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Doom on a controller is pretty freakin great!

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After talking to some guy on a discord server and getting recommended Nugget, I just thought "Hey, why not try using a controller?", boy oh boy was that a good decision!
Firstly I tried it on Crispy, it recognized my controller fine on the setup page, and after playing a little bit, I actually started taking it seriously. Got a bit dissapointed when I learnt you can't map anything to the D-Pad if using the joystick and vice-versa, so I moved on to Nugget.

it's a pretty weird experience at first, what with the analogue movemnt (more on that later!), but with a little bit of button re-assignment and tweaking, everything just clicked.
Doom specifically feels very apt for a controller usage, due to the autoaim and lack of many actions, you have a lot of room to play with regarding your setup and ergonomics. It's probably why it works well on a mobile scenario too.

One caveat however, is that straferunning is impossible, or at least severely gimped. This is due to analogue movement, but remapping strafe L/R to left and right on the stick does make it play more like a keyboard. And therein lies a question I want to ask:
For those of you that play on a controller, would you say the smoothness of the analogue movement out-weighs straferunning? What are some peculiarities you've encountered after a while? I'm curious to see what your thoughts are!

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I play doom with a controller all the time. At first it was because using wsad hurt after a short period following an arm injury. It's a lot better now and some games I'm playing k+m again but doom I've stuck with controller after finding I play better with one. It's pros and cons kinda thing on PC but I also play on my android at lunchbreaks and a good controller is definitely required  for that. 


My first time playing doom I used only kb and the majority of my doom time was on psx so don't actually think I've played very often with a mouse.


Oh and by the way some source ports even added rumble feature, I use eternity engine sometimes and was surprised it works the first time I fired it up.


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