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new screenshot and nobody's talking about it!


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Uh...it is very unlike the Doom community to not be talking about the brand new DOOM III screenshot released in March 2003's issue of Computer Gaming World. This will be the 2nd Chainsaw yielding Zombie picture we've been lucky enough to view. I like the decapitated individual propped up against the box, his head lieing a few feet away. It appears, the zombie tried to brush his teeth with that particular chain saw.



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that screenshot is pure beauty...no, i did`t mean how well the graphic looks.we all know how awesome it is.but the chainsaw! it is so doomish.
( i hope everybody got a chance to see that shot though..)

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It's copyrighted so I'm not scanning it, but you can go to computergaming.com and see the magazine cover at least. It doesn't show DOOM III on the cover, the picture is on 24/25. You'll see I'm not making this up though, when you go buy the magazine!

For more information (but no link to the picture yet) here is a another forum at doom3.dk


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new screenshot and nobody's talking about it!

Now you're being ridiculous :-)
How can we talk about something we haven't even seen yet?
Anyways, I don't care if I get to see this screenie or not - I'm waiting for the real thing, I'll get to see it all eventually!

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niguel said:

wtf? do I have to buy the magazine to see the screenshot?

Yeah, last time we scanned images from a magazine, we received a complaint from someone working for the mag (although it was like a month or two after the mag scans came up on DW) - that's enough for us to be a little more serious about how to deal with scanned images from magazines.

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argh.. this is anoying i live in the netherlands.. and i cant even buy the magazine here.. i spit on the world

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wel.. i saw the scan and i must say.. it looks amazing. am i allowed to post the scan up here? do you mods approve?

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wel.. i saw the scan and i must say.. it looks amazing. am i allowed to post the scan up here? do you mods approve?

im not a mod but i've been here long enuff to know that they wont approve... no mag scans, D3 alpha pixs or links and info on where to find any of that stuff

im not happy with it but then again i dont want DW shut down!


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i am here long anought to know that to.. but i just want to hear it from a mod.. (what about hints :))

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Remember mods.. DO NOT KILL THE MESSENGER :) (leave that kid alone :D)

Sorry. I have to follow the rules. It's been done. However I will have a talk with him.

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the new zombie's head looks alot like the thin zombie from the mac world movie, doesnt it?
imho the body does not fit the head in measurement -> maybe he's bloated because he lay around dead for too long in the sun :)

the chainsaw looks VERY good. impressive! and that blood and gore...uhhhhhh. spooky!

is he starting the chainsaw? or what is he doing with that "stick coming out" of the chainsaw? looks not like a "starting wire".

(oh my englese sucks)

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I'd say it is a starter. He does look a bit bloated, but it might just be baggy overalls. I love that chainsaw - can't wait to use it. :D

...oh, and your english is fine. :P

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doomedout said:

[...]does it smile?

hmmmm....I'd say yes. look at all the gore. he just made a mess and is now after YOU! time to put a smile on for mr chainsaw-undead.
let's wait if he still smiles when he's seeing your rocket launcher pointing at him *G*

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uniQ said:

hmmmm....I'd say yes. look at all the gore. he just made a mess and is now after YOU! time to put a smile on for mr chainsaw-undead.
let's wait if he still smiles when he's seeing your rocket launcher pointing at him *G*

Heh, a db shotgun should be enough to wipe that smile from his face - I'd rather save rockets for the biggies like the Hell Knight.

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I just saw that pic, and i must say it looks pretty cool, but not really doom. But OK. The chainsaw guy does have enormous balls or is wearing a daiper (or both). But still..cool picture

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Zoost said:

I just saw that pic, and i must say it looks pretty cool, but not really doom.

uhmmm... what looks 'doom' then?

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Shaviro said:

uhmmm... what looks 'doom' then?

An ugly pink ape with a mouth that's 2 feet long.

The shot looks amazing, looks like a classic horror movie, it's alsmost cheesy in that way, I like that cheese a lot.

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Shaviro said:

uhmmm... what looks 'doom' then?

That is hard to say.. I would say: more bizar, weird / strange (new). This shot (allthough I like it, don't get me wrong) is a scene that I could have seen before. Or maybe could have made up myself (a zombie with a chainsaw). Doom was more surprising..maybe. Allthough I understand that a first title is allways more surprising than a sequel, besides Rocky III.

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Well, the first time I saw a screenie of a Doom 3 zombie with a chainsaw was also the first time I ever saw a zombie with a chainsaw (maybe because I haven't seen too many B-horror movies).

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I am very pleased with this screenshot simply because
A: It looks cool
B: Bloody as hell
C: Physics engine looks like it is still doing a nice job on rag-doll

and most importantly

D: There are a multitude of zombie models so far and there will obviously be more in the full game. ie: every character seems to look slightly or drastically different


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