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JAMAL JONES TRILOGY - Old development thread - [Doomkid's 20 Years Mapping Contest]

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I know I'm super late but I should have a little something done by Sunday. Didn't have much time and/or skill but I really want to celebrate the occasion, don't really care for the dosh.

Crunch mode: engaged 

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16 hours ago, phoo said:

A short and sweet map, would be good as an early level in the wad

Thanks, i didn't want my map to break the pacing i just wanted something to keep things going

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This is the 4th and final version of The Cauldron. I won't change it further unless some bugs are discovered (I really hope that this won't be the case).


>> Download link<<




- New music track. "Gut Wrencher" is replaced with "A search for the Soul" by Xulgonoth fron The Ultimate MIDI pack (replacement for E2M6)

- Altered geometry to reduce the ammount of HOMs from seg limit. HOMs that are left should not affect combat in negative way. Overall map layout is unchanged

- Reworked sound propagation of monsters closets so the monsters can awake again after save/load on DOS version and Chocolate DOOM if player makes sound in corresponding areas

- Last fight is no more cheesable in Hell Knight nook

- Fixed wrong floor, ceiling textures and height of several sectors

- Another texture re-alignment

- Another health/ammo pickup rebalance for UV difficulty

- Major revamp of monsters, ammo and health for ITYTD and HMP difficulties. More precise balancing to fit all skill levels


Sadly, I don't have more time to record a full deathless run. I hope that the map haven't turned out as too grindy.


Thanks to @Doomkid for giving an oppotunity to participate in this community project and to everyone here for feedback, level design ideas, sources of inspiration and overall atmosphere! Can't wait to play these levels in a complete pack!

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Here's an updated version of my map: fixed some vanilla compat issues, added like two enemies and a couple of recovery items, tinkered with one room, a hallway, and some texturing...it's still noobie material, but I think it's got one or two pretty solid fights. 




@Doomkid I cut like 30 scrolling textures, fixed the lava animations (hopefully), and adjusted the crushers in the one room as requested. Hope it's vanilla-approved now!


Again, this map was tested with the following criteria: I had to be able to beat it saveless with full access to secrets, but allowed myself to save without secrets...there's one fight that I beat only like one out of every five or six times sans secrets. Good luck!


With the deadline approaching, I'm very excited to see and play everybody's maps! Best wishes, everyone.

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FINAL VERSION : Fixed many bugs with monster closets, trimmed some textures and flats


Hey there, folks! I'm back, and with an even bigger vengeance! 


Thanks to @Cammy's tremendous efforts, a vanilla-compatible version of Derelict Row has finally been achieved for Jamal Jones ! Obviously, many things had to be trimmed and changed in order for this to happen, but I am confident when saying the results are worth the effort provided. Please, give Cammy the best of shout-outs for this huge task they've completed, and have fun ! :D


Derelict Row edit back4.zip


P.S : it should also be noted that since Derelict Row is now available in Vanilla-compatible format, it will take Wheel of (mis)Fortune's place in the main campaign, while the latter will become a bonus map in the second WAD. 

Edited by Origamyde
Final version !

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Download: >>>UMRK V2<<<

Previous: V1




Nothing says "'90s mapping" like a good ol' invade-the-decrepit-techbase adventure. The premise fits vanilla's visuals and capabilities like a glove, so it's no surprise it gave us classic after classic in the early mapping scene: UAC_DEAD, Area 51, Polygon Base, Aliens TC, and so many more. Here's my spin on this most classic of all themes, this time with a Zappa-inspired twist that I would only dare attempt in a Doomkid-related project. Topped off with a special MIDI of my own devising!


Name: UAC Muffin Research Kitchen

Plays: MAP01 (E1 sky)
Music: "The Moth" by Big Ol' Billy (based on my old band Wasted Wine's song, newly arranged and MIDI-fied by me)

Build time: 6 days
Difficulties: Implemented
Co-op starts: Yes, untested. Some extra co-op monsters, too!
DM starts: Yes, untested
Tested with: Chocorenderlimits, Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, Eternity Engine 4.02.00, Final Judgment (iOS)
Bugs: Save game buffer overflow, several slime trails that will eventually need fixing, probably some mild sprite-limit-related sprite flickering, VPOs possible if you noclip into normally inaccessible areas, some MIDI notes get cut off by the OPL player due to polyphony limits








Some of these areas have a lot of moving parts, so there's a chance that there could be a VPO lurking around (I've hit mid-120s). Please report if you find one!


The music was composed with the SC-55 soundfont (Roland SC-55 v3.7) and will probably sound best that way.

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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Some screens of my WIP. Runs in chocolate without issues so that's good. The map's gonna be pretty open, sorta choose your own path. Haven't done that before but I like it. Should be ready by Sunday with more ambushes and stuff. I'd say I'm half way there.




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On 2/24/2022 at 2:35 PM, Blexor said:



"Menagerie Mayhem" (b0n3)

Nothing quite builds suspense like walking through multiple empty rooms full of ammo and supplies. When it finally does pop off in the room with the SSG, I have to admit it got me good. There's plenty of ammo around, but here's something I noticed: There's no chaingun! Maybe this was an intentional, but it sure struck me as a curious omission. Finally, I couldn't for the life of me determine what the switch by the exit does. Couldn't find the secret if it opens one, not that there'd be much point. The level's over, after all.


Thanks for the playthrough feedback, yes the lack of chaingun was intentional, figured it would give the level an element of 'survivability' and scrounge what you can after being captured and shipped away in a crate. That switch at the exit started a crusher in the monsters teleporting spawn boxes to allow you to get 100% kills in case someone pesky decides to not spawn in correctly. Just changed it to a walk over linedef trigger as you approach the exit, net same effect without the confusion.


Here's the update:


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Okay, y'all (including @Doomkid). I got a first release candidate called Smells Like Cordite!

It's a non-linear techbase.

So far one difficulty implemented but I'm planning on implementing all.

Screens and wad bellow. Built with 1ManV6, and tested in chocolate doom. Built in about 20 hours (so far), and should take about 10-15 minutes to get through.


edit: fixed door pictured on first screenshot - Let's call it Revision A

edit2: Release candidate 2 - teleporter ambushes, extra secret, ammo depots, improved lighting and utilised difficulty settings












Edited by HrnekBezucha
rc2 rev b bugfix

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I found a bug in the resource pack where two flats had the same name (2 versions of the silver flat with caution strips)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4kqrje24x3sgj0q/1ManV6a.zip?dl=0  here is a quick fix, hopefully id doesn't mess up anyone's map.


revised version of sewage city

https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gid951dzzk9ny0/sewage city v2.wad?dl=0

some of the major fights have been rejiggered, especially the library fight

otherwise it's mostly polish.

edit:forgot ti include music


Edited by Blue Phoenix

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15 hours ago, Rycuz said:

Version 6:

Tweaking on Deathmatch Support and some other things I forget.

Version 666: https://wadhosting.com/Wad/2CED64657B4406E8C48275A0D847A722800E0653
Final Version I think unless I find another issues.
Used DeepBSP because other node builder keep getting error.
Thanks to @Large Cat for playtesting and feedback.
Removed DM-only area because it introduced savegame limit buffer and not 100% item completion (due to unreachable soulsphere and berserk pack from singleplayer & coop play). Maybe make a seperate wad for DM only is better.

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Will it be possible to make minor adjustenments (bug fixes, texture alignment) after the deadline? With a version of the map being submitted before, of course. 

Also, does the deadline include March 1st, or is it February 28, 23:59:59 on the last place on Earth to enter a new day?  

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Certainly, A.H. - for the actual judging process I’ll do them “as is” as of March 1st, but even after that there’s still going to be a probably month-ish long process of ironing out bugs and compiling things “just right” before this goes to idgames.


Also AUS is ahead of most of the world in terms of timezones, so I’ll be on the lenient side. March 2nd for me is still the 1st for most of the world, so I’ll make a “cutoff post” soon as I wake up on the 2nd!

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Forlorn Fantasy w/ secret exit (by Goat Avenger)

wadhosting.com wasn't cooperating, so there are two download locations, just in case.


Forlorn Fantasy w/ secret exit v5 --final update--




suggested sky texture: SKY8 (if possible, not sure if dehacked is capable of all that)


It's been a blast everyone.  I can't wait to see the finished product.  Cheers!  Thnx again Doomkid.

Edited by Goat-Avenger

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Map by: Peccatum Mihzamiz
Name: Inner City Evil
Music: The theme music from the movie 'Shaft', by Isaac Hayes. (I am hoping to replace this MIDI with a slightly longer version, that I'm working on right now)

Build time: 50+ hours (I lost track)
Difficulties: Yes, implemented
Co-op: Yes, implemented. This map has a unique gimmick in the beginning, with the other co-op players having to wait a bit for player number 1. It is what it is.
DM starts: Yes, untested
Tested with: DSDA 22.4, Chocolate Doom, Chocorenderlimits, GZDoom 4.5.0.
Known issues: There are two 3D bridges that do some visual bugging out but work perfectly fine otherwise. Some of the instant raising floors seem to not work on Chocolate Doom (they all work on Chocorenderlimits and DSDA 22.4 with cl2). This will mean a softlock at some point. No idea how to fix this.
Comments: My first vanilla compatible map ever, woohoo! It's big, with a first playthrough somewhere around 25 minutes I would say.

Story: Jamal Jones wakes up in the projects where he lives, to find that all the people have been replaced with monsters. Once you venture deeper into the area you discover that the demons have been there all along and that there's a huge Evil Hidden Lab BaseTM right there that needs some smackin'!
Special co-op story bonus: there are a few other survivors left in the building and Jones has to battle his way towards them.









Version 3: file link


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz
formatting and stuff, and version 3

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Since I'm running late, here is a completeable version of the map for testing. It's kinda done except for texture alignemnts, some detailing, MP stuff and exact monster placement, since I'd like to see a bit of outside perspective, and I'm super late.

If someone could record a demo, I'd appreciate it.

Resources and deh are not included in this file.


Name: Warhevil

Midi: Das Boot (Techno Remix) by U96

Build time: around 125 hours

Soon: Difficulties, dm/coop stuff, visual cleanup, gameplay adjustenments

Inspiration: Works of Ty Halderman and Robert Taylor, specifically the Sacrifice Episode, Central Processing, Galaxia and Equinox.


Story: It seems that hellspawn is done shooting guns and hurling fireballs. Twelve hours ago, missile carrying a deadly, radioactive substance, which evaporates during explosion and spreads through the air hit one UAC's secret bases. A team of marines was sent out to locate it's origin. They traced it to an abandoned nuclear facility on an island off the coast of Australia. They managed to get inside and discovered that the demons converted the facility for their needs and use the leftover nuclear material to create these missiles. Soon, we lost contact with all of the marines. Your mission is to get inside on a speedboat, blow the whole facility up and escape.  



0.3 had broken monster teleports, sorry about that.

Warhevil 0.4.zip


EDIT: NEW ---->   Warhevil 0.9.zip

Edited by A.H. Sankhatayan

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Made an update to my submission "Slime Infestation", to swap the midtextures used out for the 16 unit tall ones in the newer texture wads.


I've not made any gameplay changes, but I've ran around in -nomonsters in chocorenderlimits with 1ManV6.wad and it seems to be working perfectly, though Ultimate Doom Builder was complaining about missing sprites when it was the only resource loaded.



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On 2/20/2022 at 5:32 PM, sectrslayr said:

Hello! My map reached the playtesting phase. Posting to finally grab a slot!

It's currently balanced around UV and runs on Chocolate Doom. Although I hit the dreaded savebuffer limit.

I will continue working on it and send updates, adding difficulty levels, multiplayer starts and a more detail. So feedback is welcome!


Title: Corporate Secret

Author: @sectrslayr

Theme: Techbase with a hellish basement

MIDI: "Stealth Mode" by Jimmy (Plutonia MIDI Pack)

Difficulties: not yet implemented

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ye_IFDVjNyewFu97jEe6fUWjL6ue4Y--/view?usp=sharing




@Doomkid I've updated my earlier submission with the missing things just in time. Ready for judgement!

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10j7DSQ0Grw1sBittzrzXUpkOa_0vWAlh/view?usp=sharing

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Title: Sinister Sludge

Author: WeirdSandwich

Theme: Nukage filled techbase

MIDI: Slime Dweller by Jimmy

Difficulty settings: Not yet

Multiplayer: Not yet

Deathmatch: Not yet

Average playtime: 15 - 20 minutes

Build time: Around 25 hours? Over the last 10 days

Tested with: Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, GZDoom

Known bugs: One room has some major HOM's in Chocolate Doom, that I haven't been able to fix yet.

Notes: Wanted to contribute a map to this, since I enjoyed the Rowdy Rudy series so much! The first time I've attempted to map to the vanilla limits, I still don't think I fully understand the visplane limit. It was a fun challenge but I don't think I'll be doing this too often. At some point I sort of lost sight of emulating the classic doom gameplay style, so it's a bit half and half.


Story: Jamal Jones learns of yet another sludge-producing, environment-destroying waste disposal plant that's been overrun by demons. Why are there so many of these around, and why are demons always drawn to them like moths to a flame? Nevermind, all that matters is that Jamal Jones is here to shut it down.









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@Doomkid This should be the final version of the map, after a couple changes. Thanks to HALFCOOL (as they're known on Discord) for another playtest. Any remaining bugs are now officially intentionally mimicking the 90's rough-cut vibe.



I don't expect the big bucks, but I'd be utterly delighted to be part of the main Jamal Jones WAD when it comes out. Thanks again for setting up this project! It's been great mapping for it, and hopefully my second published map is up to your standards. Learning the basics of proper vanilla mapping has been engaging, though if I'm being honest, it's unlikely I'll force myself to worry about visplanes and drawsegs again in the near future (unless another juicy vanilla community project rears its head). Maybe I'll come back to it once I get some more mapping experience. Who knows what the future holds?

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Some last minute polish

https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gid951dzzk9ny0/sewage city v2.wad?dl=0

Title: Sewage City

Author: Blue Phoenix

Music: Originally from NES game Batman:Return of the Joker,  MIDI arraignment by Cammy and Lippeth

Difficulty: All supported including multiplayer monsters (however not tested)

Multiplayer: Spawns included but not tested

Tested: with Chocolate Doom

Theme: City map in the sewage treatment and historical districtDOOM03.png.12dc738dcd74f29c6d52ee8fc167e0bf.png

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