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And... stuff...

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Bwa-ha-ha-ha! Yeah, I was digging around and managed to find about 90% of my old artwork that I had tucked away (ranging from a year to 9 years old), and some of it happens to be Doom related. Add to this I have an old scanner that was dumped off on me, and I know, pretty much, have a means of contributing something to this forum.

Most of the stuff I have is on scratch paper, school work, or book covers, though. It seems I'm cursed by only being inspired to draw something creative when I'm supposed to be taking notes. At any rate, what this means is that most of my drawings are cut off at the edge of the paper, and that leaves them at odd angles. But if you guys still want to see them then let me know.

Also, do any of you guys know a decent website where I can post this kind of stuff. Deviant seems to be popular, but (at least on my computer) it's slow as hell to load any pages, so if you guys know of anything other than that I would really appreciate it.

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I once made a flip book of the Doom guy blasting a Baron with a plasma rifle using a pad of post-it notes. Made it when I was 9 or so.

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