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Is Ultra-Violence a reference to A Clockwork Orange?

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For anyone who has read A Clockwork Orange or seen the 1971 Kubrick film (both I highly recommend), protagonist Alex and his "droogs" constantly engage in what he consistently refers to as "a bit of the ultra-violence," which can best be defined as excessive or even over the top levels of brutality directed at other people. For Alex, these include but are not limited to savagely beating and robbing a drunk, knocking over a convenience store and beating the owner's wife with a crowbar, stealing a car and proceeding to run over numerous people on the road while driving, and finally breaking into a home and beating a man to near death and gang raping his wife. And these are in just the first few chapters/opening minutes of the book/film.


With that being said, author Anthony Burgess, to the best of my knowledge, certainly coined this term back in 1962 with the publication of the novel, and I cannot find any instance of the term being used before it. Now when it comes to Doom, obviously one of the most well-recognized difficulty levels is of course Ultra-Violence, being the hardest difficulty just below Nightmare. Were the Id developers fans of the novel/film and decided to use the term as a homage, or did they simply think it sounded cool and decided to use it anyway? I lean more towards my latter assumption, however having watched countless videos of interviews with Romero, Carmack, and the others at Id during the time and knowing the culture of Id as described in Jared Kushner's Masters of Doom, I feel confident in assuming Clockwork Orange would have definitely been a film the Id guys would have watched and perhaps/perhaps not pulled inspiration from, but most certainly the term Ultra-Violence. I'm curious to see if anyone can corroborate this or anyone else's thoughts on it.

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Woah, neat! I love ACO so I'm quite stoked my favorite movie is at least a little bit connected to my favorite game. Nice job digging up that old post, @boris!

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