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Shooter With The Best Maps Overall?

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I was thinking to myself, in the gigantic amount of shooter games released the past two decades, which ones just had the most fun and well-designed multiplayer maps overall, something I could play with my buddies and have loads of fun. But the choice was so big, I just couldn't organize it all just by myself... Thankfully, I believe for obvious reasons DW can help!


I'll start with UT99. Of all the titles I've considered, this definitely would rank pretty high. So, what are your choices?

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when it comes to multiplayer id say counter strike. if were talking single player id probably say the half life series

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26 minutes ago, DSC said:

I was thinking to myself, in the gigantic amount of shooter games released the past two decades, which ones just had the most fun and well-designed multiplayer maps overall, something I could play with my buddies and have loads of fun. But the choice was so big, I just couldn't organize it all just by myself... Thankfully, I believe for obvious reasons DW can help!


I'll start with UT99. Of all the titles I've considered, this definitely would rank pretty high. So, what are your choices?

Seconding UT99. The sheer variety of maps, locales, and feel of them all was just the chef's kiss.


One map you might be on a galleon in the ocean. The next, floating above a giant sun. Then a rusty metal area with a pressure chamber. Then a set of megascrapers. Then a ship zipping through space. And of course, two bases on an asteroid.

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For Single Player, hmm hard to say, more puzzle like ones as Doom or railed ones as modern ones?

Hmm i take Doom and Doom 2016, later one has a nice mix of new and early 2000 Level Design.

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UT99 and Timesplitters. As @Dark Pulse so eloquently pointed out, the sheer variety of locales is a big draw, but the underlying gameplay in both is just so, so polished. Timesplitters is simply the distilation of Free Radical's formula that they began with their already-amazing N64 titles, laser-focused this time on the multi-player (while still offering a surpisingly coherent and endearing single-player experience). And I personally rate the fluidity of movement and weapon choices in UT to be the absolute peak of the genre (plus it's got unlimited community-designed resources available).

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Call of Duty 4 and Half Life both have loads of really cool maps that spawn a ton of different locales, and each one of them offers a unique experience, for better or for worse. But by some weird coincidence I somehow never noticed until now, in both games the map Crossfire is the only one that anyone seems to play.

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UT99 is love when it comes to multiplayer fps. The maps are very well designed when it comes to variety of locales, aesthetics and how they play.

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If it's not DM-Rankin, DM-Compressed, DM-Corrugation, or DM-DE-GrendelKeep then its not a good map.  1v1, 2v2 and 4v4 all day!

(Totally kidding, I feel wrong to state in absolution since each game has its own shinies that I adore very much.)

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9 hours ago, INfront95 said:

Talking about multiplayer: Ut 2004 then Ut 99.
They really were flexing with Unreal Engine

Assuming you mean Onslaught, correct, because UT2kx weapon balance was the drizzling shits. Shock Rifle and Lightning Gun were practically all you needed.


That's not to say UT99's weapon balance was great (Sniper Rifle was way too strong, Minigun rate of fire depended on server tickrate, Pulse Gun's beam could kill you quickly if you could get someone between two beam "segments", some people loved to bitch about the Ripper period, etc.), but at least in UT99 every weapon felt useful. In 2kx, you'll probably never really be able to bring rocket or flak to bear all too often because a lot of the maps favor long lines of sight, and anyone good at hitscan could probably just play keepaway with you.


And don't get me started on the goddamn Shield Gun.

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Borderlands 3.


Jokes aside, I really really dig Half life 2's style, particularly the coast section of the game. Really the whole aesthetics of it speak to me in a way deeper than simple enjoyment.


As for something that fits the bill of the OP a bit better, I'll say DUSK, both in single player and deathmatch.

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23 hours ago, Dark Pulse said:


Honestly i was thinking mostly about map design and overall "content stuffing". In Ut2004 we had great Assault maps, Onslaught, this death ball game etc. Plus maps were visually creative. About weapons can't say cause i never actually looked deep into it. Back in the day in UT99 all with whom i played just sprinted to sniper rifle and every battle eventually transformed into sniper oneshot duels. In honesty Both UT are on the same level for me with only minor diferences. I read question as what had better maps and UT2004 just tipped scale in its favor for me. Ut 99 had great maps. Ut2004 had great revamped 99s maps and more on the top.

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