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Very first Doom II Single level wad: Curse Of Reverence

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As you can read from the title, despite in the past that I previously attempted to create my own Doom map, I lost interested and motivation to continue further. Finally after all the time of playing many Doom level wads and has been inspired by many, I've decided to create my own Doom single level wad. I introduce you, Curse Of Reverence. Although, despite of my lack of my previous experiences with the doom builder, i've studied, experiment and give myself thoughts of what map i can bring to the table. Some may not be perfect, this was best thing i've did. I was so proud of myself that I've managed to make such a simple, yet detailed map.

For those who wonder where I got the title from, It's named after one of my favorite Emperor (black metal band from Norway) song from them. I was thinking, "why not just name it after the song I liked." And that's how my title came to be.

This map I can describe it as Hellish, gothic and monolith from what you can tell in the screenshots below I've taken. I've mix it up with some Doom 2, Gothic, and Doom PSX (firesky skyboxes, fog and color) textures with fogs, lighting to give it a hellish touch onto the level. Hope you all enjoyed from playing my very first map! 

Also GZDoom only.







Download here: CurseOfReverence1.1.rar


Edited by Death_Ripper666

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Seems like it's missing textures. I tried adding OTEX and rfhelltx, but that didn't fix the problem.


Edit: Turns out I'm blind. Will play it now.


The fog and darkness effect adds to the map's atmosphere, but maybe tune it down a little bit. With the cramped areas right at the start you can't see the enemies or where you are going. Really like the choice of textures (when you can see them ;). Combat feels balanced, but you could set more enemies to 'ambush' (behind the blue door the enemies formed a nice conga line so I could take them out one by one). Really good first map :)



Edited by TheCyberDruid

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Really nice efforts for a first published map. While the combat is a little weak and the map feels a bit claustraphobic at times, it's really cool visually and the atmosphere is also neat. Good job, man. Would love to see more from you in the future.



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Shout out to a fellow Emperor fan!


I actually put one of their songs as a midi in my Wad Slith. 


Screenshots look good. I'll check the map later. 

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A quality map, really enjoyed my time and it wasn't too easy :)

End fight could use some spicing up though. I died, but only because I was ignoring the cyberdemon and missed the BFG/megasphere.

Here's a video of my blind playthrough.



Edit: my voice is too quiet. First time recording a video in a while. Sorry.

Edited by Phytolizer

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Thank you all for playing my first map! I love all the feedbacks and supports you'll giving me and this encouraged me more to update and fixed some bugs according to feedbacks (also watch videos of the playthrough too ;) ). Here's the list of all the fixed I've done so far on 1.2 version:


- Fixed the invisible wall after picking up the yellow skull key

- put monsters behind wall ambush in the main hall after collecting each keys 

- Tone the fog and darkness down a bit. (not sure if it too dark, but if too dark, try tone the brightness a bit or use flashlight mod)

- Added the wall at the end of the level where you have to take out the Cyberdemon and the rest before the floor let down.

- Put little bit of health and ammos

- Added the script behind the yellow door where you have to take out the enemies before you go on.


P.S. I am working on another single map which is takes place in hell, but colder than the North.



Edited by Death_Ripper666

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I like the increased intensity of the ambushes toward the end, though I was playing quite badly. I feel like this started to improve once you passed through the yellow key door.

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2 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

I like the increased intensity of the ambushes toward the end, though I was playing quite badly. I feel like this started to improve once you passed through the yellow key door.


Thanks for playing my map! Hope you enjoyed it so far. :) A pro tip, finding secrets in this map is VERY important because it contain powerful weapons that you get early on to make the level easily.

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The lighting was pretty much spot on in 1.2. In 1.3 it seems like the fog and red light is gone completely? Maybe keep 1.2 and label 1.3 as the 'bright edition'.

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9 hours ago, TheCyberDruid said:

The lighting was pretty much spot on in 1.2. In 1.3 it seems like the fog and red light is gone completely? Maybe keep 1.2 and label 1.3 as the 'bright edition'.

Your wish has been granted! 






Edited by Death_Ripper666

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if you stand on this platform that lowers for the plasma rifle you can get stuck outside 

Screenshot (387).png

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