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I have surprise dental surgery Monday

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I just had a wisdom tooth removed not too long ago.  Digging stuff out of holes where teeth should be blows (I am getting a crown done next Wednesday).


Good luck to you!  Also be amazed at how long those teeth are after extraction.

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Years ago I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I wasn't put to sleep for it, but it all went fine. I've heard stories of people having pain afterwards, but I was fine and didn't need any of the pain meds the prescribed. 


22 minutes ago, vyruss said:

Also be amazed at how long those teeth are after extraction

I asked to see them in the middle of them being pulled out. It is crazy how much of the tooth is hidden.

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I've had this exact thing done before. If it's any consolation, I wasn't actually 'put under', they just blasted me w/ nitrous. Other than a tiny bit of pressure in your mouth, there was sincerely no pain.


Anyway, wish you the best! :)

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I've had a total of nine teeth extracted and I've never been put under. It can be a little uncomfortable but it's nothing compared to abscesses, exposed nerves, and infections. You'll be okay, don't sweat it.

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Small world. I've got to have a root canal on my No. 30 (lower right tooth) next Wednesday, and it's killing me. Nothing those Tylenols, Ibuprofen, and a prescribed antibiotic won't help...

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I’ve had 10 teeth removed. They were baby teeth that failed to fall out. I cannot speak about wisdom teeth however for normal teeth I can describe my experience.

They use numbing cream and then a numbing injection. Afterwards they usually wait a few minutes for the numbing injection to take effect. Then they use something that looks kind of like pliers and use significant pressure to wiggle the tooth back and forth until it separates from the gums and they take it out of your mouth. It doesn’t exactly hurt. It feels like immense pressure is being applied to you through your tooth. After that I don’t remember. However the worst of the pain is after the pain numbing wears off. It will ache significantly and quite painfully so you might want pain relief medicine or something. You will find it more difficult to eat as you must essentially prevent food from getting into the hole where your tooth once was until it heals. You can use water to remove anything that gets in there. Your voice will also be a bit lispy for a few days.


This is just my experience. Yours may be different. I wish you luck to feel as little pain as possible.

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I just got 3 wisdom teeth removed last month and to be honest I didn't feel any pain, although that was probably thanks to the opioids I had to take every 6 hours for the first day. I pretty much lived off of canned soup, Ice cream and Seinfeld the first day though, and that was after being incapacitated for most of the day. I wouldn't say it was an unpleasant experience for me, but I definitely got tired of soup pretty fast.

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About 5 years ago I had to get all my wisdom teeth removed plus 5 underdeveloped (yes, five) teeth that were in my gums so I could use bracers, they sedate you for the surgery but man it's still uncomfortable, wish you the best of luck with it!

The worst part is the post-surgery, let me tell you, you're going to want to learn some good soup recipes, because opening your jaw is going to be a faint memory for a good while...

Edited by Sarmenti

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I also want to add some advice:


Avoid smoking or drinking through a straw for as long as possible, otherwise you could dislodge the blood clot and end up what is called a "dry socket". Pain from a dry socket is about on par with a kidney stone, possibly worse, so be careful. Relatively rare but you don't want it to happen.

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I had my four wisdom teeth pulled when I was a teenager, I believe I was 17. They did put me under, just put the mask on and the guy was talking to me, I must've been in mid-sentence and then just nothing until I woke up.


Take TheMagicMushroomMan's advice about smoking and drinking through a straw. I didn't... I started smoking again a few hours later. I never got dry socket, but I should've. And of course my family got pizza for dinner, and I was damned if I wasn't going to have some. Again, shouldn't really eat until the next day to avoid dry socket... but I was a teenager and I knew better than a medical professional. 


But anyway, it's not bad. The painkillers helped, but even without them I don't think it would've been too bad. And they let me keep the teeth! Two were complete teeth, the other two they had to kind of crush to get out. But yeah, you'll be fine, plenty of people have gone through the exact same procedure.


Oh, and remember to gently gargle or swish with warm salt water occasionally, helps with pain, bleeding, and preventing infection. 

Edited by Jello

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5 minutes ago, Jello said:

Take TheMagicMushroomMan's advice about smoking and drinking through a straw. I didn't... I started smoking again a few hours later. I never got dry socket, but I should've.

My exact experience, I quite literally had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth with the gauze still on my socket. Wisdom teeth (especially bottom ones) carry the biggest risk of dry socket too, since they're all the way in the back of your mouth. I didn't eat pizza afterward, but pizza did break three of my teeth. Maybe I should find a better cook.


They didn't let me keep the teeth though, which they referred to as a "biohazard" before throwing them in a scary looking nuclear waste basket.

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Doc removed my four wisdom teeth when I was a teenager. He gave me a syringe of narcotics, I saw a purple flash before my eyes and went "woah" and I was out.

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Helpful hint. Ask for a plastic syringe for when you go home. They should have them. When I had mine taken out, the following morning I had THE worst taste in my mouth. Without getting graphic, let's just say it is a leftover from the extraction. The syringe is for water. You'll want to put it in the hole and clean it out regularly as it heals unless you enjoy tasting death.

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My bottom wisdom teeth were cut out before they even grew in when I was a teen, but I waited way too long to get my top ones pulled, until in my late 20s they started causing issues with the teeth next to them (also I wasn't an avid flosser at the time), and I got them both pulled separately over the course of 3 years due to both lack of time and money. They let me stay awake and sober for the fun, and it wasn't that fun for me or the dentist because the teeth either refused to budge or broke due to clamping down so hard, and I had to heal on my own because I'm allergic to painkillers.


Definitely went about it the long way, but it was nothing compared to the time I went to a family recommended dentist to get a filling for a broken tooth caused by one of the wisdom teeth. The equipment looked like it was from the 70s and the dentist was in his 70s and said didn't want to waste his local anesthetics, so he just drilled and filled and I felt it all. I also haven't gone a day without flossing since.


That said, regular cleanings are about as relaxing as a spa for me. It's like an inner mouth massage.

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Be careful Clippy :(


I had to have the tooth surgery many moons ago.  I was scared good and proper.  They sat me down, gave me just enough nitrous to not do anything fun, put the needle in my arm, and I was transported to a timeless, spaceless dimension.  I re-emerged from that place instantly, as if I had never been there at all, in another room entirely, in a pretty comfy chair, and found I lacked binocular vision.  I tried to express this with my mouth bits, but I just made loved one's confused and giggly.


Then, in a few minutes i was more conscious, and they sent me home.  My numb was face, for a while after...  It was slightly disturbing.


Be brave, be strong...


...And brush your chompers...


Edited by Goat-Avenger

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I remember getting my wisdom teeth out in 2012. All four were impacted. The doctor said I had neanderthal bone and had to pry them out of my face. He put me on a hefty dose of liquid Roxicet and Percocet. I'd parachute the Percocet and chase it with the liquid Roxicet. He also stitched my wounds so I could smoke weed and not have to worry about dry socket. I ate hella tapioca pudding right after I got home. I look back fondly on that week to this day. Shit was awesome. Played TMNT for NES in my basement for hours on end.

Edited by BigBoy91

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I had all 4 of mine yanked out around 10 years ago. They had to knock me out with the laughing gas because almost all of them were growing in sideways and keeping me conscious would've been too painful. I even still have the x-ray of my mouth:




 Eating nothing but yoghurt and rice for about 2-3 weeks waiting for the stitches to heal afterwards was pretty lame lol

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I have been reading through your posts. Thanks everyone for the support advice and stories. You guys are cool

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I had two impacted wisdom teeth drilled out under general a few years ago, was honestly a pretty fun experience since they gave me way more tramadol than I needed so I spent about 3 or 4 days in bed happily passed out and nobody bothered me about anything.

Edited by BoxY

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I too have had dental surgery 2 weeks ago.
Have fun, getting put under is pretty cool. It's like going fast-forward through time, almost like a time-lapse.
It actually gave me an idea for a Doom map where you're constantly being teleported.

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Between 2018 and 2021, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out, in 3 different sessions. The first one, and then the second two were both fairly straigtforward. The little hole left behind was sometimes a pain in the ass, but never a huge deal.


The 4th tooth however was close to a nerve, so I had to get put on an IV and go under for "serious surgery" rather than just the old "rip and tear" approach that worked on the first 3. I was in the hospital from early morning to about 9 PM before I was able to be taken home. Everyone was nice and there were no particularly painful moments, but the wooziness and general confusion as I was coming back to reality after the surgery kinda sucked.


My strongest word of advice: Please, for the love of god, wait a few days before anything even resembling smoke touches your gums. Preferably a week or more, if you can hold out.


3 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

I had all 4 of mine yanked out around 10 years ago. They had to knock me out with the laughing gas because almost all of them were growing in sideways and keeping me conscious would've been too painful. I even still have the x-ray of my mouth:




 Eating nothing but yoghurt and rice for about 2-3 weeks waiting for the stitches to heal afterwards was pretty lame lol


I had no idea your avatar was a selfie all along :)

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Put under, four impacted wisdom teeth removed, and mild inconvenience for a couple of weeks or whatever while the body healed, here.

I hope "inconvenience" is the biggest problem for you, too, Clippy.


8 hours ago, BigBoy91 said:

I remember getting my wisdom teeth out in 2012. All four were impacted. The doctor said I had neanderthal bone and had to pry them out of my face. He put me on a hefty dose of liquid Roxicet and Percocet. I'd parachute the Percocet and chase it with the liquid Roxicet. He also stitched my wounds so I could smoke weed and not have to worry about dry socket. I ate hella tapioca pudding right after I got home. I look back fondly on that week to this day. Shit was awesome. Played TMNT for NES in my basement for hours on end.


This was a joy to read either way:


"Boy was so high, dam missions weren't no thang".




"Boy had his wisdom teeth removed: dam missions were a welcome distraction from the pain".

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I had two of my wisdom teeth come through 45 degrees towards the other teeth, it pushed my back teeth and canines forward just a little so now I basically have slight fangs, they actually aren't terrible looking but my smile now looks like a werewolf's which is great if you are into that (I'm not).


The gum, being loose and constantly resealing, got infected and I had to have some emergency dental. They had to cut open the gum, inject a glue-like disinfectant and let it reseal, nothing as major as yourself. I thought I was big man, decided not to pay for anesthetic because I'm hardcore, I found out I am not big man and not hardcore and next time I will take the shit outa them drugs.


If offered during any surgery just accept, dental or otherwise, had my bent nose slotted back into place too with no drugs and I genuinely have nightmares about that pain.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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I had a fun dental experience a few months back. I finished skiing one day in Colorado and noticed that one of my front teeth felt a bit funny. The tooth in question has never been quite right after some kid punched me many years ago at high school, and I just thought it was being sensitive to cold, as usual. But it didn't go back to normal as I warmed up, but started getting worse and worse.


Well, as the snow was kind of crappy, the car wasn't running well, and some dental work was clearly going to be needed, I decided to start the 15-hour drive home. This turned out to be a day with 60-100 mph winds along much of my route, with a great many overturned semi-trucks littering the median of the interstate. Severe tumbleweed "storms" in many places. A few places with dust reducing visibility to dangerous levels. A car that had trouble climbing hills. Great. And through all this I was trying to time my rest stops to take enough ibuprofen to keep the pain from this tooth to a mere annoying tingle. Driving though the night helped as it meant there was hardly any traffic.


Anyway, got home to MN, made an appointment with a dentist almost immediately ("yes, please give me a referral to the guy the other side of town who's available today"). Once home I had a few more painkiller options (my wife being a pharmacist and all...). Dentist did a root canal pretty well I thought. I saw some online reviews of the guy, the most common complaint being that he wasn't too chatty. Frankly I was very happy that he just got on with the work rather than engaging in what would have been rather one-sided chit-chat. The car problem wasn't completely resolved until four months later, but that's another saga all in itself.


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20 hours ago, Clippy said:

Wonder if I should make a doom video


It would be interesting for you to attement to make a map while "under the influance" 

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19 minutes ago, Smoothandz said:


It would be interesting for you to attement to make a map while "under the influance" 


I was actually considering this as I will have nothing at all to do  . If I can muster it

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