kalensar Posted May 1, 2022 (edited) This mod is almost 1 year old now. Its actually changed very little except in some minor editing, and has minor fork also listed Below as the More Brutal Version. The More Brutal Version Heretic only uses Lagi's Mellow Heretic monsters ( his words abridged: "You shall use this mod-eg Mellow Heretic-- in any project you want or suffer bad joojoo") as the better Heretic Monsters. Heretic Heroes, the main mod, is a Total Gameplay mod(not TC because no maps) itself, and has final formed it's final fusion of Two files of the same mod for different games and into ONE mod to rule them all. This mod is not meant to be ground breaking, but it is in fact my most complex project I have ever constructed. It's a calling card to Angry Video Game Nerd style of infuriation and randomness of the old NES monsters from RPGs and Platformers and Adventure.. To that end, Heretic Heroes is a Homage to those old games brought a few of those old NES stars and some other choice Heroes to life inside of Doom Engine via Heretic and Doom. To facilitate the aggravation nostalgia of those old games.... Everything is randomized predominantly across the board. Vanilla Difficulty is the Vanilla game monsters of Doom or HEretic respectively, but the next 2 of Myth of Hilda and Ultima Hexodus are random. THe Final 2 Difficulties are not randomized monsters, but ones chosen by me to represent a certain feel of two very fitting homages. This mod plays by it's own rules, and each Character can only equip certain weapons pertaining to their gameplay style...in a world where all treasure is random. This mod is full of unintentioned but kept "Bethesda Features" such as : Treasure chests and barrels popping out of treasure chests being the most common one which further increases the chances of more loot. All loot is ammo, weapons, powerups, items, and much more. This Mod uses Heretic Item system extensively, and Castlevania (ported and modified) style subweapons that do different attacks per Champion who uses( some identical). Its best to keep the README file handy mainly for the Character and minor Weapons break down so you don't accidentally miss out on a super weapon or some such. The weapons list is quite small honestly, this is not an RPG, but the Character equipment limitations make checking them very important. The main Action buttons are RELOAD, Mainfire, Altfire, and JUMP. And there is only 3 ammo types. Some weapons dont even use ammo( mainly Starter weapons). ALL CHARACTERS RUN AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS AND HAVE DIFFERENT JUMP AND GRAVITY based on their games of origin. Other than that, due to the type of gameplay this mod represents you might just become another old fashioned Angry Retro Gamer Nerd, and I won't even feel bad if it's not many people's style at all. Download (same file works on Both Doom1&2 and Heretic Iwads): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cFbTFSuPz87ffQXFTujesLkzED5xHsp7/view?usp=sharing Demo Video (Older but the game play is still similar with a few better edits here and there in the New version) READMe File TXT -------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip and load the the Pk3 with any vanilla Heretic or Doom map wad. Also works with Blasphemer.wad and FreeDoom. This is a gameplay mod that Transforms Heretic and Doom( Heretic is better adaptation) into more Fantasy Adventure game where Weapons and Items are completely randomized. The kicker is you get Limit Removing characters from NES Titles who have matching Physics and play styles to their original games. THis is meant to be a fun and challenge mod at the same time. I hope you enjoy this off the wall idea.---- No relation or even inspiration from Combined Arms. This mod is home grown inspired creation. Changelog--- ---$5/1/22--- Changed out monsters for Mellow Heretic Monsters by LAGI. Gives a much nicer game style. Changed small details for better fits. 6/30/21--- Official Release MAIN INFO SECTION Advanced engine needed : GZDOOM/LZDoom Primary purpose : SinglePlayer =========================================================================== Title : Heretic Heroes: NES Heroes and Hexes Author : Kalensar Other Files By Author : Castlevania 3 for Simon's Destiny; LTTD:Link to the Doom and LTTD for Heretic; Doom THOHT ; Perfect Dark Brutal Doom Misc. Author Info : Rabid Editor Description : TC Monsters and Weapons pack for Heretic Heretic Heroes: NES Heroes and Hexes =========================================================================== Heretic Heroes is a gameplay mod meant to recapture the difficulty and fun of adventure and movement from old NES fantasy adventure games. Heretic Heroes is a heavily randomized event full of adventure from some destructable scenery to the randomness of RNG being cruel on weapons and items drops, or even super fruitful. There are 11 heroes from various games and each was designed to roughly match their physics of those games if they were from a Platformer, or some of the humorous growth if from a RPG. Some Characters start off way better than others in order to capture the essence of the games they came from. Without further adieu, here is the cast. In order from menu: 1. Kuros: from Wizards and Warriors 2. Arthur of Ghosts and Goblins 3. Ava Tar from the Ultima Series 4. Conan the Barbarian 5. Erdrick from Dragon Quest 6. Hydlide 7. Zelda... yeah its Link but this is for humor too. 8. Sylpha the Elven heretic, genderbend Corvus 9, Imm Ortal- The nameless wizrd from THe Immortal 10. Dova Keen - Yes, its the Lizard Hunter 11. Simon - the Questor.. The Simon's Quest version AUTHOR NOTE: --- My Advice: This mod has a custom difficulty settings. It is HARD from Myth of Hilda on up even to me as it's creator. If you want the most balanced experience then start as anyone other than Imm Ortal because he starts with no Mana, a spell book and weak Fists.. Enable Jumping and Crouching. Break every Candle , Barrel and Chest odd you come across because they are the source of weapons. All Starter Weapon except Conan and Imm Ortal have Subweapons bound to Reload THis game uses a Custom made HUD that has been tailored to Heretic Heroes. Set a Chasecam Button: I've tried my best to make this fun as a Third Person game as well!!! Yes really! Everybody has minor transparency so you can see where you shoot or hit. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// MAIN GAMEPLAY INFO /////////////////////////////////////////////// STARTER INFO: --Every Character has a SKILL bound to the Altfire or Reload reload key!!! I bind reload key to Shift. Every character has mostly unique abilities on the Castlevania styled Subweapons. Subweapons and Skills can only be used on the Starter Weapon of each character or some special Ultimate Weapons. --Not every character can use every weapon, BUT they can get the ammo from them. --All Weapons only use two types of Ammo and only give White Mana when picked up. Red Mana is generally the stronger attack on the weapon. The Trident is Unique in that it uses Health as its ammo, but also does Life Leech with its main fire. --Subweapons all run off of Hearts at one per cost. Each Character generally has a unique version of each Subweapon type and only One subweapon can be held at a time. -- This game uses HEXEN classes on the Characters, and comes complete with the Armor items for them. This game also uses Heretic/Doom styled armor too. The Blue gauge on the right side of the HUD displays all of the Armor info listed from top to bottom: Armor Amount, Armor Class, Armor Absorb value. You can frquently hit over 100% absorb and then all damage goes to Armor Amount. -- This game uses Heretic Inventory so many items are available and unique. No tomes of power as those are replaced by a super item: Ethereal Armor. Set your controls accordingly. CHARACTERS! Kuros-- Fighter class: He has one of, if not the Highest Jump stat. His movement is slippery, but manageable like his NES version. He moves pretty fast. Features a unlimited ammo throwing axe as his Altfire on his starting Iron Sword, the Axe of Igor. He's strong, solid and has good equipment options. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Axe Player.WeaponSlot 2, Ironsword, Mastersword Player.WeaponSlot 3, Crossbow Player.WeaponSlot 4, Hammer Player.WeaponSlot 5, wand Arthur- Fighter Class: This guy.... has the lowest health starting at 25, maxes at 50 BUT can go to higher with Item use. Excellent damage output, high jump, but squat all for equipment outside of Subweapons. I was nice enough to make his Main Fire auto-fire so your finger doesn't die. Player.WeaponSlot 2, hammer2, Axe : The Axe is a superweapon. Ava Tar: Cleric Class: This guy is pretty ridiculous at start. Reflecting shield( all shields do this from the front), awesome altfire, strong melee, non finicky movement. Great one if you want to start with someone easier than say Arthur. Player.WeaponSlot 2, HexMace,Axe Player.WeaponSlot 3, WensternShotgun Player.WeaponSlot 4, ImpalerXBow Player.WeaponSlot 5, Hammer Conan- Fighter class: Conan gets the most weapon choices, but has the worst start with only a weak fist attack. Good Speed, good jump. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Trident,Ax Player.WeaponSlot 2, konk,Legend Player.WeaponSlot 3, Crossbow Player.WeaponSlot 4, ImpalerXBow Player.WeaponSlot 5, Hammer Player.WeaponSlot 6, wand Player.WeaponSlot 7, GauntletX Erdrick- Mage Class: To be fair, he not much of a Mage, and has that to represent his start in DQ1. He starts with a mean fist attack. Average movement and balanced weapons. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Mastersword Player.WeaponSlot 2, HexFist Player.WeaponSlot 3, Crossbow Player.WeaponSlot 4, Hammer Player.WeaponSlot 5, wand Hydlide- Cleric Class: This guy starts out super strong with a Super Weapon sword. Decent movement, but low equipment option and is Melee based to mirror the goofy combat of that ancient RPG. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Trident Player.WeaponSlot 2, Legend, MasterSword Player.WeaponSlot 3, CrossbowM Link: Mage Class: His movement is like Adventure of Link and his weapons are like Zelda1. Low armor class at start, but he is one of the fastest and highest jumping dudes. His Bow is unlimited, but low Rail style damage on his Main fire, altfire is his sword. He also starts with Bombs which use Red Mana. His shield will deflect projectiles. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Mastersword Player.WeaponSlot 2, Bow Player.WeaponSlot 3, Wand Player.WeaponSlot 4, FragGrenade Corvina- Mage Class : The genderbend Corvus that uses roughly eqivalent weaponry. Vanilla style movement, and higher jump than vanilla. Starting Wand is unlimited ammo, and same for the altfire. Player.WeaponSlot 1, GauntletX Player.WeaponSlot 2, FireWand Player.WeaponSlot 3, Crossbow Player.WeaponSlot 4, wand Player.WeaponSlot 5, Hammer The Wizard -THe ImmOrtal: Mage Class: This guy does start with a really good weapon, the Spell Book, BUT zero Mana. So he uses his Fist, aka Konk. He has the worst jump and the 2nd lowest speed. BUT he does have normal Health unlike Arthur. Player.WeaponSlot 1, konk Player.WeaponSlot 2, Tome Player.WeaponSlot 3, CrossbowM Player.WeaponSlot 4, wand Player.WeaponSlot 5, GauntletX Dova Keen: Fighter Class: This guy is HUGE in size so he will look down at most enemies. His start sword swings in a wide arc, and the altfire is a Flame Breath that will push enemies back. Very fast on his feet, but jump is average. Player.WeaponSlot 1, Ax Player.WeaponSlot 2, sword1 Player.WeaponSlot 3, Trident Player.WeaponSlot 4, ImpalerXBow Player.WeaponSlot 5, FragGrenade Simon- Fighter Class: This is Simon's Quest Simon Whip will BLOCK or Reflect most projectiles. Timed for the end of the swing. Bad News: LOWEST SPEED, but decent jump. I tried really hard to get his movement accurate, including gravity. Good news, very strong. Altfire is Subweapon use. Bad news: Low equipment options. Player.WeaponSlot 1,Trident Player.WeaponSlot 2, VampireKiller Player.WeaponSlot 3, WensternShotgun /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WEAPONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Weapons to be found: All of these weapons can be found via Large Chests, CANDLES and torches Two Categories: Normal Weapons and Super Weapons.IF weapons give ammo then they only give White Mana. Not all weapons use ammo. Main fire is always White Mana if used at all. Alt Fire is Red mana. usually. Elemental damage is aesthetic only. Normal Weapons. CrossBow: a black crossbow with Green arrows. Main fire shoots 3 arrows with White mana. Altfire is an Elemental blast that explodes and freezes with Red Mana. Shotgun: Uses ammo: Main fire is weaker at 7 pellets of electricity. Altfire is 20 pellets of fire damage(same as doom SSG) Luciferian Crossbow/Impaler- Uses ammo: Main fire is a strong but normal xbow bolt with a fast firing rate. altfire is a stream of elemental energy bolts. Hammer: Uses ammo. Mainfire is a flame thrower, but can still be used as a melee weapon if out of White Mana. Altfire is an explosive fireball. Wand: Uses Ammo: the Elven Gold Wand retooled. Mainfire is HitScan electricity for good damage and fire rate. Altfire is 3 Piercing Lightning Bolts. Trident: NO MANA USE: Mainfire is a rapid hit Life Leech prod that refills health very fast. Altfire is a Flame Thrower which burns your Health as ammo at 5 points per shot. Very strong. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Weapons Axe: Beater and Biter. NO MANA USE. ALLOWS SUBWEAPONS on Reload key: Main fire is a fast melee attack. Altfire throws 3 boomeranging red holy axes. Master Sword: NO MANA USE. ALLOWS SUBWEAPONS on Reload Key. Gives a Deflectiing Shield, a fast firing main fire melee, no autofire. Altfire is a Holy Red Boomerang like the Axe version. LEGEND "The Dragon Slayer": NO MANA USE, ALLOWS SUBWEAPONS ON RELOAD KEY. Main fire is a fast swinging melee with a small arc. Altfire is a Wild Swing that hits many points and hits really dang hard. Hydlide starts with this weapon. GauntletX "Gauntlets of Mondaine"-- Named after Ultima 1 villain. Allows Subweapons on Reload Key. Main fire is no mana Life Leech melee. Altfire is a machine gun hitscan electricity attack that uses White Mana. ============================================================ MONSTER Cast: Too many to list and thats part of the exploration factor. Mellow Heretic and some others. =========================================================================== Special Thanks : Medieval Doom @ zdoom forum AND Mellow Heretic!!! Post by Lagi Realm667 repository for: Vampire Monster, Crimson Disciple, Cheogh, Converterted Legionnaire, Thor, Magic Bow, Frag Grenades, Crash monster soundfiles, Heaven Guard, Trash Monsters, Hornet, Azazel, Dune Warrior, DaggerfallSkeleton, Impaler CrossBow, Succubus, Western Shotgun. Firewand Conan The Barbarian: Warrior of Doom(Beta 8) Postby xenoxols at Zdoom forum For Shield sprite and Skull Sword sprites and Greatsword. CastleVania Simons Destiny by Batandy for Making this amazing game. Used heavily in this mod from Special Effects to Enviromental stuff like Candles. Hexen, and other Raven Software creations. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : No Sounds : Yes Music : No Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other files required : Heretic and soon to be Doom and Hexen. * Play Information * Game : Heretic Heroes; NES Heroes and Hexes Single Player : Designed for Other game styles : only Heretic and other Vanilla Heretic mapsets. Difficulty Settings : YES! Tested : GZDoom * Construction * Base : Modified from Link to the Doom Build Time : Lots of time. Editor(s) used : GZDoom, GIMP, Notepad, Slade Known Bugs : Due to The Master Sword unique Shield type some Elevators may become temporarily stuck. Simply switch weapons off The Master Sword and the Elevator will work normally. * Copyright / Permissions * This is a labor of love that I built at home for extra challenge. It's only right that I share it and allow it to be shared. This work may be used as a base of reference for learning purposes. Due to this mod's extremely intertwined nature it is not advisable to use this mod as a base for any new projects, but it is permitted for referential use and resource purposes for other projects. Edited May 3, 2022 by kalensar adding on extra thoughts. 0 Share this post Link to post
Egregor Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Wow, this looks very ambitious! 11 characters each with their own weapons and stats. Edited May 2, 2022 by Egregor 0 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) 48 minutes ago, Egregor said: Wow, this looks very ambitious! 11 characters each with their own weapons and stats. Usually here at Doomworld I give a small commentary on the mod, but I'll just do that here. (I decided to put this reply also in the main post so anybody else reading this can skip it) This mod is almost 1 year old now. Its actually changed very little except in some minor editing, and has minor fork also listed above as the More Brutal Version. The More Brutal Version Heretic only uses Lagi's Mellow Heretic monsters ( his words abridged: "You shall use this mod-eg Mellow Heretic-- in any project you want or suffer bad joojoo") as the better Heretic Monsters. Heretic Heroes, the main mod, is a Total Gameplay mod itself, and has final formed it's final fusion of Two files of the same mod for different games and into ONE mod to rule them all. This mod is not meant to be ground breaking, but it is in fact my most complex project I have ever constructed. It's a calling card to Angry Video Game Nerd style of infuriation and randomness of the old NES monsters from RPGs and Platformers and Adventure.. To that end, Heretic Heroes is a Homage to those old games brought a few of those old NES stars and some other choice Heroes to life inside of Doom Engine via Heretic and Doom. To facilitate the aggravation nostalgia of those old games.... Everything is randomized predominantly across the board. Vanilla Difficulty is the Vanilla game monsters of Doom or HEretic respectively, but the next 2 of Myth of Hilda and Ultima Hexodus are random. THe Final 2 Difficulties are not randomized monsters, but ones chosen by me to represent a certain feel of two very fitting homages. This mod plays by it's own rules, and each Character can only equip certain weapons pertaining to their gameplay style...in a world where all treasure is random. This mod is full of unintentioned but kept "Bethesda Features" such as : Treasure chests and barrels popping out of treasure chests being the most common one which further increases the chances of more loot. All loot is ammo, weapons, powerups, items, and much more. This Mod uses Heretic Item system extensively, and Castlevania (ported and modified) style subweapons that do different attacks per Champion who uses( some identical). Its best to keep the README file handy mainly for the Character and minor Weapons break down so you don't accidentally miss out on a super weapon or some such. The weapons list is quite small honestly, this is not an RPG, but the Character equipment limitations make checking them very important. The main Action buttons are RELOAD, Mainfire, Altfire, and JUMP. And there is only 3 ammo types. Some weapons dont even use ammo( mainly Starter weapons). ALL CHARACTERS RUN AT DIFFERENT SPEEDS AND HAVE DIFFERENT JUMP AND GRAVITY based on their games of origin. Other than that, due to the type of gameplay this mod represents you might just become another old fashioned Angry Retro Gamer Nerd, and I won't even feel bad if it's not many people's style at all. Edited May 2, 2022 by kalensar needed to add info 0 Share this post Link to post
A.Gamma Posted May 2, 2022 There are a lot of things I would like to say about this mod regarding it's complete lack of cohesiveness or the awful .pk3 structure. But I will not. Instead I will focus on single point. My Diablo 3 HUD. If you had the time to download the HUD, add it into your mod, and then modify it, I bet you also had the time to add my name to the credits. I have no issues with people using the stuff I share and create, as long as you drop me a PM, or at least add my name to the credits list. It's literally the first thing in the HUDs download page. So, I know this might come off as mean, but please remove the HUD and all associated graphics and code from the mod. 0 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) edited out. Cuz eff this drama. Content issue resolved Edited May 3, 2022 by kalensar needed to add info 0 Share this post Link to post
A.Gamma Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Quote Did not get this hud from your page. Literally never met your before in my fudging life. I have no idea on where I got it originally because well years gone, and especially on a 10+ year old HUD. Some mod from a friend of a friend, and didnt even think twice about it. So, nice to meet you partner and your snotty attitude about my PK3 that runs *mostly * error free and it's pointless organization structure that makes no difference when it runs clean. Did you get permission from Blizzard and Diablo 3 creators to use their art? Probably not ,due to *FAIR USE* copyright doctrine or some such ethos. The fact that you got the HUD from a creditless source does not exuse you. This community thrives on sharing and re-using content, so when you are unsure or do not know where a resource might have originated, asking the community is the best solution. The HUD might or might not be fair use. That is for a court to decide if it comes to that; but the thing is, that even with the changes to their licenses and trademarked usage policies, the Diablo 3 HUD still follows their guidelines. But again, if it comes to that, Blizzard's lawyers and mine will sort it out. Spoiler I literally don't give a crap if you or anyone else hates it. THIS IS A FOR FUN MOD. NOT SERIOUS. We all mod for fun. Quote What I saw from your page a V1.1 version that has decorate coding and does not have the FONTDEF. The art, yes, matches, the TEXTURES and the WAD name matches. SBARINFO code is not your property to own as they literally just measurements on a screen a draw commands proprietary to GZDoom and ZDoom coding. It doesn't have the FONTDEF because I used the default RAVENFONT on it so no need to add a new font. Also, FYI, code can be property, registered and even sold, so yeah, as simple as it is, I do consider that little snippet of code mine and I can ask for attribution or notice of use. So again, remove my work from your pk3. Edit to address your edit: It's cool that you asked those authors, and added their names to your file. Those authors are not me. Edited May 2, 2022 by A.Gamma Addressing Kalensar's edit. 0 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Content issue resolved.. Edited out Edited May 3, 2022 by kalensar Frivolous drama. 0 Share this post Link to post
A.Gamma Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Alright then. Seems like you made up your mind. I'm sorry you couldn't just say "You're an asshole but I'll delete the offending work and will never have to deal with you again". This does not mean however, that I'm going to stop raising a stink, just that I'm dissappointed that this was not resolved. Edited May 2, 2022 by A.Gamma added clarification. 0 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Just some followup info because I literally have nothing to hide here. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=72677&p=1193526#p1193526 This mod has made another person cringe with many issues at ZDoom with basically the same type of responses. This is an educational piece with enough History and Original Coding included that this is every thing I say it is: Obviously Parody aka Myth of Hilda difficulty, Nothing but straight randomizers everywhere and Educational because it does stuff you wont find anywhere else, as well as using multiple different game mechanics supplied directly by ZDoom engine. " If you don't like the aesthetic then big whoop. Go play the other mods listed that were pieces into the building of this and you'll see exactly how much of this is custom coding----- Most of it is edited by my in one piece or another and quite drastically in many cases. My version of the Vampire Monster is all my coding. In both the Boss form and his normal Monster version. He fights nothing like the Realm 667 version. Ghastsoul was made by me. The Golem death spawning the Ghastsoul was my idea. Fallen Hero was ,my coding Every Weapon redo is my coding. Every Boss that is has been edited from it's original form from Realm 667 is my own coding Every monster that has been edited from it's original form is my coding like the 3 different versions of the Trash Monster. The Adaptation of the Succubus as the Fairy item = my coding Most of the Boss monsters EXCEPT Thor are direct rebuilds. Thor was too cool to screw with, and Azazel got recolored and actually weaker than his original code. You will not find a single exact copy out there of these monster tactics or coding except in my own mods." ------ Shrug Edited May 2, 2022 by kalensar 0 Share this post Link to post
Jimmy Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, kalensar said: And once again. Fair use. Education and Parody, and Transformative Use for Non-Profit. I've seen some bad excuses in my time but I am legitimately blown away by this. You have grossly misunderstood what "fair use" is. It's not a get-out-of-jail-free phrase you can just wave in somebody's face that lets you do exactly what you want with the content you find online. GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. You should understand this given any creative endeavor, regardless of whether you're doing it for "fun". Not that "fun" factors into the process of accreditation. If respect is given to the proper people to make a mod possible, then we as a community can continue to have fun and get along. Just because you've "never met" a creator of work your mod relies on or "found their work elsewhere" doesn't excuse your confounding rudeness in this situation. How long does it take to add "A.Gamma" to your text file? That's a grand total of 7 characters, and instead you've typed out a massive confusing public diatribe to try and rebuke this person who just wants their name mentioned. You're wasting so much of your own time here. Edited May 2, 2022 by Jimmy 20 Share this post Link to post
A.Gamma Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) You keep attacking straw men. None of this has addressed the issue that I raise: The use of my HUD. Edited May 2, 2022 by A.Gamma 2 Share this post Link to post
Kinsie Posted May 2, 2022 6 minutes ago, Jimmy said: How long does it take to add "A.Gamma" to your text file? That's a grand total of 7 characters, and instead you've typed out a massive confusing public diatribe to try and rebuke this person who just wants their name mentioned. You're wasting so much of your own time here. It doesn't even take that much extra time to type "Oh, my bad dogg, I'll add credit now. Sorry about that!" into a forum reply first. The Doom mod scene is generally pretty forgiving of honest mistakes, and we're typically not Elder Scrolls Community levels of weird about permissions and such. 3 hours ago, kalensar said: I literally don't give a crap if you or anyone else hates it. THIS IS A FOR FUN MOD. NOT SERIOUS. This defense is just kind of bizarre. Outside of the few standalone GZDoom games, every mod is a just-for-fun hobby project. We're not all living off of Patreons or whatever, every amazing mod you see was poked out in the free time between assignments, shifts, families and probably prison sentences. It's all for fun, and you can bet we all at least try and cite our sources. It's not just polite, it's common sense! 3 hours ago, kalensar said: But in this case will just treat as "Transformative Use" of CopyRighted work of Diablo 3 Art for Comedy, and Coding Education. 1 hour ago, kalensar said: And once again. Fair use. Education and Parody, and Transformative Use for Non-Profit. You use these words, but I do not think you know what they mean. 8 Share this post Link to post
A.Gamma Posted May 2, 2022 9 minutes ago, Kinsie said: It doesn't even take that much extra time to type "Oh, my bad dogg, I'll add credit now. Sorry about that!" into a forum reply first. The Doom mod scene is generally pretty forgiving of honest mistakes, and we're typically not Elder Scrolls Community levels of weird about permissions and such. This. I know I said to remove my mod, but had you apologized, told me that you didn't know it was my work and then offered to add my name to the credit list, I would have let it slide. 0 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) Edited out for Frivolous drama Edited May 3, 2022 by kalensar 0 Share this post Link to post
Redneckerz Posted May 2, 2022 33 minutes ago, kalensar said: You don't punch me in the face and tell me to apologize. I'm not your wife. True. You would give your wife credit for her cooking when it tastes good. Even more so, the fact you play hardball distracts from your own mod, so at this point you are just self-destructing. Give credit when credit is due. Its the kind of common courtesy anyone gets by. 5 Share this post Link to post
Edward850 Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) 14 hours ago, kalensar said: I literally don't give a crap if you or anyone else hates it. THIS IS A FOR FUN MOD. NOT SERIOUS. If making mods is for fun to you, why are you deciding to die on the dirt clod of a hill that is deciding not to credit others. As if it was extremely serious business. It all seems to be fun and games until you have to credit someone else for the work you didn't do, at which point you are now gnashing teeth and rending clothes. Isn't that odd. Someone might be more inclined to think that you are trying to take credit for work that wasn't yours, and are making excuses when called out to try and make everyone but you the bad guy. We've seen this kind of behavior before in other places, for example package thieves who when caught will make any up any story of "I was just moving it/taking it to your door", things they had no reason to do, rather than ever admit they were trying to steal it. Edited May 2, 2022 by Edward850 4 Share this post Link to post
TheMagicMushroomMan Posted May 2, 2022 (edited) This is just pathetic, I don't even know what to say. All you had to do was be an adult and say "sorry about that, can I keep your work in my mod if I credit you?". But instead you're resorting to juvenile antics and trying (and failing) to understand and explain what fair use means. Enough to make me ignore you in the future, and also enough for me to report your thread since you are obviously hellbent on arbitrarily avoiding any kind of resolution, and I'm quite certain what you are doing is against the rules, to say nothing about the complete lack of common courtesy on display. Stuff like this is low, one of the dumbest stunts you could pull in a modding community. Edited May 2, 2022 by TheMagicMushroomMan 1 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 2, 2022 I have a staunch track record of crediting on my projects. The mod is updated with no reference to Diablo anywhere, and no credits are accorded to works derived from the questionable HUD material derived from Diablo 3 material. That's pretty much the end of this whole subject. 0 Share this post Link to post
Obsidian Posted May 3, 2022 9 hours ago, kalensar said: You don't punch me in the face and tell me to apologize. I'm not your wife. That sure is a thing to say to someone on an internet forum. Oh, and give credit where credit is due. Fair use is not applicable to resources made by individuals on a video game forum, especially when said individual isn't looking to sue you for using their work. Even if it's something you're making for fun, it costs you nothing to acknowledge those who's resources you've used regardless of your opinion on their conduct. 6 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 3, 2022 (edited) 10 minutes ago, Obsidian said: That sure is a thing to say to someone on an internet forum. Oh, and give credit where credit is due. Fair use is not applicable to resources made by individuals on a video game forum, especially when said individual isn't looking to sue you for using their work. Even if it's something you're making for fun, it costs you nothing to acknowledge those who's resources you've used regardless of your opinion on their conduct. . It also governs use of Non-profit use of commercial products, aka perfectly applicable to Diablo 3 content in question here. Everything is credited as accurate currently as stated in previous and No Diablo or Diablo 3 content or A.Gamma Diablo 3 Fair Use of Diablo 3 content is used in this gameplay mod. Edited May 3, 2022 by kalensar 0 Share this post Link to post
Redneckerz Posted May 3, 2022 1 hour ago, kalensar said: I have a staunch track record of crediting on my projects. Yet this seems so very difficult to you. 1 hour ago, kalensar said: That's pretty much the end of this whole subject. And still not getting it. 15 minutes ago, kalensar said: It also governs use of Non-profit use of commercial products, aka perfectly applicable to Diablo 3 content in question here. That's not what that means. 2 Share this post Link to post
Edward850 Posted May 3, 2022 (edited) 29 minutes ago, kalensar said: It also governs use of Non-profit use of commercial products, aka perfectly applicable to Diablo 3 content in question here. Everything is credited as accurate currently as stated in previous and No Diablo or Diablo 3 content or A.Gamma Diablo 3 Fair Use of Diablo 3 content is used in this gameplay mod. Fair use is a legal argument, not some governing rule with hard and fast conditions. By extension it therefor doesn't care about the commercial or non-commercial use of the work, obviously because you can do something like review a movie commercially, and can still use clips from the movie for demonstration. However copyright is still subject in all cases of use, the content used still isn't yours and it doesn't matter if you're selling it or not, nor are you granted automatic protections by it because its use case is subjective and situational. Edited May 3, 2022 by Edward850 2 Share this post Link to post
kalensar Posted May 3, 2022 1 hour ago, kalensar said: The mod is updated with no reference to Diablo anywhere, and no credits are accorded to works derived from the questionable HUD material derived from Diablo 3 material This includes also A.Gamma work. There is none here. Dead subject. 0 Share this post Link to post
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