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Tectonic Rift, a single map for Doom II (now with Title!)

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I guess you could say this map exists by 'accident' in a way. I had read Xaser's Texture Archaeology thread and wanted to see what the cement textures looked like in-game when they were assembled properly. Still not one of my fave textures, but looks a heck of a lot better when it's actually tiling properly. I kept messing around for a bit seeing how it looked with other textures, how it looked on different geometry, etc. eventually realizing "why don't I just make this an actual, playable map?" It's short, punchy and I think I learned a few things about using tight spaces effectively in the process. The only other custom texture is the animated computer in the starting room, @Faceman2000 provided the base in the Post Your Textures thread and I dolled it up with many more frames.



Media Fire

tested in PrBoom+ complevel 9



Edited by thelamp

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I played it first!


Vid is still uploading but I am posting now cause I wanted to win




In your face everyone else


cool map - I liked the insidey bits more than the outsidey stuff



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Thanks for playing @Clippy! You were right about the switches just having the same effect, I put two of each partly so the computers turn off one at a time and partly just to confuse the player. The hole that looked like an SSG secret was really just there as a peephole for the archvile, although thinking of it now, an SSG secret like that would be fitting given that I try to use 90s tropes in my maps haha. Thanks for the video too! looks I get a little too generous with items near the end

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Cool map! I've got to say, the blue key actually proved a little obscure to find. That room it was found in was cute though. Surprise Arch-vile near the end killed me


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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  • 2 months later...

Finally got around to making some small tweaks to this so I can call it finished, as well as giving it a name. Will be uploading to /idgames at some point in the near future!

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