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What is the most memorable midi you've ever heard in a doom map?

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Really, any very long level so that the MIDI got burned into my head while wandering around. "Alice the unbegotten dream" from Epic 2 MAP28, "Grand Design" from Thunderpeak, "Organic God" from Plasma Plant (that's not the level it originally came from, it's not even actually included in the level, but I just spent so long in there in one sitting...)


Also when a MIDI just perfectly matches the level. "Ionian isolation" is this for Revilution MAP12.

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There have been tons from newer ones,  I have to give it to two from the four original iwads and one from Alien Vendetta:


The first is “The Demon’s Dead”, it plays in Refueling Base and Suburbs. I’m fairly positive it was the first Doom MIDI I ever heard when I was first installing Final Doom. If any of you still have the install disc to verify, just to make sure my memory hole isn’t busted, that’d be great. This song and the logo - these are “Doom” to me.


Second is “Legion of the Lost”. It’s from TNT’s intermission screen but more appropriately it plays for Pharaoh. Tearing through the enemies while this song plays creates quite a mood, and it left a big impression on me that lasts to this day. In the mid 2000s I was blown away to hear Alien Vendetta’s Demonic Hordes having the same kind of energy in using the jam “You Suck” from ROTT, endless kudos to @leejacksonaudio! (To those unaware, he also remade it with “You Still Suck” for the AV midi replacement pack.)



oof I already posted in this thread oh no


Edited by BGrieber

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For me, I gotta go with "Demons on the Prey" from e2m5 of Shores of Hell.

I remember, it was one of the first few times I had played through in one sitting. I had the lights off, and I came upon one of those hanged bodies decorations after clearing a room when it clicked.
That slow steady beat, the somber tone with this poor wretch hanging in front of me. This was the command center for the base. I can only imagine the chaos and terror when the base suddenly found itself floating over hell itself. Having so many people suddenly not themselves. Calling desperately for help that will never come.

I can count on one hand the number of times a map has pulled me in like that. Ever since, that track is embedded in my brain. I even have an orchestral version on my driving playlist.
I like the high energy metal tracks as much as the next guy, but I really like a slow moody track.

So anyway, that's the most memorable midi for me. A close second was when I heard the secret level music from Rise of the Woolball. Wasn't expecting Alestorm.

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