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JAMAL JONES TRILOGY - Old development thread - [Doomkid's 20 Years Mapping Contest]

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Hey @Jastrzab Trzeci, just letting you know there was a SPECHIT overflow in your map around the 24 minute mark in the video. I also got softlocked in that small stone box with a skull switch inside, out in the grassy field. Only issues I found! (Similar to what happened on @b0n3 and @DrJordo's maps, which were also perfectly vanilla otherwise)


I'm gonna try to get through the rest of the submissions more quickly, by the way! I had no idea it would take quite this long, I hope you all don't mind.

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i'm excited for this. also do we have to write a read me for our maps?

Edited by Thatonespymain

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Alright, @Doomkid and others. I just spent two hours and a bit on touching up some things on my map Smells Like Cordite. Made use of the feedback I got so far, plus some things I felt like doing, and here's the result. I kept checking visplane explorer, and tested with chocolate-doom to make sure nothing's messed up. There's one bit of the outer area that's approaching the limit but never exceeds it.

It's mostly decoration upgrade. Lighting, textures, stuff like that. There are few extra monsters here and there to keep the player moving but no major changes at all.

New screenshots:










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Thanks for the update, Hrnek! Definitely don't see any crash spots in that VPO explorer screenshot, so everything seems golden.


On 4/6/2022 at 10:01 PM, Thatonespymain said:

i'm excited for this. also do we have to write a read me for our maps?

Sorry, the deadline passed in March :) You're welcome to make a bonus map for this though that won't be in the cash pool - this won't be released for a few months yet and there's a handful of maps that were submitted already that aren't part of the contest, so feel free.


A readme always helps, but since I'll be putting one together once the project is nearing completion, it's not a necessity.

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16 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Thanks for the update, Hrnek! Definitely don't see any crash spots in that VPO explorer screenshot, so everything seems golden.


Sorry, the deadline passed in March :) You're welcome to make a bonus map for this though that won't be in the cash pool - this won't be released for a few months yet and there's a handful of maps that were submitted already that aren't part of the contest, so feel free.


A readme always helps, but since I'll be putting one together once the project is nearing completion, it's not a necessity.

I've already submitted in like feb, i need to write one rn

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On 4/9/2022 at 8:36 PM, mgr_inz_rafal said:

Just a side note.

When using the Visplane Explorer it's good to tick the "open doors" checkbox, so it can reveal more potential hazard points. 

Yep, surprisingly it doesn't render with doors open by default. When just opening a door to a busy area could easily crash the game.


Also, interestingly enough, I get more problems with solidsegs, than visplanes. So it's always worth checking all the explorer's modes

Edited by HrnekBezucha

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here is visplane explorer on 1world.. I don't get why 2 corners are red.... they are just corners and do NOT crash in vanilla dos doom :


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On 4/9/2022 at 11:49 PM, Thatonespymain said:

I've already submitted in like feb, i need to write one rn

D'OH, it's been so long that I have forgotten who did and did not submit maps.. Sorry about that, lol! I'll leave the txt file situation up to you.


16 minutes ago, CBM said:

here is visplane explorer on 1world.. I don't get why 2 corners are red.... they are just corners and do NOT crash in vanilla dos doom :

Don't worry too much about that CBM, i'll see what I can do pre-idgames.

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27 minutes ago, CBM said:

here is visplane explorer on 1world.. I don't get why 2 corners are red.... they are just corners and do NOT crash in vanilla dos doom :

Red area means that standing in that spot can potentially render more than 128 visplanes, so the direction in what you're looking in-game also takes a major part. Try to go into the corner and make a 360-turn. However if it's still not crashing then there is something fishy.


@Doomkid I would like to catch the video of my map live (I'm 1-3 videos away from now) but they come out way too late for me. I'm not asking to move it or anything but maybe there is a schedule of on which day it'll come out so I can get prepared? :)

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4 hours ago, Mark Bloom said:

Red area means that standing in that spot can potentially render more than 128 visplanes, so the direction in what you're looking in-game also takes a major part. Try to go into the corner and make a 360-turn. However if it's still not crashing then there is something fishy.


I just tried a 360 both corners in doom2.exe in dosbox and there was no crash and no tuttifrutti, the level worked flawlessly even in those two corners


its 1world v5 that I've just tested in both visplane explorer (I made sure it got to 100% before saving the picture) and doom via dosbox



thanks, but as mentioned, I have not been able to provoke any errors in the level when testing via dosbox with the original doom2 exe or via various ports

Edited by CBM

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12 minutes ago, CBM said:


I just tried a 360 both corners in doom2.exe in dosbox and there was no crash and no tuttifrutti, the level worked flawlessly even in those two corners


its 1world v5 that I've just tested in both visplane explorer (I made sure it got to 100% before saving the picture) and doom via dosbox



thanks, but as mentioned, I have not been able to provoke any errors in the level when testing via dosbox with the original doom2 exe or via various ports

One thing that comes to mind is it may show HOM somewhere in a distance. I think crispy-doom should have an option to highlight those. But I'm not 100% sure about that. 

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2 hours ago, HrnekBezucha said:

One thing that comes to mind is it may show HOM somewhere in a distance. I think crispy-doom should have an option to highlight those. But I'm not 100% sure about that. 

Well I didn't get any HOM (Hall Of Mirrors) when playing the level with doom2.exe via dosbox. I didn't get any HOM with modern sourceports either.


I ran it again on the same map and got a different result:




Edited by CBM

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@CBM I've opened your map in UDB and looks like it is because of spiral staircase to the right (from the top-down view). There are potentially a lot of visplanes here. But because of difference in elevation level DOOM engine "evades" visplane limit. Breaking LOS with a solid wall removes red areas. You could try to lower stairs so they can all be seen and test for crash again.

Edited by Mark Bloom

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41 minutes ago, Mark Bloom said:

@CBM I've opened your map in UDB and looks like it is because of spiral staircase to the right (from the top-down view). There are potentially a lot of visplanes here. But because of difference if elevation level DOOM engine "evades" visplane limit. Breaking LOS by a solid wall with it removes red areas. You could try to lower stair so they can all be seen and test for crash again.

Yes, your right... thanks for the heads up!



here is a version with a wall that blocks LOS to the staircase plus

I added another wall to block LOS to a room... and now its visplane overflow free


NB! I am not planning to write my own readme for this level unless you really need me to do that...


download here:

1world v.1.6


visplane explorer with open doors:



Edited by CBM

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11 hours ago, Mark Bloom said:


@Doomkid I would like to catch the video of my map live (I'm 1-3 videos away from now) but they come out way too late for me. I'm not asking to move it or anything but maybe there is a schedule of on which day it'll come out so I can get prepared? :)

I understand! I’ll make sure to give 3 days notice so you’ll be able to plan accordingly. I can also maybe push it forward an hour from the usual time for the stream that has your map!


4 hours ago, CBM said:

Yes, your right... thanks for the heads up!



here is a version with a wall that blocks LOS to the staircase plus

I added another wall to block LOS to a room... and now its visplane overflow free


NB! I am not planning to write my own readme for this level unless you really need me to do that...


download here:

1world v.1.6

Great, thanks CBM! And yeah, do not worry about the text file, that’s just an optional little bonus.

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15 hours ago, Blue Phoenix said:



Here is a way to make the inviso-doors more seamless


Instead of doable doors it is possible to have floating s1 lock-door action line in front of a single door tagged to some sector of map,

I can't find a version of mordeth with 7+ full maps, do you have a link by any chance?

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@Doomkid I may have updated Future Hometown... For the 100th time... Mentioning you in the comment so you don't forget...


You click on this, and it sends you to wadhosting, and then you like click on the download button? And then boom you have the wad now enjoy Version 7.


Glad you enjoyed the map by the way, really fun to see you play the other two maps in session 14 and laughing at all of the jokes in mine. :)

Edited by LGmaire

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Hi All,


Having a blast watching these playthroughs. I've made some QoLI's to Menagerie Mayhem


  • Added chaingun - makes playthough a lot less clunky
  • New visuals across long walls to breakup large wall textures
  • Added a timed switch to open sector tag 5 to remove co-op softlock if a player dies in the bird aviary 
  • Updated monster roster - watching the playthroughs of other maps I realised the mechanics of the monster combinations I had chosen could be improved, some roster changes helped strengthen combat where required and lessened in the 'filler' sections
  • Added weapons for DM
  • New music




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What issue were you having with my map, exactly? It looked like you finished it without any crashes or softlocks, but I could be mistaken.

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3 hours ago, DrJordo said:

What issue were you having with my map, exactly? It looked like you finished it without any crashes or softlocks, but I could be mistaken.

The issue was a "SPECHIT OVERFLOW" - https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Spechits_overflow


Basically, this will bug the game out badly in vanilla. There's some spot where a monster is activating more than 8 linedefs at once, probably just stepping over them in a monster closet or some such. Should be easy enough to fix!

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Do you remember where you were in the map when it happened? looking over it, I'm not seeing anyplace where there are 8 linedef triggers close enough together to be hit all at once. Could any of the 8 be the same one multiple times?

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Don't worry any more about it for the moment DrJordo - I'll take a peek and find it, if indeed it's there to find. (I might be getting my wires crossed as to exactly what/where the issue occurred, so I don't want you to spend any more time on it for the time being.)

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Made a little update of my map.

Shopping Spree 1.3


- Fixed some texture issues.

- Fixed the revenant platform in the beginning so it wouldn't get stuck.

- Hid some linedefs that were still visible on the automap.



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