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Hydrosphere (6 level Boom mapset)

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11 hours ago, ChestedArmor said:

Love it.

I love the water industrial art direction, it gives the wad an iconic identiy.

The combat fits my preferences like a glove and I had overal a blast playing it I haven't had for a while.

I wouldn't expect more from a vanilla wad.



Wow, thankyou. Really glad you enjoyed it.

3 hours ago, ryiron said:

Really enjoyed these maps. The architecture, palette, texture selection and new sounds all work to create an interesting, cohesive set. The combat isn't too hard, but it was always engaging, and there's some cool set pieces and traps.


I played through all of the maps and found all the secrets. Map06 was my favourite of the lot, so I did a recording of it. My one dislike for this map is the area with the water spout and the ledge with the archvile and two mancubi on it. The combat here is a bit awkward. You basically get stuck ducking in and out of the sewer corridor slowly picking them off (and hoping the archvile doesn't wander over and start resurrecting mancubi). The rest of the map is great, loads of fun. I especially like the secrets in this map.



Hey, thanks a lot. :)


I agree the archville part can be awkward. I noticed it more when watching other people play. When I tested it myself, I tended to run in, shoot the imps and then hide around the corner to take out the Revs, then deal with the Archville from there. But I'll definitely tinker with that part if I do a future update.

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What an awesome mini-episode! It is not often you come across a mapset with such a strong sense of identity and Hydrosphere has it in spades. Had a blast playing through it.

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@sandwedgejoined me 


Things were going good til they weren't this video was messed up but hope you enjoy it anyway lol 


Technology amirite 



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5 hours ago, Firedust said:

What an awesome mini-episode! It is not often you come across a mapset with such a strong sense of identity and Hydrosphere has it in spades. Had a blast playing through it.

Thanks buddy. I'm really happy you enjoyed it.


@Clippy I'll fix the oven bug in a future update. :P Thanks again.

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Woah!! Bri, I had a fantastic time playing through these...


One comment: The spawning sometimes feels a bit repetitive. However, the maps are well done. I loved them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Absolutely positively exquisite set of maps there bud - a fantastic finale - everyone plays different but that mancubus and archie room kicked my ass - but trying to preserve my no deaths when i should have played bolder and ran in - didn;t know there was crate cover - I think best most beautiful map yet - that damn is AMAZING - like I want it as my desktop BG & @Biodegradable wus here



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@Clippy Thanks so much. I was looking forward to this video; I'm glad you enjoyed my wad and really appreciate the comments.

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Had a little trouble in the start but once I learned to shut the hell up and concentrate I did better. This was simply amazing! I had a great time playing it! thank you so much @Bri!



Edited by Dub Bag

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7 hours ago, Dub Bag said:

Had a little trouble in the start but once I learned to shut the hell up and concentrate I did better. This was simply amazing! I had a great time playing it! thank you so much @Bri!


Hey, thanks so much for playing it and for the video. Really glad you enjoyed it.

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Had an enjoyable time playing through these Bri, thanks for making these :)


Here are some overall thoughts on the set:

- Aesthetically this wad is gorgeous. It's quite clear that you spent a good amount time and effort to flesh-out these maps. MAP04 was a good standout with visuals, in that round outdoor area. I am a big fan of sky textures, and you definitely chose some beautiful sky textures. If I were to nitpick on anything, I feel that some rooms can feel a bit too over-detailed, but it doesn't effect gameplay so it's just a matter of personal taste. 

- Gameplay wise, this set is pretty good! I enjoy tons of fodder-monsters, and running through them with the rocket launcher is pretty satisfying. The map has a good mix of compact and open areas, which are usually filled with good monster placements. I don't remember ever getting lost in the wad, which is definitely a good thing. I think my favorite map of the set its MAP06.

- The audio replacements seem a bit out of place to me. Mostly the gib sound which just seems so distinct from every other sound in the set. I do appreciate the Plasma Rifle noise being changed, especially when I used it a good amount through the last map.


Keep up the good work! I'm definitely excited to see what you create next.

Edited by ZeMystic

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Hey, thanks for playing and the feedback, @ZeMystic :)


I think the sounds take getting used to is all, but I like 'em. I know people especially either love or hate that gib sound, but I left it in because it just makes me laugh. :P

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I know that I’m not sitting this one out and YES ! Once again I’ve had a great time rumbling in Hydrosphere.


The map design is greatly detailed, and the combat is action-packed from the get go to the end. Also it feels great to see the beautiful sky when messing around indoor.  

I also like the set of barrels chain-explosives on map01, 03, 04, 05, and 06 that makes the fights more intense and fun.


My personal favorite scenes are map01 central pool with explosive barrels, map02 the subway rail/platform section, map04 reservoir outdoor section, and map06 from the inside of the facility to the DAM.


I really like to play your maps since they are super great to play.  Having a tour for admiring each corner in slow pace is also a enjoyable way to play through.

 Hydrosphere is really an impressive work!! Can’t wait to see & play your project in the future.



Edited by K_krimson painkekk
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When I saw the screenshots and checked the comments I expected it to be good-looking, but not THAT good-looking. I generally love both tech-base visuals and water-filled visuals in doom, so this wad just hit the spot for me. Great work on details! And gameplay itself is fun, too. Especially map 06.


I agree with ZeMystic that gib replacement sound is kinda out of place, though, but yeah it's a very minor thing.


Hope to see more releases from you in the future, this is great stuff.

Edited by Ravendesk

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@Bri I've seen you mentioning "future update" a few times, so the RC4 version isn't final? If so, can you please tell when (approximately) are you planning to release new version and which maps will be affected? It's just that I started making some demos then it came to my attention that you were planning updates.

Edited by Ravendesk

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Thanks so much @K_krimson painkekk. Awesome video too!


Also, thankyou @Ravendesk. And yes, I do plan to update the whole thing and add more maps in the coming months. I'm hoping early August but I can't say exactly.

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Hey dude, had a great time with this, thanks a bunch, would love to see more, in a different environnement if possible, but you have a really good mapping head.

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks a lot, @Snark. I'm adding another episode to this with different locales and where you go in and out of hell, ala wormhole, so hopefully it will have more variety with environments. :)

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@Bri, I wonder if it would be possible to make this mapset compatible with Doom4Vanilla?  I love playing vanilla/Boom maps with it but sadly the last trigger after killing the Cyberdemon doesn't work with D4V.  The rest of the mapset plays perfectly.  Just curious. :)

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1 hour ago, Average said:

@Bri, I wonder if it would be possible to make this mapset compatible with Doom4Vanilla?  I love playing vanilla/Boom maps with it but sadly the last trigger after killing the Cyberdemon doesn't work with D4V.  The rest of the mapset plays perfectly.  Just curious. :)

I've seen a couple of mods clash with that, mainly ones with monster replacement. But I don't know, I'll see if I can work out a different method. Cheers.

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  • 5 months later...

Bit of a late bump, but played this on the back of seeing it in the Cacowards and wanna say it was super enjoyable to play through :) Thanks!

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  • 10 months later...

This was one of the most fun wads I've played in awhile. You have an incredible eye for detail. Really great stuff! You're becoming a favorite of mine!

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