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JAMAL JONES TRILOGY - Old development thread - [Doomkid's 20 Years Mapping Contest]

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I almost done with my map (although looking through already submitted maps I feel kinda ashamed).

Quick question: I want to finalize it with a slaughter-light fight, but in Chocolate Doom it reaches sprite limit, therefore some monsters fade in and out of existence. Is this acceptable or should I tone down enemy quantity a bit?

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59 minutes ago, Mark Bloom said:

I almost done with my map (although looking through already submitted maps I feel kinda ashamed).

Quick question: I want to finalize it with a slaughter-light fight, but in Chocolate Doom it reaches sprite limit, therefore some monsters fade in and out of existence. Is this acceptable or should I tone down enemy quantity a bit?

Personally I would take some enemies out, to fix the sprite limit issue and to make the map feel a bit more vanilla. But it's ultimately up to you

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11 hours ago, Blue Phoenix said:

Sewage City update

A city map in the waste disposal and historical district.

now with difficulty levels and a lot more

Really love that building outlook in the second shot - gives me Dystopia 3 vibes. Also that truck in the last shot looks mighty dandy - puts my truck to shame!

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Hey @Blue Phoenix - I played and really enjoyed the previous version of Sewage City but noticed some glitches in the midi which caused its organ and guitar pitch bends to be way out of tune, which is too bad because I really like the track itself. I worked with Lippeth to make a fixed version of the midi which also includes a smooth loop so there's less downtime while playing. I see you changed the midi in the most recent version of the map, but I figured I'd submit it to you for your consideration regardless. Good job on the level too, it's a lot of fun!

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i've actually made progress, yayayayay


it's shaping up to look like it come from a wad like strain, albeit a lot more action-focused

Edited by roadworx

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I am providing a version of the resource pack that fixes the step texture issue with Doomkid's permission of course

Get it here


Thanks @Cammy .  Your version does sound nicer and I think it fits better with this map so I am going to use it in later revision.

Edited by Blue Phoenix
stopped bulling everybody

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4 minutes ago, Blue Phoenix said:

@everybodyI am providing a version of the resource pack that fixes the step texture issue with Doomkid's permission of course

Get it here


Thanks @Cammy .  Your version does sound nicer and I think it fits better with this map so I am going to use it in later revision.

Stop bullying poor @everybody smhing my head

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Was I not suppose use @everybody ? 

No, I'm sorry, it's all good, but "everybody" is the name of a user, it's not like @everybody on Discord ^ v^

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Hey everyone, to follow up Blue Phoenix assisting me with updating the resource pack, here's the current WAD with all submissions plus non-vanilla stuff separated into another wad.


Almost EVERY slot is filled for this megawad 1, looks like it will be a two-parter at the very least! Nice!



DOWNLOAD beta v6: https://doomshack.org/uploads/1MapsV6.zip



(I'm posting this just before rushing out the door, but I'll update it with a proper maplist soon)

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Hi All,


Long time player, first time mapper. Hopefully it hit the scope and pull's in the 90's vibes with some doom cute bathrooms and air vent shafts.


A short story about the map:

After being captured Jamal Jones is transported to an old research facility in one of UAC finest crates.

Busting straight out of the box with a bayonet Jamal finds himself abandoned in the middle of a colosseum, with the remains of late victors surrounding him.

Discovering the surrounds Jamal notices a busted air vent shaft to explore the rest of the facility to discover it true purpose.




Title: Menagerie Mayhem
Author: b0n3
Build Time: Lost Count??? 20-25hours
Music:  icarus.wad MAP10 Tom Mustaine - "Slow Evil"
atmosphere/theme : Abandoned Techbase

Difficulty Settings: yes
Time to Complete: <10minutes thinking it's early in the wad MAP03-MAP07 spots?
Multiplayer Compatibility: yes
Deathmatch Compatibility: yes







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4 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Hey everyone, to follow up Blue Phoenix assisting me with updating the resource pack, here's the current WAD with all submissions plus non-vanilla stuff separated into another wad.


Almost EVERY slot is filled for this megawad 1, looks like it will be a two-parter at the very least! Nice!



DOWNLOAD beta v6: https://doomshack.org/uploads/1MapsV6.zip



(I'm posting this just before rushing out the door, but I'll update it with a proper maplist soon)

hey @Doomkid, i wanted to ask is it possible for you to put my map in the 15th slot? thats's because it has a secret exit to map31

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7 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Almost EVERY slot is filled for this megawad 1, looks like it will be a two-parter at the very least! Nice!

Looks like I need to hurry up!

I can update the map after submission, right?

Puh. Deadlines...

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My map has a bad case of savegame overflow. From what I can tell it is caused by excessive Things and Lines. if there is anything else I should look out for please let me know.

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12 minutes ago, Blue Phoenix said:

My map has a bad case of savegame overflow. From what I can tell it is caused by excessive Things and Lines. if there is anything else I should look out for please let me know.


Shouldn't be anything to worry about. That's a notoriously strict limit which even Chocolate Doom disables by default, and which is flagrantly ignored by tons of Vanilla projects - everything from Hell Revealed, to Alien Vendetta, to BTSX, to even Doomkid's own Ray Mohawk 2 have maps which go WAY beyond that limit.

Edited by Cammy

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1 hour ago, sectrslayr said:

I can update the map after submission, right?

Yes, you can. My map is currently at version 3, which mainly fixed missed features and HOM issues.

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Was gonna post it later but sounds like I should do so now.


Title: The Jury is In!

Midi: Megadeath: Angry Again


There shouldn't be any drawsegs overflows in this map, I worked hard to remove them from the large area, but it's possible some have slipped by. The .deh file only exists to make the title appear on the automap, I believe you couldn't put them in the wad itself in vanilla? Someone more experienced could chime in if i'm wrong.







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I finished my map and was on the final testing stage with Chocolate Doom.

Unfortunately, I have a hard crash in the very second room without any window popping up. Straight to the desktop. That was never an issue before. I somewhat fixed that by cutting a large chunk of the map (it's quite big and I've learned too late that my concept doesn't work good with vanilla limits) but IF it's possible I would like to know what's happening and save the part I've cut.

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