it was more appealing than actually bothering to engage with the stupid teleporting gimmick. I liked the yellow key ambush, but it's quite easy to solve as you're given ample cover from the cyberdemon.


The finale felt like a rehash of the finale from the previous map. It's another very claustrophobic arena where a load of stuff spawns in and is basically a test of not wasting all your BFG shots immediately. It's easy and a pretty lame way to end the map. In spite of this ending and the irritating baron usage, I liked this one.




Really Liked: MAP02, MAP05, MAP33, MAP13
Liked: MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP12, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP17, MAP20, MAP22, MAP23
Mixed Opinions: MAP03, MAP32, MAP19
Didn't Like: MAP11


Boring: MAP01, MAP04, MAP10, MAP16, MAP18, MAP21
(Please don't take these as an objective measure of quality, they're just reflections of how much fun I had with the map after completing it and this could vary wildly for various reasons.)


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(Played continuously on UV with DSDA-Doom, saves are allowed)

Map 23: Plateau of the Beheaded

100% kills, 66% items and 50% secrets 

Time: 9:25


Again, Plateau of the Beheaded is a really pretty and fun map. However, this time, it is scored by an unexpected Plutonia 2 midi and the layout is circular, allowing the player to choose between 2 paths at the start. I started with the right path and got the blue key, which is guarded by lots of revs, arachnos and some teleporting imps and pain elementals. Later, I went to the left path to get the red key. To grab it, you need to kill some archons, a horde of imps and beat a fight with an archie and some hell knights teleporting all over the place. After that, activating the red switch spawns more foes including nightshades and hell knights, but also opens the access to the yellow key, which is guarded by a cyber. After that, you can exit, but the final fight is no joke as tanky foes and a revenant on a pillar can be very dangerous due to the limited space. Another really good map.







Map 32

Map 20

Map 5

Map 10

Map 6

Really Like:

Map 17

Map 13

Map 15

Map 33
Map 19

Map 31

Map 23

Map 12

Map 21

Map 9

Map 16

Map 22

Map 8

Map 2


Map 14

Map 7

Map 18

Map 4

Map 1


Map 11



Edited by tonytheparrot

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MAP23 - “Plateau of the Beheaded”


A mixture of techbase and marble ruins set in the same rocky visuals as the last map. However I must admit that I enjoyed this far less than Watershed. The start gives you two choices but frankly going for the blue key is the best bet. This map tends to follow the trend of combat scenarios that don't quite click for me. The blue key fight is completely optional in how you handle it. You can diffuse a lot of it before grabbing the blue key, or simply run from the fight. This seemed a little bit of a wasted scenario here. The sticky mud fight going the other way isn't really utilised either, again because I had the BFG I could nuke the tankier monsters and then allow the imps to trickle up towards the start area.

There are some cruder fights too, the pit that you must jump in to later access the red key is straight out the the "Death Domain" terms of jankiness, the frequently teleporting around hell knights are more annoying than threatening. 

The final fight is a doddle if you keep back cells (Which is very doable if you dispatch the cyberdemon when getting the yellow key. Speaking of which, despite the simpler layout, it took me a while to figure where I could grab the yellow key from (In fairness having teleporters taking you back to the start should have been a giveaway I guess). Anyway the final fight doesn't work like the previous map did because of the BFG. Using plasma/rockets takes longer and allows the monsters to pressurise you, here you can wipe them from existence in a blink of an eye.

Overall, this isn't a bad map. But it did feel like a hodgepodge of combat ideas that didn't quite work in my opinion.

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+++Ray Mohawk 1/2

+++3 Heures D'Agonie 2 (could pair with 3ha1 if desired; the maps are generally quite short, 3ha1 is kinda a bit meh by itself and 3ha3 was already covered in 2017)

Edited by FrancisT218

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Map 22: Plateau of the Beheaded

100% kills and secrets

Time: 17:42

Deaths: 2

Crashes: 1


We keep the map theme of the last one, but we open things up a bit. Like the previous, you need to find all 3 keys to exit, and you can grab them in any order. I recommend going for the blue key first, so take the right path. Grabbing the blue key will also net you the BFG, which will be very helpful when grabbing the yellow key. The path to the blue key has some resistance, but the actual building its housed in is the big pain. First, 4 archons patrol the outside area, and the building itself has sniping revs and arachnotrons. You can telefrag the spiders if you jump off the toxic sludge cliff, which is a very obscure secret. The revs will lower if you head to the back of the building, and then dark imps and pain elementals will teleport in. You'll get a lot of rockets and cells here, so go to town. After grabbing the blue key, continue north a bit to clear out the rest of the path. There's a switch teleporter up here too that takes you to the other secret. Make sure to jump into the heavy sludge to find a SSG and some wraiths. This heavy sludge slows you down, and is really annoying in the red key path. 2 archons teleport in by the start of this path, while a swarm of dark imps appear in the sludge. The red key fight itself is kinda interesting, in that it's just 2 hell knights and an archie that love to teleport in. Kalath's screenshot above shows how projectiles will get continuously stuck in a teleporting loop here, especially after you hit the red switch and a horde teleports in. The yellow key fight is kinda easy with the BFG, as it's just a cyb waiting to get 2-shoted. Make sure to take the west path to do some more cleanup and die. Oops. This path is also a more direct path to the key switches and exit. The final fight is a little tough (cue death 2), as when you hit one of the 2 switches, monsters teleport in front of the other, and revs will continuously spawn in the center platform. Rocket at the beginning, then BFG when archons and the others get close. Tough, but doable. Pretty fun map with the different ways you can tackle it. Looks pretty nice too.


Also, the WAD crashed for the 3rd time, this time during the final fight. Happened while plasmaing a hell knight. Here's my general error report:

Code: C0000005 (Access Violation - tried to read address 0000000000000000)
Address: 00007FF6E3C8E582
Flags: 00000000

(idk if this helps understand why it crashed. I clueless)

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MAP 24 – Devil’s Orchard

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


Old FPS have their fair share of “orchards” that struggle to look like a place where plants are cultivated. The rendition in Devil’s Orchard was a network of volcanic caves, aptly overgrown with sick vegetation, dotted with fire-spewing peaks that put that nice, animated flame sprite on display. A pistol start might be tricky, not because of the herd of Pinkies ahead or the elevated Former Marines, for which the rifle and the Berserk pack were more than enough, but because of the Fallen that pop up behind the player.


I was playing continuous, but I thought the weapon progression posed pistol starters in front of great risks, especially during the first blind exploration. On top of the first staircase, there was a choice between a cavern with a plasma rifle in sight, and another with a lava pool, red structures with demonic engravings, and not less than three key-operated switches. Dropping into this second cavern without a key at hand meant there was no access to the SSG or to the Soul Sphere guarded by Arch-Viles in a remote place. The only way to progress would be to enter the BSK cavern, or even worse to head straight into the YSK section, with nothing better than the shotgun. Knowing the map beforehand would surely open a few possibilities, but for the first time it was advisable to head straight for the plasma weapon, as I did.



After the short but complicated ambush around the weapon, I entered the next cavern. Even with the plasma rifle and some carry-over ammo, I was shocked by the fierce opposition lined up to protect the BSK. A Cyberdemon guarded a switch, but around the corner an Archon, Demons, Forgotten Ones, and a flock of Fallen were ready for a surprise attack. The skull switch releases even more monsters from the red stone vault, and a second Cyberdemon that joined the other for a crazy rocket crossfire, easily hitting other hellspawn. The BFG was inside the vault, and it was essential to eliminate the bosses. Taking the key released an Arch-Vile behind teleporting Imps and Pinkies, with only a piece of wood as cover.


I returned to the fork and used the BSK on the several “generic locked” switches, collecting several goodies after surviving the ambushes, then I dropped in the north-eastern hole to find a helper dog and a cavern system. MBF tirelessly bit and scratched the approaching monsters but getting out of the starting cavern was not as easy as it seemed, because of the nearby Azazel and many snipers around. The side passages contained flying monsters and some ammo, while the central opening led to a very large outdoor area enclosed by flaming peaks and showcasing a round circle of columns in the middle. The YSK was there, though approaching the bridge over lava triggered the largest assault of Devil’s Orchard, boasting 50 mixed monsters and a Spider Demolisher. Not a big deal if Pain Elementals get the priority; the highest risk was running out of cells, as rockets were non-existent on this map. I was pinned down close to the yellow switch, and I killed the boss with the SSG, hiding behind the small rock formations.



Besides some annoying Arch-Viles doing their job in the caverns, the regular map was done. By that time, I only found the Mega Armour secret, and I eventually missed the Computer Area Map. The remaining sectors marked the four steps of the complicated path to MAP34. I noticed a red key switch in a narrow tunnel, and I was shocked when I got back to start and found a new chamber with the RSK. I pressed the switch, but the outcome was not apparent; I checked the automap and I spotted oddities where I retrieved the BSK. Getting there lowered the teleporter pad in the exit area, also sending Arch-Viles and Former Brutes to bid farewell. This was a good level, though not something I thoroughly enjoyed on my blind playthrough.

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MAP 34 – Circle of Druids

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


If MAP31 left a strong impression with its pale, washed out colours, and with its new powerful mini boss called Shaman, the last secret level of Judgment concentrated exclusively on those two concepts, expanding them further. The player started in a narrow cavern flooded by pink ooze, the primordial soup from which the Shamans created demonic life, according to the intermission text. Three Marine Best Friends whined in captivity nearby, and a load of equipment lay ahead, along with the secret Soul Sphere that I missed. The opposition consisted of only three enemies, supported by an unchecked flock of Forgotten Ones, and the identity of the trio was all but mysterious.



The tunnels opened into a round cavern which hosted the Circle of Druids, the suggestive name of the new arena involving Shamans. Seeing them on the wooden ledges was unsettling at first, but I picked up the BFG and started shooting. My ammo was not infinite, and the battle consumed the most of it, with not many attacks against the spawned monsters. When I ran out of cells, I switched to rockets. The arena was well-organised: supplies appeared thanks to voodoo doll timers, some monsters spawned on the ledge to add some variety, and the monster targets in the centre ensured that telefragging was uncommon, since I tended to linger on the outer edge of the circle to target the Shamans properly. The battle was neither too long nor too short, and I found it more engaging than MAP31's cramped encounter. I could not understand the two-switch mechanism to unlock the exit, as the terrace could be accessed only with the death of all Shamans (tag 666). At that point, not much was going on in the arena. Circle of Druids was a successful experiment to explore the Shaman’s full potential, while proposing its charming, titular pink environment once again.

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Map 24: Devil's Orchard


Well, well, well, look what the cat drug in. Ok, maybe not. Much of the difficulty probably comes more from general ammo deprivation than anything else. Still, it's a nice change of pace, with a return to a grotto-like environment such as Episode 2, but instead of ancient temples, we are in instead in a cavernous and natural environment. Mostly.


The accidental trip to the blue key was just plain annoying, I'm sorry to say. Two Cyberdemons when you're not exactly provided with resources right off to take care of them is...annoying, although they will be weakened greatly by everything else around. Though it you grabbed the plasma rifle at the other path, you'll at least have more strategic options. But at this path, you'll see a switch that raises some pillars to some red-bricked area which does....well, that doesn't really matter at the moment. For now, duck into a chamber which contains a Super shotgun and be prepared to be far less annoyed by all the Revs and Mancubi you encounter.


Or was that on the other path? Anyway, the other path has a couple of switches. One lowers a teleporter I'm pretty sure you need if you want to access the secret exit, but it just takes you to an outside wooden arena with two Arch-viles that you might want to leave alone until you get some more cell ammo and a BFG. There's also a pit nearby which has a caged dog at the bottom. They were actually quite helpful as it turned out, and I probably tried too hard to protect them but they survived, so its all good.


Anyway, you'll find yourself after pressing a switch in a Caco trap outside facing against Mancubi on pillars with frustratingly limited plasma ammo. But it gets worst! Pick up the BFG on the huge red circle in the middle and a Spider nasty will teleport into the shrine at the other end of this area which also contains the yellow key. Charge at her because it might be tough to hit her from here, but be quick. Because an ambush of 4 Archons, along with several Imps, Nightshades, and one other kind of enemy will teleport. Enjoy your slaughter sandwich because the fury of Archons in particular is unmatched, and they'll turn you into green goo if given half the chance.


At this point I could've exited, but I was frustrated at having failed to locate any secrets. So I explored around far too much, came across a little cavern with a hell knight and a red switch, left without a red key, wandered back to the beginning, found a passageway had opened up with a chaingun, entered the cramped lava pool with the red key in the middle, collected the RK, and then faced against a tight Revenant ambush with little cover and frankly more limited health than I should've had.


A trip back to the red switch opened up the red-brick structure mentioned above. Here were two brutes, some Revenants, and TWO Arch-viles, one that decides to teleport behind you. You should have enough BFG ammo for them. When everything is dead, look at the nearby lava fall and see some armour sitting in the middle. It seems inaccessible. But wait! There's a nearby platform adjacent to a dead Arch-vile. Jump here, get teleported to the (Mega!) armour and presumably open up the last bit that leads to the secret exit. Thankfully, it's conveniently adjacent to the regular one, so it's really no big deal.


Map was not the best. At this point though, I want to know what the Shamans' importance to the story is. Because there's no story in the text file, so the larger threat's nature is slightly unclear, beyond wearing the general mask of DOOM.


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MAP22: Watershed

Kills: 93%

Items: 28%

Secrets: 25%

Time: 11:17


Watershed is another really really strong map. What else is new? First, the visuals are dialed up to 11 here. Visually I believe this is one of my favourite maps in the entire wad! This sandy canyon mixed with concrete really speaks to me. I love the tiles on the path to the red key, and the darkness inside the main building. It's neat as hell. In terms of gameplay, the opening setpiece isn't the most, say, groundbreaking thing ever or anything, but I dig how the Mancubi are used here, I like it well enough. Beyond that I really enjoy the red key fight which you can tackle at virtually any time, I'd call that a highlight, but I find the rest admittedly doesn't hit the highest highs ever, there's lots of moments I like, like the concrete building interior fight, the one at the foot of the key switches, the other smaller dirges outside the fortress walls, they're all decently fun. In a chaotic fireball of a megawad, Watershed is a nice little consistent odyssey grounding the wad.


Grade: A

Difficulty: B



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Map 18: Forgotten Abbey

  I’ll get the singular negative out of the way. The teleporting two Hell Knights: dumb, really dumb. It’s not visually appealing and completely untelegraphed. I feel this WAD has set standards too high to allow something like this to pass. Everything else I had a good time with. A lot of these levels make great use of how dark software gets to encourage people to actually focus on what is otherwise relatively middle of the road fights when it comes to challenge, and doesn’t sacrifice atmosphere at all to prove it. Dark keeps in a land of bright fire and molten rocks somehow make sense. 

  This map is very rocket heavy, and there’s a lot of good thought to the enemies that actually make the Rocket Launcher challenging. I’ve come around to the Wraith since Neon Crater, as it’s not hard to bait out their melee which leaves them abnormally still. One of the secrets being a singular medikit and the option to kill two Hell Knights that I had already shot to death is simply more replayability evidence. The outdoor combat and Cyberdemon turret feel modern. It’s crazy to see how old some of these maps are, especially the ones that I take shots in the dark on and say are newer.


Map 19: Mourning Palace

  It's starting to occur to me that, despite having a more modern implementation of the Cyberdemon in the sense of it being a tool more than a boss, I have barely ran into any Cybers that have been able to get telefragged. The key fight feels like a very specific opportunity to put this together, but I instead get a secret invulnerability so that I can stand still and whittle him down with the Plasma Rifle in mostly one spot. I write this with the foreknowledge of a couple more maps ahead of this, and am honestly annoyed, not with the decision, but with how the decision made me feel.

  Otherwise this map still kind of annoyed me. I love how it looks, and the keys being in two different wings of the Palace looks great, but most of the fights felt very tuned to be ran away from. The safest way to handle the Imps in the West wing feels seems to be just escaping before too many teleport in. Same goes with the Pinky prison and honestly both Skull fights as well. On the other hand, the Blue Skull fight is probably the first in the WAD outside of Map 32 to really chaff my ass. I truly underestimated how little health there was left in the arena, and the damaging floor is so wide spread that it ends up doing as much damage as the Demolisher, which I could barely kill even with the BFG and hundreds of cells due to how cautious I was being. Why are there fucking eight switches to escape the pit? That feels like complete overkill. I can accept Shrine to Madness for being "lol, lmao" but this map is just as aggravating without any gimmicks. 


Map 20: Ruination

  More maps with sand, please. It's an absolutely underused and super unique. 

  Whenever I see this WAD is supposed to be "modernized Plutonia", I can only say that you shouldn't be so self-deprecating, because this is miles better in principle than Plutonia. On the other hand, this feels very Plutonia reminiscent, with how many rigid square rooms exist neatly within an outdoor environment. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass, but I know maps like Death Domain do very similar structure.

  Being able to escape the vast majority of the map once again feels really good, and I liked getting used to the Arch-Viles appearing from those center columns. The BFG fight was really cool, this WAD is teaching me to expect big rooms and fear small ones. The viciousness of having that specific group of Lords and others on essentially a time limit to grab the BFG was exhilarating. I am very thankful when maps like these actually provide the goods to kill wandering Cyberdemons quickly, even if my ammo wasn't great for them at the time. The last fight hit the mark too, though it was a bit annoying cleaning up all the monsters outside of the fence. I fully expect the architecture to remain as grand, torches galore.


Map 21: Entrancemperium

  I don't know if it was the classic Knife Party midi from Jimmy, or the opening Mancubus segment, or the classic monster corpse textures on the walls, but I felt this map was kind of silly. I believe the story at this point is having the player enter yet another layer of hell, and it opens with a pacifist gimmick Manc that allows a handful of Arch-Viles to teleport in if he dies. What's funny is that, unlike the Mancubian Candidate, from which I believe this draws inspiration, the segment is more than possible for resident Doom Gods if the Mancubus dies. It's an odd one-off that I don't know if I feel strongly about. 

  This has another strong Plutonia feel to it, specifically more in combat than layout. Smaller groups of monsters are more easily able to be a threat here, and there are several points that are accented with singular Arch-Viles a la. Rayziik signature at this point. The BFG fight was shockingly hard for me for some reason, perhaps I tried to take out an Arch-Vile too quick and left myself open, but it's a really good point towards how there's never a necessity to spam an empty area with hundreds of enemies to make it hard. I did think the secret pillar was cool, and I honestly thought I broke the map with how easy it made it to get to Yellow Skull, but it's just yet another excellent gesture towards speedrunning mindsets. I'm a total hypocrite for not being on board for the goof, but it feels out of place. 


Map 22: Watershed

  Watershed is a homerun, no doubt assisted by this rocking MIDI. Outside of the prickly start, every piece of combat feels ironed to perfection and interwoven with grace. The wide open space holds purpose, both in being beautiful and a very sensible combat ring. The central structure is so fun to run through that I missed the same secret twice and didn't mind circling the map to get back to it. There's so much to love here that a second playthrough really brought out.

  I initially thought the Dark Imps perched in the windows would be really annoying to take out for a max, but there's a much easier way to get to all of them on the outside that's taken account for. This applies to pretty much every turret monster, as they're all around pretty distinct checkpoints. This is probably my favorite use of the Fallen so far, clumped up enough to get wiped out by a good rocket. The phases of the indoor fight where a group of the monsters teleport into the back half makes the whole space valuable. All of the key fights feel very well set, and that part in the building that takes them feels iconic. Secrets are intelligent, the Chainsaw got a laugh out of me and it felt good to get to the Soulsphere. Even the last fight, which is usually when I've clocked out of one of these maps, feels really good to chew through with the help of that central Azazel. There are so many strengths on full display, it's an incredible accomplishment. 


Power Rankings:

  1. Neon Crater
  2. Watershed
  3. The Shaman's Grove
  4. Harelquin Vale
  5. The Stronghold
  6. Metallosis
  7. Rotting Garden
  8. Chemistry
  9. Forgotten Abbey
  10. Ruination
  11. Pit of Fire
  12. Arcanaeum
  13. Dawn of the Machine
  14. Cenotaph
  15. Incised Path
  16. Entrancemperium
  17. Combustion
  18. Ritual Ground
  19. Hanging Death
  20. Blood Mountain
  21. Temple of the Lost
  22. The Slayer's Tomb
  23. Walk With Me in Hell
  24. Shrine to Madness
  25. Mourning Palace


I just wrapped up my Bachelor's, so now I have time to finish this. 

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MAP23: Plateau of the Beheaded

UV, pistol start, no saves

100% kills, 1/2 secrets


The water that dominated the previous map runs an oily black in this one, and also deals damage. Also while we do see a little bit of techbase this map carries more of a marble ruins sort of feeling. Digging the look of these last couple maps, the cliff landscapes are well-done and the structures are nicely architected. The midi here is a very familiar one, sure enough it plays in the very first map of Plutonia 2. So more of an early Jimmy track, it's a good one.


This one sends you venturing through the cliffs and structures on a non-linear key hunt. Once you have all 3 keys, you can piece together the path to the final fight and get out. The combat is decently enjoyable overall. I enjoyed the teleporting archie + hell knight fight before you get the red key, one of the better executions of the teleporting monster trick I've seen, although the fight after hitting the red key switch felt a bit haphazard in my opinion. The revenant + arachnotron room that holds the blue key is pretty nice, found it kind of fun getting the revenants to take down the arachnotrons here, then using the surviving barrels to help you clean things up afterward. This one closes with another very tight ambush like the previous map does. The BFG helps plenty this time, although you likely won't have enough cells to carry the entire fight, so it can be pretty threatening.


Decent map overall.

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(Played continuously on UV with DSDA-Doom, saves are allowed)

Map 24: Devil's Orchard

101% kills, 93% items and 100% secrets 

Time: 15:37


Overall, Devil's Orchard is again, more of the same, outside of some standouts, the fights don't distinguish themselves, it looks very good and the midi by AD_79 is great. In this map, there are 2 paths that you need to take to get the keys and exit. The standout fights in here are the 2 infight parties, the first one with a cyber on the blue key path, and the second one with a spider mastermind on the yellow key path who is fortunately still an idiot despite her augments and will infight with everything, making her a complte joke. Some other good fights include the part when you drop into the yellow key area and get surprised by enemies, as well as the double arch-vile encounter while going for the secret red key or the wraith and super-shotgunner jumpscare (Sadly, I don't know what is opened by activating it). I know that I sound like a broken record, but it's another really solid map.

Footnote: I just discovered that the flame decorations also hurt the monsters while playing this map.


(I found the secret exit, so this one is also played continuously)

Map 34: Circle of Druids

633% kills, 92% items and 0% secrets 

Time: 2:33


I don't have a lot to say about this one, it's one area with supplies, and one arena with 3 shamans at the top who are unthreatening with the BFG. Maybe it's because of associations, but I feel like Tristan's midi is wasted here, I think it better suits longer and more epic adventures. Despite Circle of Druids using maps 16 and 31's visuals themes and looking nice. I don't feel anything about it, I don't like it, but I don't dislike it either.







Map 32

Map 20

Map 5

Map 10

Map 6

Really Like:

Map 17

Map 13

Map 15

Map 33
Map 19

Map 31

Map 23

Map 12

Map 21

Map 9

Map 24

Map 16

Map 22

Map 8

Map 2


Map 14

Map 7

Map 18

Map 4

Map 1


Map 34


Map 11



+++ Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday and Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wrecks havoc!

+++ Uprising

+++ Number One Kill, Number One Kill The Next Generation and if possible Number One Kill Extra as a bonus

Edited by tonytheparrot
small modifications

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Map 34: Shaman's Grove


Kind of a cute little bonus map thing. Or maybe not. Starting in a little cavern surrounded by pink waterfalls (one on the right I failed to notice intitially) and 3 cages of dogs, it's a short trip through a little grotto, collecting a large grouping of supplies admidst some crates for some reason (so did the UAC...come here or something? eh) The secret Supercharge is on top of a seemingly inaccessible crate, which can be accessed by going behind the above-mentioned waterfall than trying to leave.


Anyway, you'll come across a massive arena of wood (which sucks but don't worry about it), hot the switch in the middle and prepare to face off against the guardians. I was glad fort the dogs espeically here since you concentrate almost all your effort on the titular tanky bastards. Interestingly, they'd all end up going down in one BFG shot. Also, I'm pretty sure that supplies will be teleported in every so often. When the shamans are dead, you'll be able to cross an invisible bridge marked by candles, hit some switches and enter the exit, the sky outside marking more pain and misery.



Map 25: Flooder Library


An outside area of water with a grand sort of metal structure in the middle, containing a..library. The start is fairly difficult but a little bit tedious due to the presence of many Revenants and no obvious weapon fir the Azazel. There are also chaingunners in the middle and Fallen and Pain Elementals above you.


Tiring quickly of this. I ran inside and...not sure there's a particular order you have to do things. Apart from the fact I don't really believe that you're meant to push the red and blue switches at the same time, there isn't too much to say here. A Revenant did kill me from behind near the library shelves Actually, it's quite curious how the red switch causes Revs, Hell Knights, and an Arch-vile to teleport into a fairly small space where the blue switch does nothing. Similarly, the stockades with the blue key will spring an Imp army, two Cyberdemons and 2 Arch-viles but then, the yellow key square will spawn chaingunners, turret Revenants and some other enemies which don't really pressure me to much.


The final battle also falls flat. The Wraith ambush was jump-worthy and I rocketed myself as I attempted to switch weapons out. But then, an Arch-vile spawns behind you for no particular reason when you open the exit up and um yeah.


And now, let me alienate 60 percent of the participants with my choices! But it seems time to try something older


+++Hexen: Beyongd Heretic: Ok here me out. Judgment and Hexen both have clear and obvious medieval inspirations. I suppose they manifest in different ways, but they both spam monsters but have impressive architecture


ok, ya'know, no one cares so +++Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday and Ray Mohawk 2: Ray Wreaks Havoc







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MAP24 - Devil's Orchard:
Another pretty decent map for Episode 5. We get a theme more similar to the first map in the episode, which is a shame as I've been enjoying the CEMENT bases of the past two maps but obviously Rayziik just likes making hell fortresses and I can't get too annoyed at him for that. The start of the map is a bit slow, you're stuck with just the shotgun for a surprisingly long time, and the monsters you face are a bit too bulky to make this engaging. You get a choice between plasma gun or SSG, and I found that the SSG was a much better choice as I had found the hidden red key which opened an early BFG - which made the plasma gun pretty useless. This large fight with two cyberdemons was pretty fun, though the ambush for the blue key itself was a bit lame, basically just amounted to SSGing everything.


The other path is a larger outdoor skirmish, with two cave side paths at the start that feel a bit unnecessary, but I guess they at least don't take too long to clear. The spiderdemon makes an apperance, though in a wide-open area such as this I wasn't taking any chances and just rushed her down with three BFG shots to the face. The rest of the horde in this fight isn't particularly difficult to defeat as you'll have a BFG and acres of space to roam around in. The secret exit here takes a few steps to find, but is pretty intuitive, especially since the red key is almost impossible to miss if you're looking around the entire map for secrets. Fun map overall.


MAP34 - Circle of Druids:
I suppose your opinion on this map will entirely depend on your opinion of the Shaman. I think it's a really cool custom monster, and I think could be used in some very interesting ways. We're back into the pink caves from Map31 & 16, and come across a temple with three Shamans perched on ledges high above you. A BFG and 600 cells was thankfully enough to kill one and heavily injure another so after a couple rocket shots, I was able to focus on just one Shaman. If they're on their own then the Shaman's don't pump out monsters quick enough to be too much of a threat, and since the pain state seems to be followed by spawning a monster, rockets were my weapon of choice here. Hitting them with rockets is a bit of a pain but I guess it's part of the challenge here. This wasn't the most engaging map but I didn't hate it, the Shamans feel like a bit of a missed oppourtunity if this is their last appearance and I feel like it might have been better to leave the Shaman exclusive to that one fight in Map31.




Really Liked: MAP02, MAP05, MAP33, MAP13
Liked: MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP12, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP17, MAP20, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24
Mixed Opinions: MAP03, MAP32, MAP19, MAP34
Didn't Like: MAP11


Boring: MAP01, MAP04, MAP10, MAP16, MAP18, MAP21
(Don't take these as an objective measure of quality, they're just reflections of how much fun I had with the map after completing it and this could vary wildly for various reasons.)


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MAP24 - “Devil’s Orchard”


This one is quite tight on the resources at times, this makes the incidental combat quite tricky. There are a couple of big ambushes and a couple of quite clever fights mixed in here. We get another Demolisher here, however it is a pushover as it gets mixed in with all the other scuffles. The blue key is probably the tougher fight with a couple of cyberdemons with not too much space to move around here. It looks pretty insurmountable until you unlock the BFG, it is a nice touch which forces more aggressive play from the player. 

Overall there isn't too much to complain about here, very solid and fun. The secret exit isn't too hard to figure out, but a lot of small optional scraps to get through to reach it. 


MAP34 - “Circle of Druids”

There isn't too much to this, the shaman play the role of Icon of sin here and actually it works quite well. It plays like a concept map for the monster and in my opinion works better than souring another map as it did for map31. Quick and a fair challenge, onto the episode closer.

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MAP23: Plateau Of The Beheaded

Kills: 92%

Items: 70%

Secrets: 50%

Time: 10:19


This one kinda feels like the companion piece to MAP22, as it shares visual elements with the whole mud and concrete type deal. Really dig the layout here. It's not the most complex thing ever or anything, but I like how this map revolves around a lake. It's fun. On terms of gameplay, this one isn't my favourite in the wad admittedly, for no real reason I just don't think there's a load of standout moments. The ending fight is pretty neat, I like how they all kinda cluster together, and the Archons can really bring the heat. That's all I really have to say, still looks gorgeous. I like it well enough.


Also infinitely teleporting projectiles or something lol lmao.


Grade: A-

Difficulty: B+



MAP24: Devil's Orchard

Kills: 77%

Items: 61%

Secrets: 66%

Time: 7:50


Devil's Orchard probably falls on the more forgettable side of the Judgment spectrum. First, because I'm just gonna mention it now, but the secret exit is honestly pretty stupid. Sure, it's indicated a red key is necessary for it twice, but hiding it behind a rock that lowers right as you exit the first room isn't necessarily the most kind or subtle way to do it. Either way, this map is alright. It's another one where a Demolisher appears out of nowhere again, but this time I think it works pretty well. The ensuing fight at his temple is my favourite part of the map. It's fun getting to fry these things with a BFG completely removed from gimmick. Other than that, there's still more memorable than this, however one thing I remember this map for is not having a rocket launcher. It can make the later Arch-Vile fight a bit of a pain to be honest, but I'm not sure if it's me being overzealous with an early BFG or what. Oh well.


Grade: B+

Difficulty: B-



MAP34: Circle Of Druids

Kills: 100%

Items: 80%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 4:01


It's a Shaman triple-trouble rematch and it's boring.


Gra- (okay sorry)


Seriously though, I don't like this one. Bringing back the Shaman for a proper fight is a pretty okay idea, but a part of me wishes this guy was more integrated into the main lineup gradually over time. This one really doesn't do a lot for me. After freeing useless dogs and going up to the main arena, you'll duel with three Shamans. (Shamen?) The only real strategy is just pouring all your rockets and BFG into them and not worrying about the gathering monster mass unless you have to. As stated it's neat to see this guy again, but this map is pretty thin.


Grade: C-
Difficulty: C



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Map 24: Devil's Orchard

100% kills and secrets

Time: 22:47

Deaths: 2


This is a very nice map; one of the strongest in the set so far. We've got to grab the yellow and blue keys to exit, with the red key unlocking the secret exit. There's a decent amount of incidental combat leading to each key, with the key fights providing some decent set-pieces. I did the blue key path first, which has you deal with a cyb and some pinkies, plus an archon around the corner. Hit the switch here to lower the walls revealing a bunch of baddies and another cyb. At least the BFG is also here, though I did catch a rocket first attempt. Before taking the other path, make sure to hit the switches that require any key to get some goodies like the SSG (death 2 here cause of SSG troopers). The yellow key path is bigger, and you'll deal with more enemies cause of this. You do get a helper dog, which is nice. Instead of blasting off to the outdoor area, take out the baddies in the side jungle caverns first. Once outside, you'll find another BFG, which grabbing naturally spawns a demolisher and a lot of other bad guys. Get 'em infighting, then BFG the demolisher when distracted. Grabbing the yellow key will spawn a few more enemies back in the side caves, including an archie. The side without the teleporter will also reveal a side cave with a red switch. Time to find the red key! If you manage to find the automap during the fall to this path, you may notice a path nearby the start of the map. Idk how this opens, but it was open when I went to check it out after grabbing the other 2 keys. A minigun and the red key is here, plus 3 revs teleport in on the stairs back out. Go back to the red switch then hit it. Now, head back to the blue key location to find another room has opened, with 2 archies that teleport out, plus a few SSG troopers and barons. Hit the switch here to unlock the secret exit. Once you use the other 2 keys to lower the teleporter to the exit room, head through the teleporter marked with the red key to appear in an area that looks like maps 31 and 16. Nice. Pretty fun map!


Map 34: Circle of Druids

100% kills and secrets

Time: 3:45


This is the most straightforward map in the WAD. Before opening the cages of the 3(!) helper dogs at the start, find the waterfall you can actually go through. Exiting will teleport you to the soul sphere which is the only secret. It's a one-time teleport line, and a helper dog can teleport instead. Happened to me. Once the health has been grabbed, open the cages, grab the goods, and head up the invisible stairs to the arena. Lower the BFG, and the 3 shamans will reveal themselves. The shamans aren't as dangerous as in map 31, since they can't melee you. But since there's 3 of them, that means they're 3 monster spawners. Just BFG and rocket them, while ignoring their spawn. Once killed, more stairs will appear, allowing you up to their balcony and the switches to open the exit. Pretty basic level, but it's a fun escalation of the original shaman encounter. 

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MAP 25 – Flooded Archive

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


I am terribly biased when it comes to library aesthetics in Doom, though I am not exaggerating when I state that Flooded Archive was the showpiece of the fifth episode, and an amazing addition to Judgment. On the Seared Surface relied less heavily than expected on lava and flames, so finding a large, gothic library surrounded by the sea and inundated by its waters, was stimulating. The texture choices, the colour juxtaposition, and the lighting hit the spot in almost every place, going several steps further along the path started with Arcaneum.



The start with Fallen, Revenants and Pinkies might be rough with just the chaingun. Once inside the building, I looked for living things to silence and found out that the central pool was full of underwater health potions. Not a great idea I suppose, as it was granted that one or two were missed for the item tally. The RSK hunt was fun, as the object escaped twice before stopping on a pillar in the north-west. Every pickup attempt released ambushes of increasing scope, and the red switch released a squad of Revenants with an Arch-Vile leader to hunt me before I went eastwards. I also looked for the secret BFG, guarded by Archons of Hell.



The BSK arena battle was the trickiest in store today, featuring two Cyberdemons, Mancubi turrets, and Imps, soon to be joined by two Arch-Viles. The space was narrow, and the projectiles could find Doomguy everywhere. A secret allowed to telefrag the Mancubi, but I found it when the map was over. The progression got seamlessly to the YSK in the western arena, which was cramped business again, this time with more chaos due to various zombies, Pinkies, and Revenant snipers. Once again, Rayziik placed the rocket launcher in a setup where it was risky to use, but this time I was in state of grace and managed it well.



The final stretch started with an Arachnotron sandwich on the bridge, then continued with a terrifying Wraith attack between bookcases, under the suppressive fire of Archons, and ended with a surprise Arch-Vile that went straight in front of my BFG. While not always efficient, the combat was enjoyable and paired well with the context of Flooded Archive. If the slaughter arenas were a bit standard, the entrance, the library crossroads hub, and the last archive chamber were some of the finest spaces created for this megaWAD. I think this one deserved a place in the best map list.

Edited by Book Lord

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time for

MAP 24 - Devil's Orchard :

A cave-like place, berserker and pinkies. Up ahead some steps up and steps down, zombie, imp and HK guarding them. Down there a soulsphere, up a path into the mountain. I go down first grab the 'sphere, kill the HK imp and manc and the into the cave I go. Two sides. I pick the one with the caco corpses and the plasma gun. Imps a manc and a PE pop up and I plasma them to death, and then jump down to meet a cow. I bless the UAC for their BFG, remove him and the two revs, then turn back to face the pinkies and skulls, and then the neon-baron. After that, another 'sphere and then the switch. Barons, HKs, revs. I should have used the BFG but went with the RL and ended up wasting more health than desired but still managed. Another switch and deeper into the cave we go, to grab the BSK. Imps, those flying plasma f5cks and an AV. Nothing my plasma couldn't handle. I spotted a blue armor behind the lava fall, but I can't yet reach it, so blue 'port it is. And now, the other side of the cave where I fall back to the BSK side and then I found the secret mini-gun, not quite sure how, and the red RSK. Back to the right place, a white skull switch gives me a few melee teleporters and then an azazel to battle for a switch and then a jump down. Secret map, doggie! And a megasphere. And very needed she is, this area is filled with monsters! After them I'm outside, killing mancs with the plasma since I ran out of rockets and then.. Gzdoom crashes. 

I'll be back to play tomorrow..

Next day, I'm picking up an the cave entry. Side caves cleared, pick up the megasphere and go outside. And game crashes again after killing the spider..

This time I kill the mancs, go back inside, save, then back outside where I BFG the spawns, go after the spider for a bit, circle to get some infight going on and eventually kill all, pick up the YSK, go back inside, kill the HK and the neon-baron and then jump into the 'port. Then back into the cave because I noted an unexplored area in the map that leads to a RSK switch. Cehck the map, spot another unexplored area, go there to fight a super-shotgunner and a baron, press another RSK switch, notice the pillar with the AV in the BSK cave is a teleport and step onto it to grab the blue armor, go towards the exit, find the AV protected soulsphere, and now what? I'm one secret short, but I can't spot it on the map.. Ok, I save and go into the exit 'port, and ahhh! There's a red skull marked 'port here that the switches must have opened. Megasphere, 'exit! 

100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 3 crashes, 27:58 minutes


MAP 34 - Circle of Druids

Oh look, more shamans! Pink everywhere! I release the three dogs and go on my way. A trove of weapons, armor, soulsphere, a berseker pack, and then a big round wooden structure with 'spheres and a BFG on the middle. Lowering the BFG releases a single shaman and two azazels. A few BFG shots after and it's done. Now, two switches, and then.. Oh ok, you can't go back and this is the exit? Ok, retry to pick up the secret.

 Retry, do it even faster and then,

100, 84, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, one retry, 2:06 minutes

This was way too short. I know I'm on the easiest setting but still, with the BFG there's no challenge in killing the shaman.


MAP 25 - Flooded Archive

I'll swim around after lunch, first, food! Another fortress but this time the fun begins outside! Pistol starters will have to deal with a lot of pinkies a few flying flaming revs and an Azazel with the mini-gun. I had a SSG. After that, going inside, you can grab the plasma, a regular shotgun, a blue armor, and a berskerer on the corners. Then be sure to dive into the central pool for potions, then pick a side and go outside. I picked the one without a manc, and discovered there is no way into it yet, maybe because I forgot to climb the lift inside. I do that now, the red key disappears and a small ambush shows up, kill them and search for the key, only for it to disappear again and trigger a small imp ambush. Third time is not the charm, but I did find a switch for a secret BFG. Ok, now there are two switches next to the RSK. One lowers it and triggers the trap, the other opens up the escape. Press the red switch, deal with the revs and imps, and you can no go to the side with the manc. Armed with a BFG press the switch, kill the cow, kill the imps, kill the mancs, grab the BSK, go press the second switch. A pair of HKs and the next wing is ready for you. Rocket launcher, blue armor and a pinkie and zobiemen ambush. Deal with it, grab the YSK and head inside again, open the YSK marked barrier, be sandwiched between two spiders, enter the next library room, kill some imps, a couple teleporting melees and a pair of neon-barons, switch, and that's the exit. However! I'm one secret and 3 enemies bellow success. Oh, three imps alive in the YSK trap area. And now.. Oh, checking the map I get it. Useless secret now that the 4 mancs are dead so, off to the exit it is,

100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 32:40 minutes.

Cute map.

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Oh god I forgot to vote


+++ Uprising

+++ Ray Mohawk I + II

+++ 3 Heures D'agonie II (We can throw 3ha1 on this too if you guys want, do that thing like with 1KL2 and Demonfear and play two maps a day)

Edited by NiGHTS108

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Map 23: Plateau of the Beheaded

  This is another wide open orange crag, not quite as good as the last map but I still like this combination of rock and concrete. The combat is definitely more prickly here, and I made the mistake of taking the Yellow Skull route first, and ended up having to run around the Cyberdemon because like hell am I going to stand in a hallway and hold down fire on a Plasma Rifle. The slow floor is a really interesting touch that I've noticed on a lot of maps in this WAD. Usually it just comes off as either a one time gimmick a la Sunlust 07 or Speed of Doom 06, or annoying, but I didn't mind it here surprisingly. It makes me take the ambushes a lot more seriously.

  God bless you for putting blocking lines by the Yellow Switch, I was very nervous about throwing flying enemies all around the basin, but that doesn't happen thanks to the forethought. The space here is a welcome breather, and the structures feel more like landmarks on a guided tour in comparison to Watershed's singular purpose of "be fucking awesome". I like it, but I feel a better route than what I did in the beginning would let me enjoy it more.


Map 24: Devil's Orchard

  I think my largest subjective point towards what I would like to see more in this WAD is secret fights. A lot of the secrets in Judgment are very literal, having a small boost in ammo or health in a singular secluded room. I like this map for being a big exception to that, having the entire Red Skull sequence that leads to the secret map. I got a lot of gratification finding that whole string of events without too much trouble, and I feel the mapset overall could benefit from more moments like that. 

  The other two key paths are cool, I much prefer the Blue because of how natural it feels to jump down into that fight. The BFG feels really strong here, almost like too much for the opposition that is released in this map. The hardest fight was easily the two secret Viles that get released, that definitely felt like it needed a BFG. Everything else didn't give me too much trouble, except for maybe the Demolisher, but that's just a running trend for me now. Short and punchy is the strong suit for this WAD, and I'm having a great time with it.


Map 34: Circle of Druids

  It's a circular platform where three Shamans spawn enemies. That's about it. I'm taking this level in the context that it's a boss stage, so I don't mind that it's short, but it still feels like there's not a lot going on. Unsupported from a distance, Shamans are kind of harmless. I don't think I've ever been hit by the big missile they shoot, and the monsters they summon goof around in this stage, save for Arch-Viles. I don't have a lot to say, this could've used more substance. Cool to see another pink map though.


Map 25: Flooded Archive

  This is the only map so far to break on me, twice. The first time was after the first Red Skull teleport, where the mechanism to get it to teleport the second time broke, softlocking me from going anywhere. The second playthrough had the Red Skull not even teleport, and the switches that appear by that circular floor pattern never raised, so about ten or so kills got locked in a closet that I couldn't reach. It's a shame a map this pretty has this many technical issues. I thought the effect with the water making it feel like the ocean was getting deeper as you waded out further away from the structure was unique, never seen anything like it. 

  Combat is fine, it's another central arena that branches out into more arena fights. I had nowhere near enough ammo to kill the Cyberdemons after everything was said and done, but everything else was manageable. It's brave to have a Chaingunner fight with the main weapon being the Rocket Launcher, and have the borders of the arena be too tall for rockets to pass over, but I found comfort in the difficulty. The rush of Wraiths at the end was really good too, I'm finding myself a lot better at baiting their melee out each map. I would've liked this one a lot more if it was more mechanically stable. 


Power Rankings:

  1. Neon Crater
  2. Watershed
  3. The Shaman's Grove
  4. Harelquin Vale
  5. The Stronghold
  6. Metallosis
  7. Rotting Garden
  8. Devil's Orchard
  9. Plateau of the Beheaded
  10. Chemistry
  11. Forgotten Abbey
  12. Ruination
  13. Pit of Fire
  14. Arcanaeum
  15. Flooded Archive
  16. Dawn of the Machine
  17. Cenotaph
  18. Incised Path
  19. Entrancemperium
  20. Combustion
  21. Ritual Ground
  22. Hanging Death
  23. Blood Mountain
  24. Circle of Druids
  25. Temple of the Lost
  26. The Slayer's Tomb
  27. Walk With Me in Hell
  28. Shrine to Madness
  29. Mourning Palace


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MAP25 - Flooded Archive:
A much quieter, more measured affair than the previous map, Flooded Archive gets a large amount of challenge through weapon deprivation and I liked it. The map looks fantastic, and even if I'm bored of Judgement's hell castles at this point, I can't deny the immense craftsmanship that has gone into every part of the map. The start of the map contains the most interesting ambush for my money, you're stuck with the chaingun and though it's improved firerate does chew through monsters - the Fallen and revenant missiles prove quite hard to dodge especially when you've got to balance that with the chaingunners sniping you.


The map then becomes appropriately quiet for a bit, as you gather weapons, inevitably find the BFG and attempt to figure out the slightly weird progression. I like the healing pool in the centre of this room, it feels oddly at home in this demonic library. You won't get an SSG in this map (or at least, I hope you don't cause that'd ruin a lot of the challenge of the map) so even a couple of hell knights take time to whittle down. I'd normally complain about this (and there are times when it gets a bit much) but the slower pace of this map just worked. There's a small string of ambushes for the red key, which ends with pushing the red switch and having to fight eight revenants and an archvile which the BFG is incredibly useful for.


The blue key area is fine, though I wish there was a way to telefrag the cyberdemons in addition to the mancubi. It took me a few tries to get this fight, as two archviles spawn in halfway through the imp teleports and they can really mess you up if you're not expecting them. The yellow key area gives you the rocket launcher and spawns in a load of pinkies, chaingunners and plasma zombies. The chaingunners are the main threat here, but if you've saved a BFG shot you can use it as a panic button for when the fight becomes too overwhelming. The finale is a bit of a letdown, with the final boss of E5 being an archvile I guess? A lame ending doesn't ruin the map (which is a good thing cause otherwise I'd have been much harsher on this wad) and we finish one of Judgement's most consistently good episodes.




Really Liked: MAP02, MAP05, MAP33, MAP13
Liked: MAP06, MAP07, MAP08, MAP09, MAP12, MAP14, MAP15, MAP31, MAP17, MAP20, MAP22, MAP23, MAP24, MAP25
Mixed Opinions: MAP03, MAP32, MAP19, MAP34
Didn't Like: MAP11


Boring: MAP01, MAP04, MAP10, MAP16, MAP18, MAP21
(Don't take these as an objective measure of quality, they're just reflections of how much fun I had with the map after completing it and this could vary wildly for various reasons.)


Oh, since I forgot to vote yesterday (only two votes from me cause I don't really know what to give a third vote to):
+++ Uprising

+++ Fragport

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(Played continuously on UV with DSDA-Doom, saves are allowed)

Map 25: Flooded Archive

103% kills, 95% items and 0% secrets 

Time: 10:25


Another one of Rayziik's gorgeous fortresses benefiting from a stunning introduction and Tristan midi, Flooded Archive starts hot with sniping revs and groups of fallens and pinkies accompanied by azazels, chaingunners and a pain elemental, which is very fun. However, this map doesn't stand out combat wise outside of a few fights including the beginning. The highlights outside of the start are the blue key area with the 2 cybers, imps and sniping mancubi and the yellow key area with zombies, pinkies and 2 sniping revs. Outside of that, I find the rest of the combat to be pretty forgettable. That's not even the level's only issue as the layout is very symmetrical, which contributes to the beauty of the visuals, but also makes it confusing as it's easy to get lost or to think you went somewhere while you didn't, which is especially irritating when the place you forgot to go into has 2 random barons. Overall, it's not the best episode finale in the wad, but it's a fine map that gets the job done.







Map 32

Map 20

Map 5

Map 10

Map 6

Really Like:

Map 17

Map 13

Map 15

Map 33
Map 19

Map 31

Map 23

Map 12

Map 21

Map 9

Map 24

Map 16

Map 22

Map 8

Map 2


Map 25

Map 14

Map 7

Map 18

Map 4

Map 1


Map 34


Map 11



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I'm just going to do one vote for right now


+++ Fragport


Even though I had started a playthrough of that recently, I stopped halfway for something else, so I can start that over with Corruption Cards


I would vote for Uprising or 3ha2 as well, but I literally just played those within the last few months. I just finished Uprising a couple weeks ago, and it's very good!

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