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Some new Doom2 maps

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Hello everyone,


I've made some small Doom2 levels for fun. These are my spin on classic Doom2 levels like Entryway, Underhalls and more. This started as a simple distraction to make levels from memory (from an old Doomworld thread..no not that one, even older) but that got boring and quickly and I went off-script as the project went on. After several months I finished up these levels and may make more like these if interest is there. 

This is a beta version, so please comment here if you find any glaring issues. This supports limit-removing (complevel 2), and has a little MAPINFO for zdoom related ports. Was only tested by me first in Zdoom 2.7.1. Alternative ports are helpful. Pistol starts are encouraged!

The following issues are known on some source ports:

-Stuck monsters and displaced decorations in Map3
-A few Monster closets are non-functional in Map5
-Some teleporter shortcuts left in Map5. A few teleporters take you to different areas depending on entry side. This can result in missing progression if not careful.




(Beta is closed for now.  Look for idgames version soon)




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Here's a (somewhat blind) UV-Max run of Map01. Really had fun playing this; had great flow and nice texture work. Maybe, if you develop more maps, make the gameplay based off confusion, the similarity to the original doom could mean you could screw over the player who might not expect traps (say like, the Plutonia map32 "exit"). Either way looking forward to playing the rest. :)



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Nice demo, thanks! Thing definitely get more devious the longer the maps go on. 

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Thanks for taking the time to play these. Perfect timing as I have started doing updates to this wad. I'm eager to upload it and onto the next project! :)

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