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What country are you from?

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

about 15 years ago my family and I moved to Australia, which is also a lovely place.


A good portion of my music commissions come from folks in Australia. Working on one right now. I definitely appreciate the good folks down under.

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11 minutes ago, Doomkid said:


LMFAO. I have no idea what the actual context is, but it seems like the Japanese author was chewed out once for calling a Canadian person an American, and this is their way of venting about it, while making a statement about how the two countries aren't really all that different culturally, and are kinda easy to mix up. (What's the difference between the US and Canada? Maple syrup.) Of course, this is all just guesswork, but for some reason my mind painted the picture instantly. 😂


Haha yeah I think the author may have been on some of our country's "biggest export" when they wrote that.  What I find so hilarious is that one of our defining distinctions there is "it is not America", like they literally can't think of anything else to say.  However, it is also deceptively deep and true, since being a small neighbour next to such a giant influence does often mean we like to define ourselves by the ways we aren't like America.  This means sometimes we feel high and mighty when we compare ourselves to the US on something, meanwhile we might be doing worse than Europe. 😅   But it's such a hilariously flippant way to describe us that I love it.

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I'm from Macau, China, but I'm not Chinese.

Edited by K_Doom

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53 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

Victoria, Australia.


Same, but I've been in Japan for over a decade now. If it weren't for the middle school textbooks here and @sandwedge, I could've lived my whole life wrongfully assuming that Canadians imported all their giggle grass from Colorado!

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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but i'm a zoomer newbie (but old-school-y) fan since 2019 so i wish i have pc-98 or dos/v machine because modern port don't have japanese localization

Edited by RYU_Sempai1024

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United Kingdom. I spent a few years living in US, but now I am back in the UK.

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3 hours ago, rzh said:

North-Eastern Romania, first line of impact if a certain nation decides it wants more territory.

Kind of a boring city, but it's a beautiful land, full of hills and valleys.

I would argue that Dobrogea is a much more strategic location worthy of conquest. It's defended, but by now, long distance hyper sonic mass destruction missiles exist, which can strike down all defensive structures, and civilian county seats for good measure. 


I live in Bucharest, which is also historically exposed to imperial powers. Sorry for derailing the thread, carry on with your origin descriptions. I see most of you are from America/Australia, but I'm glad to see some of you from less western countries too. 

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3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Aww, no state? This is like saying "I'm from Europe", hehe :)


Well, in some Atomic Shrimp scambaiting video it was determined that Ohio was the "United State", singular.

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1 hour ago, Poncho1 said:

Born in the land of the rosbifs, currently living among the frogs.

You’re welcome.

Do you know if there is a legal way to receive the BBC from France?

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34 minutes ago, RYU_Sempai1024 said:

but i'm a zoomer newbie fan since 2019 so i wish i have pc-98 or dos/v machine because modern port don't have japanese localization

Have you tried GZDoom? It supports Japanese and several other languages. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Internationalization


(Though obviously the translations in GZDoom can only affect plain text, so text that is actually images, like the main menu in Doom, will not be affected; you'd need to replace them with localized graphics.)




As for me, I'm from the country whose largest neighbors are Brazil and Canada.

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2 hours ago, Gez said:

Have you tried GZDoom? It supports Japanese and several other languages. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Internationalization


(Though obviously the translations in GZDoom can only affect plain text, so text that is actually images, like the main menu in Doom, will not be affected; you'd need to replace them with localized graphics.)




As for me, I'm from the country whose largest neighbors are Brazil and Canada.

GZDoom has diffrent japanese translation than imagineer version compleatly from scratch, that's why i said something like that

Edited by RYU_Sempai1024

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