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How does Gaming Gargoyle make such complex animation?

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Let me start by saying I already know how to do the basics of Doom animation. I know how to move actors, change their colors, how to use cameras, in short, I know the very basics of Doom animation. But ever since I have started, and even before I started, the guy I always watched was Gaming Gargoyle. So, my question, or rather questions, is how do they do the complex elements of their animation?


For example, in Bus Stop, how did they get the Zombieman to both drive a car and turn its head. How did they even get the vehicles to work in the first place? Considering that they are 3d models.


How does every Human and Monster have player movement? 


In Golden Egg, how does the Marine throw the imp? How does the Marine hold the frying pan at the very end of the episode? 


How about the fight scene in the opening to Ddoomguy and the Party incident? 


Is this done with Scripting? Or Slade? Or? 


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I'm not that person so I'm sure if you want an accurate answer you'd have to ask them directly; however... If it's done in-engine, then it's a lot of scripting. In that case, it mostly involves creating custom actors that play the animations you want them to play, something that's quite easy to do with DECORATE; and with ACS to make them move around the map and control when they enter which animation.


Custom sprites would have to be done with whatever image editing tool they're most comfortable with, and putting the stuff in the game is then most likely done with SLADE but other tools can work too.


Note that it's also possible to cheat by doing some post-processing in video editing software.

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I have seen it. He does bring up some basic points that are useful, but they don't answer my questions. 

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That is an interesting point, still doesn't really answer my questions though. I'll just have to keep looking. 

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