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17 hours ago, Savarin said:

Brazil. Everyone here likes either FIFA or PUBG :C

Do not forget csgo

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I was born (and still live in) her royal highness Queen Elizabeth the Second of the Windsor Family's kingdom known as the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, residing in the Northern regions of the big island known as Great Britain, just south of Scotland and north of Wales which puts me in England itself.



Basically , I was born, raised and still live in England. :l

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Born and living in Germany,

but my Father is from Spain and my Mother from Uruguay.


It is pretty ugly and overall Industry Stuff here.


My Grandfather had a House near Segovia, its far more impressive with its roman and medival Buildings:







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Brazil, I do find it funny how in every corner of the internet whenever someone mentions they're brazilian you get like three others going "Yoooooo I'm also brazilian!!!", which I find funny and slightly embarassing, but only a smidge really.
Will say, it's at least nice to have people who aren't over 40 recognize doom, guess the recent releases being such a big deal does that eh?

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United States, Utah. Unfortunately this place is pretty unbearable...

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2 hours ago, SynDoom said:

United States, Utah. Unfortunately this place is pretty unbearable...

I've only driven through, but it was during a sunset and the way the light and shadows hit the mountains was very epic looking and made for a pleasant drive.

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Maple leaf man, here. Currently living in Ontario, originally from Nova Scotia, or 'Lobster Land' as I like to call it.

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5 hours ago, Sarmenti said:

Brazil, I do find it funny how in every corner of the internet whenever someone mentions they're brazilian you get like three others going "Yoooooo I'm also brazilian!!!"




It's a funny feeling, so weird how being brazillian kinda feels like a meme on the internet.

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I'm from algeria, if you've never been there here is one of the popular buildings here :



Edited by Frost-Core

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10 minutes ago, UncleTito said:

Daj ne seri

Uistinu :) nice to see another one from the European Chile, before the community had a few (fx, Sedlo) so it's good to see more are still present

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On 5/5/2022 at 2:45 AM, Savarin said:

It's a funny feeling, so weird how being brazillian kinda feels like a meme on the internet.

Such it is, at least it provides a good opportunity to talk about the great things we have, like the cuisine and culture, educating the gringos one step at a time :p

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3 minutes ago, Apprentice said:

You mean Belgium :P

No, but i live really close to the Belgium border (15 min by car).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/3/2022 at 8:12 PM, RYU_Sempai1024 said:

GZDoom has diffrent japanese translation than imagineer version compleatly from scratch, that's why i said something like that

also, i don't like the unifont and over-translated

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  • 5 weeks later...

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