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Do not shoot the chaingunner! Had to get it off my chest ;)


Interesting mapset. Pretty rough and a lot of funny environmental storytelling. Map 2 is... weird :D And so is map 6. Big brain was maybe a bit dragged out, but overall a fun mapset.

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Is it normal for the voodoo conveyor to move so slowly during the fight in the room with the big sector monster? I already cleared the area out and I'm apparently stuck here now. I'd appreciate not waiting like an hour for a door to open so I can progress.





Really digging this btw.

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9 minutes ago, Breezeep said:
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Is it normal for the voodoo conveyor to move so slowly during the fight in the room with the big sector monster? I already cleared the area out and I'm apparently stuck here now. I'd appreciate not waiting like an hour for a door to open so I can progress.





Really digging this btw.


What port are you playing on? You're the second person to report this, I might have to rework things to stop this from happening...

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I'm playing this on Eternity Engine. I just noticed the OP edit about the bug. Maybe @Altazimuth would figure this one out?

Edited by Breezeep

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Hopefully can figure something out. It should take just about 2 minutes exactly to finish. I've tested it in EE the other day and found that if you stand on a slow conveyor and start moving in the opposite direction slightly, you will start to sort of moonwalk along it, moving slower than the conveyor is moving. The same seems to apply for objects starting on it from a standstill.

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I forgot I made a video earlier of the bug in action in EE. It can be caused by either moving forward against the direction of the conveyor, or (as affects the voodoo dolls) starting from a standstill.


Very strange:




Edited by nova++

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Played through the rest of this in GZdoom and I just have to say that this is easily one of my favorite wads I've played so far! I really enjoyed how you used boom's features to create a bunch memorable sequences and moments, and the amount of creativity on display here is just staggering to say the least. I'm really looking forward to what comes next in this set!

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So apparently the conveyor bug affects DSDAdoom as well. I have a feeling that this wasn't tested thoroughly in a port that isn't gzdoom, although It could be because the voodoo dolls are all facing backwards and aren't triggering as intended.

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On 5/8/2022 at 1:43 PM, Nefelibeta said:

I guess scroll floor linedefs shorter than 32 will cause something like this. Not sure if it's the problem here.

The limit I found for scroll floor linedefs is 21 units, anything lower and the speed will drop dramatically on complevel 9/boom on PrBoom+/DSDA/Woof.


EDIT 27/05/2022: Double checked and it's 22 units that is the minimum for Boom, not 21.

Edited by deathz0r

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2 hours ago, Breezeep said:

So apparently the conveyor bug affects DSDAdoom as well. I have a feeling that this wasn't tested thoroughly in a port that isn't gzdoom, although It could be because the voodoo dolls are all facing backwards and aren't triggering as intended.


As mentioned in the readme... I've played through the whole thing in PrBoom+ at complevel 9 but I guess there's some oddities going on between ports still. That was my main port when testing, even. I am aware that gzdoom tweaks a lot of stuff that other ports don't, and I tried to be mindful of that while building it out.


I will work out a fix soon. I just need to rethink how the timer works I guess. I guess the easiest way would be to just double the length of the whole voodoo doll corridor.


I really was hoping that by picking a stable standard in complevel 9 that it would just work across the board, but nooo...


Now I'm afraid of what other shit isn't going to work in later levels

Edited by nova++

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49 minutes ago, nova++ said:

Now I'm afraid of what other shit isn't going to work in later levels


It just goes to show that these things take time, especially when you're hoping for cross-port compatibility. Try not to be disheartened and simply work your way through the issues you and others find. The community is here to help you as well all love to see Doom projects thrive.

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This should be a lot more robust, I hope. A series of slowly-lowering pillars on a much faster conveyor belt.






There are other areas that use very slow conveyors, but all the ones I can think of are only cosmetic so I'm not going to worry about them.

Edited by nova++

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Okay- I posted an updated version 0.3a to itch, it should fix the slow timer bug on other source ports.

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3 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

It looks nice, but the download button doesn't seem to work.


The itch download button? Seems to work for me - and the stats report other people are too. Maybe you need to refresh the page a few times for the new version to show up? It might be trying to get the old one.

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With all the compatibility trouble I got sidetracked from talking about what the future holds. I have MAP13 effectively complete - it's a moody, slow-paced, spooky level, and a very different pace to what came before. It still needs a detail pass though, it's mostly just roughed out at this point (but already spooky)






Meanwhile, MAP11 had a small-scale prototype completed quite a while ago, which can be seen here:



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  • 2 weeks later...

hey this was kind of awesome. played the first three levels, theres a ton of variety and some challenging stuff that got a me a few times.  Also sorry for the audio as it might be a bit loud, i shouldn't have turned it up all the way, i usually do vids with commentary so didnt realize that would happen




some really ruthless archvile placement here which could be quite fun.  there's definitely a weird vibe with the "story" ie this strange company, the intermission level is actually a super cool lsd trip. some of this reminded me of auger zenith and its trippy corporate cyberspace stuff.  love the third level's sort of garbage dump/ factory setting. conveyor belts are fun.  only 3 levels in but what an impressive amount of work!  Will probably play some more soon


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So, as of this writing MAP13 is very nearly done, but I have encountered some more frustrating source port differences with boom features so part of the end sequence won't work properly in prboom, so I need to revise that.


MAP11 is maybe halfway or three quarters done, there are a great many railroad antics to be had and I am pretty pleased with how I've been making use of the limited space... I'll try to find some non-spoilery spots to get some screenshots of soon.


MAP12 does not exist, although I think I've found a midi I want to use for it. And MAP10 shouldn't be too hard as it's just another intermission.

Edited by nova++

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Forgot to actually post pictures. Here's two relatively unspoilery ones of the current state of things:





At some point I think I'm going to see if I can make some sort of convincing skybox to help disguise the start and end of the track area. IIRC extra-wide skybox textures will wrap around more?

Edited by nova++

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay - map11 is now playable start to finish... it still needs refinement, testing, etc, but the main layout is complete now that I thought of a suitably dumb way to end it. map13 as I mentioned is nearly finished too a while ago apart from revisions to the ending, which leaves map10 (an intermission, so less hard) and map12 to make from scratch...

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And now I would say MAP10 is basically finished as well. The intermission maps are always a nice break to make, it's a very impressionistic development experience.



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Nighttime train wreck vibes...




I mean, technically pointing out that the train crashes is a spoiler. But come on, am I really going to let the player onto a vehicle and then just not crash it?

Edited by nova++

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Really enjoyed this mapset, looking forward for more!

To try to describe it, I'd say lots of tricky layouts and interactivity (somewhat like Doom Zero, but different),

some dark humour and a bunch of varied punchy encounters, with the rest being quality incidental fights.

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