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What is the most memorable midi you've ever heard in a doom map?

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For sure MAP11 of Vanguard. In my opinion the MIDI made the map as good as it is. Steel Giant from Xenogears for anyone interested. Honourable mention is definitely BtSX E1 MAP03 music, Drilling by Night, as well as MAP05, Atmospheric Pressure. It's just brilliant music altogether that make both maps shine a bit more.

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It’s Run from UT, but it fits this map so well and is a great MIDI cover. 

Edited by 7Mahonin

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Some of the most memorable midis for me would definitely be from MM2's soundtrack, which I really loved when I was younger - such as Disposition and Shadows of the Dead by Mark Klem. There's obviously a huge amount of midis out there that I think are amazing, but most of the midis that I actually remember a lot of details from tend to be ones I heard during that period of my life. It also helps that the maps associated with those two midis were quite memorable for me - I think having an unusual midi coupled with an unusual map makes for the most memorability. BTSX's Angry Science by Xaser is one of the few 'modern' tracks ('modern' for me meaning anything made after I became more known in this community) that also instantly comes to mind, for that reason.

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3 hours ago, yakfak said:

the mucus flow

and Epic 2 map 27, what's that from?


ps I wrote Hexasketch and am always baffled by people liking it :))))))) agh

Why so baffled? I have a couple folders of your stuff and it's ALL pretty good.

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I'll offer another one from eviternity - Map 15's track Restless Restless by Stewboy. Honestly a really good chill track that I'll quite happily listen to outside of playing doom, I have a lot of respect for Stewboy as a musician but I think this is his best work.

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Anytime @leejacksonaudio’s ROTT tracks get used ;)

But seriously, some of my favorite AA and BTSX tunes already got named so I’ll add “Clonk” for BTSX’s fourth map, and “Bitmap” for it’s 31st. This is for newer ones.

Edited by BGrieber

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So many different midis come to mind, and I can't pick a single favorite, but a few outstanding ones I don't think I've seen mentioned yet:


Fight The Logic If You Can by Chris Laverdure, best known from Alien Vendetta's Misri Halek, but I first encountered it in map 4 of Counterattack where I feel it fits even better. Simple, but very moody track that stuck with me ever since I first heard it.

Ghostgrinder by James Paddock, from Eviternity map 24. Just an awesome groovy track, for one of my favorite maps in the wad too.


Desk Lamp by Stuart Rynn, from Sunlust map 4 and an Ancient Aliens map I can't remember. Love this melody.


The Final Judgement by Tristan Clark, featured in Death in Excess map32. A 10 minute metal epic with many great parts, perfectly suited for an insane map. And it has an actually performed version too!



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6 hours ago, yakfak said:

ps I wrote Hexasketch and am always baffled by people liking it :))))))) agh


I even liked it enough to use in one of my maps :)))))


My other picks would be:


Ice by Dial Up for Murder (Eviternity Map11)

Aorta by Tristan Clark (Sunder Map32)

Grandfather Clocktower by Viscra Maelstrom (TNT Revilution Map27)

Angry Science by Xaser (BTSX E2 Map26)

Industrial by Simon Judd (Valiant Map23 and a lot of others)


And probably a ton more that I'm forgetting at the moment. I might edit my post later if I remember.

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If we're talking strictly MIDI rather than OGG/MP3, I'd have to do a shout out to the Village That Time Forgot by Tristan, as used on The Given.


Always really stood out to me.  I couldn't imagine the level without it, or the track working nearly as well in any other situation.



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Well, for me, I've heard plenty of great MIDIs, and played plenty of great maps - but when you get an amazing MIDI and map in combination, that's when they stick in my memory undoubtedly. Damn, there's a few... Will not be able to recall them all!


The Mucus Flow theme is an obvious choice, gorgeous MIDI and map combo. Jaw dropped when I first played this one so many moons ago! I wish I could make something that scratches the surface of the emotion this map gave me.


Not nearly as much "WOAH" factor, but the combination of the Mission Impossible theme with the opening of Area51, showing the player storming the highly-off-limits base, is in my opinion an iconic Doom experience. Maybe it wouldn't hit the same in the modern era, but that mood was set damn well and I'll never forget it. (Very fun map and good sounding MIDI too, can't go wrong at that point tbh).


Hearing the Man in the Box MIDI, one of the most angry, droning "wall of sound"-style rock MIDIs I've heard, paired with the crashed plane in the hot desert sun in Bermuda is also one coupling I won't forget. I feel like the sense of hopelessly-slanted-against-you dread the combo instills in the player has to be intentional, because the map is absolutely a ball-buster. Not to mention, this is what really opened the door to me loving AiC when I was a youngling.


I really want to mention the music for Map01, Fade, of Don't Be a Bitch Remastered. It's not a MIDI, but the "calm, with an underlying hint of dread" music fits the map and duels which go down there so damn well.


As a kid, I was for whatever reason enamored with Map02 of MM, The Bridge. I replayed that map a frankly bizarre number of times over the years, something about the texturing and not-tough pacing of the map fits like a glove alongside Mark Klem's Dreadnaught. After the calm gives way to the steady drum beat, and finally crescendos with that brassy hook - I just friggin' love that. Hearing the real "non-MIDIish" version of this song years later just enhanced my love for it.


Also, how could I not mention Cold Tea by Andy Lee Robinson? SSL2.wad (and that one map from Brit10 that uses it) are both fine little duel maps, but the MIDI is the clear star of the show here. Again, hearing a video of the non-MIDI version being played live just made me love the song more.

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  • Carmageddon's CARMID03.MID from Alien Vendetta MAP 01 "Sunset"
  • Deadly Towers by Jimmy, from Plutonia 2 MAP 05 "The Flooded Chapel"
  • They Are Going to Get You by Bobby Prince from Doom E2M4 "Deimos Lab". (Surprised it wasn't reused in any of the IWADs, even "At Doom's Gate" got reused in Plutonia)
  • ATCOTY by Kevin Schilder (Heretic's E1M9, E3M8 and E4M9) from Alien Vendetta MAP 25 "Valley of Echoes"
  • At Doom's Gate by Bobby Prince from Doom E1M1 "Hangar"
  • Death Bells by L.A. Sieben from TNT Evilution MAP 04 Wormhole.
  • "Confrontation With the Great Enemy" from Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals. Used in: 1 Monster MAP 25 The One God.
  • MIDI version of Right "Here, Right Now" by Fatboy Slim, from A.L.T. MAP 06 "Sanctuary"
  • Unknown Track from Demon Eclipse MAP 07 "Reservoir of Fire"
  • Unknown Track from Demon Eclipse MAP 12 "The Hellforge" (more specifically the final battle with the Hellsmith.)
Edited by Solmyr

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Extradimensional Being by @CoTeCiO from Map01 of D64D2. I never see this one brought up in topics like this and I can’t really understand why. The song gripped me from the moment I first heard it. Even though it was entirely new to me, it felt so familiar that I swore I must’ve heard it before. It’s simultaneously atmospheric and exciting, melancholy and hopeful, nostalgic yet original, and foreboding and forelorn. I love this song and I can’t get it out of my head.

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17 minutes ago, Faceman2000 said:

Extradimensional Being by @CoTeCiO from Map01 of D64D2. I never see this one brought up in topics like this and I can’t really understand why. The song gripped me from the moment I first heard it. Even though it was entirely new to me, it felt so familiar that I swore I must’ve heard it before. It’s simultaneously atmospheric and exciting, melancholy and hopeful, nostalgic yet original, and foreboding and forelorn. I love this song and I can’t get it out of my head.

Came here to post the same one. Love that MIDI.

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TNT Evilution's Agony Rhapsody & Cold Subtleness. They remind me of Metallica's One & Type O Negative's Christian Woman respectively.


Edited by Wadmodder Shalton

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They're so many good ones.. but at this moment came in mind:

Mark Klem - Junkie Smack

Tristan Clark - Stardust

Stuart Rynn - Stars

Christopher Jon Wilkins - chris3mid (agree 100% with @Piper Maru

Honorable mention:  D'Sparil Keeps (Heretic)

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